A question for liberals: Washington State MW=$11 an hour, Texas MW=$7.25 an hour ..

You actually believe that and you call me a dingbat dupe???
View attachment 121409

I'll get back to ya......when I can breathe again. :lmao:
What's the problem, dupe. You don't know Dem policy? Shocking lol- Just the bs character assassination you people know...

They raise taxes on the working class so they can fund their interests......and that has very damn little to do with 'the good of the country'. Anyone in politics is greedy whether for money &/or power.....just ask Obama or Hillary.

And as for your last statement.....you're the one doing all the 'bs character assassination', just by your own comments.

After this past year and especially since the election.......I have NO desire nor do I care about Democrat policy. They have all shown just how pathetic they really are
They've always raised taxes on the rich only, dupe. All that corrupt Clinton bs has been investigated and NOTHING. That's the character assassination- same with Kerry, GORE- anything to avoid policy talk. How's the lock her up bs coming, dupissimus?

You might want to rethink your statement of Democrats only raising taxes on the rich. And it seems to me the middle class got stimulus checks under a GOP President, if I'm not mistaken. Even though we were also taxed on that, but I'm not denying GOP tax increases either. Guess what?? Both sides raise taxes on middle class.

Apparently the Democratic Policies are to make promises they have no intention of fulfilling.

Obama loads taxes on the middle class. Again. | Human Events

President Obama raised middle-class taxes and lost an election

Obama’s Plan To Help The Middle Class: Raise Their Taxes

Hillary Clinton (even though she didn't win)......

Clinton Backpedals On Promise Not To Raise Middle Class Taxes, Calls It A "Goal"

Today, Clinton Hedged On Her Previous Pledge Not To Raise Taxes On Middle-Class Americans, Instead Calling It A “Goal.” . STEPHANOPOULOS: “You’re also saying no tax increases at all for anyone earning under $250,000. Is that a rock solid read my lips promise?” CLINTON: “Well, it certainly is my goal and I’ve laid it out in this campaign and it’s something President Obama promised, it’s something my husband certainly tried to achieve, because I want Americans to know that I get it.” (Hillary Clinton, ABC’s This Week, 12/6/15)

Bill Clinton.......

Bill Clinton on Tax Reform

Reneged on promise to address "forgotten middle class" One of his most contentious disagreements with the press was his pledge early in the campaign to cut the taxes of the "forgotten" middle class--those making less than $80,000/year--by 10%. He continued to promote the idea even when he knew it was unworkable after hearing new deficit projections in August. As late as a week before Election Day, he said he would "absolutely not" consider postponing the tax cut. But afterward, when reporters pressed him at a news conference, he unwisely flashed his anger, claiming that "the press thought the most important issue in the race was the middle-class tax cut. I never did meet any voter who thought that." Reporters rebuked his coverage to aides, some of whom began calling NBC the "Nail Bill Clinton" network. Source: For Love of Politics, by Sally Bedell Smith, Chapter 2 , Oct 23, 2007

OpEd: Broke campaign promise by tax rise & no spending cuts
Tim Penny was a Democrat from Minnesota whose frustration with Washington politics reached a tipping point when Pres. Clinton proposed a big tax increase with few spending cuts, going against his own campaign promise. Tim had enough with empty Washingto Tim's response to Bill Clinton's about-face actually cost the good people back home, but very quickly Tim took on a kind of folk-hero status--in Congress, in Minnesota, and across this great land. His stature grew enormously, simply because he took a stand. He was disillusioned with Clinton's plan, and with a political system that seemed bound to support it; more to the point, he didn't like how Clinton promised one thing and then went out and did another, so he stood against it.

Besides........what does all this (including Clinton crimes) have to do with the OP????? Let's get back on track here.

Washington state has been a Democratic safe haven for the last several cycles, and we are taxed on nearly everything.

1. At or near 10% sales tax on everything except food and online purchases (yet, they have been considering this)

2. Pot is legal and now regulated by the state and subject to the 'sin' tax just like tobacco, alcohol, etc (pot has become their new cash cow)

3. Tolls on certain bridges and HOV lanes. If you're a regular commuter you have to pay it daily, that adds up to quite the chunk of fund$

4. Car tab fees.....A few years ago Tim Eyman managed to get our excise tax (one of the top 5 highest in the country) dropped and we were supposed to only pay $30. We have never paid only $30, because the state instituted other 'fees'/taxes/costs that even with an old (20-30 yo) vehicle now costs around $100 or more.....that before would have only been $20. New car owners have seen the greatest benefit, since theirs would have been around $1000 to $1500 per year previously. King, Pierce, Snohomish counties have to pay RTA tax on their tabs. That includes everyone in those counties....even though 75% of the population would never use the damn thing even though we have to pay for it.

6. Gas taxes... we are #2 in the nation, right behind PA

7.Property taxes...we are #23..somewhere in the middle at .92%...not the worse, but not the best either

8. Camping/park use fees-we've had these for a few years now (10+?), but there are many parks that now have fees/permit requirements that we didn't have previously (less than 5 years, I think)

and that's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure there is plenty more.

