A President Represents all Americans..

"Imagine where we would be if we didn't have Obama. Think "McCain and Palin"."

Oy, vey! That hurt! Why did you do that?
McCain Palin would have made things much better. Palin by herself, has enough real world experience to have made an admirable president.
"Palin by herself, has enough real world experience to have made an admirable president."

Of what?
The buck stops with Obama right...actually, more debt for our us, our children and their children etc.

..btw Democrats care about the children...:eusa_eh:

---------------------------excuses to follow..:lol:

WASHINGTON – The nearly bankrupt U.S. Postal Service on Thursday reported losses of $57 million per day in the last quarter and warned it will miss another payment due to the U.S. Treasury, just one week after its first-ever default on a payment for future retiree health benefits.

From April to June, losses totaled $5.2 billion, up $2.1 billion from the same period last year.

The mail agency said it is being hurt significantly by mounting expenses for future retiree health benefits. Those expenses, mandated by Congress in 2006, made up $3.1 billion of the post office's quarterly loss, while workers compensation tacked on another $1.1 billion in expenses. The agency's operating loss was $1 billion, mostly due to declines in first-class mail.

Postal Service reports $5.2B loss in 3rd quarter | Fox News
To be a good Democrat, you must have excuses... at the ready, this requires study, diligence and an extremely, extremely open mind...:eusa_eh:

Here are some of his so you can keep up but...what are your favorite excuses?

-----------------------excuses to follow..:D

1) Japanese Tsunami

2) ATMs

3) Economy in Greece

4) Improperly Inflated Tires

5) Arab Oil

6) Gulf Oil Spill

7) Oil Companies

8) Anyone who doesn't drive a Prius

9) Global Warming

10) Global Cooling

11) Thermostats set higher than Obama wants you to ( but not as high as the White House )

12) Thermostats set lower than Obama wants you to ( but not as low as the White House )

13) All of Congress

14) All past Presidents dating back to & including Nixon

15) All Republican people

16) Anyone who dares to disagree with Obama

17) Anyone who drinks regular soda

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I suppose Obama could have taken some action instead of sitting on his hands. He could have followed Issa's lead.


Thursday, September 1, 2011 10:11 AM
Jacob Feldman

Today, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa announced the launch of a new website, SavingThePostalService.com, an effort to publicize the growing burden the taxpayer-subsidized mail service has on Americans. Rep. Issa has already introduced legislation that would make essential reforms to the US Postal Service, which overspent its budget by $7.5 billion in 2010, profligacy that is expected to grow to an $8 billion deficit in 2011.

As a government-run organization, the Post Office is isolated from the innovation of marketplace competition. Unlike its private sector competitors, the Postal Service does not pay the corporate income tax, is exempt from anti-trust laws, and is advantaged by unique customer access opportunities such as having mailboxes on the street.

Despite these legal protections, USPS spends in the red while generously paying employee benefits above and beyond levels for other federal workers. While postal workers only pay 21 percent of health care costs and none of their life insurance premiums, federal workers pay 28 percent of healthcare costs and are responsible for 100 percent of their life insurance costs. If Post Office employees were paid at equivalent levels as other federal workers, $1.4 billion could be saved.

Other key reforms in the Postal Reform Act of 2011 include:

Save $4 billion by closing half of the Post Offices in areas with low demand and high capacity
Save $6 billion by cancelling weekend delivery

Compared to the private sector, over 80 percent of the Post Office’s costs are labor related, while FedEx and UPS spend 20-40 percent less. Even if Post Office workers were paid equally with federal workers, there are still more potential savings by paying workers a market equivalent wage. The Americans for Tax Reform Foundation’s 2011 Cost of Government Day report further explore the burden place on taxpayers by the government-run Post Office. The report identified savings of $19.87 billion annually and provides a serious discussion about privatizing the service and letting the free market work. You can read the report and related case studies here.

Americans for Tax Reform Center for Fiscal Accountability
Issa’s ‘Postal Destruction’ Bill Passes House Subcommittee
Bill Would Authorize Layoffs, Force Out Senior Employees First


A bill that would destroy the Postal Service as we know it passed a House subcommittee on Sept. 21 by a vote of eight to five, along party lines. Republicans voted in favor of the bill; Democrats voted against it. The bill, H.R. 2309, was co-sponsored by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and Rep. Dennis Ross (R-FL), chairman of the postal subcommittee.

