A problem that very few Christian Fundamentalists ever consider


Mar 30, 2012
I never understood why Christians who insist on how real the threat of hell is almost never seem to take it seriously.

If one REALLY believes in eternal damnation for not being a Christian, why would they not do everything in their power to be holy? I would think that the vast majority of them would live a life of almost total poverty because they'd give all of their money to charities. They'd live like a monk. Even if, say, there were only 10 million "true" christians in the United States, I can't see why all of them are not giving up all of their worldly wealth at the very least. Maybe they could buy a safe enough place to live, decent clothes and food and such. But little if any real luxuries should be allowed.

We would have no truly homeless or extremely poor people in the U.S. if we had that many true Christians.

Further, you'd have to do more than just give up everything you own. You'd have to be very dedicated to preaching and studying the Bible. So of those 10 million Christians, tons of them should be leaving the U.S. and going to the most dangerous, anti-Christian nations in the world and preaching the gospel.

The ones who stayed behind would be still be living like monks, studying every detail of the Bible to make sure they got it right. Who knows how much you might have gotten wrong, and therefore damned your eternal soul?

In fact, since so many people need organ donation, shouldn't all christians jump at the chance to donate their organs, even if they can't live without them? "greater love hath, no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends". Even plenty of other christians could use a donated organ. Don't do it, and theres a much greater chance of going to hell.

Shouldn't they have special monastaries or something to raise children in? If you really think associating with the world will get them sent to hell forever because they could so easily be deceived into an unchristian lifestyle, why would you even think of raising them in normal society? Ignoring them in such a way seems sinful enough to get you sent to hell.

I just don't understand it. If you really do believe in the threat of hell and trying to avoid it, why not do everything you can? Obviously, very few Christians do.

Which would probably mean that they're going to hell.
The definition of what it means to be Christian vary among those that consider themselves Christian.

For instance, I tend to think that a person is Christian if they believe in the words of Jesus as dictated by the Disciples and their cohorts in the New Testament. Notice I do not add in the concept that Jesus is god, the belief of a trinity nor even the act of following his commands or "behave like Christ" in this definition. This allows the belief of an individual to dictate whether or not he is a christian and not the accusations of some that believes the action of a person is Christlike or not.

My definition of a Christian is very General. I find that such definition is necessary to encompass all those that claim to believe in some version of Christianity.
I never understood why Christians who insist on how real the threat of hell is almost never seem to take it seriously.

If one REALLY believes in eternal damnation for not being a Christian, why would they not do everything in their power to be holy? I would think that the vast majority of them would live a life of almost total poverty because they'd give all of their money to charities. They'd live like a monk. Even if, say, there were only 10 million "true" christians in the United States, I can't see why all of them are not giving up all of their worldly wealth at the very least. Maybe they could buy a safe enough place to live, decent clothes and food and such. But little if any real luxuries should be allowed.

We would have no truly homeless or extremely poor people in the U.S. if we had that many true Christians.

Further, you'd have to do more than just give up everything you own. You'd have to be very dedicated to preaching and studying the Bible. So of those 10 million Christians, tons of them should be leaving the U.S. and going to the most dangerous, anti-Christian nations in the world and preaching the gospel.

The ones who stayed behind would be still be living like monks, studying every detail of the Bible to make sure they got it right. Who knows how much you might have gotten wrong, and therefore damned your eternal soul?

In fact, since so many people need organ donation, shouldn't all christians jump at the chance to donate their organs, even if they can't live without them? "greater love hath, no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends". Even plenty of other christians could use a donated organ. Don't do it, and theres a much greater chance of going to hell.

Shouldn't they have special monastaries or something to raise children in? If you really think associating with the world will get them sent to hell forever because they could so easily be deceived into an unchristian lifestyle, why would you even think of raising them in normal society? Ignoring them in such a way seems sinful enough to get you sent to hell.

I just don't understand it. If you really do believe in the threat of hell and trying to avoid it, why not do everything you can? Obviously, very few Christians do.

