A new thought...there is a third political party.

Trump is the New Party
Yep. They stand for lying to the people of the country, and shouting down anybody that knows the truth, as it is often more convenient than admitting the truth. They support Communist, dictators and Autocrats world wide. They stand behind white supremacy, selling fear, dividing the country, alienating our traditional allied friendly nations of the world. They support deserting war time allies in the field. They support negating the actions of trial by jury, traditional rule of law in our courts, and do not support the constitution, strictly interpreted or otherwise. They are anti-science on everything from weather, to environment, to disease control and public health. I cannot recommend the trump party, as they are bad for the country. That is why I as and Independent will cast my Vote for Joe Biden to bring back a chance for normal governance and decent moral based leadership to the United State of America, and not a moment too soon.
Trump is the New Party
Yep. They stand for lying to the people of the country, and shouting down anybody that knows the truth, as it is often more convenient than admitting the truth. They support Communist, dictators and Autocrats world wide. They stand behind white supremacy, selling fear, dividing the country, alienating our traditional allied friendly nations of the world. They support deserting war time allies in the field. They support negating the actions of trial by jury, traditional rule of law in our courts, and do not support the constitution, strictly interpreted or otherwise. They are anti-science on everything from weather, to environment, to disease control and public health. I cannot recommend the trump party, as they are bad for the country. That is why I as and Independent will cast my Vote for Joe Biden to bring back a chance for normal governance and decent moral based leadership to the United State of America, and not a moment too soon.
There are already a few indepdents in office I have nerer heard one do the things you stated in your response. Commies? Iie mungers? Have not seen those canidates.
I have been watching, as most americans, how the two dominate political parties have bungled the stimulus situation. Each side placing conditions on the agreement that the other side will not agree to and playing politics with the peoples lives. So I personally would like to see every congressman running for re-election to be replaced. However it makes no sense replacing them with more of the same. I therefore make the suggestion that they be replaced with someone from the Independent Political Party.
Imagin if just 10% of each house of congress were replaced with independent canidates. This would create a whole new ball game in congress. Party lines and idealology would be completely disrupted. No more us against them, it would be us against them against those guys. Both major parties would not only have to negotiate with each other but also with the new guys. If the independent party could be more beholding to the voters, congress would once again be at the whim of the people.
This is my first post, but I will voice more ideas in an attempt to inspire thinking outside of the box. Feel free to respond. I more than welcome your thoughts and ideas, be it supportive or not. I just ask that your comments be constructive.
Thanks for reading.

I don't want to dump on your rookie effort, but this isn't all that "outside the box". People have been saying the exact same thing, in almost the exact same words, about "we need a third party" since forever. Thing is, what you say and how you say it - like all those other times - makes me wonder if you understand how political parties work. They aren't set into place and assigned power, significance, and number of elected officeholders by some grand, overarching authority, you know. The Democrats and Republicans, whatever else you can say about them, put in the work necessary to get people to support them and their candidates and view them as legitimate when they started and for a long time afterward. If the Independent Party, or any of the other myriad start-up parties out there, want to be viewed as a serious national third party, then they're going to have to do the same work, not just demand that it be handed to them "for the good of the nation".

I notice that this is the tack you used, and you didn't actually say a word about any actual candidates for that party, or why they as individuals deserved to be elected to office. That isn't how the system works.
Welcome and nice initial post fogman68.

I favor non-partisan elections and anything else that reduces the influence of political parties.
Thank you for your encouragment. I am an independant voter with conservative roots, but I never vote party lines. This forum, I hope, will get people to start taking responsibility for their votes and hold our elected officials responsible for doing the will of the people.
Welcome and nice initial post fogman68.

I favor non-partisan elections and anything else that reduces the influence of political parties.
Trump is the New Party
Yep. They stand for lying to the people of the country, and shouting down anybody that knows the truth, as it is often more convenient than admitting the truth. They support Communist, dictators and Autocrats world wide. They stand behind white supremacy, selling fear, dividing the country, alienating our traditional allied friendly nations of the world. They support deserting war time allies in the field. They support negating the actions of trial by jury, traditional rule of law in our courts, and do not support the constitution, strictly interpreted or otherwise. They are anti-science on everything from weather, to environment, to disease control and public health. I cannot recommend the trump party, as they are bad for the country. That is why I as and Independent will cast my Vote for Joe Biden to bring back a chance for normal governance and decent moral based leadership to the United State of America, and not a moment too soon.

quid pro joe can't even bring back his most recent thought, much less anything else.

