A " Palestinian State" is DOA

Hokey schmokes, Sherri.

How is it possible that numbers of "Palestinian" Arabs (beggars and squatters) exceed Israelis if there is a genocide taking place. You know, the "genocide" that you screech about constantly.

This " christian" doesn't want to accept the fact that in " Israel proper " the ratio of Jews to non Jews is approx 70to 1. The Palestinian majority is what will happen if " Right of Return" is granted which is why it will never happen.

Exactly. The land was given to the Jews for specifically a Jewish State. The arabs have 20 counties to call their own. Historically and by law the land belongs to the Jewish people. The 'settlers' have high birth rates and are very fertile! The antisemites on here cannot bear to hear it.

Exactly. The land was given to the Jews for specifically a Jewish State.

By whom?
By the League of Nations. I have told you that many times before.

Watch yet again please, and absorb the information.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubDhnM0MUmY]Howard Grief - EC4I middle east conflict documentary: Give Peace A Chance - YouTube[/ame]
By the League of Nations. I have told you that many times before.

Watch yet again please, and absorb the information.

Howard Grief - EC4I middle east conflict documentary: Give Peace A Chance - YouTube

The League of Nations did not own Palestine. It was not theirs to give away.

They had the authority to apportion the State to the Jewish People, while the Arabs were given countries of their own. That was the Vote. Don't like it? Tough shit! :lol:
By the League of Nations. I have told you that many times before.

Watch yet again please, and absorb the information.

Howard Grief - EC4I middle east conflict documentary: Give Peace A Chance - YouTube

The League of Nations did not own Palestine. It was not theirs to give away.

They had the authority to apportion the State to the Jewish People, while the Arabs were given countries of their own. That was the Vote. Don't like it? Tough shit! :lol:

Show me a LoN document that mentions "Israel" or "Jewish state."
The League of Nations did not own Palestine. It was not theirs to give away.

They had the authority to apportion the State to the Jewish People, while the Arabs were given countries of their own. That was the Vote. Don't like it? Tough shit! :lol:

Show me a LoN document that mentions "Israel" or "Jewish state."

It is in the video, but also:

The High Contracting Parties agree to entrust, by application of the provisions of Article 22, the administration of Palestine, within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers, to a Mandatory, to be selected by the said Powers. The Mandatory will be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 8, 1917, by the British Government, and adopted by the other Allied Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people


The reference here is, of course, to Article 80 of the UN Charter, once known unofficially as the Jewish People’s clause, which preserves intact all the rights granted to Jews under the Mandate for Palestine, even after the Mandate’s expiry on May 14-15, 1948. Under this provision of international law (the Charter is an international treaty), Jewish rights to Palestine and the Land of Israel were not to be altered in any way unless there had been an intervening trusteeship agreement between the states or parties concerned, which would have converted the Mandate into a trusteeship or trust territory
They had the authority to apportion the State to the Jewish People, while the Arabs were given countries of their own. That was the Vote. Don't like it? Tough shit! :lol:

Show me a LoN document that mentions "Israel" or "Jewish state."

It is in the video, but also:

The High Contracting Parties agree to entrust, by application of the provisions of Article 22, the administration of Palestine, within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers, to a Mandatory, to be selected by the said Powers. The Mandatory will be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 8, 1917, by the British Government, and adopted by the other Allied Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people


The reference here is, of course, to Article 80 of the UN Charter, once known unofficially as the Jewish People’s clause, which preserves intact all the rights granted to Jews under the Mandate for Palestine, even after the Mandate’s expiry on May 14-15, 1948. Under this provision of international law (the Charter is an international treaty), Jewish rights to Palestine and the Land of Israel were not to be altered in any way unless there had been an intervening trusteeship agreement between the states or parties concerned, which would have converted the Mandate into a trusteeship or trust territory

Article 80

Except as may be agreed upon in individual trusteeship agreements, made under Articles 77, 79, and 81, placing each territory under the trusteeship system, and until such agreements have been concluded, nothing in this Chapter shall be construed in or of itself to alter in any manner the rights whatsoever of any states or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments to which Members of the United Nations may respectively be parties.

Paragraph 1 of this Article shall not be interpreted as giving grounds for delay or postponement of the negotiation and conclusion of agreements for placing mandated and other territories under the trusteeship system as provided for in Article 77.

Where does it say what you said?
Show me a LoN document that mentions "Israel" or "Jewish state."