Which would probably mean that they're going to hell.

You don't understand because you probably don't want to. Have you ever read the Bible? Probably not....so you have no idea how to interpret what God tells us, and your REALLY out in left field with this one!
I never understood why Christians who insist on how real the threat of hell is almost never seem to take it seriously.

If one REALLY believes in eternal damnation for not being a Christian, why would they not do everything in their power to be holy? I would think that the vast majority of them would live a life of almost total poverty because they'd give all of their money to charities. They'd live like a monk. Even if, say, there were only 10 million "true" christians in the United States, I can't see why all of them are not giving up all of their worldly wealth at the very least. Maybe they could buy a safe enough place to live, decent clothes and food and such. But little if any real luxuries should be allowed.

We would have no truly homeless or extremely poor people in the U.S. if we had that many true Christians.

Further, you'd have to do more than just give up everything you own. You'd have to be very dedicated to preaching and studying the Bible. So of those 10 million Christians, tons of them should be leaving the U.S. and going to the most dangerous, anti-Christian nations in the world and preaching the gospel.

The ones who stayed behind would be still be living like monks, studying every detail of the Bible to make sure they got it right. Who knows how much you might have gotten wrong, and therefore damned your eternal soul?

In fact, since so many people need organ donation, shouldn't all christians jump at the chance to donate their organs, even if they can't live without them? "greater love hath, no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends". Even plenty of other christians could use a donated organ. Don't do it, and theres a much greater chance of going to hell.

Shouldn't they have special monastaries or something to raise children in? If you really think associating with the world will get them sent to hell forever because they could so easily be deceived into an unchristian lifestyle, why would you even think of raising them in normal society? Ignoring them in such a way seems sinful enough to get you sent to hell.

I just don't understand it. If you really do believe in the threat of hell and trying to avoid it, why not do everything you can? Obviously, very few Christians do.

Which would probably mean that they're going to hell.

You don't understand because you probably don't want to. Have you ever read the Bible? Probably not....so you have no idea how to interpret what God tells us, and your REALLY out in left field with this one!

I've read it repeatedly....all my life. 'Course I'm just 77.

Luke 16

“There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And IN HELL he lift up his eyes, being in TORMENTS, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and COOL MY TONGUE; for I AM TORMENTED IN THIS FLAME. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art TORMENTED. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of TORMENT. Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, IF THEY HEAR NOT MOSES AND THE PROPHETS, NEITHER WILL THEY BE PERSUADED, THOUGH ONE ROSE FROM THE DEAD.”

Six or eight months ago I was driving past a shopping mall in a nearby city. A new Cadillac Escalade merged in from my right. The first thing I noticed was the Christian fish on the right side of the rear and as he completed the merge and then I saw a boldly scribed message on the other side ot the rear:


Are you kidding me..........God in all his wisdom selected that one American family to be in the upper 5% of the richest, most powerful nation in the world to drive a new luxurious automobile while nearly a billion(With a B), in the world...mostly children are starving or suffering from malnutrition. The word Christian means "Christ Like." I've found no place in the new testament where it described Jesus as being wealthy....quite the contrary. He was portrayed as a common man, a carpenter, who believed the rich should take care of the poor first.
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The reason they don't is because deep in their brains they know it's all bullshit.Humans have a certain intelligence, however seldom used.
OP: Well if you want to get the root of the predominant Christian fundamentalism then you should understand that they believe they are saved by grace, not works. So pretty much your whole premise is bunk.
I never understood why Christians who insist on how real the threat of hell is almost never seem to take it seriously.

Hypocrisy is the human condition. I've never known a Jew who takes Hebrew scripture seriously. I've never known a Liberal who wasn't racist. But, I have known some Christians who do take the New Testament seriously.

Right, most Christians don't take the Hell they claim to believe seriously. They don't believe what they say and they're unchristian in their thinking. They're not real Christians.

