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A plea to my Conservative brothers and sisters.

Can we shelve the Anti-Gay Marriage debate until after the election? I don't just mean here, I mean in real life and in the media.

What we are doing is falling into a trap set by the progs. ANYTHING that can keep the discussion away from obama and on us.

Fighting over this is silly. There are way more important things to discuss than gay marriage, no matter how you feel about it, it will be a useless issue unless we can get rid of obama. Who cares if gays can or can't get married if obama is re-elected because there won't be anything left of our republic. Who wants to live in a socialistic America where Gays cannot get married?

We need to keep the focus on obama and his failed presidency, so far he's been successful in distracting everyone with one pointless issue after another.
I agree and disagree.

I agree that we should be focusing on the economy. Simply put, if we fold, the other issues won't matter at all since we won't be a country that allows the citizens to control the direction of the country.

However, I disagree in this way. If we are talking about social issues that require government to pass legislation on moral issues, then republican moral issues being forced on people is every bit as wrong as progressive moral values being forced on people.

To use government to force people to be 'moral' is the improper use of government.
Can we shelve the Anti-Gay Marriage debate until after the election? I don't just mean here, I mean in real life and in the media.

What we are doing is falling into a trap set by the progs. ANYTHING that can keep the discussion away from obama and on us.

Fighting over this is silly. There are way more important things to discuss than gay marriage, no matter how you feel about it, it will be a useless issue unless we can get rid of obama. Who cares if gays can or can't get married if obama is re-elected because there won't be anything left of our republic. Who wants to live in a socialistic America where Gays cannot get married?

We need to keep the focus on obama and his failed presidency, so far he's been successful in distracting everyone with one pointless issue after another.

You are absolutely correct. This whole thing will be used as a diversion. We should all write to the networks and tell them enough coverage already. Tune them out and they'll listen if enough people stop listening.
I personally don't shelve ANY issue if I disagree with it... But that's just me.
Can we shelve the Anti-Gay Marriage debate until after the election? I don't just mean here, I mean in real life and in the media.

What we are doing is falling into a trap set by the progs. ANYTHING that can keep the discussion away from obama and on us.

Fighting over this is silly. There are way more important things to discuss than gay marriage, no matter how you feel about it, it will be a useless issue unless we can get rid of obama. Who cares if gays can or can't get married if obama is re-elected because there won't be anything left of our republic. Who wants to live in a socialistic America where Gays cannot get married?

We need to keep the focus on obama and his failed presidency, so far he's been successful in distracting everyone with one pointless issue after another.

"Let's shelve this slavery thing until the Constitution is ratified. For the good of the Republic."

"Let's shelve this slavery thing until we get Washington re-elected. For the good of the Republic."

"Let's shelve this slavery thing until we find out if we can transition to a new President. For the good of the Republic."

"Let's shelve this slavery thing until 1808. For the good of the Republic."

"Let's shelve this slavery thing until after the war with the British. For the good of the Republic."

"Let's shelve this slavery thing until we get some new states. For the good of the Republic."

You clearly don't understand history.
I dont think the jews and catholics of florida are all giddy over Obama this week, and there's millions of them here who cant wait to vote for romney.

RPC Avg....

Ohio -- Obama + 4.6
Florida -- Obama +0.5
Virginia -- Obama +3.2

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates

see the difference between fact and your fevered imaginings?

Obama will lose Florida and Virginia. Ohio will be close. Obama may have unwittingly energized the Republican base just like Dems did in 04 with pro gay initiatives in Ohio and it was the difference for Bush.
Yeah, damnit! you ought to be... it is you and the people that voted for him that have made it that way.

Also, I am your friend, well sort of, so you are wrong in your statement.

Sweetie, I voted against Palin. And as far as I can tell, he is still 100 times better.

Regardless, I think your emotions are getting away with you....things wouldn't be marginally improved if McCain had won. Even if Hillary had, as much as it pains me to say it.

But I will hope that things go better for you.

Hmph! McCain was just as bad as Obama.

I'm dying here. I can't afford to wait for things to turn around. It is obvious that under President Obama that is not going to change. His policies have killed jobs. Unfortunately, Romney doesn't offer much more hope.

But, quite frankly, I am frigging sick and tired of people telling me everything is perfect in the land of America thanks to the maniac who currently holds the Oval Office. I have never appreciated being lied to. Things sure the hell are not perfect in the land of America despite what Obama, his media hounds or LL want us to believe.


Things are never perfect in America and they never will be. But blaming the job situation on one person is silly....the loss of jobs here have happened over decades with outsourcing and robotization of jobs....hey, maybe you can "outsource" your talents on line?
No, it makes them stupid prisoners of backward thinking. But a lot of Baptists are like that.

But good on you for blaming blacks for what you yourself believe.

