A possible reason why Trump is trying to silence opposition media

Well since you want to deflect, let's try it this way. Wouldn't honest media be just media? When YOU label them OPPOSITION MEDIA, doesn't that imply they aren't honest and are biased?

Simple.........Mainstream media is called the FOURTH ESTATE (the 5th being bloggers)......Their job is MOSTLY to be opposition to the other estates whcih obviously include the political one.

If they were an arm of the political estate, they would be a propaganda machine (like FOX).....

I can't help your reading comprehension, but for other i offer the above.
Yo, retard, the purpose was to report the TRUTH.
Trump is well aware that he has the press by the balls, financially, when he bars them from the White house press events. He is trying to intimidate them to lay off the criticism. This is why the AP boycotted Spicer's little private press club party this week.

The AP is the source from which all biased media springs. It needs disbanded.

CNN, Fox, NBC, NYT, all get their marching orders from the AP.
Most right wingers who are now stuck with the Trumpster have NO choice but to condone all of the excesses this clown is imposing on our democracy.....and that is too bad; brainwashing is never pleasant to watch.

However, the current administration is well aware that there are very damaging leaks about the Trump administration dealings with Russian thugs just waiting to be exposed in the upcoming weeks (and probably some of these leaks will be from the Russians themselves in their quest to ridicule the current status of U.S. standing in the world's eyes.)

Given these realities, the oval office has launched a preemptive strike against our own media outlets (labeling them fake news) in order to "cushion" the blow of what these media outlets will soon reveal.

Whenever any organization is beleaguered by an onslaught of controversy, the organization retreats into its bunkers hoping that the controversy will be overshadowed by a more important exigency.

Ultimately this sham of an administration will not be brought down by so-called liberals, but by sane republicans who would rather lose a battle than a more devastating war launched by a charlatan under their banner.

We will be facing very nasty and contentious springtime months..

what's he doing to "silence" them

oh yeah nothing

He's doing quite a lot actually, he's calling everything he doesn't like "fake news". He's trying to silence them by trying to make people not believe anything they say.
Well since you want to deflect, let's try it this way. Wouldn't honest media be just media? When YOU label them OPPOSITION MEDIA, doesn't that imply they aren't honest and are biased?

Simple.........Mainstream media is called the FOURTH ESTATE (the 5th being bloggers)......Their job is MOSTLY to be opposition to the other estates whcih obviously include the political one.

If they were an arm of the political estate, they would be a propaganda machine (like FOX).....

I can't help your reading comprehension, but for other i offer the above.

Oh, so you're just a liar. The medias job is to keep the people informed as to what is happening in government and elsewhere, not to oppose, explain what it means or skew or slant what happened to mislead the reader/viewer. When they start doing that they leave journalism and move into advocacy. That belongs on opinion pages/shows, not news. Journalist are to report the who, what, when and where of a story, period, leaving the why to the consumer.
Democrats have long asked that "critical thinking" be added to school programs, but with our advertisers one would think that would not be necessary-but it is.
Trump is well aware that he has the press by the balls, financially, when he bars them from the White house press events. He is trying to intimidate them to lay off the criticism. This is why the AP boycotted Spicer's little private press club party this week.

The AP is the source from which all biased media springs. It needs disbanded.

CNN, Fox, NBC, NYT, all get their marching orders from the AP.

"disbanded"? yep. Another enemy of the free press steps forward....
Why would Trump need to silence a media no one listens too?

Seems to me all he's doing is mocking a bunch of self absorbed vacuous drones who call themselves "journalists" even though they're little more than DNC apparatchiks.

So you just go to his Twitter account every day in order to find out what the news is? Because you don't watch television, internet or newspapers anymore? Americans are so used to having a free press they don't have a clue as to what it would be like to have a controlled press or no press. Go live in fucking North Korea and learn for yourself, idiot
Oh, so you're just a liar. The medias job is to keep the people informed as to what is happening in government and elsewhere, not to oppose, explain what it means or skew or slant what happened to mislead the reader/viewer.

Well, "true" a good 7th grader would offer the above definition of what the media job may be....

The media job is NOT to just inform......Hell Trump does that at 5 AM with his tweets......

Investigative journalism is a whole more complex than your silly definition. Someday,maybe, you may also understand.
Most right wingers who are now stuck with the Trumpster have NO choice but to condone all of the excesses this clown is imposing on our democracy.....and that is too bad; brainwashing is never pleasant to watch.

However, the current administration is well aware that there are very damaging leaks about the Trump administration dealings with Russian thugs just waiting to be exposed in the upcoming weeks (and probably some of these leaks will be from the Russians themselves in their quest to ridicule the current status of U.S. standing in the world's eyes.)

