A-O-C Proposes 70% Marginal Tax for Green New Deal

Did she ever find the apartment she was looking for? If so, follow her own advice and cut off her salary during the shutdown. When that ends, apply her 70% tax and she’ll immediately be evicted for not being able to pay rent. Then she’ll have to move to anacostia where she’ll have an epiphany about reality and she’ll then register as republican. Unless she’s even stupider than she already appears.

"In an effort to fund policies that would reduce fossil fuel and carbon emissions within the next 12 years, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has proposed a tax rate on the super-rich that is more moderate than U.S. tax policy during parts of the 20th century.

"In a video clip released Friday, she tells journalist Anderson Cooper of '60 Minutes' that taxing incomes above $10 million at a 60 percent to 70 percent rate could be a good step..."

"The approximately 16,000 Americans earning more than $10 million are at the very top of the top 1 percent of earners. Such a tax could bring in approximately $720 billion over 10 years, according to the Tax Policy Center’s Mark Mazur."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Perfectly American Tax on Ultra-Rich

Over the past forty years, the richest one percent have seen their share of national income increase dramatically, and fossil fuels have been partially responsible.

Maybe it's time for fossil fuels to pay their fair share of taxes?
Any time some one says tax the rich, it plays well on the left.
Why do you think the left resents one-percent parasites who get rich from bribing politicians for favorable tax and trade policies?

The Trump Family’s Tax Dodging Is Symptomatic of a Larger Problem
They don’t mind them when the billionaires are funding their impeach Trump campaign.
Trump owes his election to a billionaire:

Reclusive U.S. billionaire Robert Mercer helped Trump win the presidency — but what does he really want?

"The day after U.S. President Donald Trump learned that a gossipy White House tell-all included quotes that his son was 'treasonous' and his daughter 'dumb as a brick,' Trump's mysterious billionaire backers Robert and Rebekah Mercer did a very rare thing and publicly fired back."

Leftists wouldn't have any trouble taxing all billionaires into extinction; what's wrong with conservatives?

"In an effort to fund policies that would reduce fossil fuel and carbon emissions within the next 12 years, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has proposed a tax rate on the super-rich that is more moderate than U.S. tax policy during parts of the 20th century.

"In a video clip released Friday, she tells journalist Anderson Cooper of '60 Minutes' that taxing incomes above $10 million at a 60 percent to 70 percent rate could be a good step..."

"The approximately 16,000 Americans earning more than $10 million are at the very top of the top 1 percent of earners. Such a tax could bring in approximately $720 billion over 10 years, according to the Tax Policy Center’s Mark Mazur."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Perfectly American Tax on Ultra-Rich

Over the past forty years, the richest one percent have seen their share of national income increase dramatically, and fossil fuels have been partially responsible.

Maybe it's time for fossil fuels to pay their fair share of taxes?
Any time some one says tax the rich, it plays well on the left.
Why do you think the left resents one-percent parasites who get rich from bribing politicians for favorable tax and trade policies?

The Trump Family’s Tax Dodging Is Symptomatic of a Larger Problem
They don’t mind them when the billionaires are funding their impeach Trump campaign.
Trump owes his election to a billionaire:

Reclusive U.S. billionaire Robert Mercer helped Trump win the presidency — but what does he really want?

"The day after U.S. President Donald Trump learned that a gossipy White House tell-all included quotes that his son was 'treasonous' and his daughter 'dumb as a brick,' Trump's mysterious billionaire backers Robert and Rebekah Mercer did a very rare thing and publicly fired back."

Leftists wouldn't have any trouble taxing all billionaires into extinction; what's wrong with conservatives?
George Phillip Ocasio-Cortez.
Did she ever find the apartment she was looking for? If so, follow her own advice and cut off her salary during the shutdown. When that ends, apply her 70% tax and she’ll immediately be evicted for not being able to pay rent. Then she’ll have to move to anacostia where she’ll have an epiphany about reality and she’ll then register as republican. Unless she’s even stupider than she already appears.
Did you notice the 70% marginal rate applies only to those "earning" $10 million or more every year?
She might not know anything about Congress, but she knows what the top tax rate should be

"In an effort to fund policies that would reduce fossil fuel and carbon emissions within the next 12 years, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has proposed a tax rate on the super-rich that is more moderate than U.S. tax policy during parts of the 20th century.

