A question for Bible scholars or Theologians


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
How long do you think the Lord leaves Adam asleep before he is awakened and given Eve or Chava?
How long do you think the Lord leaves Adam asleep before he is awakened and given Eve or Chava?

good question------it is best to sleep thru Post-op pain. Removal of a rib is
no picnic--------the poor victim would have quite a bit of pain on INSPIRATION
(uhm----that means BREATHING IN----not revelation) -----and then----just what
would he have to DO with Eve? even "that" would lead to pain at the operative
site. Since the concept of a WEEK had already been instituted------my educated
guess would be------surgery on Friday-------and discharge on the following Friday----
the whole week in induced coma. THEN adam would be a good shape to celebrate
his first FRIDAY NITE
How long do you think the Lord leaves Adam asleep before he is awakened and given Eve or Chava?
For one thing, I'm not so sure that the whole rib thing wasn't metaphorical, but if it were meant literally, then it would happen quickly, very quickly in a matter of moments and there would be no post op pain at all. It's not like God was operating with a scalpel and sutures and a bone saw! This is the guy who controls the laws of the universe! Adam awoke whole and complete, as if he never had or needed the rib in the first place. God is a magician to us, 10,000X farther above us than we'd be above a caveman.
How long do you think the Lord leaves Adam asleep before he is awakened and given Eve or Chava?
For one thing, I'm not so sure that the whole rib thing wasn't metaphorical, but if it were meant literally, then it would happen quickly, very quickly in a matter of moments and there would be no post op pain at all. It's not like God was operating with a scalpel and sutures and a bone saw! This is the guy who controls the laws of the universe! Adam awoke whole and complete, as if he never had or needed the rib in the first place. God is a magician to us, 10,000X farther above us than we'd be above a caveman.
When I spent the three years researching all the names in the Bible (without having Internet) I questioned the whole rib issue. I think I posted somewhere in this forum about the rib but if not I will go into that in a comment later in this thread.
How long do you think the Lord leaves Adam asleep before he is awakened and given Eve or Chava?

good question------it is best to sleep thru Post-op pain. Removal of a rib is
no picnic--------the poor victim would have quite a bit of pain on INSPIRATION
(uhm----that means BREATHING IN----not revelation) -----and then----just what
would he have to DO with Eve? even "that" would lead to pain at the operative
site. Since the concept of a WEEK had already been instituted------my educated
guess would be------surgery on Friday-------and discharge on the following Friday----
the whole week in induced coma. THEN adam would be a good shape to celebrate
his first FRIDAY NITE
And it is a GOOD thing as once we get through that first week a rest is in order.
How long do you think the Lord leaves Adam asleep before he is awakened and given Eve or Chava?

good question------it is best to sleep thru Post-op pain. Removal of a rib is
no picnic--------the poor victim would have quite a bit of pain on INSPIRATION
(uhm----that means BREATHING IN----not revelation) -----and then----just what
would he have to DO with Eve? even "that" would lead to pain at the operative
site. Since the concept of a WEEK had already been instituted------my educated
guess would be------surgery on Friday-------and discharge on the following Friday----
the whole week in induced coma. THEN adam would be a good shape to celebrate
his first FRIDAY NITE
And it is a GOOD thing as once we get through that first week a rest is in order.

Be sure that the "days" in Genesis' "week" were not the week we know. It might have been millions or billions of years long. The use of "days" and "nights" in the book of Genesis was mere literary license by the writer to convey difficult concepts in ordinary terms man could relate to.
How long do you think the Lord leaves Adam asleep before he is awakened and given Eve or Chava?

good question------it is best to sleep thru Post-op pain. Removal of a rib is
no picnic--------the poor victim would have quite a bit of pain on INSPIRATION
(uhm----that means BREATHING IN----not revelation) -----and then----just what
would he have to DO with Eve? even "that" would lead to pain at the operative
site. Since the concept of a WEEK had already been instituted------my educated
guess would be------surgery on Friday-------and discharge on the following Friday----
the whole week in induced coma. THEN adam would be a good shape to celebrate
his first FRIDAY NITE
And it is a GOOD thing as once we get through that first week a rest is in order.