In the last 20 years since we've bought our house, we were doing pretty good. After the kids were born & I stayed home (astronomical daycare costs), going from 2 paychecks to 1, things were tight but workable. Every year since, overall costs have increased, income flattened and became impossible to pinch those pennies any tighter, it became necessary to return to the workforce. Early on was able to bring my kids with (childcare & other odd jobs that made it possible) to supplement our finances that helped to balance out. Costs continued to rise to the point I had to go elsewhere to get enough hours. Our combined income of $30+ an hour was JUST enough to get by & put a small amount aside for savings......and we don't live large by any means. Older home, used cars, no active credit cards, rarely any type of 'outtings'. Our lifestyle hasn't changed much in those 20 years, but the costs and income necessary to maintain what most would consider 'survival mode' have.
So don't be telling me that Democrats (whether Federal or State) are looking out for my best interests & going to help me cause I haven't seen it yet.

Now.....I invite you to contribute some factual content based on the OP....that has more to do with the income vs cost of living between Texas and Washington state :2up:
If the GOP would allow taxes on the ridiculously bloated and undertaxed rich, dupe, none of that would even be considered by Dems. And BULLLSHYTTE- thanks for the Pubspam propaganda, dupe.

Didn't we just have 8 years of a Democrat in charge? Why didn't he do anything about the 'taxes on the ridiculously bloated and undertaxed rich' when he had the chance? Probably because he didn't 'take charge' of anything, nor do anything....except to give our hard earned tax moneys to IRAN to the tune of what? $1.7 BILLION of taxpayer funds??? How's that working for ya and your so called ideology?
What's the problem, dupe. You don't know Dem policy? Shocking lol- Just the bs character assassination you people know...

They raise taxes on the working class so they can fund their interests......and that has very damn little to do with 'the good of the country'. Anyone in politics is greedy whether for money &/or power.....just ask Obama or Hillary.

And as for your last statement.....you're the one doing all the 'bs character assassination', just by your own comments.

After this past year and especially since the election.......I have NO desire nor do I care about Democrat policy. They have all shown just how pathetic they really are
They've always raised taxes on the rich only, dupe. All that corrupt Clinton bs has been investigated and NOTHING. That's the character assassination- same with Kerry, GORE- anything to avoid policy talk. How's the lock her up bs coming, dupissimus?

You might want to rethink your statement of Democrats only raising taxes on the rich. And it seems to me the middle class got stimulus checks under a GOP President, if I'm not mistaken. Even though we were also taxed on that, but I'm not denying GOP tax increases either. Guess what?? Both sides raise taxes on middle class.

Apparently the Democratic Policies are to make promises they have no intention of fulfilling.

Obama loads taxes on the middle class. Again. | Human Events

President Obama raised middle-class taxes and lost an election

Obama’s Plan To Help The Middle Class: Raise Their Taxes

Hillary Clinton (even though she didn't win)......

Clinton Backpedals On Promise Not To Raise Middle Class Taxes, Calls It A "Goal"

Today, Clinton Hedged On Her Previous Pledge Not To Raise Taxes On Middle-Class Americans, Instead Calling It A “Goal.” . STEPHANOPOULOS: “You’re also saying no tax increases at all for anyone earning under $250,000. Is that a rock solid read my lips promise?” CLINTON: “Well, it certainly is my goal and I’ve laid it out in this campaign and it’s something President Obama promised, it’s something my husband certainly tried to achieve, because I want Americans to know that I get it.” (Hillary Clinton, ABC’s This Week, 12/6/15)

Bill Clinton.......

Bill Clinton on Tax Reform

Reneged on promise to address "forgotten middle class" One of his most contentious disagreements with the press was his pledge early in the campaign to cut the taxes of the "forgotten" middle class--those making less than $80,000/year--by 10%. He continued to promote the idea even when he knew it was unworkable after hearing new deficit projections in August. As late as a week before Election Day, he said he would "absolutely not" consider postponing the tax cut. But afterward, when reporters pressed him at a news conference, he unwisely flashed his anger, claiming that "the press thought the most important issue in the race was the middle-class tax cut. I never did meet any voter who thought that." Reporters rebuked his coverage to aides, some of whom began calling NBC the "Nail Bill Clinton" network. Source: For Love of Politics, by Sally Bedell Smith, Chapter 2 , Oct 23, 2007

OpEd: Broke campaign promise by tax rise & no spending cuts
Tim Penny was a Democrat from Minnesota whose frustration with Washington politics reached a tipping point when Pres. Clinton proposed a big tax increase with few spending cuts, going against his own campaign promise. Tim had enough with empty Washingto Tim's response to Bill Clinton's about-face actually cost the good people back home, but very quickly Tim took on a kind of folk-hero status--in Congress, in Minnesota, and across this great land. His stature grew enormously, simply because he took a stand. He was disillusioned with Clinton's plan, and with a political system that seemed bound to support it; more to the point, he didn't like how Clinton promised one thing and then went out and did another, so he stood against it.

Besides........what does all this (including Clinton crimes) have to do with the OP????? Let's get back on track here.