"In a video clip released Friday, she tells journalist Anderson Cooper of '60 Minutes' that taxing incomes above $10 million at a 60 percent to 70 percent rate could be a good step..."

"The approximately 16,000 Americans earning more than $10 million are at the very top of the top 1 percent of earners. Such a tax could bring in approximately $720 billion over 10 years, according to the Tax Policy Center’s Mark Mazur."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Perfectly American Tax on Ultra-Rich

Over the past forty years, the richest one percent have seen their share of national income increase dramatically, and fossil fuels have been partially responsible.

Maybe it's time for fossil fuels to pay their fair share of taxes?
Any time some one says tax the rich, it plays well on the left.
Why do you think the left resents one-percent parasites who get rich from bribing politicians for favorable tax and trade policies?

The Trump Family’s Tax Dodging Is Symptomatic of a Larger Problem
They don’t mind them when the billionaires are funding their impeach Trump campaign.
Trump owes his election to a billionaire:

Reclusive U.S. billionaire Robert Mercer helped Trump win the presidency — but what does he really want?

"The day after U.S. President Donald Trump learned that a gossipy White House tell-all included quotes that his son was 'treasonous' and his daughter 'dumb as a brick,' Trump's mysterious billionaire backers Robert and Rebekah Mercer did a very rare thing and publicly fired back."

Leftists wouldn't have any trouble taxing all billionaires into extinction; what's wrong with conservatives?
George Phillip Ocasio-Cortez.
I'm too old to dance

"In an effort to fund policies that would reduce fossil fuel and carbon emissions within the next 12 years, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has proposed a tax rate on the super-rich that is more moderate than U.S. tax policy during parts of the 20th century.

"In a video clip released Friday, she tells journalist Anderson Cooper of '60 Minutes' that taxing incomes above $10 million at a 60 percent to 70 percent rate could be a good step..."

"The approximately 16,000 Americans earning more than $10 million are at the very top of the top 1 percent of earners. Such a tax could bring in approximately $720 billion over 10 years, according to the Tax Policy Center’s Mark Mazur."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Perfectly American Tax on Ultra-Rich

Over the past forty years, the richest one percent have seen their share of national income increase dramatically, and fossil fuels have been partially responsible.

Maybe it's time for fossil fuels to pay their fair share of taxes?
Any time some one says tax the rich, it plays well on the left.
Why do you think the left resents one-percent parasites who get rich from bribing politicians for favorable tax and trade policies?

The Trump Family’s Tax Dodging Is Symptomatic of a Larger Problem
Because they have a Depression era mentality, and don't understand - and may actually dislike - prosperity. Microsoft, Apple, Dell, etc. were financed by wealthy investors who were willing to take big risks in the hope of big rewards after banks and other traditional sources of finance turned away from the yet unproven personal computer market, so the prosperity of the 1990's was the result of the Reagan policies of the 1980's that created so many very rich investors. It is a bizarre notion that America would be better off if investment capital were taken away from private investors and handed over to politicians and bureaucrats to spend.

"In an effort to fund policies that would reduce fossil fuel and carbon emissions within the next 12 years, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has proposed a tax rate on the super-rich that is more moderate than U.S. tax policy during parts of the 20th century.

"In a video clip released Friday, she tells journalist Anderson Cooper of '60 Minutes' that taxing incomes above $10 million at a 60 percent to 70 percent rate could be a good step..."

"The approximately 16,000 Americans earning more than $10 million are at the very top of the top 1 percent of earners. Such a tax could bring in approximately $720 billion over 10 years, according to the Tax Policy Center’s Mark Mazur."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Perfectly American Tax on Ultra-Rich

Over the past forty years, the richest one percent have seen their share of national income increase dramatically, and fossil fuels have been partially responsible.

Maybe it's time for fossil fuels to pay their fair share of taxes?

A crushing recession would reduce CO2 output.
Not sure that's what she was shooting for...……..
A recession more crushing than the one produced by Bubba and Dubya?

