A Push To Disarm Veterans By The Left

The bill that requires mentally unstable vets be put on the no buy list has been around since the 90's.

But Obama has changed the regulations so that any level of clinical depression disqualifies veterans.

The same goes for people found innocent of crimes in court. They cannot buy a gun ether.
Yes, it's about guns, it couldn't have anything to do with the record number of suicides in the military right now. God forbid we acknowledge that piggy-backed long term deployments have had a serious detrimental effect on our service members.

Gays have a high rate of suicide too.

Should we classify them as mental defectives as well?

Again with the gays...

I'm starting to think you have Issues, Muddy. But I'm not asking if you're not telling.
A study by UC at San Francisco is trying to show that PTSD is prevalent in Iraq War and Afghanistan vets. Why are they so hot on this now? I believe it is another attempt by progressives to disarm the public.....this time they're focusing on veterans. The enemy to the left. Any documented case of mental illness of any kind is grounds for refusal in background checks and possibly confiscation of guns. Sure....everyone that goes there has some bad memories....but how low will be the standards?


(My bold)

You've got nothing to fear. As I understand it, Mr. LaPierre - the head of the NRA - got a military service deferment based on a mental condition he had @ the time. If he could go on to a full-time job whipping up sales of firearms to a fine frenzy - & no one's seriously arguing about taking away his guns - then it's all good.

Ya got nothing to worry about, Snake.

I guess if we lower the standards enough anyone who is depressed should have their guns taken away.

The study said half of the returning vets had a mental condition. They're trying to say they're crazy.

Yup.....they're trying to disarm the guys that used to matter to the left when Bush had us in Iraq.

They still matter. We don't want them hurting themselves or others.

Actually, it sounds like kind of a good idea, as 22 veterans kill themselves every day.
Yes, it's about guns, it couldn't have anything to do with the record number of suicides in the military right now. God forbid we acknowledge that piggy-backed long term deployments have had a serious detrimental effect on our service members.

Gays have a high rate of suicide too.

Should we classify them as mental defectives as well?

Again with the gays...

I'm starting to think you have Issues, Muddy. But I'm not asking if you're not telling.

No. You have issues. That's the problem.

I simply showed an obvious example that she was overlooking to point out her hypocrisy. Sorry if it bothers you.

There is a high rate of suicide in the Gay community but nobody considers them a threat or considers taking their rights away because of it.

Do you see it now?

No, of course not.

Obama sent out a stack of new regulations in legal form 8 feet tall changing who knows which laws. Nobody knows what the hell it does until we come up against it. Before that he had already changed the background check laws to include those who were tried for criminal offenses but found innocent or who's cases had been dismissed. In California they include anyone who has been treated for clinical depression as reported by their doctor. I'm just putting two and two together.
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But the right wing is all about economics. And letting our military men and women who have repeatedly faced horror have lots of guns is an economic plus. Much less costly if they just kill themselves than if we have to treat them for mental problems resulting from the hell we sent them into. Much less costly than paying them for the impaired physical abilities from being severely wounded in the service of our nation if we just do what encouraged suicide. Oh Yeah, real Conservative Compassion.

And in the meantime, the Real Patriots like Ted Nugent and LaPierre get to run around telling us all how they would have done it all so much better, but they just didn't have time to serve.

The modern 'Conservative' is a real peice of fecal material. Fawns over those that avoided service, and cares nothing about our men and women who did serve.
But the right wing is all about economics. And letting our military men and women who have repeatedly faced horror have lots of guns is an economic plus. Much less costly if they just kill themselves than if we have to treat them for mental problems resulting from the hell we sent them into. Much less costly than paying them for the impaired physical abilities from being severely wounded in the service of our nation if we just do what encouraged suicide. Oh Yeah, real Conservative Compassion.

And in the meantime, the Real Patriots like Ted Nugent and LaPierre get to run around telling us all how they would have done it all so much better, but they just didn't have time to serve.

The modern 'Conservative' is a real peice of fecal material. Fawns over those that avoided service, and cares nothing about our men and women who did serve.

The right wing loves vets...as long as we agree with them and they can use us for their political purposes.

As soon as one of those two things stop happening, the chickenhawks turn on us with a suddenness.
The GOP doesn't have much going for them right now, let's see, they have the debt, their two old standby's, socialism, and communism and what else, the 47 percent thing they seem to want buried, so will the gun thing have traction?
The birth certificate charge seems dead, and we don't hear much about Kenya anymore, and blaming Obama for the Iraq war failed, so I guess guns, the debt, Obamacare, socialism and communism will be it for the next election?
Fact is that PTSD is way over diagnosed.

A few months back the Finance officer of my American Legion post told us that the VA had just diagnosed him with PTSD. He fought in the battle of the bulge, and now he has PTSD?

If the government tries to take the guns from most veterans they just might set off a powder keg that they don't want.

And truth be told, neither party really gives a shit about veterans other than can we get their votes........

And I may as well add that some of you people are fucking stupid.......

I'll be keeping my guns......
The bill that requires mentally unstable vets be put on the no buy list has been around since the 90's.

But Obama has changed the regulations so that any level of clinical depression disqualifies veterans.

The same goes for people found innocent of crimes in court. They cannot buy a gun ether.

Let's see if you can prove either one of those comments. I'll bet you can't.

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