Blacks in California and North Carolina both overwhelmingly voted YES to ban same sex marriage,, it has nothing to do with what I thinkkk that makes you a dishonest asswipe for the second time in one hour.. good going.

Indeed...and it's NOT a BLACK v. WHITE issue...it's ALL morality and acceptance into what people regardless of colour know is WRONG.
Regardless of coloUr, any true American realizes that punishing people based on religious morals via government intrusion is wrong.

Thank God your presidency bid never got off the ground.
Immie. You are not accurate in your assessment. The man has not enacted job-killing policies. Why are you unable to accept the facts?

I'm sorry you lost your job. If you were told that it is because of Obamacare, you were lied to.

I can't believe I would even consider thanking you for this post. ;)

I was not told it was because of Obamacare. I was told it was because of the economy (and being the controller of the small business I was in, I knew what the problems were. I fought for and saved my job for four years) and the policies of our President were the issue with the economy then (01/10) as they are now. He's killing small businesses! Damnit! And I have always worked for small business.

Obamacare is one of the policies that are hurting small businesses. We don't know what to expect when 2014 hits. We... small businesses are uncertain what exactly it is going to cost us, because we still don't know what the f**k is in it.

I'm now dealing with the fact that I am an aging accountant, I turn 51 in less than two weeks. I am either over-qualified or under-qualified for the vast majority of jobs. Those jobs that fit me to a "T", I find out that my resume was one of at least 500 similar resumes. I can't stand up for two minutes without doubling over in pain so even a frigging retail job (yes, I would gladly work for Mickey D's today) is out of the damned question and I am sorry to say, I am one of those who is facing foreclosure!

Yes... I do have issues! And, I'm pissed off that the President is making things worse! Nothing you say will change my feelings on that... except for maybe, "You're hired".

I do blame the President for his anti-corporate policies. Nothing you say is going to change that. Liberals are spreading their hatred for "corporatism" to limits that have affected the lower middle class. I am no fan of overpaid CEO's either, but I much prefer them to the people of both parties that have fought so hard to divide this nation. And, yes, I know those bastard CEO's are pulling the strings of the bastards in Washington, but I'm pissed off at the bastards in Washington, because they let it happen!

I think I'm ranting... thanks for the chance to rave a little. But know this, it is you who are wrong when you claim that he has not enacted job killing policies.

Dude. You live in Florida. Maybe you should move. I'm sure the competition is fierce for jobs in your area. I have a small business and nothing Obama has done has made me change or worry about its future. The only thing that makes me worry is a lack of demand if that ever happens (crosses fingers).
Immie. You are not accurate in your assessment. The man has not enacted job-killing policies. Why are you unable to accept the facts?

I'm sorry you lost your job. If you were told that it is because of Obamacare, you were lied to.

I can't believe I would even consider thanking you for this post. ;)

I was not told it was because of Obamacare. I was told it was because of the economy (and being the controller of the small business I was in, I knew what the problems were. I fought for and saved my job for four years) and the policies of our President were the issue with the economy then (01/10) as they are now. He's killing small businesses! Damnit! And I have always worked for small business.

Obamacare is one of the policies that are hurting small businesses. We don't know what to expect when 2014 hits. We... small businesses are uncertain what exactly it is going to cost us, because we still don't know what the f**k is in it.

I'm now dealing with the fact that I am an aging accountant, I turn 51 in less than two weeks. I am either over-qualified or under-qualified for the vast majority of jobs. Those jobs that fit me to a "T", I find out that my resume was one of at least 500 similar resumes. I can't stand up for two minutes without doubling over in pain so even a frigging retail job (yes, I would gladly work for Mickey D's today) is out of the damned question and I am sorry to say, I am one of those who is facing foreclosure!

Yes... I do have issues! And, I'm pissed off that the President is making things worse! Nothing you say will change my feelings on that... except for maybe, "You're hired".

I do blame the President for his anti-corporate policies. Nothing you say is going to change that. Liberals are spreading their hatred for "corporatism" to limits that have affected the lower middle class. I am no fan of overpaid CEO's either, but I much prefer them to the people of both parties that have fought so hard to divide this nation. And, yes, I know those bastard CEO's are pulling the strings of the bastards in Washington, but I'm pissed off at the bastards in Washington, because they let it happen!

I think I'm ranting... thanks for the chance to rave a little. But know this, it is you who are wrong when you claim that he has not enacted job killing policies.


OK. Let me try anyway.

In just about every modern, industrialized nation, small businesses do not have to concern themselves with any uncertainty regarding the health and well being of employees. This is because health care is not part of the employer/employee relationship. Obamacare is a deeply flawed GOP inspired plan that only goes part of the way toward fixing the problem. That problem? That health care is a FOR PROFIT industry in this country.