On the other hand, Church-going Christians do generally live better lives than non-Christians (e.g. Christians donate far more money). There is little threat of Hell for a Christian because Christianity is about being saved from judgement from God.
I never understood why Christians who insist on how real the threat of hell is almost never seem to take it seriously.

If one REALLY believes in eternal damnation for not being a Christian, why would they not do everything in their power to be holy? I would think that the vast majority of them would live a life of almost total poverty because they'd give all of their money to charities. They'd live like a monk. Even if, say, there were only 10 million "true" christians in the United States, I can't see why all of them are not giving up all of their worldly wealth at the very least. Maybe they could buy a safe enough place to live, decent clothes and food and such. But little if any real luxuries should be allowed.

We would have no truly homeless or extremely poor people in the U.S. if we had that many true Christians.

Further, you'd have to do more than just give up everything you own. You'd have to be very dedicated to preaching and studying the Bible. So of those 10 million Christians, tons of them should be leaving the U.S. and going to the most dangerous, anti-Christian nations in the world and preaching the gospel.

The ones who stayed behind would be still be living like monks, studying every detail of the Bible to make sure they got it right. Who knows how much you might have gotten wrong, and therefore damned your eternal soul?

In fact, since so many people need organ donation, shouldn't all christians jump at the chance to donate their organs, even if they can't live without them? "greater love hath, no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends". Even plenty of other christians could use a donated organ. Don't do it, and theres a much greater chance of going to hell.

Shouldn't they have special monastaries or something to raise children in? If you really think associating with the world will get them sent to hell forever because they could so easily be deceived into an unchristian lifestyle, why would you even think of raising them in normal society? Ignoring them in such a way seems sinful enough to get you sent to hell.

I just don't understand it. If you really do believe in the threat of hell and trying to avoid it, why not do everything you can? Obviously, very few Christians do.

Which would probably mean that they're going to hell.

As a Christian, this is thought provoking. Christians still are human and as such will never conform completely to the life and example of Jesus. I am also not sure if it is necessary to live in a monastary or giving all possessions away, but there should be a radical difference in the way Christians live their lives that extends far beyond the don'ts (don't smoke, don't drink, don't have sex, don't do drugs, don't abort, etc.)

What are Christians doing to bring about God's kingdom either in heaven or here on earth? Are Christians sacrificially showing God's love? Chistianity in the US seems to have evolved into more of a preservation of one's way of life then actually bringing about God's kingdom. If one protests in front of an abortion clinic one thinks they have done God's will. God forbid the person actually helps an unwed teenage mother or agrees to pay one cent more in taxes to help them. We feel we have performed our duty as a Christian if we are good parents. Cannot an atheist be a good parent?

In the USA Christianity has been reduced to say a prayer, go to heaven, and live you life as you please. Oh yea, and follow a few don't. The emphasis is on what God can add to your life, rather than transform it.
I never understood why Christians who insist on how real the threat of hell is almost never seem to take it seriously.

If one REALLY believes in eternal damnation for not being a Christian, why would they not do everything in their power to be holy? I would think that the vast majority of them would live a life of almost total poverty because they'd give all of their money to charities. They'd live like a monk. Even if, say, there were only 10 million "true" christians in the United States, I can't see why all of them are not giving up all of their worldly wealth at the very least. Maybe they could buy a safe enough place to live, decent clothes and food and such. But little if any real luxuries should be allowed.

We would have no truly homeless or extremely poor people in the U.S. if we had that many true Christians.

Further, you'd have to do more than just give up everything you own. You'd have to be very dedicated to preaching and studying the Bible. So of those 10 million Christians, tons of them should be leaving the U.S. and going to the most dangerous, anti-Christian nations in the world and preaching the gospel.

The ones who stayed behind would be still be living like monks, studying every detail of the Bible to make sure they got it right. Who knows how much you might have gotten wrong, and therefore damned your eternal soul?

In fact, since so many people need organ donation, shouldn't all christians jump at the chance to donate their organs, even if they can't live without them? "greater love hath, no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends". Even plenty of other christians could use a donated organ. Don't do it, and theres a much greater chance of going to hell.

