A question for Dems about the TEA Party

Oops-Oh... You feel better now?

Now that I've proven your precious Tea Party uses racist symbols? Why would that make me feel better?

The important question is, does it make you feel worse?

You obviously didn't read past where I committed the faux pas of misidentifying that flag. YOU claim it is a racist symbol while Conservatives see it as a symbol of States rights. You know, those pesky Amendments numbered 9 & 10?

They use the stars and bars to represent states rights, you are correct.

However, KKK and white supremacists use the confederate battle flag or the confederate navy jack which has the same design as the battle flag but the more widely recognized rectangular shape.

Congratulations, you're affiliated with racists.
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Now that I've proven your precious Tea Party uses racist symbols? Why would that make me feel better?

The important question is, does it make you feel worse?

You obviously didn't read past where I committed the faux pas of misidentifying that flag. YOU claim it is a racist symbol while Conservatives see it as a symbol of States rights. You know, those pesky Amendments numbered 9 & 10?

They use the stars and bars to represent states rights, you are correct.

However, KKK and white supremacists use the confederate battle flag or the confederate navy jack which has the same design as the battle flag but the more widely recognized rectangular shape.

Congratulations, you're affiliated with racists.

According to the ADL there are about 5,000 members of the KKK and it's affiliates nationwide. That's 100 per state. Equating me with them is like equating Christianity with the Westboro Baptist Church.

Oh, wait...
You obviously didn't read past where I committed the faux pas of misidentifying that flag. YOU claim it is a racist symbol while Conservatives see it as a symbol of States rights. You know, those pesky Amendments numbered 9 & 10?

They use the stars and bars to represent states rights, you are correct.

However, KKK and white supremacists use the confederate battle flag or the confederate navy jack which has the same design as the battle flag but the more widely recognized rectangular shape.

Congratulations, you're affiliated with racists.

According to the ADL there are about 5,000 members of the KKK and it's affiliates nationwide. That's 100 per state. Equating me with them is like equating Christianity with the Westboro Baptist Church.

Oh, wait...

Your statistics are irrelevant to your assertion. Why would I expect otherwise, though... you think the confederate battle flag is the same thing as the stars & bars.
The people in your photo are Democrats, not TEA Partiers, asshole.

Sure they are :lmao: I heard this was at a tea party rally after they found out Obama won the election.

These were found littering the scene,..


Let's take these one at a time, shall we?

1.) Obamacare = Fascism
If fascism is the marriage of corporations and the state, why wouldn't a government takeover of 1/6 of our TOTAL economy qualify?

2.) Bury Obamacare with Kennedy
I don't see any reason for you to get all butthurt over that one. Over 50% of Americans want to do just that.

3.) Come and Take it
If this one bothers you it can only be because you have an issue with the 2nd Amendment. Get over it.

4.) Excuse me, we ARE a Christian Nation
78.4% of Americans claim to be Christian. Deal with it.

5.) Witchdoctor
This is the one you all think is 'racist'. How you cannot see that it is a statement on Obamacare is beyond me, but it is obvious to anyone that looks beyond the superficial.

6.) Obama = Anti-Christ
Yeah, it's over the top, but since when has our politics NOT been?

7.) Don't tread on me
Why you would have a problem with the Gadsden flag escapes me. Americans have NEVER supported a government that abuses it's citizens until RECENTLY.

8.) Stars and Bars
Conservatives see this as a states rights icon, Liberals see it as support for slavery. Your mileage may vary.

I've run across your type before. Nothing is racist. It can all be explained by something else.

Tea party logic

lm not racist. I just dont want a " N" for President
Hey thanks for posting even more evidence of the racist bitches that are the tea party.

Only two of those images can even remotely be called racist. The others aren't.


2 is 1 more than is necessary, and your post implies the image is accurate.


They dont get that. I love the one who said that damn flag is about "States Rights". Nobody and I mean nobody but racist use those terms. Only a racist would fly that flag or have it on thier car. Dont believe it. Put it on your car if you work with Blacks and see how long before you are brought in the office. That flag is hate. Plain and simple. The tea party thinks its just fine.
What is it about the TEA Party ideology that you don't like?

Whatever your answers may be, please provide some kind of source for your assertions.

The tea party has no ideology. They are bush loving racist who love limbaugh and fox news supported by plutocrats. They actually want a king with them as nobles and us as serfs. And don't come with the tax BS. If that was true they would have protested and wore those stupid hats with racist signs long before two days after Obama is inaugurated

Proof that there is a media problem in this country.