It is in the video, but also:

The High Contracting Parties agree to entrust, by application of the provisions of Article 22, the administration of Palestine, within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers, to a Mandatory, to be selected by the said Powers. The Mandatory will be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 8, 1917, by the British Government, and adopted by the other Allied Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people


The reference here is, of course, to Article 80 of the UN Charter, once known unofficially as the Jewish People’s clause, which preserves intact all the rights granted to Jews under the Mandate for Palestine, even after the Mandate’s expiry on May 14-15, 1948. Under this provision of international law (the Charter is an international treaty), Jewish rights to Palestine and the Land of Israel were not to be altered in any way unless there had been an intervening trusteeship agreement between the states or parties concerned, which would have converted the Mandate into a trusteeship or trust territory

Article 80

Except as may be agreed upon in individual trusteeship agreements, made under Articles 77, 79, and 81, placing each territory under the trusteeship system, and until such agreements have been concluded, nothing in this Chapter shall be construed in or of itself to alter in any manner the rights whatsoever of any states or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments to which Members of the United Nations may respectively be parties.

Paragraph 1 of this Article shall not be interpreted as giving grounds for delay or postponement of the negotiation and conclusion of agreements for placing mandated and other territories under the trusteeship system as provided for in Article 77.

Where does it say what you said?

San Remo conference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is in the video, but also:

The High Contracting Parties agree to entrust, by application of the provisions of Article 22, the administration of Palestine, within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers, to a Mandatory, to be selected by the said Powers. The Mandatory will be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 8, 1917, by the British Government, and adopted by the other Allied Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people


The reference here is, of course, to Article 80 of the UN Charter, once known unofficially as the Jewish People’s clause, which preserves intact all the rights granted to Jews under the Mandate for Palestine, even after the Mandate’s expiry on May 14-15, 1948. Under this provision of international law (the Charter is an international treaty), Jewish rights to Palestine and the Land of Israel were not to be altered in any way unless there had been an intervening trusteeship agreement between the states or parties concerned, which would have converted the Mandate into a trusteeship or trust territory

Article 80

Except as may be agreed upon in individual trusteeship agreements, made under Articles 77, 79, and 81, placing each territory under the trusteeship system, and until such agreements have been concluded, nothing in this Chapter shall be construed in or of itself to alter in any manner the rights whatsoever of any states or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments to which Members of the United Nations may respectively be parties.

Paragraph 1 of this Article shall not be interpreted as giving grounds for delay or postponement of the negotiation and conclusion of agreements for placing mandated and other territories under the trusteeship system as provided for in Article 77.

Where does it say what you said?

San Remo conference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


OK, I still do not see "Israel" or "Jewish state."
Why be satisfied with a Palestinian State on such a small percentage of Palestine?

Palestine shall be free, from the river to the sea, some day, that is the dream of Palestinians.

So you admit Palestinians don't want peace, but they want all jews out.

Nice to see you stopped with the lies and the peace nonsense and are finally being honest.

We want Israel free from the Palestinian terrorism, too.

Too bad.

What I do is look at the History of Palestine and see that Occupations always end and the invaders and occupiers are vanquished or somehow the Occupation ends. The Roman Empire fell, as all Empires ultimately do. The Crusades, I have read the outside colonizers simply grew weary of it all. Sometimes, they just get tired of being invaders and occupiers and just leave. They go back where they came from. For you, my recollection is that would be South America or Central America.
Yes,the Muslim occupation of Israel ended. Praise Allah.

The LoNs, Balfour Declaration nor the San Remo conference ever intended on creating a jewish state. They only intended on creating a "jewish home" where jews could live in concert with their non jewish neighbors under one nation.

Any assertions to the contrary is just more hasbara.
OK, I still do not see "Israel" or "Jewish state."

So lets say it doesnt say Israel or Jewish State. What's your point ?

The LoNs, Balfour Declaration nor the San Remo conference ever intended on creating a jewish state. They only intended on creating a "jewish home" where jews could live in concert with their non jewish neighbors under one nation.

Any assertions to the contrary is just more hasbara.

Yes, and it was the Jews who accepted the 1947 partition plan to ling alongside the Palestinians Arabs.
The Palestinians were the ones who rejected it .
OK, I still do not see "Israel" or "Jewish state."

So lets say it doesnt say Israel or Jewish State. What's your point ?

The LoNs, Balfour Declaration nor the San Remo conference ever intended on creating a jewish state. They only intended on creating a "jewish home" where jews could live in concert with their non jewish neighbors under one nation.

Any assertions to the contrary is just more hasbara.

Thank you. :thup:

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