Shouldn't they have special monastaries or something to raise children in? If you really think associating with the world will get them sent to hell forever because they could so easily be deceived into an unchristian lifestyle, why would you even think of raising them in normal society? Ignoring them in such a way seems sinful enough to get you sent to hell.

I just don't understand it. If you really do believe in the threat of hell and trying to avoid it, why not do everything you can? Obviously, very few Christians do.

Which would probably mean that they're going to hell.
Funny how non Christians who refuse to know anything about Christianity think they can tell Christians what they need to do. If you knew anything you would know that being a Christian is as simple as believing in Christ. God sent Jesus because he knew that us humans cannot DO anything to be Holy, we failed miserably at that. We are Holy through our faith in Christ. Salvation is through Christ by the grace of God, not by anything we can do.
I never understood why Christians who insist on how real the threat of hell is almost never seem to take it seriously.

If one REALLY believes in eternal damnation for not being a Christian, why would they not do everything in their power to be holy? I would think that the vast majority of them would live a life of almost total poverty because they'd give all of their money to charities. They'd live like a monk. Even if, say, there were only 10 million "true" christians in the United States, I can't see why all of them are not giving up all of their worldly wealth at the very least. Maybe they could buy a safe enough place to live, decent clothes and food and such. But little if any real luxuries should be allowed.

We would have no truly homeless or extremely poor people in the U.S. if we had that many true Christians.

Further, you'd have to do more than just give up everything you own. You'd have to be very dedicated to preaching and studying the Bible. So of those 10 million Christians, tons of them should be leaving the U.S. and going to the most dangerous, anti-Christian nations in the world and preaching the gospel.

The ones who stayed behind would be still be living like monks, studying every detail of the Bible to make sure they got it right. Who knows how much you might have gotten wrong, and therefore damned your eternal soul?

In fact, since so many people need organ donation, shouldn't all christians jump at the chance to donate their organs, even if they can't live without them? "greater love hath, no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends". Even plenty of other christians could use a donated organ. Don't do it, and theres a much greater chance of going to hell.

Shouldn't they have special monastaries or something to raise children in? If you really think associating with the world will get them sent to hell forever because they could so easily be deceived into an unchristian lifestyle, why would you even think of raising them in normal society? Ignoring them in such a way seems sinful enough to get you sent to hell.

I just don't understand it. If you really do believe in the threat of hell and trying to avoid it, why not do everything you can? Obviously, very few Christians do.

Which would probably mean that they're going to hell.

You don't understand because you probably don't want to. Have you ever read the Bible? Probably not....so you have no idea how to interpret what God tells us, and your REALLY out in left field with this one!

I've read it repeatedly....all my life. 'Course I'm just 77.

Luke 16

“There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And IN HELL he lift up his eyes, being in TORMENTS, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and COOL MY TONGUE; for I AM TORMENTED IN THIS FLAME. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art TORMENTED. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of TORMENT. Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, IF THEY HEAR NOT MOSES AND THE PROPHETS, NEITHER WILL THEY BE PERSUADED, THOUGH ONE ROSE FROM THE DEAD.”

Six or eight months ago I was driving past a shopping mall in a nearby city. A new Cadillac Escalade merged in from my right. The first thing I noticed was the Christian fish on the right side of the rear and as he completed the merge and then I saw a boldly scribed message on the other side ot the rear:


Are you kidding me..........God in all his wisdom selected that one American family to be in the upper 5% of the richest, most powerful nation in the world to drive a new luxurious automobile while nearly a billion(With a B), in the world...mostly children are starving or suffering from malnutrition. The word Christian means "Christ Like." I've found no place in the new testament where it described Jesus as being wealthy....quite the contrary. He was portrayed as a common man, a carpenter, who believed the rich should take care of the poor first.
Repeating your bull doesn't help you, you still look like a fool.
Why would we have to travel throughout the world preaching the Gospel when there are so many people who need it here in our local neighborhoods?