70 percent tax rates on ultra rich would help pay for “Green New Deal,” Ocasio-Cortez says

"Ocasio-Cortez's 'Green New Deal' aims to eliminate carbon emissions within 12 years. Speaking about the ambitious goal, Ocasio-Cortez says, 'It's going to require a lot of rapid change that we don't even conceive as possible right now. What is the problem with trying to push our technological capacities to the furthest extent possible?'

"To pay for the plan, Ocasio-Cortez floated the idea of tax rates as high as 70 percent on the ultra-rich.

"'You know, you look at our tax rates back in the '60s and when you have a progressive tax rate system, your tax rate, you know, let's say, from zero to $75,000 may be ten percent or 15 percent, et cetera.' Ocasio-Cortez said.

"'But once you get to, like, the tippy tops, on your 10 millionth dollar, sometimes you see tax rates as high as 60 or 70 percent. That doesn't mean all $10 million are taxed at an extremely high rate, but it means that as you climb up this ladder you should be contributing more.'"

What's your problem with pushing our technological limits...not enough profit?

"Ocasio-Cortez's 'Green New Deal' aims to eliminate carbon emissions within 12 years.

It'd be easier to eliminate idiots in 12 years than to eliminate carbon fuels.
At least carbon fuels are useful.

What is the problem with trying to push our technological capacities to the furthest extent possible?'

Who needs technology, just walk.

What's your problem with pushing our technological limits...

I agree, nuclear reactors, not windmills.
So why should a gold-plated con man with little or no regard for the truth or the quaint notion that wealthy scum bags like him have a civic duty to pay taxes get away with paying no income taxes in 1978, '79, '92, and 1994?

"In an effort to fund policies that would reduce fossil fuel and carbon emissions within the next 12 years, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has proposed a tax rate on the super-rich that is more moderate than U.S. tax policy during parts of the 20th century.

"In a video clip released Friday, she tells journalist Anderson Cooper of '60 Minutes' that taxing incomes above $10 million at a 60 percent to 70 percent rate could be a good step..."

"The approximately 16,000 Americans earning more than $10 million are at the very top of the top 1 percent of earners. Such a tax could bring in approximately $720 billion over 10 years, according to the Tax Policy Center’s Mark Mazur."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Perfectly American Tax on Ultra-Rich

Over the past forty years, the richest one percent have seen their share of national income increase dramatically, and fossil fuels have been partially responsible.

Maybe it's time for fossil fuels to pay their fair share of taxes?

A crushing recession would reduce CO2 output.
Not sure that's what she was shooting for...……..
A recession more crushing than the one produced by Bubba and Dubya?

70 percent tax rates on ultra rich would help pay for “Green New Deal,” Ocasio-Cortez says

"Ocasio-Cortez's 'Green New Deal' aims to eliminate carbon emissions within 12 years. Speaking about the ambitious goal, Ocasio-Cortez says, 'It's going to require a lot of rapid change that we don't even conceive as possible right now. What is the problem with trying to push our technological capacities to the furthest extent possible?'

"To pay for the plan, Ocasio-Cortez floated the idea of tax rates as high as 70 percent on the ultra-rich.

"'You know, you look at our tax rates back in the '60s and when you have a progressive tax rate system, your tax rate, you know, let's say, from zero to $75,000 may be ten percent or 15 percent, et cetera.' Ocasio-Cortez said.

"'But once you get to, like, the tippy tops, on your 10 millionth dollar, sometimes you see tax rates as high as 60 or 70 percent. That doesn't mean all $10 million are taxed at an extremely high rate, but it means that as you climb up this ladder you should be contributing more.'"

What's your problem with pushing our technological limits...not enough profit?

"Ocasio-Cortez's 'Green New Deal' aims to eliminate carbon emissions within 12 years.

It'd be easier to eliminate idiots in 12 years than to eliminate carbon fuels.
At least carbon fuels are useful.

What is the problem with trying to push our technological capacities to the furthest extent possible?'

Who needs technology, just walk.

What's your problem with pushing our technological limits...

I agree, nuclear reactors, not windmills.
So why should a gold-plated con man with little or no regard for the truth or the quaint notion that wealthy scum bags like him have a civic duty to pay taxes get away with paying no income taxes in 1978, '79, '92, and 1994?

get away with paying no income taxes in 1978, '79, '92, and 1994?