He thought trump was a liar, and I'll be danged if donnie didn't prove him right, admitting it on tape even. Joe must think pretty good.
You're really stupid some fucking times a president is obligated to lie or downplay things so as NOT TO SPREAD FEAR AND PANIC.
But no you dumb son of a bitches can't fucking grasp that past your bitterness and anger
That right just keep sticking your head in the sand and everything will work out just fine. Just don't forget to stick your head in the sand in the middle of the road'
Trump is the New Party
Yep. They stand for lying to the people of the country, and shouting down anybody that knows the truth, as it is often more convenient than admitting the truth. They support Communist, dictators and Autocrats world wide. They stand behind white supremacy, selling fear, dividing the country, alienating our traditional allied friendly nations of the world. They support deserting war time allies in the field. They support negating the actions of trial by jury, traditional rule of law in our courts, and do not support the constitution, strictly interpreted or otherwise. They are anti-science on everything from weather, to environment, to disease control and public health. I cannot recommend the trump party, as they are bad for the country. That is why I as and Independent will cast my Vote for Joe Biden to bring back a chance for normal governance and decent moral based leadership to the United State of America, and not a moment too soon.
I knew you would defend both party's careful doing that you are defending a two headed snake
OK. Guilty as charged, I suppose, except I make no defense for the trump party, as it is indefensible. Those people are "one toke, over the line, sweet Jesus". I will hang around and support the two party system, hoping the republicans can restore themselves to where they work and play with others after this 4 year childish tantrum, exercising a balancing function as they were meant to, without plunging us into central control totalitarian federal control, and avoid the Dems doing likewise. Could never support the trump party with their present values. Hopefully the Democrats will not go through a 4 year tantrum of their own. I do not see a better way of going about it. There is no viable 3rd party at this time, and I do not see one on the horizon. Two headed snake? Yeah, you called it. "Carefully" is the only way to defend against a two headed snake, especially if both heads are venomous, don't you think? It is the only conservative way to proceed, and it too, has an unsure path. Life in the 21st century?
Every journey begins with the first step. Don't just write off a third party because they are small. Stop voting for a canidate simply because he/she is the partys' chosen savior. Ask what their specific plans are and hold them to it.
I have been watching, as most americans, how the two dominate political parties have bungled the stimulus situation. Each side placing conditions on the agreement that the other side will not agree to and playing politics with the peoples lives. So I personally would like to see every congressman running for re-election to be replaced. However it makes no sense replacing them with more of the same. I therefore make the suggestion that they be replaced with someone from the Independent Political Party.
Imagin if just 10% of each house of congress were replaced with independent canidates. This would create a whole new ball game in congress. Party lines and idealology would be completely disrupted. No more us against them, it would be us against them against those guys. Both major parties would not only have to negotiate with each other but also with the new guys. If the independent party could be more beholding to the voters, congress would once again be at the whim of the people.
This is my first post, but I will voice more ideas in an attempt to inspire thinking outside of the box. Feel free to respond. I more than welcome your thoughts and ideas, be it supportive or not. I just ask that your comments be constructive.
Thanks for reading.

I don't want to dump on your rookie effort, but this isn't all that "outside the box". People have been saying the exact same thing, in almost the exact same words, about "we need a third party" since forever. Thing is, what you say and how you say it - like all those other times - makes me wonder if you understand how political parties work. They aren't set into place and assigned power, significance, and number of elected officeholders by some grand, overarching authority, you know. The Democrats and Republicans, whatever else you can say about them, put in the work necessary to get people to support them and their candidates and view them as legitimate when they started and for a long time afterward. If the Independent Party, or any of the other myriad start-up parties out there, want to be viewed as a serious national third party, then they're going to have to do the same work, not just demand that it be handed to them "for the good of the nation".