I think it's a bit of a caricature to think we even concern ourselves with hell. I don't think of hell much at all. There is too much good to focus on than to focus on hell. Why focus on death when we are being shown life?
OP: Well if you want to get the root of the predominant Christian fundamentalism then you should understand that they believe they are saved by grace, not works. So pretty much your whole premise is bunk.
It really doesn't make a good goddam what they think.

James 2:14-26

King James Version (KJV)

14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?

15 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,

16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?

17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. 19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?

22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?
23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.

24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.

Matthew 5

48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
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Christians still are human and as such will never conform completely to the life and example of Jesus.

The point is that Christians commonly don't even try to confirm to the life and example of Jesus. So little of Jesus's word are recorded, that if you just read them (the red letters) you can read everything Jesus said in an hour (with much of it repeated). Yet, most Christians are hardly familiar with more than a few sentences of what Jesus said. And, most of what they think Jesus said, Jesus mostly didn't say (e.g. "Love the sinner, hate the sin.).

I am also not sure if it is necessary to live in a monastary or giving all possessions away, but there should be a radical difference in the way Christians live their lives that extends far beyond the don'ts (don't smoke, don't drink, don't have sex, don't do drugs, don't abort, etc.)

You're the kind of failing Christian that the first poster is talking about. All you've done in the above quote is marginalize what you think are Jesus's moral teachings. We know Christians are really good at not following Jesus, you don't need to prove it by marginalization his teachings yourself (also, Jesus taught to drink, and probably would have approved of legal and responsible use of other drugs).

Are Christians sacrificially showing God's love? Chistianity in the US seems to have evolved into more of a preservation of one's way of life then actually bringing about God's kingdom. If one protests in front of an abortion clinic one thinks they have done God's will. God forbid the person actually helps an unwed teenage mother or agrees to pay one cent more in taxes to help them. We feel we have performed our duty as a Christian if we are good parents. Cannot an atheist be a good parent?

Thank your for spouting the anti-Christian propaganda that we hear all the time. Catholics are primarily those protesting at Abortion clinics, and they also do more than anyone else in helping the poor and single parents. They have programs/homes for single mothers. They support Obamacare and socialism. The run adoption agencies. Etc.

Even if all they did was protest against abortion, without supporting socialism and crap, they would still be doing better than supposed Christians who think an innocent human life is disposable if it doesn't have dark skin.

In the USA Christianity has been reduced to say a prayer, go to heaven, and live you life as you please. Oh yea, and follow a few don't. The emphasis is on what God can add to your life, rather than transform it.

What rank hypocrisy. You complain about Christians living as they please and then in the next breath you complain about them not living as they please (i.e. following a few don'ts).
Christians still are human and as such will never conform completely to the life and example of Jesus.

The point is that Christians commonly don't even try to confirm to the life and example of Jesus. So little of Jesus's word are recorded, that if you just read them (the red letters) you can read everything Jesus said in an hour (with much of it repeated). Yet, most Christians are hardly familiar with more than a few sentences of what Jesus said. And, most of what they think Jesus said, Jesus mostly didn't say (e.g. "Love the sinner, hate the sin.).

I am also not sure if it is necessary to live in a monastary or giving all possessions away, but there should be a radical difference in the way Christians live their lives that extends far beyond the don'ts (don't smoke, don't drink, don't have sex, don't do drugs, don't abort, etc.)

You're the kind of failing Christian that the first poster is talking about. All you've done in the above quote is marginalize what you think are Jesus's moral teachings. We know Christians are really good at not following Jesus, you don't need to prove it by marginalization his teachings yourself (also, Jesus taught to drink, and probably would have approved of legal and responsible use of other drugs).

Are Christians sacrificially showing God's love? Chistianity in the US seems to have evolved into more of a preservation of one's way of life then actually bringing about God's kingdom. If one protests in front of an abortion clinic one thinks they have done God's will. God forbid the person actually helps an unwed teenage mother or agrees to pay one cent more in taxes to help them. We feel we have performed our duty as a Christian if we are good parents. Cannot an atheist be a good parent?