If someone had no taxable income in those years, why would they owe taxes in those years?

"In an effort to fund policies that would reduce fossil fuel and carbon emissions within the next 12 years, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has proposed a tax rate on the super-rich that is more moderate than U.S. tax policy during parts of the 20th century.

"In a video clip released Friday, she tells journalist Anderson Cooper of '60 Minutes' that taxing incomes above $10 million at a 60 percent to 70 percent rate could be a good step..."

"The approximately 16,000 Americans earning more than $10 million are at the very top of the top 1 percent of earners. Such a tax could bring in approximately $720 billion over 10 years, according to the Tax Policy Center’s Mark Mazur."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Perfectly American Tax on Ultra-Rich

Over the past forty years, the richest one percent have seen their share of national income increase dramatically, and fossil fuels have been partially responsible.

Maybe it's time for fossil fuels to pay their fair share of taxes?

A crushing recession would reduce CO2 output.
Not sure that's what she was shooting for...……..
A recession more crushing than the one produced by Bubba and Dubya?

70 percent tax rates on ultra rich would help pay for “Green New Deal,” Ocasio-Cortez says

"Ocasio-Cortez's 'Green New Deal' aims to eliminate carbon emissions within 12 years. Speaking about the ambitious goal, Ocasio-Cortez says, 'It's going to require a lot of rapid change that we don't even conceive as possible right now. What is the problem with trying to push our technological capacities to the furthest extent possible?'

"To pay for the plan, Ocasio-Cortez floated the idea of tax rates as high as 70 percent on the ultra-rich.

"'You know, you look at our tax rates back in the '60s and when you have a progressive tax rate system, your tax rate, you know, let's say, from zero to $75,000 may be ten percent or 15 percent, et cetera.' Ocasio-Cortez said.

"'But once you get to, like, the tippy tops, on your 10 millionth dollar, sometimes you see tax rates as high as 60 or 70 percent. That doesn't mean all $10 million are taxed at an extremely high rate, but it means that as you climb up this ladder you should be contributing more.'"

What's your problem with pushing our technological limits...not enough profit?

"Ocasio-Cortez's 'Green New Deal' aims to eliminate carbon emissions within 12 years.

It'd be easier to eliminate idiots in 12 years than to eliminate carbon fuels.
At least carbon fuels are useful.

What is the problem with trying to push our technological capacities to the furthest extent possible?'

Who needs technology, just walk.

What's your problem with pushing our technological limits...

I agree, nuclear reactors, not windmills.
So why should a gold-plated con man with little or no regard for the truth or the quaint notion that wealthy scum bags like him have a civic duty to pay taxes get away with paying no income taxes in 1978, '79, '92, and 1994?
Perhaps because he invests his money and creates jobs and profits for subcontractors instead of handing it over to politicians and bureaucrats to piss away some some fad of the moment. Your question is grounded firmly in ignorance about how the economy works.

"In an effort to fund policies that would reduce fossil fuel and carbon emissions within the next 12 years, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has proposed a tax rate on the super-rich that is more moderate than U.S. tax policy during parts of the 20th century.

"In a video clip released Friday, she tells journalist Anderson Cooper of '60 Minutes' that taxing incomes above $10 million at a 60 percent to 70 percent rate could be a good step..."

"The approximately 16,000 Americans earning more than $10 million are at the very top of the top 1 percent of earners. Such a tax could bring in approximately $720 billion over 10 years, according to the Tax Policy Center’s Mark Mazur."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Perfectly American Tax on Ultra-Rich

Over the past forty years, the richest one percent have seen their share of national income increase dramatically, and fossil fuels have been partially responsible.

Maybe it's time for fossil fuels to pay their fair share of taxes?
Stop sounding like a fucking moron
She is right about the Green New Deal. You will see that idea gain traction in the next few years. The 70% marginal tax rate to pay for it is high, but she has opened the conversation about green infrastructure and that is a very good thing.
Only a fucking moron would trust the federal government with 70% of their income

"In an effort to fund policies that would reduce fossil fuel and carbon emissions within the next 12 years, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has proposed a tax rate on the super-rich that is more moderate than U.S. tax policy during parts of the 20th century.

