A Nobel Peace Prize for Julian Assange?

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I agree, of course, Foxfyre, with the solid thinking. Yes, the government is exceptionally good at hiding stuff. I wonder if Assange's group will release the stuff on Roswell. Whatever they would release would be blockbuster, would it not? However, I doubt they can get that.
The government won't come clean on basic things like the cause of 9/11 and the actual findings of the Warren commission. Not to even venture into terrain like intel on Iraq's WMD, the real deal behind the kidnapping of Manuel Noriega, assassinations of JFK and Malcom X and COINTELPRO, as well as numerous black flag operations already regarded as confirmed history.

The bottom line behind this whole mess is that our government needs to preserve it's ability to scrutinize every e-mail we ever send but can't allow us to know about a million daily aspects of it's business.

Why? because they operate above the law and we operate below it. They have a license to break the law and we are held accountable for following the law even tho it is impossible to know what the law is.

The law is simply a tool to divide the powerful from the powerless. And secrecy is power. So is absolute invasion of other's secrecy.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Until our government honors this amendment they can go fuck themselves.
Yet Julian Assange seems to be able to access all the classified stuff he wants. But instead of demanding investigation of some of the really provocative stuff he is publishing, there is an amazing lack of curiosity or concern about it. Instead they want his head on a platter.

Doesn't it make you wonder just a little bit?

The reason why Julian Assange has access to all this classified stuff is because he is a focal point for informants who have information they want out. The wikileaks cables came from one man.

How 250,000 US embassy cables were leaked | World news | guardian.co.uk

An innocuous-looking memory stick, no longer than a couple of fingernails, came into the hands of a Guardian reporter earlier this year. The device is so small it will hang easily on a keyring. But its contents will send shockwaves through the world's chancelleries and deliver what one official described as "an epic blow" to US diplomacy.

The 1.6 gigabytes of text files on the memory stick ran to millions of words: the contents of more than 250,000 leaked state department cables, sent from, or to, US embassies around the world.

Intended to be read by officials in Washington up to the level of the secretary of state, the cables are generally drafted by the ambassador or subordinates. Although their contents are often startling and troubling, the cables are unlikely to gratify conspiracy theorists. They do not contain evidence of assassination plots, CIA bribery or such criminal enterprises as the Iran-Contra scandal in the Reagan years, when anti-Nicaraguan guerrillas were covertly financed.

One reason may be that America's most sensitive "top secret" and above foreign intelligence files cannot be accessed from Siprnet, the defence department network involved.

The US military believes it knows where the leak originated. A soldier, Bradley Manning, 22, has been held in solitary confinement for the last seven months and is facing a court martial in the new year. The former intelligence analyst is charged with unauthorised downloads of classified material while serving on an army base outside Baghdad. He is suspected of taking copies not only of the state department archive, but also of video of an Apache helicopter crew gunning down civilians in Baghdad, and hundreds of thousands of daily war logs from military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.

It was childishly easy, according to the published chatlog of a conversation Manning had with a fellow-hacker. "I would come in with music on a CD-RW labelled with something like 'Lady Gaga' … erase the music … then write a compressed split file. No one suspected a thing ... listened and lip-synched to Lady Gaga's Telephone while exfiltrating possibly the largest data spillage in American history." He said that he "had unprecedented access to classified networks 14 hours a day 7 days a week for 8+ months".
IMHO..it won't dampen civil liberties. The more documents I am seeing the more I am getting angry about what our government is keeping from us.

I hope you are right but now that Assange is held in the UK our government wants to charge him while they can extradite him.

The problem is they have no case under current law so they may have to pass new law to get him in prison. But that runs afoul of the 1st amendment. That is where civil liberties are threatened.
They tried a lot of stuff with Daniel Ellsberg, back in the day, too.
Can someone explain to me the Left's support for and idolization of criminals? I don't get it.

Encouragement of anarchy.

Best way to bring a society down is from within. Communists and progressives understand what makes a society vital so they work on a target country by infiltration using the youth of that country to destroy it from within.

It began when we started doubting our leaders. Eventually we'll doubt everything.

They divide us to the point where we now have a President that would sooner negotiate with Communists then Republicans.

All they need to do is ruin the economy and within months American society will be destroyed to the cheers of millions of these young Americans this agenda has created.
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I suppose that in order to come down on one side or the other of the debate about the WIKILEAKS, one would have to be in a position to KNOW whether or not the information leaked was truly something that needed to be kept secret from the public.

As none of us here have read all the data, and I doubt any of us are in positions to truly understand how releasing that data effects this nation's national security or relations with other countries, we cannot really KNOW who has the higher moral ground regarding this affair.

What we do know is that our government does have secrets it ought to keep secret and we ALSO KNOW that our government has a habit of keeping things secret that are not national secrets, but merely embarrassing facts that the government would prefer not to announce to its citizens.