I notice that this is the tack you used, and you didn't actually say a word about any actual candidates for that party, or why they as individuals deserved to be elected to office. That isn't how the system works.
I have been voting for sixty years. My opening post was used simply to see if people are thinking or just mouthing off. Most voters vote party not canidate. If satan itself was the partys man most voters would still vote for it. I just would like congress to do the will of the people regardless of how many millions of dollars big business and the rich can pour into their campaign, after all this is supposed to be a country governed For The People, By The People.
I have been watching, as most americans, how the two dominate political parties have bungled the stimulus situation. Each side placing conditions on the agreement that the other side will not agree to and playing politics with the peoples lives. So I personally would like to see every congressman running for re-election to be replaced. However it makes no sense replacing them with more of the same. I therefore make the suggestion that they be replaced with someone from the Independent Political Party.
Imagin if just 10% of each house of congress were replaced with independent canidates. This would create a whole new ball game in congress. Party lines and idealology would be completely disrupted. No more us against them, it would be us against them against those guys. Both major parties would not only have to negotiate with each other but also with the new guys. If the independent party could be more beholding to the voters, congress would once again be at the whim of the people.
This is my first post, but I will voice more ideas in an attempt to inspire thinking outside of the box. Feel free to respond. I more than welcome your thoughts and ideas, be it supportive or not. I just ask that your comments be constructive.
Thanks for reading.

I don't want to dump on your rookie effort, but this isn't all that "outside the box". People have been saying the exact same thing, in almost the exact same words, about "we need a third party" since forever. Thing is, what you say and how you say it - like all those other times - makes me wonder if you understand how political parties work. They aren't set into place and assigned power, significance, and number of elected officeholders by some grand, overarching authority, you know. The Democrats and Republicans, whatever else you can say about them, put in the work necessary to get people to support them and their candidates and view them as legitimate when they started and for a long time afterward. If the Independent Party, or any of the other myriad start-up parties out there, want to be viewed as a serious national third party, then they're going to have to do the same work, not just demand that it be handed to them "for the good of the nation".

I notice that this is the tack you used, and you didn't actually say a word about any actual candidates for that party, or why they as individuals deserved to be elected to office. That isn't how the system works.
I have been voting for sixty years. My opening post was used simply to see if people are thinking or just mouthing off. Most voters vote party not canidate. If satan itself was the partys man most voters would still vote for it. I just would like congress to do the will of the people regardless of how many millions of dollars big business and the rich can pour into their campaign, after all this is supposed to be a country governed For The People, By The People.
Sorry I sould have said I have been voting for Fifty years, not Sixty. Sorry again.
I have been watching, as most americans, how the two dominate political parties have bungled the stimulus situation. Each side placing conditions on the agreement that the other side will not agree to and playing politics with the peoples lives. So I personally would like to see every congressman running for re-election to be replaced. However it makes no sense replacing them with more of the same. I therefore make the suggestion that they be replaced with someone from the Independent Political Party.
Imagin if just 10% of each house of congress were replaced with independent canidates. This would create a whole new ball game in congress. Party lines and idealology would be completely disrupted. No more us against them, it would be us against them against those guys. Both major parties would not only have to negotiate with each other but also with the new guys. If the independent party could be more beholding to the voters, congress would once again be at the whim of the people.
This is my first post, but I will voice more ideas in an attempt to inspire thinking outside of the box. Feel free to respond. I more than welcome your thoughts and ideas, be it supportive or not. I just ask that your comments be constructive.
Thanks for reading.
Just imagine if we eliminated political parties altogether and started electing the best people for a change. I defy anyone to find a single word about political parties from the founders in our constitution to codify political parties. Yet here we are! WHY!
Agreed we should do away with all parties. We have the means technically to do just that. Someday we actually could run our country directly.
I have been watching, as most americans, how the two dominate political parties have bungled the stimulus situation. Each side placing conditions on the agreement that the other side will not agree to and playing politics with the peoples lives. So I personally would like to see every congressman running for re-election to be replaced. However it makes no sense replacing them with more of the same. I therefore make the suggestion that they be replaced with someone from the Independent Political Party.
Imagin if just 10% of each house of congress were replaced with independent canidates. This would create a whole new ball game in congress. Party lines and idealology would be completely disrupted. No more us against them, it would be us against them against those guys. Both major parties would not only have to negotiate with each other but also with the new guys. If the independent party could be more beholding to the voters, congress would once again be at the whim of the people.
This is my first post, but I will voice more ideas in an attempt to inspire thinking outside of the box. Feel free to respond. I more than welcome your thoughts and ideas, be it supportive or not. I just ask that your comments be constructive.
Thanks for reading.

