A question for Dems about the TEA Party

Sometime in 2010, in the South anyway, they began to rally around mayors and governors who started slashing funding for police and fire departments. The Southern PDs and FDs are almost all non-union. And many weren't in bad economic conditions, but....as SC Gov Nikki Haley put it...they did it anyway just "To send a message".

Anyway, when the TP turned on cops and firemen, they lost me. All govt employees are not created equal.

Read this article....Nowhere is the Tea Party even mentioned.Police Budget Cuts | Law Enforcement Today
I am not a fan nor an opponent of the Tea Party. I think like any other group they have their good arguments. Any group that battles against wasteful government spending and the unfettered growth of government is fine in my book.
Your assumptions are inaccurate. The fact is the movement toward more responsive government regarding public worker wages and benefits began in the big union states north of the Mason-Dixon line.
The fact is that public worker salaries and benefits have gotten out of control. Taxes have skyrocketed to the point where people are being taxed out of their homes.
Check this site. Here you can find the salaries of every state, county and municipal employee in the State of New Jersey....New Jersey by the Numbers - NJ.com

The problems are three fold. One, wages and benefits for public employees far exceed those in the private sector. Public employees are supposed to be in service to the public. Those performing the service should not be getting a better deal than those served.
Second, the growth of municipal government has been rampant. For a small town of 4,700 people to have a municipal payroll of over 50 is absurd.
It is not political party or any one political group. The taxpayers are speaking here. In many places the taxpayers have made it known that if their politicians do not rein in the unions representing public employees, they will vote for those who will.
This is certainly not a tea party thing.
I dislike the hypocrisy. One one hand you speak of Freedom and liberty. son the other, you want to legislate morality.

On one hand, you speak of economic freedom for businessmen, but on the other hand, you don't give a shit whether people make enough to feed their families without government assistance.

On one hand, you speak of smaller government, but you have no problem supporting a military is more expensive than the next 10 countries combined.

On one hand, you talk about the Constitution and the freedoms within, yet your platform denies rights to taxpaying, productive people because of who they love romantically.

You go on and on about religious freedom.....unless it's someone from a different religion than Christianity.

You complain about takers....but it's Conservative policies that put MOST of those "evil" 47% into that situation.

You talk about Obama and Dems being divisive, but have no sense of accountability to the Tea Party side of the equation, which has demonized half of our country for four years.

That enough?

Lastly....I don't hate Tea Party people. I don't hate anyone. The sooner both sides realize we are all Americans and about 95% of us are in the same boat(more or less), the better off we'll be.

What you refer to as "legislating morality" is on the opposite of law and order liberalism. That is the nanny state legislation passed by liberals designed protect us from ourselves.
Give and example of legislating of morality....
On wages. If a business cannot be successful because of intrusive government and confiscatory taxation, then it really does not matter the salaries because the business will be run out of business.
The fact is we are in control of how much we earn. We make decisions every day about our future that influence our earning potential. There are always choices.
Smaller government. Yes. Less intrusive government yes. Stop with the military spending crap. National defense is an essential and Constitutionally mandated function of government. I know where this goes every time one of you libs brings this up. 50% of our federal budget is spent on social programs.
Lets face it. Your side does not look upon taxation as a means to raise revenue. To you taxation is a means to punish. To get even. For "fairness"..
This is one of the reasons why your ideology will never dominate this country.
The tea party has no ideology. They are bush loving racist who love limbaugh and fox news supported by plutocrats. They actually want a king with them as nobles and us as serfs. And don't come with the tax BS. If that was true they would have protested and wore those stupid hats with racist signs long before two days after Obama is inaugurated

Big fail, Zarius. You make blanket accusations without any cite, source or proof.

Care to try again without all the hyperbole?

I knew you would ask

New Poll Finds Tea Partiers Have More Racist Attitudes - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

I can do this all day. The evidence is overwhelming
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgBDeb28pe0]The Billionaires' Tea Party - Trailer - Available on DVD - YouTube[/ame]
Another FAIL...A poll? That is perception. Opinion. Not fact.
BTW, liberals are every bit as if not more racist than those you accuse. Liberalism is based on the politics of race. Liberalism must have as it's base a group of people to demonize. You must create groups of people and then pit them against each other.
It is YOUR side that has created the divisiveness we see here.
What is it about the TEA Party ideology that you don't like?

Whatever your answers may be, please provide some kind of source for your assertions.
For one...they are hypocrites.

Secondly, they are rude, crude and boisterous.

Thirdly, they are flat out wrong.

Hence they almost all down to a man, gone!
What is it about the TEA Party ideology that you don't like?

Whatever your answers may be, please provide some kind of source for your assertions.

It has nothing to do with liking or disliking their ideology. Their ideology is just not workable. While I have no issue with those who support the idea of lower taxes, the tea party certainly takes this to another level, an unworkable level as far as I'm concerned. While I support their right to their own opinion, what I oppose about them is that they think they are the only ones who love America and if you're not with them, then you are some Marxist or Communist. Some of the stupid shit they believe is just plain comical.

Tell me Dante, what is it about that sign that bothers you?

Is it simply the use of the misspelled '******', or is it the correct observation that we are ALL slaves to the whims of an ever more powerful government?

ETA: Do you feel that the use of the term '******' in this instance is a racial one, or a comparative one?

The 9/11 twoofer becomes more and more unhinged everyday. Good.
Typical uninformed and ignorant right winger. I guess they never taught you about the southern strategy with your 5th grade education, otherwise no one would make such an asinine statement.
Your history education seems to have a few holes in it.



The GOP has always stood for civil rights for all.

