A Possibility?,Will"The Genius Cortez"Propose More Senators In California & New York?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:abgg2q.jpg: :5_1_12024: :huh1: Sure! Why Not!......who knows, maybe later on this year, we may see The New Leader of The Democratic Party try to explain on MSNBC why at least the larger states should have more Senators than the "Tiny States"
Her interview would probably go something like this.
"Genuis Cortez":,,,look, it just makes common sense. You see, take a look at Rhode Island,how big is it? about ten miles long?, OK,,so like, how come the tiny state of Rhode Island has two Senators, meanwhile we have the state of California, thats like, at least a hundred miles long, and a lot more people like, live there, and like, they also only have two Senators. This to me,like, doesn't make any sense. So like, just to be fair, I think we need to add more Senators to at least the bigger states like New York, Canada, and California. This way, it evens everything out, and all our voices can finally be heard in all of the 58 States.
:hyper: :iagree: :iyfyus.jpg:
would this mean that we wont have any senators coming out of Maryland?
who knows, maybe later this year, the Genius will propose we build a pedestiran/walkway bridge from Los Angeles to Hawaii. that way all fat people will get more excersize every time they want to go to Hawaii

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