A question about liberals...


Nov 13, 2010
I'm new here and have been browsing the threads. I noticed that a disproportionate number of liberal/progressives resort to name calling when their arguments fall apart. I noticed this on another message board too. Anybody have a good explanation of why this is? Also, why were liberals more angry after Obama's election, than before? I mostly would like a liberal answer to this, as my conservative peers probably have the same reasons I do :)
They're liberals, my friend. Here. Have another cigarette. Joe Camel says it's good for growing boys. ;)
I notice it seems at least even on the name calling.

I recently got told I lie liek a $2 whore in a neg rep.
I just asked them how they would know how a $2 whore lied?
I'm new here and have been browsing the threads. I noticed that a disproportionate number of liberal/progressives resort to name calling when their arguments fall apart. I noticed this on another message board too. Anybody have a good explanation of why this is? Also, why were liberals more angry after Obama's election, than before? I mostly would like a liberal answer to this, as my conservative peers probably have the same reasons I do :)

I suggest you open the other eye and look around again.

Loons will be loons, on both "sides". These places draw them like flies. Obviously. ;)
Folks always seem biased concerning the "other side". Example, I was all over some Christian Science Monitor article citing Glen Beck's idiocracy with calling a 13 year old Jew a Jew killer during the 2nd World War. Or Playboy and Rolling Stone's problems with legalizing pot yet not encouraging tougher penalties for driving while stoned.
I'm new here and have been browsing the threads. I noticed that a disproportionate number of liberal/progressives resort to name calling when their arguments fall apart. I noticed this on another message board too. Anybody have a good explanation of why this is? Also, why were liberals more angry after Obama's election, than before? I mostly would like a liberal answer to this, as my conservative peers probably have the same reasons I do :)

I think it's just a standard MO Scorch and Burn, Discredit or Kill the Messenger Policy. Look at how many people Obama himself has thrown out of and under the bus. Not Everyone here is like that. Look to make friends on both sides of the aisle, you will find rational people that bring light from both sides of the spectrum here. Some of us, you just have to catch when we are not in one of our moods. Think like "The King Of Heart's" and you will do fine. ;) ;) ;)

I suggest you open the other eye and look around again

Like I said, I'm new here and have only read about 90-100 posts. I may need to read more, but it is about 4:1 so far. And I'm talking about names like a-hole, idiot, stupid ass,...etc. There are loons on both sides, and name calling dosen't automatically equal loon. It does however ruin any chance at getting someone to see your point of view. I'll be happy to make friends with anybody as long as they don't believe in using government to take other peoples stuff :)

P.S. The term "Teabaggers" is what got me to notice when liberals try to discredit by using derogatory language...Since then it is something I can't un-see. It has made me more careful in how I make my points and who I choose to interact with on a personal level. It is a very unattractive quality :)
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Terms of endearment for the dedicated opposition here. Trust me, this place plays rough. You need a thick skin to survive it, but it's worth it.
I suggest you open the other eye and look around again

Like I said, I'm new here and have only read about 90-100 posts. I may need to read more, but it is about 4:1 so far. And I'm talking about names like a-hole, idiot, stupid ass,...etc. There are loons on both sides, and name calling dosen't automatically equal loon. It does however ruin any chance at getting someone to see your point of view. I'll be happy to make friends with anybody as long as they don't believe in using government to take other peoples stuff :)

P.S. The term "Teabaggers" is what got me to notice when liberals try to discredit by using derogatory language...Since then it is something I can't un-see. It has made me more careful in how I make my points and who I choose to interact with on a personal level. It is a very unattractive quality :)
First of all, the term "Teabagger" was PROUDLY chosen by the Teabaggers themselves!!! People were merely showing sincere RESPECT for their chosen nickname by using it, but CON$ need to play perpetual VICTIMHOOD and now claim they are being unfairly attacked when someone respectfully calls Teabaggers by their chosen nickname.

Let's compare that to CON$. Kennedy accidently called Obama "Osama Obama" and the entire GOP hate radio pundits played the slip over and over and their audience started calling Obama "Osama" claiming that's what Kennedy called him so it's OK. When the media started calling Bin Laden "Usama" the CON$ just called Obama "Ubama" putting the lie to the Kennedy rationalization. So CON$ can rationalize that a slip of the tongue gives them license to be as derogatory as they desire, but Libs can't even use the very nickname Teabaggers chose for themselves. :cuckoo:

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I'm new here and have been browsing the threads. I noticed that a disproportionate number of liberal/progressives resort to name calling when their arguments fall apart. I noticed this on another message board too. Anybody have a good explanation of why this is? Also, why were liberals more angry after Obama's election, than before? I mostly would like a liberal answer to this, as my conservative peers probably have the same reasons I do :)

That's what you *noticed*?

Okie dokie.

Might be because of troll threads like this. *shrug*

Just sayin'
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First of all, the term "Teabagger" was PROUDLY chosen by the Teabaggers themselves!!!

Do you really have to yell ed? I didn't know anything about the Tea Party until the likes of Girofolo an Maddow used it as a pejorativeand NOT out of sincere respect. Since most Tea Party people are older middle class, then the odds of them not knowing what teabagging is, was pretty high. And it's not Osama bama anymore...It's Imam Obama...get your right wing hate radio pundits up to date :)
That's what you *noticed*?

Ummm...yes Jillian...And your troll post just balanced out my troll thread...lololol...And you forgot to explain why you are more pissed now than when W. was president? :)
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First of all, the term "Teabagger" was PROUDLY chosen by the Teabaggers themselves!!!

Do you really have to yell ed? I didn't know anything about the Tea Party until the likes of Girofolo an Maddow used it as a pejorativeand NOT out of sincere respect. Since most Tea Party people are older middle class, then the odds of them not knowing what teabagging is, was pretty high. And it's not Osama bama anymore...It's Imam Obama...get your right wing hate radio pundits up to date :)
Just as the odds are high the people respectfully calling the Teabaggers their PROUDLY chosen nickname had no idea what tea bagging is also.

But thank you for admitting GOP CON$ervative hate radio meant "Osama" and "Imam" as pejoratives from the get go.
I'm new here and have been browsing the threads. I noticed that a disproportionate number of liberal/progressives resort to name calling when their arguments fall apart. I noticed this on another message board too. Anybody have a good explanation of why this is? Also, why were liberals more angry after Obama's election, than before? I mostly would like a liberal answer to this, as my conservative peers probably have the same reasons I do :)
How sweet! Another whiny conservative twit.


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