I strongly suspect that in this case BOTH KINDS OF DATA were released,

And if that is the case, then really this leak is really a blessing AND a curse.
Can someone explain to me the Left's support for and idolization of criminals? I don't get it.

Encouragement of anarchy.

Best way to bring a society down is from within. Communists and progressives understand what makes a society vital so they work on a target country by infiltration using the youth of that country to destroy it from within.

It began when we started doubting our leaders. Eventually we'll doubt everything.

They divide us to the point where we now have a President that would sooner negotiate with Communists then Republicans.

All they need to do is ruin the economy and within months American society will be destroyed to the cheers of millions of these young Americans this agenda has created.

So do fascists, corporatists, and totalitarian/authoritarian evil folks from the right.

Mudwhistle writes Obama would "sooner negotiate with Communists then Republicans". I knew he was screwy in his politics. Now I know he is absolutely stupid in his politics. He is a disgrace to Americanism; he is at bigreb's level.
I suppose that in order to come down on one side or the other of the debate about the WIKILEAKS, one would have to be in a position to KNOW whether or not the information leaked was truly something that needed to be kept secret from the public.

As none of us here have read all the data, and I doubt any of us are in positions to truly understand how releasing that data effects this nation's national security or relations with other countries, we cannot really KNOW who has the higher moral ground regarding this affair.

What we do know is that our government does have secrets it ought to keep secret and we ALSO KNOW that our government has a habit of keeping things secret that are not national secrets, but merely embarrassing facts that the government would prefer not to announce to its citizens.

I strongly suspect that in this case BOTH KINDS OF DATA were released,

And if that is the case, then really this leak is really a blessing AND a curse.

Most of the really bad stuff happened in the last two years but Obama acts like none of it has anything to do with him. He's going off to be with Michelle...as he claimed...and letting Prez. Clinton do his job during a matter of national security.

He doesn't give a fly-f about the shit-storm he's got going on around him.

Let's face it....things happen that you don't want folks to know about. However; should you do the things you want to keep secret? I'd rather we didn't.....but then again it doesn't help when you spread it all over the place. Let me assure you....we're choirboys compared to Russia, China, or anyone else that might be critical of us.

Btw....wasn't it revealed about two months ago the White House openly asked for access to Pentagon records to investigate possible GOP contenders? Who's to say they didn't release all of this other stuff while they were at it.
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Can someone explain to me the Left's support for and idolization of criminals? I don't get it.

Encouragement of anarchy.

Best way to bring a society down is from within. Communists and progressives understand what makes a society vital so they work on a target country by infiltration using the youth of that country to destroy it from within.

It began when we started doubting our leaders. Eventually we'll doubt everything.

They divide us to the point where we now have a President that would sooner negotiate with Communists then Republicans.

All they need to do is ruin the economy and within months American society will be destroyed to the cheers of millions of these young Americans this agenda has created.

So do fascists, corporatists, and totalitarian/authoritarian evil folks from the right.

Mudwhistle writes Obama would "sooner negotiate with Communists then Republicans". I knew he was screwy in his politics. Now I know he is absolutely stupid in his politics. He is a disgrace to Americanism; he is at bigreb's level.

Are you talking about Obama or me???

I sense a strong case for projection-syndrome if you're speaking of me.

One only has to take his own words to indict him. Speaking of us as "Hostage-takers", calling us "The Enemy...that needs to be punished".

STFU asshole.
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Can someone explain to me the Left's support for and idolization of criminals? I don't get it.

Encouragement of anarchy.

Best way to bring a society down is from within. Communists and progressives understand what makes a society vital so they work on a target country by infiltration using the youth of that country to destroy it from within.

It began when we started doubting our leaders. Eventually we'll doubt everything.

They divide us to the point where we now have a President that would sooner negotiate with Communists then Republicans.

All they need to do is ruin the economy and within months American society will be destroyed to the cheers of millions of these young Americans this agenda has created.
I don't know if it's so malevolent. I think Hanlon's Razor applies: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
I suppose that in order to come down on one side or the other of the debate about the WIKILEAKS, one would have to be in a position to KNOW whether or not the information leaked was truly something that needed to be kept secret from the public.

As none of us here have read all the data, and I doubt any of us are in positions to truly understand how releasing that data effects this nation's national security or relations with other countries, we cannot really KNOW who has the higher moral ground regarding this affair.

What we do know is that our government does have secrets it ought to keep secret and we ALSO KNOW that our government has a habit of keeping things secret that are not national secrets, but merely embarrassing facts that the government would prefer not to announce to its citizens.

I strongly suspect that in this case BOTH KINDS OF DATA were released,

And if that is the case, then really this leak is really a blessing AND a curse.

You have pretty well described the opinion I am gradually forming about this I think. First, I do not want ANYBODY compromising national security or the lives of our allies and public servants anywhere.