I have heard tea party people talk and all of them believe in the Confedaracy. Dont tell me about tea party people damn it. I know them and they hate the idea of Obama.
What is it about the TEA Party ideology that you don't like?

Whatever your answers may be, please provide some kind of source for your assertions.

Hate (Obama)

Ignorance (benefits of taxation / government)

Racism (too many of that ilk)

Just to name a few.
What is it about the TEA Party ideology that you don't like?

Whatever your answers may be, please provide some kind of source for your assertions.
For one...they are hypocrites.

Secondly, they are rude, crude and boisterous.

Thirdly, they are flat out wrong.

Hence they almost all down to a man, gone!

That's not good enough. Those are vague opinions.
Produce specifics with links to that prove your accusations.
Gone? Have you noticed that not only are the democrats a minority party in the US House, they LOST more seats last week.
The GOP has gained governor seats now to bring their total to 30.
The majority of states have either one or both of their legislative chambers dominated by GOP members.
Anyway, unless you can provide the requested specifics, we merely view your descriptors as YOUR opinion.
My thinking is you do not like Tea Party people and for that matter ALL non liberals because they do not think like you, do not agree with you and will not kowtow to your ideology.
Now, about those verifiable examples...Have at it.
Oh, and before you go long trying to find the fringe candidate, remember this, generalizations are not acceptable. Sort of like the crazed mass shooter at VA tech, the Korean guy....One cannot say since that shooting was at the hands of a person of Korean descent, all Koreans are mass shooters. Same as the several white people who have committed the same crime..Doesn't mean all white men are mass shooters. Same as black gangbangers ....Doesn't mean all black people are gangbangers. Same as the mafia. Doesn't mean all Italian men are in the mob..
So be careful. Because not all liberals are socialists nor are they all for high taxes or political correctness.
Now, go do your homework.
What is it about the TEA Party ideology that you don't like?

Whatever your answers may be, please provide some kind of source for your assertions.

Hate (Obama)

Ignorance (benefits of taxation / government)

Racism (too many of that ilk)

Just to name a few.
THese are your opinions..
I must say though that who are you to say there is an objection to ALL taxation and ALL government.
That is the typical all or nothing straw man argument furthered by liberals when their precious government is questioned.
It is not government in general to which we object. It is wasteful spending. It is the nonsensical programs. The funding of things such as researching the sex drive of Japanese Quails that have been exposed to cocaine. It is all the bullshit and nonsense pork barrel spending that entrenched career politicians will put into spending bills in order to bring "stuff" home to their districts in order to secure votes.
You can rest assured that when the federal government gets is fiscal house in order, the protesting from our point of view will slow dramatically.

The race card no longer is acceptable and is dismissed. Your side is going to call us racists no matter what, so we no longer care. Go ahead and say "racist" we know it to not be true. So be angry. Waste your time. We will not deny or defend lies.
Sure they are :lmao: I heard this was at a tea party rally after they found out Obama won the election.

These were found littering the scene,..


Let's take these one at a time, shall we?

1.) Obamacare = Fascism
If fascism is the marriage of corporations and the state, why wouldn't a government takeover of 1/6 of our TOTAL economy qualify?

2.) Bury Obamacare with Kennedy
I don't see any reason for you to get all butthurt over that one. Over 50% of Americans want to do just that.

3.) Come and Take it
If this one bothers you it can only be because you have an issue with the 2nd Amendment. Get over it.

4.) Excuse me, we ARE a Christian Nation
78.4% of Americans claim to be Christian. Deal with it.

5.) Witchdoctor
This is the one you all think is 'racist'. How you cannot see that it is a statement on Obamacare is beyond me, but it is obvious to anyone that looks beyond the superficial.

6.) Obama = Anti-Christ
Yeah, it's over the top, but since when has our politics NOT been?

7.) Don't tread on me
Why you would have a problem with the Gadsden flag escapes me. Americans have NEVER supported a government that abuses it's citizens until RECENTLY.

8.) Stars and Bars
Conservatives see this as a states rights icon, Liberals see it as support for slavery. Your mileage may vary.

I've run across your type before. Nothing is racist. It can all be explained by something else.

Tea party logic

lm not racist. I just dont want a " N" for President

You're wrong in your assumption. I would have been MORE than happy with Herman Cain.