I don't want to dump on your rookie effort, but this isn't all that "outside the box". People have been saying the exact same thing, in almost the exact same words, about "we need a third party" since forever. Thing is, what you say and how you say it - like all those other times - makes me wonder if you understand how political parties work. They aren't set into place and assigned power, significance, and number of elected officeholders by some grand, overarching authority, you know. The Democrats and Republicans, whatever else you can say about them, put in the work necessary to get people to support them and their candidates and view them as legitimate when they started and for a long time afterward. If the Independent Party, or any of the other myriad start-up parties out there, want to be viewed as a serious national third party, then they're going to have to do the same work, not just demand that it be handed to them "for the good of the nation".

I notice that this is the tack you used, and you didn't actually say a word about any actual candidates for that party, or why they as individuals deserved to be elected to office. That isn't how the system works.
I have been voting for sixty years. My opening post was used simply to see if people are thinking or just mouthing off. Most voters vote party not canidate. If satan itself was the partys man most voters would still vote for it. I just would like congress to do the will of the people regardless of how many millions of dollars big business and the rich can pour into their campaign, after all this is supposed to be a country governed For The People, By The People.

Well, that would be the sticking point, wouldn't it? People DON'T think, by and large. And if the people don't think and don't express their will, you can't blame Congress for not doing the will the people never expressed. "Of the people, by the people, and for the people" isn't just a promise of protected rights to the people; it's also a statement of the people's responsibilities. We're not very good in this country at recognizing that we HAVE responsibilities, let alone that fulfilling them is the way we protect and preserve our rights.

I don't like being cynical about this, but the people eventually get the government, and the country, that they choose for themselves.

Your problem remains: you don't give the United States good government by imposing it on people. You have to convince them to vote it for themselves. Which means if you think the government would be improved by spreading the elected offices over three parties instead of the Big Two, you need to convince the people themselves that a third party is worth supporting. So far, smaller parties have done a crap job of making that case.
Trump is the New Party
Yep. They stand for lying to the people of the country, and shouting down anybody that knows the truth, as it is often more convenient than admitting the truth. They support Communist, dictators and Autocrats world wide. They stand behind white supremacy, selling fear, dividing the country, alienating our traditional allied friendly nations of the world. They support deserting war time allies in the field. They support negating the actions of trial by jury, traditional rule of law in our courts, and do not support the constitution, strictly interpreted or otherwise. They are anti-science on everything from weather, to environment, to disease control and public health. I cannot recommend the trump party, as they are bad for the country. That is why I as and Independent will cast my Vote for Joe Biden to bring back a chance for normal governance and decent moral based leadership to the United State of America, and not a moment too soon.
So you're fine with being lied to, taken advantage of, mis-directed with no say in anything. This is the status que we are living right now.
No. That is why all Americans should vot trump the hell out of there in November, and Vote Joe Biden for Better Government in 2020.:D
Trump is the New Party
Yep. They stand for lying to the people of the country, and shouting down anybody that knows the truth, as it is often more convenient than admitting the truth. They support Communist, dictators and Autocrats world wide. They stand behind white supremacy, selling fear, dividing the country, alienating our traditional allied friendly nations of the world. They support deserting war time allies in the field. They support negating the actions of trial by jury, traditional rule of law in our courts, and do not support the constitution, strictly interpreted or otherwise. They are anti-science on everything from weather, to environment, to disease control and public health. I cannot recommend the trump party, as they are bad for the country. That is why I as and Independent will cast my Vote for Joe Biden to bring back a chance for normal governance and decent moral based leadership to the United State of America, and not a moment too soon.
Trump is the New Party
Yep. They stand for lying to the people of the country, and shouting down anybody that knows the truth, as it is often more convenient than admitting the truth. They support Communist, dictators and Autocrats world wide. They stand behind white supremacy, selling fear, dividing the country, alienating our traditional allied friendly nations of the world. They support deserting war time allies in the field. They support negating the actions of trial by jury, traditional rule of law in our courts, and do not support the constitution, strictly interpreted or otherwise. They are anti-science on everything from weather, to environment, to disease control and public health. I cannot recommend the trump party, as they are bad for the country. That is why I as and Independent will cast my Vote for Joe Biden to bring back a chance for normal governance and decent moral based leadership to the United State of America, and not a moment too soon.
There are already a few indepdents in office I have nerer heard one do the things you stated in your response. Commies? Iie mungers? Have not seen those canidates.
Current trump administration and supporters
I have been watching, as most americans, how the two dominate political parties have bungled the stimulus situation. Each side placing conditions on the agreement that the other side will not agree to and playing politics with the peoples lives. So I personally would like to see every congressman running for re-election to be replaced. However it makes no sense replacing them with more of the same. I therefore make the suggestion that they be replaced with someone from the Independent Political Party.
Imagin if just 10% of each house of congress were replaced with independent canidates. This would create a whole new ball game in congress. Party lines and idealology would be completely disrupted. No more us against them, it would be us against them against those guys. Both major parties would not only have to negotiate with each other but also with the new guys. If the independent party could be more beholding to the voters, congress would once again be at the whim of the people.
This is my first post, but I will voice more ideas in an attempt to inspire thinking outside of the box. Feel free to respond. I more than welcome your thoughts and ideas, be it supportive or not. I just ask that your comments be constructive.
Thanks for reading.
Just imagine if we eliminated political parties altogether and started electing the best people for a change. I defy anyone to find a single word about political parties from the founders in our constitution to codify political parties. Yet here we are! WHY!
Agreed we should do away with all parties. We have the means technically to do just that. Someday we actually could run our country directly.

