A Night in Ferguson: Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas, and a Jail Cell

Of all the people taken to the hospital with gunshots all were inflicted by looters. None by the police.
Just because it's commonly believed (and I don't even know if that's true) doesn't make it true. I happen to believe the police force in this country have an extraordinarily tough job, and for the most part, they do an outstanding Job serving us.
Nobody's trying to condemn every police officer, or even the majority of them. Regardless, when situations like the one with Michael Brown occur the same story seems to play itself out time and again.
Of all the people taken to the hospital with gunshots all were inflicted by looters. None by the police.
The issue here is rubber bullets, and being arrested for no reason. Though, I might point out that everybody the police shot seem to have been taken to jail rather than to any hospitals.
A Night in Ferguson: Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas, and a Jail Cell - The Intercept
Reporter with The Intercept, Ryan Deveraux recounts how the police in Ferguson shot him for no reason, arrested him, and then released him this morning without charge. Whatever you think happened in the altercation between Michael Brown and Darren Wilson, it in no way justifies the actions of the police since. Of course, the criminal looters and vandals are just as responsible, but it's still no justification for the paramilitary police to attack innocent people or journalists.
Shit stirrer who is their for his own ego.
Our police protect and serve. You, on the other hand are a common peace of shit
The issue here is rubber bullets, and being arrested for no reason. Though, I might point out that everybody the police shot seem to have been taken to jail rather than to any hospitals.

Did you even consider that people with gun shots need a hospital and those hit with rubber bullets may not? I suppose the obvious was too much for you.
The protests, obviously.

In Obama's speech he already drew an equivalency to the rioters and the cops. He also sent his condolences to the family of Michael Brown. It's clear what this administration's agenda is here.
This whole thing is a media event. According to one news channel the count was 100 protesters and 300 reporters. This is a non story. No controversy, police officers actions were 100% justified. Total display of ignorance by the people of Ferguson.
I have to agree, Sunday night news was talking about three hundred protestors and they kept using a shot of two dozen people in a tight overhead shot.
In Obama's speech he already drew an equivalency to the rioters and the cops. He also sent his condolences to the family of Michael Brown. It's clear what this administration's agenda is here.
I'm not sure what your point is.

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