ASS - umption...
Only two of those images can even remotely be called racist. The others aren't.


2 is 1 more than is necessary, and your post implies the image is accurate.


They dont get that. I love the one who said that damn flag is about "States Rights". Nobody and I mean nobody but racist use those terms. Only a racist would fly that flag or have it on thier car. Dont believe it. Put it on your car if you work with Blacks and see how long before you are brought in the office. That flag is hate. Plain and simple. The tea party thinks its just fine.

Clearly you're another believer in erasing the 9th & 10th Amendments.

Why do you hate the Constitution?
What is it about the TEA Party ideology that you don't like?

Whatever your answers may be, please provide some kind of source for your assertions.

Hate (Obama)

Ignorance (benefits of taxation / government)

Racism (too many of that ilk)

Just to name a few.
THese are your opinions..
I must say though that who are you to say there is an objection to ALL taxation and ALL government.
That is the typical all or nothing straw man argument furthered by liberals when their precious government is questioned.
It is not government in general to which we object. It is wasteful spending. It is the nonsensical programs. The funding of things such as researching the sex drive of Japanese Quails that have been exposed to cocaine. It is all the bullshit and nonsense pork barrel spending that entrenched career politicians will put into spending bills in order to bring "stuff" home to their districts in order to secure votes.
You can rest assured that when the federal government gets is fiscal house in order, the protesting from our point of view will slow dramatically.

The race card no longer is acceptable and is dismissed. Your side is going to call us racists no matter what, so we no longer care. Go ahead and say "racist" we know it to not be true. So be angry. Waste your time. We will not deny or defend lies.

When queried what "I dislike," that there'd be the stuff of opinions; yeah?

But no matter. I guess from what you're saying, we need to cut funding for research of Japanese birds on coke, and then we're just funding beneficial stuff, are we? Or have you other stuff we should not pay/borrow for in service of being tax-averse reflexively?
The tea party has no ideology. They are bush loving racist who love limbaugh and fox news supported by plutocrats. They actually want a king with them as nobles and us as serfs. And don't come with the tax BS. If that was true they would have protested and wore those stupid hats with racist signs long before two days after Obama is inaugurated

Proof that there is a media problem in this country.

I have heard tea party people talk and all of them believe in the Confedaracy. Dont tell me about tea party people damn it. I know them and they hate the idea of Obama.

Oh please..So we're supposed to accept "I have heard"..Yeah ok. Then you'll have no problem producing evidence that states that is a policy of the Tea Party.
The problem wth you is you "hear" things and don't verify the source. You simply believe it because it's convenient for you to do so.
OK. 10 pages later...

The TEA Party started as a vehicle to support the Ron Paul agenda of reducing our ever-increasing monstrosity of a Federal government run amok. We were not then nor are we now 'Bushbots'. We opposed Medicare Part D, No Child Left Behind, military adventurism, the war in Iraq, the Patriot Act and many other Federal incursions on personal liberty and responsibility.

With that said, I have no problem admitting and bemoaning the fact that this popular, grass roots movement has been co-opted by the Republican Party in an effort to stifle it's obvious power to generate a true 3rd party movement that would unite fiscal conservatives and social liberals (read: Libertarians) into a power strong enough to topple the two party duopoly that has strangled America for the last 100 years.

It would be my hope that thinking people from both sides of the political spectrum would look a little deeper into the roots of the TEA Party and reject the false narratives being pushed by BOTH establishment parties. If there is to be an American Renaissance, it must come from those of us who are willing to think outside of the political box we have been herded into.

I think it is obvious that anything less is nothing more than rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

Thanks for participating.

Why wont you and others like you stand up to the racist tea party? I and many others will push President Obama to reform welfare and SSDI. But we will not stand with people who attack this man everyday with the vile hatred such as limbaugh,beck,hannity and gallagher have.
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Hate (Obama)

Ignorance (benefits of taxation / government)

Racism (too many of that ilk)

Just to name a few.
THese are your opinions..
I must say though that who are you to say there is an objection to ALL taxation and ALL government.
That is the typical all or nothing straw man argument furthered by liberals when their precious government is questioned.
It is not government in general to which we object. It is wasteful spending. It is the nonsensical programs. The funding of things such as researching the sex drive of Japanese Quails that have been exposed to cocaine. It is all the bullshit and nonsense pork barrel spending that entrenched career politicians will put into spending bills in order to bring "stuff" home to their districts in order to secure votes.
You can rest assured that when the federal government gets is fiscal house in order, the protesting from our point of view will slow dramatically.