How exactly do you eliminate parties in a country where freedom of association is a Constitutional right? Also, how do you "run our country directly" in a nation this size, and why would you even want to?
Trump is the New Party
Yep. They stand for lying to the people of the country, and shouting down anybody that knows the truth, as it is often more convenient than admitting the truth. They support Communist, dictators and Autocrats world wide. They stand behind white supremacy, selling fear, dividing the country, alienating our traditional allied friendly nations of the world. They support deserting war time allies in the field. They support negating the actions of trial by jury, traditional rule of law in our courts, and do not support the constitution, strictly interpreted or otherwise. They are anti-science on everything from weather, to environment, to disease control and public health. I cannot recommend the trump party, as they are bad for the country. That is why I as and Independent will cast my Vote for Joe Biden to bring back a chance for normal governance and decent moral based leadership to the United State of America, and not a moment too soon.
So you're fine with being lied to, taken advantage of, mis-directed with no say in anything. This is the status que we are living right now.
No. That is why all Americans should vot trump the hell out of there in November, and Vote Joe Biden for Better Government in 2020.:D

Fogman, you wanted to know about whether or not people could or would think for themselves? I give you Exhibit A for my contention that they can't and won't. White lives to clog up threads by shouting slogans as loudly as possible with his fingers in his ears so that he doesn't risk hearing open conversation before he can shut it down entirely.
I have been watching, as most americans, how the two dominate political parties have bungled the stimulus situation. Each side placing conditions on the agreement that the other side will not agree to and playing politics with the peoples lives. So I personally would like to see every congressman running for re-election to be replaced. However it makes no sense replacing them with more of the same. I therefore make the suggestion that they be replaced with someone from the Independent Political Party.
Imagin if just 10% of each house of congress were replaced with independent canidates. This would create a whole new ball game in congress. Party lines and idealology would be completely disrupted. No more us against them, it would be us against them against those guys. Both major parties would not only have to negotiate with each other but also with the new guys. If the independent party could be more beholding to the voters, congress would once again be at the whim of the people.
This is my first post, but I will voice more ideas in an attempt to inspire thinking outside of the box. Feel free to respond. I more than welcome your thoughts and ideas, be it supportive or not. I just ask that your comments be constructive.
Thanks for reading.
Just imagine if we eliminated political parties altogether and started electing the best people for a change. I defy anyone to find a single word about political parties from the founders in our constitution to codify political parties. Yet here we are! WHY!

