A "peaceful" protest in Chicago

The new mayor claims that the rioters are the victims. Racist democrats attack brilliant hard working people of color like Clarence Thomas while defending looters. When are black people going to wake up and realize they are being used as political pawns by a corrupt administration?
The new mayor claims that the rioters are the victims. Racist democrats attack brilliant hard working people of color like Clarence Thomas while defending looters. When are black people going to wake up and realize they are being used as political pawns by a corrupt administration?

Meet the new Mayor! Worse than the old!!
Teabaggers, of course, trying to claim........THEY were PROTESTERS.
So....................WTF were they 'protesting"?
Sounds as though, they were fucking thugs.
Yes .. yes .. when you have politicians, like Kamala Harris, who encourage violence, as well as politicians who diminish the need for law enforcement and enforcement ... you get chaos. This is truly Biden's America, and we should expect worsened results in the Chicago urban areas.
Hundreds of teenagers stormed the streets of downtown Chicago, smashing car windows, attacking bystanders and sending panicked tourists running from the sound of gunfire.

Send out the social workers.

‘Teen Takeover’ terrorizes Chicago as hundreds of teenagers destroy property, attack tourists

Yup. It was another one of those peaceful protests.

A good Samaritan who stepped in to help a couple who was brutally beaten during Chicago's "Teen Takeover" Saturday is speaking out about the downtown chaos, calling out Mayor Lori Lightfoot for "sugarcoating" the chaos.
Lenora Dennis, who was identified as the woman who stepped in to save a couple under attack by a Chicago mob, pushed back on the city mayor's claim the social media inspired "Teen Takeover" event "wasn't mayhem."
"I’m sorry, Lightfoot. I voted for you… but I can’t be involved in any level of sugarcoating what I saw," Dennis told Fox News' Fox News’ Garrett Tenney. "That was mayhem."

Lightfoot told WGN9 that the vast majority of young people who descended on downtown came "because it was great weather and an opportunity to enjoy the city.
"That’s absolutely and entirely it," Lightfoot said, according to WGN9. "There are a few that came with different intentions.

Hundreds of teenagers stormed the streets of downtown Chicago, smashing car windows, attacking bystanders and sending panicked tourists running from the sound of gunfire.

Send out the social workers.

‘Teen Takeover’ terrorizes Chicago as hundreds of teenagers destroy property, attack tourists


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