Be sure that the "days" in Genesis' "week" were not the week we know. It might have been millions or billions of years long. The use of "days" and "nights" in the book of Genesis was mere literary license by the writer to convey difficult concepts in ordinary terms man could relate to.
Thank you. On a whole Human's have a hard time in perceiving eternity or an eternal being.
We'll have to ask that question when we get to Heaven because we weren't given that info. Eden was a different place, and can't be held to today's standards.
Something else we don't know is how long Adam and Eve lived in Eden before they introduced evil into the mix. But we do know about birthing. There was little pain in childbirth in Eden. The pain women go through now developed after the Fall, so healing from a small wound to the side should have taken no time at all.
We'll have to ask that question when we get to Heaven because we weren't given that info. Eden was a different place, and can't be held to today's standards.
Something else we don't know is how long Adam and Eve lived in Eden before they introduced evil into the mix. But we do know about birthing. There was little pain in childbirth in Eden. The pain women go through now developed after the Fall, so healing from a small wound to the side should have taken no time at all.
I respectfully disagree with your precepts. The Bible was written to be an enduring document just like our constitution was written to be an enduring document for then and for now.
How long do you think the Lord leaves Adam asleep before he is awakened and given Eve or Chava?
A few hours.Simple rib removal/ anesthesia. Growing Eve from Adams ribs stem sells may have taken years. Dunno. The bible doesn't elaborate on that.
We'll have to ask that question when we get to Heaven because we weren't given that info. Eden was a different place, and can't be held to today's standards.
Something else we don't know is how long Adam and Eve lived in Eden before they introduced evil into the mix. But we do know about birthing. There was little pain in childbirth in Eden. The pain women go through now developed after the Fall, so healing from a small wound to the side should have taken no time at all.
I respectfully disagree with your precepts. The Bible was written to be an enduring document just like our constitution was written to be an enduring document for then and for now.

It's perfectly ok to disagree. :11_2_1043:
What part do you disagree with? The Bible IS an enduring document. That doesn't mean that what was once is still the case today. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, but the circumstances, generation after generation change through out. God even pointed out the differences pre and post Eden, e.g. increased pain in childbirth, and Adam having to toil for food. There were no thorns in the Garden. There are now though.
To the woman he said, “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children.
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Actually, in Hebrew, the word "tzela" is side -- not rib.

Eve was made from one "side" of Adam meaning we share both masculine and feminine properties.
We'll have to ask that question when we get to Heaven because we weren't given that info. Eden was a different place, and can't be held to today's standards.
Something else we don't know is how long Adam and Eve lived in Eden before they introduced evil into the mix. But we do know about birthing. There was little pain in childbirth in Eden. The pain women go through now developed after the Fall, so healing from a small wound to the side should have taken no time at all.
I respectfully disagree with your precepts. The Bible was written to be an enduring document just like our constitution was written to be an enduring document for then and for now.

It's perfectly ok to disagree. :11_2_1043:
What part do you disagree with? The Bible IS an enduring document. That doesn't mean that what was once is still the case today. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, but the circumstances, generation after generation change through out. God even pointed out the differences pre and post Eden, e.g. increased pain in childbirth, and Adam having to toil for food. There were no thorns in the Garden. There are now though.
To the woman he said, “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children.
I am glad you agree that it is an enduring document written for all times. You are correct God does not change. What changes is the knowledge (it increases) and the precepts as people become more aware of the spirit and that which is operating in the spiritual realm in us and around us. I will need to go into the 'thorns, pain, etc...' in a future post and possibly the establishing or origin of the original host (<I have to pray on that part to insure I articulate it properly or see if I can in a brief comment like this)

Here is a portion of where the difference is in what we agree in. Adam is speaking about and to the human. That means you, me, and whomever else that has received a that blow of breath that made us a living soul whether we are a female human or a male human. A personal relationship with the creator of the creation, which is us as individuals who have been given life/animated brought forth from being asleep in the dust/confusion of the world or living as the dead unaware by Jehovah's eternal spirit to start that journey of awareness of who we are spiritually speaking.