Thank your for spouting the anti-Christian propaganda that we hear all the time. Catholics are primarily those protesting at Abortion clinics, and they also do more than anyone else in helping the poor and single parents. They have programs/homes for single mothers. They support Obamacare and socialism. The run adoption agencies. Etc.

Even if all they did was protest against abortion, without supporting socialism and crap, they would still be doing better than supposed Christians who think an innocent human life is disposable if it doesn't have dark skin.

In the USA Christianity has been reduced to say a prayer, go to heaven, and live you life as you please. Oh yea, and follow a few don't. The emphasis is on what God can add to your life, rather than transform it.

What rank hypocrisy. You complain about Christians living as they please and then in the next breath you complain about them not living as they please (i.e. following a few don'ts).

I've never met anyone who was Christ like during my whole life....'course I'm just 77
I fish with 2 strict Christian fundamentalist Baptists. They are great guys and very generous with their time and fellowship. I enjoy their company each time they come.
Every time we go somewhere and are unwinding after a couple of beers the subject turns to wondering where we are going to go after death. This is a large issue with both of them. They ask me don't I think about that and wonder and I always say no, I rarely if ever think about that.
I find this to be the norm with most of the Christian fundamentalists I know. They are so concerned with where they are going to end up that is why they are so strict with the religous, political, family and community beliefs. They are constantly working on their idea of where they are going to go and worryiing if they are fundamantal, strcit, conservative and religous enough to get there.
A problem that very few Christian Fundamentalists ever consider

There are scores of problems Christian fundamentalists refuse to consider, this being among the very least important.
Christians still are human and as such will never conform completely to the life and example of Jesus.

The point is that Christians commonly don't even try to confirm to the life and example of Jesus. So little of Jesus's word are recorded, that if you just read them (the red letters) you can read everything Jesus said in an hour (with much of it repeated). Yet, most Christians are hardly familiar with more than a few sentences of what Jesus said. And, most of what they think Jesus said, Jesus mostly didn't say (e.g. "Love the sinner, hate the sin.).

I am also not sure if it is necessary to live in a monastary or giving all possessions away, but there should be a radical difference in the way Christians live their lives that extends far beyond the don'ts (don't smoke, don't drink, don't have sex, don't do drugs, don't abort, etc.)

You're the kind of failing Christian that the first poster is talking about. All you've done in the above quote is marginalize what you think are Jesus's moral teachings. We know Christians are really good at not following Jesus, you don't need to prove it by marginalization his teachings yourself (also, Jesus taught to drink, and probably would have approved of legal and responsible use of other drugs).

Are Christians sacrificially showing God's love? Chistianity in the US seems to have evolved into more of a preservation of one's way of life then actually bringing about God's kingdom. If one protests in front of an abortion clinic one thinks they have done God's will. God forbid the person actually helps an unwed teenage mother or agrees to pay one cent more in taxes to help them. We feel we have performed our duty as a Christian if we are good parents. Cannot an atheist be a good parent?

Thank your for spouting the anti-Christian propaganda that we hear all the time. Catholics are primarily those protesting at Abortion clinics, and they also do more than anyone else in helping the poor and single parents. They have programs/homes for single mothers. They support Obamacare and socialism. The run adoption agencies. Etc.

Even if all they did was protest against abortion, without supporting socialism and crap, they would still be doing better than supposed Christians who think an innocent human life is disposable if it doesn't have dark skin.

In the USA Christianity has been reduced to say a prayer, go to heaven, and live you life as you please. Oh yea, and follow a few don't. The emphasis is on what God can add to your life, rather than transform it.

What rank hypocrisy. You complain about Christians living as they please and then in the next breath you complain about them not living as they please (i.e. following a few don'ts).

I believe you have missed my point entirely.

Just so I know what I am dealing with:

Are you a Christian? If so, what is the basis of your Christianity?

Are you familiar with the Bible?

Let's try to raise the level of the conversation.

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