A proposal to Solve the Border Crusis


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
Send in the military to establish a 100 mile zone inside Mexico. This is:
1. Now US territory
2. A US military district. No trade or travel permitted..
3. Anyone caught within the district will be immediately killed via drone, military, M9 to the back of the head.
Send in the military to establish a 100 mile zone inside Mexico. This is:
1. Now US territory
2. A US military district. No trade or travel permitted..
3. Anyone caught within the district will be immediately killed via drone, military, M9 to the back of the head.
Zinc, are you out of your mind? You want a unilateral forced military incursion by the United States of America on sovereign territory of the United Mexican States, something known internationally around the world as a military invasion to seize and control 100 miles deep into that country along a mutual international boarder 1,954 mile long, an area of that foreign country of 195,400 Square Miles? You are proposing another American Mexican war?
I ask again. Are You Out Of Your Mind?
Send in the military to establish a 100 mile zone inside Mexico. This is:
1. Now US territory
2. A US military district. No trade or travel permitted..
3. Anyone caught within the district will be immediately killed via drone, military, M9 to the back of the head.
Crusis? What the hell??? You want the U.S. to invade a country we are supposed to be friends with and declare it a no go zone. Nothing like taking things to the extreme
Send in the military to establish a 100 mile zone inside Mexico. This is:
1. Now US territory
2. A US military district. No trade or travel permitted..
3. Anyone caught within the district will be immediately killed via drone, military, M9 to the back of the head.

while i reject the entire proposal. why not leave mexico alone and draw the militarized zone on territory that we already own?my proposal would direct a significant enforcement effort at the employers of undocumented persons.
america's sacred job creators own this problem (which only became a problem , to the job creators, this week, as you mayhave noticed when work resumed on the 20 mile stretch of border that trump calls the "great big beautiful wall and that immigrants have no trouble moving over, under, around, or through.
It's too late if the immigrants are already near the border. We need strong military presence at Mexico's Southern Border and Panama and the Gulf of Mexico. The only shooting should be engaging with the Cartels.
Send in the military to establish a 100 mile zone inside Mexico. This is:
1. Now US territory
2. A US military district. No trade or travel permitted..
3. Anyone caught within the district will be immediately killed via drone, military, M9 to the back of the head.
1) That's a cute dog.

2) Are you serious?
Crusis? What the hell??? You want the U.S. to invade a country we are supposed to be friends with and declare it a no go zone. Nothing like taking things to the extreme
Well, this plan isn't really feasible, but we are NOT friends with Mexico, or I should say, THEY are not our friend.

They willingly harbor terrorists and human traifficers.

Mexico is a human rights violator of the first order.
I agree with you. The dog is cute.
Which one?

Zinc, are you out of your mind? You want a unilateral forced military incursion by the United States of America on sovereign territory of the United Mexican States, something known internationally around the world as a military invasion to seize and control 100 miles deep into that country along a mutual international boarder 1,954 mile long, an area of that foreign country of 195,400 Square Miles? You are proposing another American Mexican war?
I ask again. Are You Out Of Your Mind?
2mm people will have crossed the border this year. Whats the plan then?
It's too late if the immigrants are already near the border. We need strong military presence at Mexico's Southern Border and Panama and the Gulf of Mexico. The only shooting should be engaging with the Cartels.
I like this plan.


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It's too late if the immigrants are already near the border. We need strong military presence at Mexico's Southern Border and Panama and the Gulf of Mexico. The only shooting should be engaging with the Cartels.
who are you going to draft into the new border army?

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