Given these realities, the oval office has launched a preemptive strike against our own media outlets (labeling them fake news) in order to "cushion" the blow of what these media outlets will soon reveal.

Whenever any organization is beleaguered by an onslaught of controversy, the organization retreats into its bunkers hoping that the controversy will be overshadowed by a more important exigency.

Ultimately this sham of an administration will not be brought down by so-called liberals, but by sane republicans who would rather lose a battle than a more devastating war launched by a charlatan under their banner.

We will be facing very nasty and contentious springtime months..

Trump Aide Reince Priebus Asked FBI to Knock Down Russia Stories

The RUSSIANS!!!!! Idiot left loon tries to keep the false narrative going...

Shady Left-Wing Operative Kicked Out Of CPAC For Handing Out Russian Flags

DC: A left-wing political operative with a history of shady activities was kicked out of CPAC on Friday after he distributed Russian flags to audience members ahead of President Trump’s speech there.

Some news outlets reported that CPAC attendees were waving the flags as if they were pro-Russia.

But the reports left out the fact that a veteran political hatchet man named Ryan Clayton actually distributed the flags, which bore the name “Trump” on them.

Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe first pointed out on social media that Clayton distributed the flags. The Daily Mail’s David Martosko confirmed that CPAC removed him from the venue.

Clayton is the head of Americans Take Action, a mysterious left-wing activist group that seeks to reform the electoral system. He is also the executive director of Wolf PAC, a progressive political action committee that was founded by Cenk Uygar, the founder of the popular online show, The Young Turks.

Clayton has a long history questionable political shenanigans.

Shady Left-Wing Operative Kicked Out Of CPAC For Handing Out Russian Flags – IOTW Report

I believe he might have been kicked out of Cpac, but why would anybody believe Oqueef? Have you got a credible source that says Clayton passed out the flags?
Soviet Russia solved the problem of the free press telling lies before 1920. The Soviets got all their news from Pravda, and the government made damned sure that the media didn't "confuse" Soviet citizens with "opinions".
Trump is well aware that he has the press by the balls, financially, when he bars them from the White house press events. He is trying to intimidate them to lay off the criticism. This is why the AP boycotted Spicer's little private press club party this week.

The AP is the source from which all biased media springs. It needs disbanded.

CNN, Fox, NBC, NYT, all get their marching orders from the AP.

"disbanded"? yep. Another enemy of the free press steps forward....

If you mean enemy of a media monopoly, you have me dead to rights.

There can't be a free press if there's a media monopoly.
Oh, so you're just a liar. The medias job is to keep the people informed as to what is happening in government and elsewhere, not to oppose, explain what it means or skew or slant what happened to mislead the reader/viewer.

Well, "true" a good 7th grader would offer the above definition of what the media job may be....

The media job is NOT to just inform......Hell Trump does that at 5 AM with his tweets......

Investigative journalism is a whole more complex than your silly definition. Someday,maybe, you may also understand.

So tell me "is a whole more", what should an investigative reporter write in their story other than the who, what, when and where?
Oh, so you're just a liar. The medias job is to keep the people informed as to what is happening in government and elsewhere, not to oppose, explain what it means or skew or slant what happened to mislead the reader/viewer.

Well, "true" a good 7th grader would offer the above definition of what the media job may be....

The media job is NOT to just inform......Hell Trump does that at 5 AM with his tweets......

Investigative journalism is a whole more complex than your silly definition. Someday,maybe, you may also understand.

So tell me "is a whole more", what should an investigative reporter write in their story other than the who, what, when and where?

What a free press reports to a free people is none of the business of a freely elected president.
Oh, so you're just a liar. The medias job is to keep the people informed as to what is happening in government and elsewhere, not to oppose, explain what it means or skew or slant what happened to mislead the reader/viewer.

Well, "true" a good 7th grader would offer the above definition of what the media job may be....

The media job is NOT to just inform......Hell Trump does that at 5 AM with his tweets......

Investigative journalism is a whole more complex than your silly definition. Someday,maybe, you may also understand.

Show me an investigative journalism piece that CNN has published regarding Trump.

In fact, show me one they've published ever!
Oh, so you're just a liar. The medias job is to keep the people informed as to what is happening in government and elsewhere, not to oppose, explain what it means or skew or slant what happened to mislead the reader/viewer.

Well, "true" a good 7th grader would offer the above definition of what the media job may be....

The media job is NOT to just inform......Hell Trump does that at 5 AM with his tweets......

Investigative journalism is a whole more complex than your silly definition. Someday,maybe, you may also understand.

So tell me "is a whole more", what should an investigative reporter write in their story other than the who, what, when and where?

What a free press reports to a free people is none of the business of a freely elected president.

So the NYT reporting a story of a woman that Trump sexually assaulted, in spite of her telling the NYT that it didn't happen, is none of his business, REALLY?

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