A Particularly Astute Discussion of America's Demise

It is all very simple. The left hate and despise America. Not just their words say it, their actions too.
View attachment 147774

And not just America..... they hate Western Civilization and any disagreement with totalitarian governance.

>>And not just America..... they hate Western Civilization and any disagreement with totalitarian governance<<

Yes, they do.

Thanks Barry. You too, Hillary.....

Thanks for nothing Barry, you asshOle!
Remember that $150 billion of taxpayer's money that he gave to Iran?
- Texas could sure put that money to much better use right about now.
Trump has already given $1 million of his own money to help Texas.
- This from the first President to not take any salary, which is also donated.

Thanks for nothing Hillary, you asshOle!
Texas could also put the $47 million Hillary made doing a uranium lap-dance for Russia to very good use, but can you imagine Hillary parting with one filthy penny of the loot she has amassed via theft, bribes, and shakedowns to help anybody except herself? [crickets]
- How about her 'donating' her salary had she been able to successfully "rig" her election? Nawww, I didn't think so either.


Only a damn liar or a fool believes President Obama gave Iran 150 Billion Dollars of taxpayer money to Iran.

No, Donald Trump, we are not giving Iran $150 billion for 'nothing'

The only question is, is James Bond a damn liar, or a fool?

>>Only a damn liar or a fool believes President Obama gave Iran 150 Billion Dollars of taxpayer money to Iran.<<

>>The only question is, is James Bond a damn liar, or a fool?<<

I'll say it again. Thanks for nothing Barry, you asshOle!

Obama ok'd the deal without Congressional approval and the money has gone to Iran, so it's true that he was the one who gave them the $150B. You know it. I know it. We know who the a-hole is here.
It is all very simple. The left hate and despise America. Not just their words say it, their actions too.
View attachment 147774

And not just America..... they hate Western Civilization and any disagreement with totalitarian governance.

>>And not just America..... they hate Western Civilization and any disagreement with totalitarian governance<<

Yes, they do.

Thanks Barry. You too, Hillary.....

Thanks for nothing Barry, you asshOle!
Remember that $150 billion of taxpayer's money that he gave to Iran?
- Texas could sure put that money to much better use right about now.
Trump has already given $1 million of his own money to help Texas.
- This from the first President to not take any salary, which is also donated.

Thanks for nothing Hillary, you asshOle!
Texas could also put the $47 million Hillary made doing a uranium lap-dance for Russia to very good use, but can you imagine Hillary parting with one filthy penny of the loot she has amassed via theft, bribes, and shakedowns to help anybody except herself? [crickets]
- How about her 'donating' her salary had she been able to successfully "rig" her election? Nawww, I didn't think so either.


Only a damn liar or a fool believes President Obama gave Iran 150 Billion Dollars of taxpayer money to Iran.

No, Donald Trump, we are not giving Iran $150 billion for 'nothing'

The only question is, is James Bond a damn liar, or a fool?

>>Only a damn liar or a fool believes President Obama gave Iran 150 Billion Dollars of taxpayer money to Iran.<<

>>The only question is, is James Bond a damn liar, or a fool?<<

I'll say it again. Thanks for nothing Barry, you asshOle!

Obama ok'd the deal without Congressional approval and the money has gone to Iran, so it's true that he was the one who gave them the $150B. You know it. I know it. We know who the a-hole is here.

You're clearly a fool, and a damn liar. I posted a source, you posted bullshit. You claimed it was taxpayer money, and that is the damn lie. If you had half a brain, you would verify what you believe to be true, if you do.

You've changed your story, that is the tell of the guilty.
It's time to analyze what the Founders gave us....and where the elites are bound to take American.....to extinction.

Here, an enlightening...and, for those of us who love America, a frightening elucidation.

Not exact quotes from the 20-minute video....but the meaning:

1. The mission of the President is to faithfully enforce the laws....he cannot make them, and can only veto the ones he doesn't agree with. Only Congress can change the law. If you think that that is mean, or unfair.....write to your Congressman. If you want to live in a constitutional democracy, nothing is more important. The alternative is called a dictatorship.

2. Democrat politicians believe that their power is more important than the rule of law: for them, mass immigration means more potential for new and reliable Democrat voters, supported out of the fisc provided by working Americans, hence, more power for said politicians.

a. Subverting the law is pro forma...in many states, politicians boast about ignoring the law....they declare federal statutes invalid in their cities....they bar ICE agents ....they give drivers' licenses and instate tuition to those here illegally....they refuse to prosecute immigrants for crimes that have nothing to do with immigration, giving preference to illegals over their own citizens.

3. In 2012, Obama simply flouted the law by creating DACA

He sold the idea by pretending that it was for people who came he so young that they couldn't remember ever living in any country but this one. Of course, those who came here at 15 were just as eligible for amnesty under DACA as those who'd arrived as infants.

4. DACA beneficiaries were not supposed to receive benefits.....but this was also propaganda lie, too: in New York, DACA recipients qualify for both Medicaid and cash assistance.

5. This represent a far larger problem: the globalist have sunk their teeth into the idea of borders, sovereignty, and citizenship...and the rule of law.

Chants from rallies...

"No Borders....No Nations...No F******g Deportations"

And... 'No Trump! No Wall! No USA At All!'

John Kerry to college graduates: "You're about to graduate into a borderless world"

Hillary Clinton in 2013 said she dreams of a “common market with open trade and open borders,” Hillary Clinton dreams of ‘open borders’: leaked speech excerpts

Our political system is binary.....when you vote Democrat....and, sadly, often Republican as well.....the above is what you are voting for.

Fucking stupid assholes like you have been predicting the demise of this nation the whole of my life. And here we are, the greatest and strongest nation on Earth, able to survive even internal idiots like you. LOL

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