A Night in Ferguson: Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas, and a Jail Cell


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008

Late Monday evening, after many of the major media outlets covering the protests in Ferguson, Mo., had left the streets to broadcast from their set-ups near the police command center, heavily armed officers raced through suburban streets in armored vehicles, chasing demonstrators, launching tear gas on otherwise quiet residential lanes, and shooting at journalists.

Their efforts resulted in one of the largest nightly arrest totals since protests began 10 days ago over the killing of unarmed African American teenager Michael Brown by white Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. At approximately 2 a.m. local time, Missouri Highway Patrol Capt. Ron Johnson announced at a press conference that 31 people had been arrested over the course of the night (NBC News later reported that, according to jail records, the actual total was more than double that). I was unable to attend or report on Johnson’s press conference because I was one of those people.
A Night in Ferguson: Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas, and a Jail Cell - The Intercept
Reporter with The Intercept, Ryan Deveraux recounts how the police in Ferguson shot him for no reason, arrested him, and then released him this morning without charge. Whatever you think happened in the altercation between Michael Brown and Darren Wilson, it in no way justifies the actions of the police since. Of course, the criminal looters and vandals are just as responsible, but it's still no justification for the paramilitary police to attack innocent people or journalists.
And it in no way justifies the actions of the protesters. You losertrians would turn this country into Somalia if you had your way.
These losertrians want to turn America into Somalia as their way would do exactly that. Thousands of gangs would rule our streets!
What are they even protesting? Do they even fucking know? The facts of the case are being investigated, we arent even certain any injustice was done with Brown.

They need to get lives. Protest AFTER the trial, and if its a MIStrial. Then perhaps its justified.
What are they even protesting? Do they even fucking know? The facts of the case are being investigated, we arent even certain any injustice was done with Brown.

They need to get lives. Protest AFTER the trial, and if its a MIStrial. Then perhaps its justified.
What trial? Wilson would simply be put on paid leave pending an internal investigation which will conclude that he followed proper procedure. It's not surprising to see people finally erupt when something like this happens from a police force commonly believed to put itself above the people they're intended to protect and serve.
I wasn't aware we were expected to read whole articles. This place is getting to be a lot of work. :cry:
One is not permitted to have strong opinions about articles one has not read, unfortunately. The simple fact is that Devereaux was shot in the back with a rubber bullet, along with another journalist, by a police officer as he was following that officer's orders to head towards their vehicle.
Because people can't wait and the Black Community has already convicted the police as a whole, someone will probably die tonight. All preventable by peaceful protest and pointing out the criminals in advance.
Well, when one attends riots attended by unwieldy police, a rubber bullet would seem to be the least of one's worries. That's why most of us watch them on TV. :biggrin:
What trial? Wilson would simply be put on paid leave pending an internal investigation which will conclude that he followed proper procedure. It's not surprising to see people finally erupt when something like this happens from a police force commonly believed to put itself above the people they're intended to protect and serve.

Just because it's commonly believed (and I don't even know if that's true) doesn't make it true. I happen to believe the police force in this country have an extraordinarily tough job, and for the most part, they do an outstanding Job serving us.
As repulsive as looting is, if I was a police officer in Ferguson, I'd be more concerned with watching for guns and fire bombs than protecting property.

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