Concern about the costs that small businesses incur regarding health care is something that can be completely removed with a universal "medicare for all" system.

The idea that "uncertainty" is forcing layoffs or preventing hiring is a false argument. Demand motivates personnel decisions. Not certainty. There is no such thing as certainty in business.

President Obama has supported many initiatives that help small businesses. To claim otherwise is to be unaware or dishonest.

Now...I can't offer you a job, and this won't make you feel any better, but my accountant has hired 2 people in the past 6 months. My business is up year on year and my customers are expressing more optimism. Minutes ago, I saved $175 in shipping costs by placing an order large enough to qualify for prepaid freight. I haven't done that in at least three years. Before it arrives, I will have to upgrade my storage unit to a 1500 sf size so I have a place to put it.

The trend is up. Hope it effects you positively soon.

U.S. NFIB April Small Business Jobs Summary - Bloomberg
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Shelve it?

I'll stir the fucking pot.

ALL marriages should be called civil unions and nothing more, until & unless your particular civil union happens to be sanctioned by your own house of worship. Then, if you wish to, you and your co-religion faithful can call yourselves "married." But the state and the church/synagogue/temple/mosque ought to have no connection in this regard. So, as far as the state is concerned, it should ALL be JUST civil unions. And the only reason the state need be involved is to whatever extent it involves a contract or other legal matters that require governmental or judicial actions.

My plan is simple. If everyone (in the eyes of the state) is treated equally (i.e., all couples are involved in civil unions only), then there is no no state bigotry or inequality implicated. And if your church doesn't recognize a gay marriage, that's similarly no concern of the state. But even if you have problems with your house of worship, you still get treated under the law like the folks the church or temple labels as being "married."

Problem fixed.

Get the STATE out of "marriage."

Dare I say, your idea sounds *whisper* progressive!

So WHY do Progressives as OBAMA think Gubmint should be INVOLVED?

And WHY has he changed his stance more than once in his "Christain Teachings"?

Well, the NC people have added a constitutional amendment--a government document. I'm not sure Obama has come up with any governmental involvement platform or bill yet. He basically got the Army out of the business of determining sexual orientation.
Same-Sex Marriage Support Shows Pace of Social Change Accelerating

Today, about 47 percent of Americans support same-sex marriage, compared with 43 percent who oppose it, according to the Pew Research Center. The 26-point swing in just a decade is a far more rapid change in public attitudes than on past social issues like interracial marriage. And more so perhaps than with race or gender, attitudes on gay rights seem likely to continue changing, given the broad acceptance found in polls among younger Americans, who will make up an increasing segment of the populace.
Can we shelve the Anti-Gay Marriage debate until after the election? I don't just mean here, I mean in real life and in the media.

What we are doing is falling into a trap set by the progs. ANYTHING that can keep the discussion away from obama and on us.

Fighting over this is silly. There are way more important things to discuss than gay marriage, no matter how you feel about it, it will be a useless issue unless we can get rid of obama. Who cares if gays can or can't get married if obama is re-elected because there won't be anything left of our republic. Who wants to live in a socialistic America where Gays cannot get married?

We need to keep the focus on obama and his failed presidency, so far he's been successful in distracting everyone with one pointless issue after another.

Good thinking from a conservative perspective .. but you've got a couple of problems .. not the least of which is the Tea Party, which has dragged the Republican Party into the toliet and will never let go of ridiculous social issues.

The other problem you have is that you wouldn't know a socialist if you tripped over one. Obama is a corporatist .. which is wayyyyy on the other side of being a socialist.

Where do you think Obama's money comes from? Wall Street .. and he's gotten more from it than ANY politician in American history.

Are you of the opinion that Wall Street is in the habit of pouring money on a socialist?

You guys are locked in meme.

At this rate, republicans are on a course to shrink into the Whigs.
Can we shelve the Anti-Gay Marriage debate until after the election? I don't just mean here, I mean in real life and in the media.

What we are doing is falling into a trap set by the progs. ANYTHING that can keep the discussion away from obama and on us.

Fighting over this is silly. There are way more important things to discuss than gay marriage, no matter how you feel about it, it will be a useless issue unless we can get rid of obama. Who cares if gays can or can't get married if obama is re-elected because there won't be anything left of our republic. Who wants to live in a socialistic America where Gays cannot get married?

We need to keep the focus on obama and his failed presidency, so far he's been successful in distracting everyone with one pointless issue after another.
I agree and disagree.

I agree that we should be focusing on the economy. Simply put, if we fold, the other issues won't matter at all since we won't be a country that allows the citizens to control the direction of the country.

However, I disagree in this way. If we are talking about social issues that require government to pass legislation on moral issues, then republican moral issues being forced on people is every bit as wrong as progressive moral values being forced on people.

To use government to force people to be 'moral' is the improper use of government.