"In a video clip released Friday, she tells journalist Anderson Cooper of '60 Minutes' that taxing incomes above $10 million at a 60 percent to 70 percent rate could be a good step..."

"The approximately 16,000 Americans earning more than $10 million are at the very top of the top 1 percent of earners. Such a tax could bring in approximately $720 billion over 10 years, according to the Tax Policy Center’s Mark Mazur."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Perfectly American Tax on Ultra-Rich

Over the past forty years, the richest one percent have seen their share of national income increase dramatically, and fossil fuels have been partially responsible.

Maybe it's time for fossil fuels to pay their fair share of taxes?

A crushing recession would reduce CO2 output.
Not sure that's what she was shooting for...……..
A recession more crushing than the one produced by Bubba and Dubya?

70 percent tax rates on ultra rich would help pay for “Green New Deal,” Ocasio-Cortez says

"Ocasio-Cortez's 'Green New Deal' aims to eliminate carbon emissions within 12 years. Speaking about the ambitious goal, Ocasio-Cortez says, 'It's going to require a lot of rapid change that we don't even conceive as possible right now. What is the problem with trying to push our technological capacities to the furthest extent possible?'

"To pay for the plan, Ocasio-Cortez floated the idea of tax rates as high as 70 percent on the ultra-rich.

"'You know, you look at our tax rates back in the '60s and when you have a progressive tax rate system, your tax rate, you know, let's say, from zero to $75,000 may be ten percent or 15 percent, et cetera.' Ocasio-Cortez said.

"'But once you get to, like, the tippy tops, on your 10 millionth dollar, sometimes you see tax rates as high as 60 or 70 percent. That doesn't mean all $10 million are taxed at an extremely high rate, but it means that as you climb up this ladder you should be contributing more.'"

What's your problem with pushing our technological limits...not enough profit?

"Ocasio-Cortez's 'Green New Deal' aims to eliminate carbon emissions within 12 years.

It'd be easier to eliminate idiots in 12 years than to eliminate carbon fuels.
At least carbon fuels are useful.

What is the problem with trying to push our technological capacities to the furthest extent possible?'

Who needs technology, just walk.

What's your problem with pushing our technological limits...

I agree, nuclear reactors, not windmills.
So why should a gold-plated con man with little or no regard for the truth or the quaint notion that wealthy scum bags like him have a civic duty to pay taxes get away with paying no income taxes in 1978, '79, '92, and 1994?
What he does is none of your fucking business so shut the fuck up you pussy whipped bitch
Because they have a Depression era mentality, and don't understand - and may actually dislike - prosperity. Microsoft, Apple, Dell, etc. were financed by wealthy investors who were willing to take big risks in the hope of big rewards after banks
Microsoft, Apple, and Google, etc, etc, are free riders and their heroic private investors piggy-backed on taxpayer supported research projects. Privatize the profits by socializing cost: it's how capitalism "succeeds."
Because they have a Depression era mentality, and don't understand - and may actually dislike - prosperity. Microsoft, Apple, Dell, etc. were financed by wealthy investors who were willing to take big risks in the hope of big rewards after banks
Microsoft, Apple, and Google, etc, etc, are free riders and their heroic private investors piggy-backed on taxpayer supported research projects. Privatize the profits by socializing cost: it's how capitalism "succeeds."
Again, you demonstrate how vast and profound your ignorance is. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak engineered the personal compute in their parents' garage after IMB and other major tech companies gave up on the idea: taxpayers underwrote none of it and no one in the government was engaged in trying to build personal computers. The government was the free rider on the ingenuity and business acumen of people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Michael Dell, and the American people were the beneficiaries of the brilliance of these men and not of the politcians and bureaucrats you seem to love so much.

"In an effort to fund policies that would reduce fossil fuel and carbon emissions within the next 12 years, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has proposed a tax rate on the super-rich that is more moderate than U.S. tax policy during parts of the 20th century.

"In a video clip released Friday, she tells journalist Anderson Cooper of '60 Minutes' that taxing incomes above $10 million at a 60 percent to 70 percent rate could be a good step..."

