A Prime Reason to Vote for GOP Candidates


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

If the Dims win, she's gonna run for Speaker. What better reason is there to keep the majority of the House GOP?

She also promises to raise your taxes if they win.

More @ Pelosi Guarantees Victory in Midterms: 'We Will Win. I Will Run for Speaker'
You seriously want The Don messing up more of the country ? We need a dem congress to keep him in check .
The absolute best reason to vote for Republicans is to make sure the Democrats don't win. The Democrats are the scum of this country.
You seriously want The Don messing up more of the country ? We need a dem congress to keep him in check .
Dims are the ones messing up the country, dumbass.

No they are not . Cons only care about lineing the pockets of their big biz masters . Screw the American people !
you do nothing buy spew idiocies.

How about some facts. That tax cut bill benefits the rich and Big biz the most . While throwing crumbs to the working class. Ya know , they could’ve just targeted every day working Americans . But no..
You seriously want The Don messing up more of the country ? We need a dem congress to keep him in check .
Dims are the ones messing up the country, dumbass.

No they are not . Cons only care about lineing the pockets of their big biz masters . Screw the American people !
you do nothing buy spew idiocies.

How about some facts. That tax cut bill benefits the rich and Big biz the most . While throwing crumbs to the working class. Ya know , they could’ve just targeted every day working Americans . But no..
I'll let you know when you post some actual facts.
Hey Timmy, rich people pay the most taxes, thus benefit more from cuts. You can't just dump buckets of money at low earners, that's redistribution and the death of jobs. Big biz employs America. Instead of punishing them or exterminating them, why don't we grow them and create jobs? Grow the country, grow opportunity.
You seriously want The Don messing up more of the country ? We need a dem congress to keep him in check .
Dims are the ones messing up the country, dumbass.

No they are not . Cons only care about lineing the pockets of their big biz masters . Screw the American people !
you do nothing buy spew idiocies.

How about some facts. That tax cut bill benefits the rich and Big biz the most . While throwing crumbs to the working class. Ya know , they could’ve just targeted every day working Americans . But no..
I'll let you know when you post some actual facts.

Here’s some .

U.S. Deficit to Surpass $1 Trillion Two Years Ahead of Estimates, CBO Says

The U.S. budget deficit will surpass $1 trillion by 2020, two years sooner than previously estimated, as tax cuts and spending increases signed by President Donald Trump do little to boost long-term economic growth, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Hey Timmy, rich people pay the most taxes, thus benefit more from cuts. You can't just dump buckets of money at low earners, that's redistribution and the death of jobs. Big biz employs America. Instead of punishing them or exterminating them, why don't we grow them and create jobs? Grow the country, grow opportunity.

America buys big biz products and services .

The wealthy were doing fine . Remember, trump saved the economy!! After the cuts they ain’t creating jobs . They are buying back stock.
I really don't see a difference between the Dems and Repubs..They are both spending money we don't have or need to spend.
You seriously want The Don messing up more of the country ? We need a dem congress to keep him in check .
She’s too retarded to speak correctly...
Quit Falling down the well

If the Dims win, she's gonna run for Speaker. What better reason is there to keep the majority of the House GOP?

She also promises to raise your taxes if they win.

More @ Pelosi Guarantees Victory in Midterms: 'We Will Win. I Will Run for Speaker'
Healthcare was such a bad thing for millions of America.
So was equal pay for equal work.
So was credit card reform.
School lunches for poor children.
Woman's rights.

We've got to stop with this stuff.

We need tax cuts for needy billionaires and fuk the middle class and the poor. How else will we pay for needy billionaires?
You seriously want The Don messing up more of the country ? We need a dem congress to keep him in check .
Dims are the ones messing up the country, dumbass.

No they are not . Cons only care about lineing the pockets of their big biz masters . Screw the American people !
How much do you feel the rich should pay? What percent do you feel would be fair?

So you make poorer Americans pay instead?

News flash . Whiz jets and superhighways aren’t free.
deanrd, let's make life so great for unemployed people that they never want to come back to work. They can order pizza every night and watch there 60" tv. I think single mom's should have at least three more kids, because we have too many jobs already. The equal pay scam is bull. A secretary is not going to make as much as an engineer. That just isn't reality. What right's do women not have? Why don't we just cut the bullcrap, target aid to the disabled, and try to get everyone back to work?

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