It's very simple, humans are tribal.

That's no answer but it does say we're no better than the assholes living out in the middle of a rain forest somewhere who sit in mud puddles and wipe their ass with their heels.

It's been that way forever, don't expect any major changes.

That the point. We make the changes not the gov. Problem is nobody wants to take the time. We are all more interest in our little deversions. Deversions the ruling class puts out there to keep us pacified.

Yeah, good luck with that, no one wants to finance or vote for a candidate that has no chance of winning. BTW you might want to work on your english and spelling, where are you posting from, NK, China, Russia or perhaps Iran?

That's the point. We make the changes not the gov. Problem is nobody wants to take the time. We are all more interested in our little diversions. Diversions the ruling class puts out there to keep us pacified.

There, fixed it for ya.

Trump is the New Party
Yep. They stand for lying to the people of the country, and shouting down anybody that knows the truth, as it is often more convenient than admitting the truth. They support Communist, dictators and Autocrats world wide. They stand behind white supremacy, selling fear, dividing the country, alienating our traditional allied friendly nations of the world. They support deserting war time allies in the field. They support negating the actions of trial by jury, traditional rule of law in our courts, and do not support the constitution, strictly interpreted or otherwise. They are anti-science on everything from weather, to environment, to disease control and public health. I cannot recommend the trump party, as they are bad for the country. That is why I as and Independent will cast my Vote for Joe Biden to bring back a chance for normal governance and decent moral based leadership to the United State of America, and not a moment too soon.
Trump is the New Party
Yep. They stand for lying to the people of the country, and shouting down anybody that knows the truth, as it is often more convenient than admitting the truth. They support Communist, dictators and Autocrats world wide. They stand behind white supremacy, selling fear, dividing the country, alienating our traditional allied friendly nations of the world. They support deserting war time allies in the field. They support negating the actions of trial by jury, traditional rule of law in our courts, and do not support the constitution, strictly interpreted or otherwise. They are anti-science on everything from weather, to environment, to disease control and public health. I cannot recommend the trump party, as they are bad for the country. That is why I as and Independent will cast my Vote for Joe Biden to bring back a chance for normal governance and decent moral based leadership to the United State of America, and not a moment too soon.
There are already a few indepdents in office I have nerer heard one do the things you stated in your response. Commies? Iie mungers? Have not seen those canidates.
Current trump administration and supporters
take a look in the mirror the liar will be looking back at you.
Trump is the New Party
Yep. They stand for lying to the people of the country, and shouting down anybody that knows the truth, as it is often more convenient than admitting the truth. They support Communist, dictators and Autocrats world wide. They stand behind white supremacy, selling fear, dividing the country, alienating our traditional allied friendly nations of the world. They support deserting war time allies in the field. They support negating the actions of trial by jury, traditional rule of law in our courts, and do not support the constitution, strictly interpreted or otherwise. They are anti-science on everything from weather, to environment, to disease control and public health. I cannot recommend the trump party, as they are bad for the country. That is why I as and Independent will cast my Vote for Joe Biden to bring back a chance for normal governance and decent moral based leadership to the United State of America, and not a moment too soon.
Trump is the New Party
Yep. They stand for lying to the people of the country, and shouting down anybody that knows the truth, as it is often more convenient than admitting the truth. They support Communist, dictators and Autocrats world wide. They stand behind white supremacy, selling fear, dividing the country, alienating our traditional allied friendly nations of the world. They support deserting war time allies in the field. They support negating the actions of trial by jury, traditional rule of law in our courts, and do not support the constitution, strictly interpreted or otherwise. They are anti-science on everything from weather, to environment, to disease control and public health. I cannot recommend the trump party, as they are bad for the country. That is why I as and Independent will cast my Vote for Joe Biden to bring back a chance for normal governance and decent moral based leadership to the United State of America, and not a moment too soon.
There are already a few indepdents in office I have nerer heard one do the things you stated in your response. Commies? Iie mungers? Have not seen those canidates.
Current trump administration and supporters
take a look in the mirror the liar will be looking back at you.
You are saying he does not lie? You are saying he has not made comments and taken action in support of dictators, communists? You are saying he does not fail to denounce white supremacists?
You are saying trump supporters do not support the president getting stone off the hook, though a jury of his peers found him guilty? You saying, contrary to a judge and a whole court of appeals, taking money appropriated by Congress (as in the constitution) for a purpose, and using it to fund his wall, which was not in the appropriations bill is supporting the constitution? His false interpretation and addition to a hurricane warning with a sharpie, never happened along with him giving the National Weather Service hell and trying to get them to agree, he was right? You are saying he stands behind the CDC and public health experts in act and deed and example, including setting the example of masking, not breaking health ordinances, doing things like encouraging no-mask activities and events, while he entertains crowds from up on stage 20 feet away? Be glad to see which one you say he didn't do, so I knew what you think I am lying about. Then again, maybe name calling just comes naturally to trumpers, when they see something they cannot deny. :dunno:
Trump is the New Party
Yep. They stand for lying to the people of the country, and shouting down anybody that knows the truth, as it is often more convenient than admitting the truth. They support Communist, dictators and Autocrats world wide. They stand behind white supremacy, selling fear, dividing the country, alienating our traditional allied friendly nations of the world. They support deserting war time allies in the field. They support negating the actions of trial by jury, traditional rule of law in our courts, and do not support the constitution, strictly interpreted or otherwise. They are anti-science on everything from weather, to environment, to disease control and public health. I cannot recommend the trump party, as they are bad for the country. That is why I as and Independent will cast my Vote for Joe Biden to bring back a chance for normal governance and decent moral based leadership to the United State of America, and not a moment too soon.
Trump is the New Party
Yep. They stand for lying to the people of the country, and shouting down anybody that knows the truth, as it is often more convenient than admitting the truth. They support Communist, dictators and Autocrats world wide. They stand behind white supremacy, selling fear, dividing the country, alienating our traditional allied friendly nations of the world. They support deserting war time allies in the field. They support negating the actions of trial by jury, traditional rule of law in our courts, and do not support the constitution, strictly interpreted or otherwise. They are anti-science on everything from weather, to environment, to disease control and public health. I cannot recommend the trump party, as they are bad for the country. That is why I as and Independent will cast my Vote for Joe Biden to bring back a chance for normal governance and decent moral based leadership to the United State of America, and not a moment too soon.
There are already a few indepdents in office I have nerer heard one do the things you stated in your response. Commies? Iie mungers? Have not seen those canidates.
Current trump administration and supporters
take a look in the mirror the liar will be looking back at you.
You are saying he does not lie? You are saying he has not made comments and taken action in support of dictators, communists? You are saying he does not fail to denounce white supremacists?
You are saying trump supporters do not support the president getting stone off the hook, though a jury of his peers found him guilty? You saying, contrary to a judge and a whole court of appeals, taking money appropriated by Congress (as in the constitution) for a purpose, and using it to fund his wall, which was not in the appropriations bill is supporting the constitution? His false interpretation and addition to a hurricane warning with a sharpie, never happened along with him giving the National Weather Service hell and trying to get them to agree, he was right? You are saying he stands behind the CDC and public health experts in act and deed and example, including setting the example of masking, not breaking health ordinances, doing things like encouraging no-mask activities and events, while he entertains crowds from up on stage 20 feet away? Be glad to see which one you say he didn't do, so I knew what you think I am lying about. Then again, maybe name calling just comes naturally to trumpers, when they see something they cannot deny. :dunno:
I've seen those lies he's been accused of shit taken out of context therefore your leftists controlled mainstream media created the lie that Trump was supposed to have said. MAKING THEM THE LIAR.
Mostly democrats who can't bring themselves to vote for Biden and are so full of hatred for the President push for a 3rd party. Look around, there are usually about half a dozen "3rd parties" to waste your vote on.
I have been watching, as most americans, how the two dominate political parties have bungled the stimulus situation. Each side placing conditions on the agreement that the other side will not agree to and playing politics with the peoples lives. So I personally would like to see every congressman running for re-election to be replaced. However it makes no sense replacing them with more of the same. I therefore make the suggestion that they be replaced with someone from the Independent Political Party.
Imagin if just 10% of each house of congress were replaced with independent canidates. This would create a whole new ball game in congress. Party lines and idealology would be completely disrupted. No more us against them, it would be us against them against those guys. Both major parties would not only have to negotiate with each other but also with the new guys. If the independent party could be more beholding to the voters, congress would once again be at the whim of the people.
This is my first post, but I will voice more ideas in an attempt to inspire thinking outside of the box. Feel free to respond. I more than welcome your thoughts and ideas, be it supportive or not. I just ask that your comments be constructive.
Thanks for reading.
Right now the country is divided into Bolsheviks (the left) and free thinkers. The Bolsheviks do whatever CNN, MSNBC, and the Democrat elite tell them to. The rest are patriots who are willing to stand against socialism, Marxism, globalism, warmongering, and stand for the US constitution. Pick your side, it shouldn’t be difficult.
Mostly democrats who can't bring themselves to vote for Biden and are so full of hatred for the President push for a 3rd party. Look around, there are usually about half a dozen "3rd parties" to waste your vote on.