Prior to the vote, Rep. Issa amended the bill, which he first introduced on June 23, to include numerous provisions that are even more controversial than those contained in the original version:

The amended version includes a provision to grant authority to a newly-established control board to carry out layoffs, in spite of any provisions in collective bargaining agreements that might limit them. In addition, it says that employees who are eligible for retirement must be laid off before employees who are ineligible, and dictates that retirement-eligible employees with the longest service must be separated first. The new language also forbids the payment of severance pay to retirement-eligible employees.

The new version of the bill continues provisions from the original that would empower a newly-created “solvency authority” to unilaterally cut wages and abolish benefits.

what a dick
So we need to lower wages and benefits for our workers?

I see you're not offering up much, just asking questions, kinda lazy there...:wtf:

so answer this...

What's the Obama solution for the Postal Service and when do we see it?
Do you believe Obama has lived up to that aspiration?

As a conservative, I'd say pretty well nope, in fact, mostly the opposite.

Other than sitting at the White House while Bin Laden was whacked, I'm kinda at a loss to remember anything he's accomplished correctly for conservatives....:dunno:

Are conservatives all Americans?
And last time I checked he ran as a liberal not conservative.
What a shame. Issa couldn't pass a background check to get a federal job with his criminal background.

Issa’s ‘Postal Destruction’ Bill Passes House Subcommittee
Bill Would Authorize Layoffs, Force Out Senior Employees First

Issa’s ‘Postal Destruction’ Bill Passes House Subcommittee | Postal Employee Network

A bill that would destroy the Postal Service as we know it passed a House subcommittee on Sept. 21 by a vote of eight to five, along party lines. Republicans voted in favor of the bill; Democrats voted against it. The bill, H.R. 2309, was co-sponsored by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and Rep. Dennis Ross (R-FL), chairman of the postal subcommittee.

Prior to the vote, Rep. Issa amended the bill, which he first introduced on June 23, to include numerous provisions that are even more controversial than those contained in the original version:

The amended version includes a provision to grant authority to a newly-established control board to carry out layoffs, in spite of any provisions in collective bargaining agreements that might limit them. In addition, it says that employees who are eligible for retirement must be laid off before employees who are ineligible, and dictates that retirement-eligible employees with the longest service must be separated first. The new language also forbids the payment of severance pay to retirement-eligible employees.

The new version of the bill continues provisions from the original that would empower a newly-created “solvency authority” to unilaterally cut wages and abolish benefits.

what a dick
Do you believe Obama has lived up to that aspiration?

As a conservative, I'd say pretty well nope, in fact, mostly the opposite.

Other than sitting at the White House while Bin Laden was whacked, I'm kinda at a loss to remember anything he's accomplished correctly for conservatives....:dunno:

Are conservatives all Americans?
And last time I checked he ran as a liberal not conservative.

Interesting response, the liberal media and many on the left try to say that Obama is a centrist, especially in this and the last presidential election year.

The Republicans mostly believe he's a leftist, conservatives believe he's a far leftist..

Obama did run as a leftist liberal and has remained representing that 20 odd percentage all through his Presidency..That is why he's a failed President in my opinion, he doesn't represent the greater percentage of the American people and never will..

So.. I think you are correct.
Do you believe Obama has lived up to that aspiration?

As a conservative, I'd say pretty well nope, in fact, mostly the opposite.

Other than sitting at the White House while Bin Laden was whacked, I'm kinda at a loss to remember anything he's accomplished correctly for conservatives....:dunno:

So, a very rich fellow that has been very rich the whole of his life can represent me better than someone that came up from the bottom? A very rich fellow that has chosen someone as his Vice President that would reduce the tax on an income in the millions to less than one percent, and at the same time, increase the tax burden for me and all the rest of the middle income earners, as well as the working poor.

No, Romney and Ryan will not represent my interests, and will actively seek to create an even more economically oppressive oligarchy.

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