The race card no longer is acceptable and is dismissed. Your side is going to call us racists no matter what, so we no longer care. Go ahead and say "racist" we know it to not be true. So be angry. Waste your time. We will not deny or defend lies.

When queried what "I dislike," that there'd be the stuff of opinions; yeah?

But no matter. I guess from what you're saying, we need to cut funding for research of Japanese birds on coke, and then we're just funding beneficial stuff, are we? Or have you other stuff we should not pay/borrow for in service of being tax-averse reflexively?

You might notice in the OP that request for sources??
I was assuming (Oops) that you were cogent enough to judge your likes and dislikes based on facts rather than feelings.

My bad...
The people in your photo are Democrats, not TEA Partiers, asshole.

Sure they are :lmao: I heard this was at a tea party rally after they found out Obama won the election.

These were found littering the scene,..


Hey thanks for posting even more evidence of the racist bitches that are the tea party.
Yeah and?...And this is the vitriol we see from both sides of the political spectrum.
Your side is just as, if not more racist...Liberalism is the ideology of race.
In order for liberalism to function it must cordon off people into groups and pit them against each other.
OK. 10 pages later...

The TEA Party started as a vehicle to support the Ron Paul agenda of reducing our ever-increasing monstrosity of a Federal government run amok. We were not then nor are we now 'Bushbots'. We opposed Medicare Part D, No Child Left Behind, military adventurism, the war in Iraq, the Patriot Act and many other Federal incursions on personal liberty and responsibility.

With that said, I have no problem admitting and bemoaning the fact that this popular, grass roots movement has been co-opted by the Republican Party in an effort to stifle it's obvious power to generate a true 3rd party movement that would unite fiscal conservatives and social liberals (read: Libertarians) into a power strong enough to topple the two party duopoly that has strangled America for the last 100 years.

It would be my hope that thinking people from both sides of the political spectrum would look a little deeper into the roots of the TEA Party and reject the false narratives being pushed by BOTH establishment parties. If there is to be an American Renaissance, it must come from those of us who are willing to think outside of the political box we have been herded into.

I think it is obvious that anything less is nothing more than rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

Thanks for participating.

Why want you and others like you stand up to the racist tea party? I and many others will push President Obama to reform welfare and SSDI. But we will not stand with people who attack this man everyday with the vile hatred such as limbaugh,beck,hannity and gallagher have.

Please provide some evidence of this "vile hatred". I don't listen to those guys, although I used to watch Glen Beck. I can't recall him saying anything that would even RESEMBLE 'vile hatred'.
2 is 1 more than is necessary, and your post implies the image is accurate.


They dont get that. I love the one who said that damn flag is about "States Rights". Nobody and I mean nobody but racist use those terms. Only a racist would fly that flag or have it on thier car. Dont believe it. Put it on your car if you work with Blacks and see how long before you are brought in the office. That flag is hate. Plain and simple. The tea party thinks its just fine.

Clearly you're another believer in erasing the 9th & 10th Amendments.

Why do you hate the Constitution?

I defended it buddy. So screw you. I never said the tea party couldn't be dumb asses. They have that right.
Proof that there is a media problem in this country.

I have heard tea party people talk and all of them believe in the Confedaracy. Dont tell me about tea party people damn it. I know them and they hate the idea of Obama.

Oh please..So we're supposed to accept "I have heard"..Yeah ok. Then you'll have no problem producing evidence that states that is a policy of the Tea Party.
The problem wth you is you "hear" things and don't verify the source. You simply believe it because it's convenient for you to do so.

OK stupid here you go. Tea party is so full of racist it is easy to prove your racism everyday.

Daily Kos: Tea Party's 'States' Rights' Constitutional Amendment

States rights=slavery,second class citizens.

All the things tea party maggots love
Sure they are :lmao: I heard this was at a tea party rally after they found out Obama won the election.

These were found littering the scene,..


Hey thanks for posting even more evidence of the racist bitches that are the tea party.
Yeah and?...And this is the vitriol we see from both sides of the political spectrum.
Your side is just as, if not more racist...Liberalism is the ideology of race.
In order for liberalism to function it must cordon off people into groups and pit them against each other.

Dont come at me with your limbaugh fox news talking points.:mad:

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