I'm not exactly enamored of the Republican Party in general, and I could easily be persuaded to switch back and forth between voting Republican and voting Libertarian, depending on the candidate. The problem is that the Libertarian Party has made itself into an ineffectual, fringe joke of a party. Instead of putting forth real, serious, energetic candidates with genuine, Libertarian policies and ideals, they've turned into a one-trick pony that's all about marijuana legalization and conventions with fat, naked guys running around. Voting Libertarian has turned into the equivalent of voting for Mickey Mouse as a protest.
Trump is the New Party
Yep. They stand for lying to the people of the country, and shouting down anybody that knows the truth, as it is often more convenient than admitting the truth. They support Communist, dictators and Autocrats world wide. They stand behind white supremacy, selling fear, dividing the country, alienating our traditional allied friendly nations of the world. They support deserting war time allies in the field. They support negating the actions of trial by jury, traditional rule of law in our courts, and do not support the constitution, strictly interpreted or otherwise. They are anti-science on everything from weather, to environment, to disease control and public health. I cannot recommend the trump party, as they are bad for the country. That is why I as and Independent will cast my Vote for Joe Biden to bring back a chance for normal governance and decent moral based leadership to the United State of America, and not a moment too soon.
Trump is the New Party
Yep. They stand for lying to the people of the country, and shouting down anybody that knows the truth, as it is often more convenient than admitting the truth. They support Communist, dictators and Autocrats world wide. They stand behind white supremacy, selling fear, dividing the country, alienating our traditional allied friendly nations of the world. They support deserting war time allies in the field. They support negating the actions of trial by jury, traditional rule of law in our courts, and do not support the constitution, strictly interpreted or otherwise. They are anti-science on everything from weather, to environment, to disease control and public health. I cannot recommend the trump party, as they are bad for the country. That is why I as and Independent will cast my Vote for Joe Biden to bring back a chance for normal governance and decent moral based leadership to the United State of America, and not a moment too soon.
There are already a few indepdents in office I have nerer heard one do the things you stated in your response. Commies? Iie mungers? Have not seen those canidates.
Current trump administration and supporters
take a look in the mirror the liar will be looking back at you.
You are saying he does not lie? You are saying he has not made comments and taken action in support of dictators, communists? You are saying he does not fail to denounce white supremacists?
You are saying trump supporters do not support the president getting stone off the hook, though a jury of his peers found him guilty? You saying, contrary to a judge and a whole court of appeals, taking money appropriated by Congress (as in the constitution) for a purpose, and using it to fund his wall, which was not in the appropriations bill is supporting the constitution? His false interpretation and addition to a hurricane warning with a sharpie, never happened along with him giving the National Weather Service hell and trying to get them to agree, he was right? You are saying he stands behind the CDC and public health experts in act and deed and example, including setting the example of masking, not breaking health ordinances, doing things like encouraging no-mask activities and events, while he entertains crowds from up on stage 20 feet away? Be glad to see which one you say he didn't do, so I knew what you think I am lying about. Then again, maybe name calling just comes naturally to trumpers, when they see something they cannot deny. :dunno:
I've seen those lies he's been accused of shit taken out of context therefore your leftists controlled mainstream media created the lie that Trump was supposed to have said. MAKING THEM THE LIAR.
What a whiner or is it wiener?

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