But here is the problem you run into. If you argue that government must stay out of moral issues, you are necessarily advocating an anarchy which of course would destroy any culture or civilization.

Let's take the example of the large thread 'Obama is for gay marriage' we just killed off with taking said argument that government should have no hand in moral decisions to its logical conclusion.

The Leftists were forced to agree that arguing gay marriage as a 'human right' means they must also include polygamy and incestual marriage in any redefining of marriage.

This gives us many interesting new scenarios. For example:

A millionaire runs an ad targeting high school 16 year olds (age of consent), promising to give each of them $1,000 for college if they agree to marry him and bed down for a couple days.

No fats of course.

No law stopping that, is there?

We have laws which have a basis in morality for a reason.
I dont think the jews and catholics of florida are all giddy over Obama this week, and there's millions of them here who cant wait to vote for romney.

RPC Avg....

Ohio -- Obama + 4.6
Florida -- Obama +0.5
Virginia -- Obama +3.2

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates

see the difference between fact and your fevered imaginings?

Obama will lose Florida and Virginia. Ohio will be close. Obama may have unwittingly energized the Republican base just like Dems did in 04 with pro gay initiatives in Ohio and it was the difference for Bush.

Kasich is doing a great job. We Ohioans will go Republican.

Rob Portman might just be used as VP to seal the deal.
Can we shelve the Anti-Gay Marriage debate until after the election? I don't just mean here, I mean in real life and in the media.

What we are doing is falling into a trap set by the progs. ANYTHING that can keep the discussion away from obama and on us.

Fighting over this is silly. There are way more important things to discuss than gay marriage, no matter how you feel about it, it will be a useless issue unless we can get rid of obama. Who cares if gays can or can't get married if obama is re-elected because there won't be anything left of our republic. Who wants to live in a socialistic America where Gays cannot get married?

We need to keep the focus on obama and his failed presidency, so far he's been successful in distracting everyone with one pointless issue after another.


you want to now "shelve" the issue you used in the past to win elections.

This is what happens when you cling to historically failed ideas and refuse facts.

You end up on the wrong side of history.

bad info in bad decisions out.

You cant win without the VERY people you are now trying to "shelve".
Can we shelve the Anti-Gay Marriage debate until after the election? I don't just mean here, I mean in real life and in the media.

What we are doing is falling into a trap set by the progs. ANYTHING that can keep the discussion away from obama and on us.

Fighting over this is silly. There are way more important things to discuss than gay marriage, no matter how you feel about it, it will be a useless issue unless we can get rid of obama. Who cares if gays can or can't get married if obama is re-elected because there won't be anything left of our republic. Who wants to live in a socialistic America where Gays cannot get married?

We need to keep the focus on obama and his failed presidency, so far he's been successful in distracting everyone with one pointless issue after another.

I wouldn't worry about it Obama looks pathetic all this stuff will hurt him in the end
Sweetie, I voted against Palin. And as far as I can tell, he is still 100 times better.

Regardless, I think your emotions are getting away with you....things wouldn't be marginally improved if McCain had won. Even if Hillary had, as much as it pains me to say it.

But I will hope that things go better for you.

Hmph! McCain was just as bad as Obama.

I'm dying here. I can't afford to wait for things to turn around. It is obvious that under President Obama that is not going to change. His policies have killed jobs. Unfortunately, Romney doesn't offer much more hope.

But, quite frankly, I am frigging sick and tired of people telling me everything is perfect in the land of America thanks to the maniac who currently holds the Oval Office. I have never appreciated being lied to. Things sure the hell are not perfect in the land of America despite what Obama, his media hounds or LL want us to believe.


Things are never perfect in America and they never will be. But blaming the job situation on one person is silly....the loss of jobs here have happened over decades with outsourcing and robotization of jobs....hey, maybe you can "outsource" your talents on line?

It's definitely not one person, but that one person is responsible (um, I realize he does not believe he is responsible for anything at all) for the actions of his party: the anti-business, anti-capitalist, anti-middle class, pro-socialist actions of his party.

He and the Democratic Party have done more to hurt the lower middle class in just the last three years than anything they can accuse the Republican Party of over the last 50. I understand that it sucks that corporate CEO's get hundreds of millions of dollars in salaries and stock options every year, but they only receive such outlandish salaries because they run business and employ people. The Democratic war on capitalism doesn't hurt them, it hurts the lower middle class. The very people he claims to be benefitting.

When are you guys going to understand that?

UnConservative brothers and sisters, I understand why you want to shelve the gay marriage debate. It is too difficult to be on the losing side of an issue, so better to put on the blinders and get back to issues that really matter. Like Mrs. Obama's vacations and Joe Biden's gaffes.

These are things you can win!

The losing side of an issue? How many of the 57 states did NC join this week? Dumb shit.

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