"The approximately 16,000 Americans earning more than $10 million are at the very top of the top 1 percent of earners. Such a tax could bring in approximately $720 billion over 10 years, according to the Tax Policy Center’s Mark Mazur."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Perfectly American Tax on Ultra-Rich

Over the past forty years, the richest one percent have seen their share of national income increase dramatically, and fossil fuels have been partially responsible.

Maybe it's time for fossil fuels to pay their fair share of taxes?

A crushing recession would reduce CO2 output.
Not sure that's what she was shooting for...……..
A recession more crushing than the one produced by Bubba and Dubya?

70 percent tax rates on ultra rich would help pay for “Green New Deal,” Ocasio-Cortez says

"Ocasio-Cortez's 'Green New Deal' aims to eliminate carbon emissions within 12 years. Speaking about the ambitious goal, Ocasio-Cortez says, 'It's going to require a lot of rapid change that we don't even conceive as possible right now. What is the problem with trying to push our technological capacities to the furthest extent possible?'

"To pay for the plan, Ocasio-Cortez floated the idea of tax rates as high as 70 percent on the ultra-rich.

"'You know, you look at our tax rates back in the '60s and when you have a progressive tax rate system, your tax rate, you know, let's say, from zero to $75,000 may be ten percent or 15 percent, et cetera.' Ocasio-Cortez said.

"'But once you get to, like, the tippy tops, on your 10 millionth dollar, sometimes you see tax rates as high as 60 or 70 percent. That doesn't mean all $10 million are taxed at an extremely high rate, but it means that as you climb up this ladder you should be contributing more.'"

What's your problem with pushing our technological limits...not enough profit?

"Ocasio-Cortez's 'Green New Deal' aims to eliminate carbon emissions within 12 years.

It'd be easier to eliminate idiots in 12 years than to eliminate carbon fuels.
At least carbon fuels are useful.

What is the problem with trying to push our technological capacities to the furthest extent possible?'

Who needs technology, just walk.

What's your problem with pushing our technological limits...

I agree, nuclear reactors, not windmills.
So why should a gold-plated con man with little or no regard for the truth or the quaint notion that wealthy scum bags like him have a civic duty to pay taxes get away with paying no income taxes in 1978, '79, '92, and 1994?
What he does is none of your fucking business so shut the fuck up you pussy whipped bitch

Did he kiss you first?
Because they have a Depression era mentality, and don't understand - and may actually dislike - prosperity. Microsoft, Apple, Dell, etc. were financed by wealthy investors who were willing to take big risks in the hope of big rewards after banks
Microsoft, Apple, and Google, etc, etc, are free riders and their heroic private investors piggy-backed on taxpayer supported research projects. Privatize the profits by socializing cost: it's how capitalism "succeeds."
Again, you demonstrate how vast and profound your ignorance is. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak engineered the personal compute in their parents' garage after IMB and other major tech companies gave up on the idea: taxpayers underwrote none of it and no one in the government was engaged in trying to build personal computers. The government was the free rider on the ingenuity and business acumen of people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Michael Dell, and the American people were the beneficiaries of the brilliance of these men and not of the politcians and bureaucrats you seem to love so much.
Your ignorance is infinite.
Not unlike Trump's greed.

Taxpayers Helped Apple, but Apple Won’t Help Them

"Over the years. U.S. taxpayers have been very good to Apple.

"Many of the revolutionary technologies that make the iPhone and other products and services 'smart' were funded by the U.S. government.

"Take, for instance, the Internet, GPS, touchscreen display, as well as the latest voice-activated personal assistant, Siri.

"And Apple did not just benefit from government-funded research activities.

"It also received its early stage finance from the U.S. government’s Small Business Investment Company program.

"Venture capitalists entered only after government funding had gotten the company to the critical proof of concept."

Now, you know how capitalism doesn't exist without taxpayers.
She is right about the Green New Deal. You will see that idea gain traction in the next few years. The 70% marginal tax rate to pay for it is high, but she has opened the conversation about green infrastructure and that is a very good thing.
Only a fucking moron would trust the federal government with 70% of their income
How much of your income would you have without the federal government?

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