A prime example of why not to vote Republican!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

The people in Georgia made a major mistake in electing their current governor. He, like Trump, is more concerned with the state's economy than protecting it's citizens, and is not only a danger to the state, but also to the nation. He should be impeached; the sooner the better!

The people in Georgia made a major mistake in electing their current governor. He, like Trump, is more concerned with the state's economy than protecting it's citizens, and is not only a danger to the state, but also to the nation. He should be impeached; the sooner the better!
You need only look at any coronavirus map.

Physician heal thyself

The people in Georgia made a major mistake in electing their current governor. He, like Trump, is more concerned with the state's economy than protecting it's citizens, and is not only a danger to the state, but also to the nation. He should be impeached; the sooner the better!

Man, if they are the only vacation spot open, they could make money hand over fist...

I've been tempted to try to schedule an sudden little vacation, But my conformity, is preventing me.
Oh you paranoid little shit... The economy affects everyone the 99% of the American population is virus free, The current survival rate of confirmed cases of the virus is 97.2%
Most of those that have died had other contributing factors. Also note the CDC has told doctors list he Virus as Cause of death if they are unsure or if it was only a contributing factor.
Oh you paranoid little shit... The economy affects everyone the 99% of the American population is virus free, The current survival rate of confirmed cases of the virus is 97.2%
Most of those that have died had other contributing factors. Also note the CDC has told doctors list he Virus as Cause of death if they are unsure or if it was only a contributing factor.

Link to that bit about the CDC taking an active step to inflate the numbers, please.

I expected such behavior, but I am somewhat shocked that they would openly call for it.

The people in Georgia made a major mistake in electing their current governor. He, like Trump, is more concerned with the state's economy than protecting it's citizens, and is not only a danger to the state, but also to the nation. He should be impeached; the sooner the better!

Who should be impeached?

Trump, the Governor of Georgia or both?

As for reopening the beaches I do not know the State laws in Georgia but in the State of Texas the reopening of beaches unless State Controlled ( State Parks ) are left to the County and City official and Governor Abbott has referred to the County and City Officials to open or keep stuff closed here in Texas...

Oh, as you are complaining about Georgia you should know Illinois does not have a fourteen day Travel Quarantine for it State which requires those coming into the State to Quarantine for fourteen days and also Trump can not issue a National Lockdown according to legal scholars which is why it is a State to State issue...

So if your Governor has not done what he or she should do in your opinion then hold them responsible... Who am I kidding you will say every Democrat has done a fine job while crying about the Republican Governor's!
Oh you paranoid little shit... The economy affects everyone the 99% of the American population is virus free, The current survival rate of confirmed cases of the virus is 97.2%
Most of those that have died had other contributing factors. Also note the CDC has told doctors list he Virus as Cause of death if they are unsure or if it was only a contributing factor.

Link to that bit about the CDC taking an active step to inflate the numbers, please.

I expected such behavior, but I am somewhat shocked that they would openly call for it.
I just read it on Twitter let go back and see if I can find it

The people in Georgia made a major mistake in electing their current governor. He, like Trump, is more concerned with the state's economy than protecting it's citizens, and is not only a danger to the state, but also to the nation. He should be impeached; the sooner the better!

Who should be impeached?

Trump, the Governor of Georgia or both?

As for reopening the beaches I do not know the State laws in Georgia but in the State of Texas the reopening of beaches unless State Controlled ( State Parks ) are left to the County and City official and Governor Abbott has referred to the County and City Officials to open or keep stuff closed here in Texas...

Oh, as you are complaining about Georgia you should know Illinois does not have a fourteen day Travel Quarantine for it State which requires those coming into the State to Quarantine for fourteen days and also Trump can not issue a National Lockdown according to legal scholars which is why it is a State to State issue...

So if your Governor has not done what he or she should do in your opinion then hold them responsible... Who am I kidding you will say every Democrat has done a fine job while crying about the Republican Governor's!
He will of course forgive New York for not buying ventilators when they were told about the deficiency. He will forgive the last guy in the White House for allowing supplies to not be replenished. He will just gloss over the fact that New York not openly hated the travel restrictions but did little to nothing until too late and is now the biggest virus hot spot. He will gloss over the fact that democrats in congress called Trump everything in the book for his travel restrictions.
He only wants to show why he thinks that everyone should be a blind follower of Dems.
The problem with making informed decisions about coronavirus is that we don’t have a whole lot of data on it at the moment.

The data that we do have, meanwhile, could end up being terminally skewed, particularly the data that’s been coming out of China.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidance on determining COVID-19 as a cause of death isn’t going to help those numbers.