The Democrats? Johnny-come-latelies.

Liberals in the GOP and the DNC were for civil rights. Conservatives in the DNC and the GOP were against freedom for their niggahs

LBJ correctly predicted the Democrats would lose the South after the 1960s civil rights bills passed. The Democrats loss was the GOP's gain
The reason that is a false statement is because the Republican Party began as the anti-slavery party and remained that way through reconstruction and through today. We're against subjugation of race, and when your Democrats did all you could to suppress black people by putting them in the worst schools, we bused them to better schools while Democrats screamed about costs. Then when schools did the necessary improvements, the Democrats made certain their children's schools got the money set aside for improved black students, and Congress began being the food fight place over who gets what.

So successful were Democrats in keeping black children down, George W. Bush decided to ensure literacy was improved among blacks and threatened to close schools down who weren't doing their jobs of producing students who were equipped with knowledge skills.

But not to worry, Democrats collaborated with Unions to make ugly scenarios by using Union Goon teachers to smarm the public with how children were being educated to the tests. Closed schools meant bad teachers would lose their cushy jobs, and unionized teachers knew just what to do to go on the warpath against Republicans putting their foot down to schools who were there to collect benefits and discourage black children from being all they could be intellectually.

You lose, Dante. You win by lying and obfuscating and you lose when someone comes around who remembers the shenanigans you used to collect something for nothing and have nobody looking while your party took the funds for its selfish interests. It was as easy for you as it is for a thief who walks into a church and takes money out of the food box for the poor.

Democrats squander wealth, wherever it is to be found. It is your history and your strength. The light of truth and accurate records will be the undoing of the Democrat Party.
What do I hate about the Tea Party?

That they somehow look at themselves as Patriots. They are an insult to the term. A patriot is willing to give up everything for a cause. To make a personal sacrifice for the good of all
Tea Baggers are unwilling to give up anything. They do not offer up cuts in the programs that help them.....Social Security, Medicare, Veterans Benefits. They only want the poor to sacrifice. They are far from Patriots, they are just self serving morans who do not want to contribute to our society
When stupid people, band together, and gain political strength, are supported by wealthy people who want to use them, they're a danger to our Nation. I see it here. The Teabaggers claim they're strict constructionists, but don't seem to have a clue about what is Constitutional. It's like as if every loudmouth in every bar across the country found a way to unite as a movement. When it was just a loudmouth in a bar, you could laugh and ignore the moron. With social networking and right wing media, you can organize them.
What is it about the TEA Party ideology that you don't like?

Whatever your answers may be, please provide some kind of source for your assertions.

1. The TEA Party was formed immediately after the election of President Obama and was clearly due to outrage over a black liberal President.
Wrong. History of the Tea Party Movement - A Timeline History of the Tea Party Movement

2. The TEA party people did not care about the deficit under GWB, but suddenly became fanatics about it once Obama was elected.
Wrong again. See above.

3. By historical American standards the present tax rates are not high and will not be particularly high when the Bush tax end - yet the TEA party grossly exaggerates the the significance of these tax increases.
Historical American standards are NO income tax. The IRS and the income tax are less than 100 years old.

4. The TEA Party is grossly hypocritical by declaring that the want a balanced budget - to reduce the federal deficit - yet they refuse to let the Bush tax cuts expire. If they cared about the federal deficit, they would support tax increases as a part of any budget compromise.
You can 'tax the rich' at 100% and confiscate EVERY PENNY they have, it will give you enough money to run the government for a whole 9 months. We MUST DRASTICALLY cut spending.

5. The TEA party are really libertarians who've taken over the Republican party. They should let the Republicans have their party back and openly declare their true ideology.
If Libertarians had taken over the Republican Party Ron Paul would've been the nominee.

6. The TEA Party is clearly doing everything they can to use finances to destroy the federal government and America with it. Their unconstitutional attempt not to raise the debt ceiling made that very clear.
The TEA Party is NOT trying to "destroy the Federal government". They simply want it to return to it's Constitutional limits. You do realize that the Constitution LIMITS the government, don't you?

7. The TEA Party has forced a budget stand off in Washington that threatens America's financial health.
The debt is what threatens America's financial health.

In short, the TEA party seems to be a political front for the goals of the KKK.
Total bullshit, but not surprising that you would use that canard.

I've been friends with members of the KKK - they're fun guys to party with - but I severely disagree with their views on racial issues and with their anti-federal sentiments. I also disagree with their extreme chauvinistic views towards women - though most of the women they associated with seemed to like being treated that way.

In the case of the TEA Party, where there's smoke there's a burning cross!
You'll need to come up with something a little more substantive than your own OPINION to convince me of that. You know, something FACTUAL.
Freedom Works chair and tea-party organizer Dick Armey, once called Barney Frank "Barney Fag."

The response from the conservative blogosphere to reports that Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) was called the n-word, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) was spit on, and Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) was called a homophobic slur during yesterday's tea party protest at the Capitol has been mostly predictable. Many bloggers have attempted to paint Lewis, Cleaver, and Frank as liars playing identity politics in order to garner sympathy, with the added caveat that if the allegations are true, they are deplorable and in no way represent the movement as a whole. Tea Party Lunatics

With all those cameras rolling and a $100,000 reward offered for video and/or audio PROOF of that allegation, NOTHING has been offered. Your accusation is BASELESS.
You can thank the GOP for that. They love illegals.

Only a complete moron could possibly believe Republicans are the ones eager to allow illegals into this country.


A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants : NPR

Reagan felt a whole lot different after the Dems refused to comply with the enforcement measures in the 1986 IRCA. You know, closing down the border and going after illegal employers?

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