But I am absolutely appalled at some of the stuff coming out and nobody seems to care about that. I think the author of the OP nailed it. Kill the messenger. Ignore the message of a government that has become so corrupt it barely represents us at all any more.
Since you are left, and I am right, and we agree that Assange should be charged for his part in disseminating stolen information, I would venture that this is an issue that has no partisan 'side'. Only the moronic libertarians are high fiving the bastard.... but libertarians are, generally, very naive.
sigh...damn, I hate it when we agree.

I hate it more than you do.

I personally love it.

It's like when a cat fight leads to hot girl-on-girl action.
Ignore the message of a government that has become so corrupt it barely represents us at all any more.

I'm willing to bet that any of the stuff that Wikileaks is getting is new.

This has been going on FOREVER. I guarantee.
Ignore the message of a government that has become so corrupt it barely represents us at all any more.

I'm willing to bet that any of the stuff that Wikileaks is getting is new.

This has been going on FOREVER. I guarantee.

No doubt it has been going on for a very long time. And will continue to do so as our esteemed press seems profoundly uncurious about anything that is being revealed and dutifully underwrites the company line to ignore it all and just hang the messenger.
Can someone explain to me the Left's support for and idolization of criminals? I don't get it.

Encouragement of anarchy.

Best way to bring a society down is from within. Communists and progressives understand what makes a society vital so they work on a target country by infiltration using the youth of that country to destroy it from within.

It began when we started doubting our leaders. Eventually we'll doubt everything.

They divide us to the point where we now have a President that would sooner negotiate with Communists then Republicans.

All they need to do is ruin the economy and within months American society will be destroyed to the cheers of millions of these young Americans this agenda has created.
I don't know if it's so malevolent. I think Hanlon's Razor applies: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."

It's not pure stupidity. A great deal of it has to do with gullibility. All a despot has to do is wrap his arms around one of these progressives causes and they have a friend for life. The progressives will look the other way and claim it never happened when the shit blows up in their faces. They'll fight tooth and nail anyone who dares to stop their favorite benefactor even though their agendas are in complete opposition. It's how they can support Conservative Islamic-fundamentalists and hate Conservative Christians at the same time. At least the suicide bomber wants to save the planet. Those Rat-bastard Republicans are just evil racists who want to poison babies.....or at least the ones the progressives will let live long enough to be born into this world.
Encouragement of anarchy.

Best way to bring a society down is from within. Communists and progressives understand what makes a society vital so they work on a target country by infiltration using the youth of that country to destroy it from within.

It began when we started doubting our leaders. Eventually we'll doubt everything.

They divide us to the point where we now have a President that would sooner negotiate with Communists then Republicans.

All they need to do is ruin the economy and within months American society will be destroyed to the cheers of millions of these young Americans this agenda has created.
I don't know if it's so malevolent. I think Hanlon's Razor applies: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."

It's not pure stupidity. A great deal of it has to do with gullibility. All a despot has to do is wrap his arms around one of these progressives causes and they have a friend for life. The progressives will look the other way and claim it never happened when the shit blows up in their faces. They'll fight tooth and nail anyone who dares to stop their favorite benefactor even though their agendas are in complete opposition. It's how they can support Conservative Islamic-fundamentalists and hate Conservative Christians at the same time. At least the suicide bomber wants to save the planet. Those Rat-bastard Republicans are just evil racists who want to poison babies.....or at least the ones the progressives will let live long enough to be born into this world.

Sounds a lot like what the statists are doing for the government in this situation. Simply ignoring the crimes of the state to focus on Assange and WikiLeaks.
Encouragement of anarchy.

Best way to bring a society down is from within. Communists and progressives understand what makes a society vital so they work on a target country by infiltration using the youth of that country to destroy it from within.

It began when we started doubting our leaders. Eventually we'll doubt everything.

They divide us to the point where we now have a President that would sooner negotiate with Communists then Republicans.

All they need to do is ruin the economy and within months American society will be destroyed to the cheers of millions of these young Americans this agenda has created.

So do fascists, corporatists, and totalitarian/authoritarian evil folks from the right.

Mudwhistle writes Obama would "sooner negotiate with Communists then Republicans". I knew he was screwy in his politics. Now I know he is absolutely stupid in his politics. He is a disgrace to Americanism; he is at bigreb's level.

Are you talking about Obama or me???

I sense a strong case for projection-syndrome if you're speaking of me.

One only has to take his own words to indict him. Speaking of us as "Hostage-takers", calling us "The Enemy...that needs to be punished".

STFU asshole.

Mud, I taught you last year how you projected your insecurities and fears on others. The 'hostage takers' are the far right is this case. The far right GOP leadership does need to be punished. That you equate that, dear mudimbecile, with violence is the epitome of stupidity.

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