Issued March 24, the guidance tells hospitals to list COVID-19 as a cause of death regardless of whether or not there’s actual testing to confirm that’s the case.

Instead, even if the coronavirus was just a contributing factor or if it’s “assumed to have caused or contributed to death,” it can be listed as the primary cause….

CDC Tells Hospitals To List COVID as Cause of Death Even if You're Just Assuming or It Only Contributed

The people in Georgia made a major mistake in electing their current governor. He, like Trump, is more concerned with the state's economy than protecting it's citizens, and is not only a danger to the state, but also to the nation. He should be impeached; the sooner the better!

Nah, idiot libs can never be satisfied.

Trump tried to address the virus and our economy tanked, and people railed against him for that.

At best, it's ridiculously disingenuous for you to suggest that being more concerned about the citizens would change the attitude of idiot libs like yourself...
Issued March 24, the guidance tells hospitals to list COVID-19 as a cause of death regardless of whether or not there’s actual testing to confirm that’s the case.

Instead, even if the coronavirus was just a contributing factor or if it’s “assumed to have caused or contributed to death,” it can be listed as the primary cause
The big LIE continues.
Oh you paranoid little shit... The economy affects everyone the 99% of the American population is virus free, The current survival rate of confirmed cases of the virus is 97.2%
Most of those that have died had other contributing factors. Also note the CDC has told doctors list he Virus as Cause of death if they are unsure or if it was only a contributing factor.
I recall one person in NY state was listed as a Covid 19 "death".

He had Covid-19...but died in a car crash.
Issued March 24, the guidance tells hospitals to list COVID-19 as a cause of death regardless of whether or not there’s actual testing to confirm that’s the case.

Instead, even if the coronavirus was just a contributing factor or if it’s “assumed to have caused or contributed to death,” it can be listed as the primary cause
The big LIE continues. Godvernment has an interest in keeping thevignorant hysterical. So do the leftist lunatic posters on this board.
From the link: "Tybee City Council and I are devastated by the sudden directives and do not support his decisions. The health of our residents, staff and visitors are being put at risk and we will pursue legal avenues to overturn his reckless mandate."

It should be pointed out that, just because the Governor opens the beaches, no one from the lovely little hamlet of Tybee Island (and I've been there; it's wonderful) has any obligation, whatsoever, to return to staff stores, restaurants and bars. That, in and of itself, will cut down on visitors. Tybee Island isn't somewhere you go for an hour or two. It takes a commitment to get there and folks will be looking for thigns to do besides just laying on the beach....
Oh you paranoid little shit... The economy affects everyone the 99% of the American population is virus free, The current survival rate of confirmed cases of the virus is 97.2%
Most of those that have died had other contributing factors. Also note the CDC has told doctors list he Virus as Cause of death if they are unsure or if it was only a contributing factor.
I recall one person in NY state was listed as a Covid 19 "death".

He had Covid-19...but died in a car crash.

That happened in Florida, too. The guy's death was attributed to Covid-19, as if Covid could now cause traffic accidents...
The people in Georgia made a major mistake in electing their current governor. He, like Trump, is more concerned with the state's economy than protecting it's citizens…

One thing that those of you on the left wrong are incapable of grasping, is that the economy is vital to everyone's survival. Protecting the economy •IS• protecting the citizens. It is LIbErals, failing to protect the economy, when they aren't willfully attacking it, who pose the greatest threat to everyone's safety and well-being.

The people in Georgia made a major mistake in electing their current governor. He, like Trump, is more concerned with the state's economy than protecting it's citizens, and is not only a danger to the state, but also to the nation. He should be impeached; the sooner the better!

Silly ass.

The people in Georgia made a major mistake in electing their current governor. He, like Trump, is more concerned with the state's economy than protecting it's citizens, and is not only a danger to the state, but also to the nation. He should be impeached; the sooner the better!

Upper Middle class peasant ...derp.... Sheltered walmart shoppin white retarded suburban progressives gotta be some of the biggest retards ,losers,and schmucks on the fuckin planet .
We'll all be better off when they're dead ....
Just sayin
50 bucks says his wife straps one on ,takes charge ,an he likes it.....

Good for the mayor governor whatever....the workin stiffs in tourist destinations all across the country are sucking friggin eggs right now while waiting for a pittance from uncle sugar ...we've never seen so many workin folk laid off at once ...unprecedented...its living history baby

Wash april....May we need to get this country's ass back in gear asap
Some of us are looking for a big v in many a chart for July ...or sooner

Its very iffy...but possible

The people in Georgia made a major mistake in electing their current governor. He, like Trump, is more concerned with the state's economy than protecting it's citizens, and is not only a danger to the state, but also to the nation. He should be impeached; the sooner the better!


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