a new opportunity

WHO was the president when they closed ?
It's the 9/11/01 Blame Game all over again. Snowflakes want to blame Bush for not preventing 9/11/01 while wanting to deny Clinton shares no fault even though all the planning and training for 9/11/01 by the terrorists occurred on his watch, while he was busy testifying in court about his sexual harassment, while he was getting a hummer in the WH , and why he was lying to the American people ' "I did not have sex with that woman." :p

blame has nothing to do with it .. what ever happens on a presidents watch belongs to him.
So Obama gets the blame for 700,000 jobs a month disappearing on his watch?
WHO was the president when they closed ?
It's the 9/11/01 Blame Game all over again. Snowflakes want to blame Bush for not preventing 9/11/01 while wanting to deny Clinton shares no fault even though all the planning and training for 9/11/01 by the terrorists occurred on his watch, while he was busy testifying in court about his sexual harassment, while he was getting a hummer in the WH , and why he was lying to the American people ' "I did not have sex with that woman." :p

blame has nothing to do with it .. what ever happens on a presidents watch belongs to him.
So Obama gets the blame for 700,000 jobs a month disappearing on his watch?


oh ..

WHO was the president when they closed ?
It's the 9/11/01 Blame Game all over again. Snowflakes want to blame Bush for not preventing 9/11/01 while wanting to deny Clinton shares no fault even though all the planning and training for 9/11/01 by the terrorists occurred on his watch, while he was busy testifying in court about his sexual harassment, while he was getting a hummer in the WH , and why he was lying to the American people ' "I did not have sex with that woman." :p

blame has nothing to do with it .. what ever happens on a presidents watch belongs to him.
So Obama gets the blame for 700,000 jobs a month disappearing on his watch?


oh ..

See those bars at the beginning of his term?
The freaking opening sentence tells it all: "Retailers are closing stores following years of declining sales and customer traffic". Trump has been in office six months. Who was in charge during the years of declining sales? The Clinton Foundation prospered pretty well during those years of declining sales though. Radio Shack pretty much shut it's doors when Hussein was president and so did Gander Mtn.. Many chains Like Penney are relying on internet and catalog sales and are closing a few stores but most of the stores on the list aren't recognizable.
to go and find a job ... it will be easy, so easy.

thank you Trump.

More than 6,300 stores are shutting down — here's the full list
Sorry, this is part of the economy Trump 'inherited'. Obama claimed that for 8 years, so Trump gets to do so for his entire 1st year at the very least. :p

I was wondering how long it would take for somebody to blame Obama.

Actually, its the fault of Al Gore for inventing the internet!

about as long as it took to blame trump....

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