The Bible (think of it as compressed honey) written in such a manner that it is a personal guide to be read like it was written just for you. It provides the basic building blocks for those who have been given a covering of grace. As you grow and mature in the spiritual sense you seek to know more and have more understanding about yourself as a child of God.

fncceo, this is correct in part in describing the meaning of the word rib. It is a side chamber within us. A Spiritual being is akin to being like any flesh being in that it is also made up of intricate cells throughout. A ryib is speaking to what is a chamber of these where a spirit of consciousness resides (<that is a very simplistic description of it. It is up to us to examine within ourselves). In old English it is spelled ryib means strife, contention, a case at law. With Han it is used in describing the final or exclamatory particle, as a Romanized variant of Cantonese it is used to describe 'four corners'. The Hebrew language also has great depth when studied. Hebrew gives us a sense of the meanings to the letters and words that describe workings of the spiritual kingdom.

The basic place of the rib/ryib/tzela is that place or cluster of cells in the mind where a human is awakened with a consciousness when it strives with the spirit that was put in it; the life within with awareness that is in the human aka Adam.

Within each human we have male and female portions spiritually speaking. These spiritual portions build our character. Inside and outside influences procreate bringing forth new ideas, thoughts, ideologies, habits and patterns. Bone is the essence, the frame, the structure that feeds, brings forth new stem cells, etc. Everything has patterns both in flesh and in spirit.
How long do you think the Lord leaves Adam asleep before he is awakened and given Eve or Chava?

The first point I would try to make here is you have to remember, before Adam and Eve disobeyed God and cursed themselves and the planet, that they had much different bodies than we have today. Adam was created perfect on day 6 and at the end of that day God says in Genesis 1:31 "behold, it was very good." God didn't create our bodies to hunger, get tired, have pain, diseases, etc. This is the same body, I believe, we will get back once we enter Heaven.

So to directly answer your question, God is silent in scripture concerning the amount of time that passed in Genesis 2:21-23 when He put Adam to sleep. Probably because this piece of information is irrelevant to the story that is being told here. The scriptures isn't always going to give every little detail unfortunately. If you need questions like this answered, then you might as well ask HOW God created the heaven and the earth in Genesis 1:1? God, in giving us His perfect book, put everything in His scriptures that is relevant. If the scriptures are silent, I would say it doesn't really matter and we should focus on what IS written.

Still a fun question though, don't get me wrong.
How long do you think the Lord leaves Adam asleep before he is awakened and given Eve or Chava?

The first point I would try to make here is you have to remember, before Adam and Eve disobeyed God and cursed themselves and the planet, that they had much different bodies than we have today. Adam was created perfect on day 6 and at the end of that day God says in Genesis 1:31 "behold, it was very good." God didn't create our bodies to hunger, get tired, have pain, diseases, etc. This is the same body, I believe, we will get back once we enter Heaven.

So to directly answer your question, God is silent in scripture concerning the amount of time that passed in Genesis 2:21-23 when He put Adam to sleep. Probably because this piece of information is irrelevant to the story that is being told here. The scriptures isn't always going to give every little detail unfortunately. If you need questions like this answered, then you might as well ask HOW God created the heaven and the earth in Genesis 1:1? God, in giving us His perfect book, put everything in His scriptures that is relevant. If the scriptures are silent, I would say it doesn't really matter and we should focus on what IS written.

Still a fun question though, don't get me wrong.
If there are scriptures that are silent to/for you it means you are not readied for them yet.

Nothing new under the sun.

Noah described the heavenly nature of how there are hosts in heaven for everything living thing that is on/in earth. Perhaps at some point you may be ready to receive that and the Holy Spirit will lead you to where that is written.
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