Washington state has been a Democratic safe haven for the last several cycles, and we are taxed on nearly everything.

1. At or near 10% sales tax on everything except food and online purchases (yet, they have been considering this)

2. Pot is legal and now regulated by the state and subject to the 'sin' tax just like tobacco, alcohol, etc (pot has become their new cash cow)

3. Tolls on certain bridges and HOV lanes. If you're a regular commuter you have to pay it daily, that adds up to quite the chunk of fund$

4. Car tab fees.....A few years ago Tim Eyman managed to get our excise tax (one of the top 5 highest in the country) dropped and we were supposed to only pay $30. We have never paid only $30, because the state instituted other 'fees'/taxes/costs that even with an old (20-30 yo) vehicle now costs around $100 or more.....that before would have only been $20. New car owners have seen the greatest benefit, since theirs would have been around $1000 to $1500 per year previously. King, Pierce, Snohomish counties have to pay RTA tax on their tabs. That includes everyone in those counties....even though 75% of the population would never use the damn thing even though we have to pay for it.

6. Gas taxes... we are #2 in the nation, right behind PA

7.Property taxes...we are #23..somewhere in the middle at .92%...not the worse, but not the best either

8. Camping/park use fees-we've had these for a few years now (10+?), but there are many parks that now have fees/permit requirements that we didn't have previously (less than 5 years, I think)

and that's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure there is plenty more.

In the last 20 years since we've bought our house, we were doing pretty good. After the kids were born & I stayed home (astronomical daycare costs), going from 2 paychecks to 1, things were tight but workable. Every year since, overall costs have increased, income flattened and became impossible to pinch those pennies any tighter, it became necessary to return to the workforce. Early on was able to bring my kids with (childcare & other odd jobs that made it possible) to supplement our finances that helped to balance out. Costs continued to rise to the point I had to go elsewhere to get enough hours. Our combined income of $30+ an hour was JUST enough to get by & put a small amount aside for savings......and we don't live large by any means. Older home, used cars, no active credit cards, rarely any type of 'outtings'. Our lifestyle hasn't changed much in those 20 years, but the costs and income necessary to maintain what most would consider 'survival mode' have.
So don't be telling me that Democrats (whether Federal or State) are looking out for my best interests & going to help me cause I haven't seen it yet.

Now.....I invite you to contribute some factual content based on the OP....that has more to do with the income vs cost of living between Texas and Washington state :2up:
If the GOP would allow taxes on the ridiculously bloated and undertaxed rich, dupe, none of that would even be considered by Dems. And BULLLSHYTTE- thanks for the Pubspam propaganda, dupe.

Didn't we just have 8 years of a Democrat in charge? Why didn't he do anything about the 'taxes on the ridiculously bloated and undertaxed rich' when he had the chance? Probably because he didn't 'take charge' of anything, nor do anything....except to give our hard earned tax moneys to IRAN to the tune of what? $1.7 BILLION of taxpayer funds??? How's that working for ya and your so called ideology?
Pure GOP obstruction, dupe. And a world depression is no time to raise even rich 's taxes DUHHH. What planet were you on? Oh, dupe world. He had 3 weeks and no idea they were going to lose Scott Brown election arrrggh.
They raise taxes on the working class so they can fund their interests......and that has very damn little to do with 'the good of the country'. Anyone in politics is greedy whether for money &/or power.....just ask Obama or Hillary.

And as for your last statement.....you're the one doing all the 'bs character assassination', just by your own comments.

After this past year and especially since the election.......I have NO desire nor do I care about Democrat policy. They have all shown just how pathetic they really are
They've always raised taxes on the rich only, dupe. All that corrupt Clinton bs has been investigated and NOTHING. That's the character assassination- same with Kerry, GORE- anything to avoid policy talk. How's the lock her up bs coming, dupissimus?

You might want to rethink your statement of Democrats only raising taxes on the rich. And it seems to me the middle class got stimulus checks under a GOP President, if I'm not mistaken. Even though we were also taxed on that, but I'm not denying GOP tax increases either. Guess what?? Both sides raise taxes on middle class.

Apparently the Democratic Policies are to make promises they have no intention of fulfilling.

Obama loads taxes on the middle class. Again. | Human Events

President Obama raised middle-class taxes and lost an election

Obama’s Plan To Help The Middle Class: Raise Their Taxes

Hillary Clinton (even though she didn't win)......

Clinton Backpedals On Promise Not To Raise Middle Class Taxes, Calls It A "Goal"

Today, Clinton Hedged On Her Previous Pledge Not To Raise Taxes On Middle-Class Americans, Instead Calling It A “Goal.” . STEPHANOPOULOS: “You’re also saying no tax increases at all for anyone earning under $250,000. Is that a rock solid read my lips promise?” CLINTON: “Well, it certainly is my goal and I’ve laid it out in this campaign and it’s something President Obama promised, it’s something my husband certainly tried to achieve, because I want Americans to know that I get it.” (Hillary Clinton, ABC’s This Week, 12/6/15)

Bill Clinton.......

Bill Clinton on Tax Reform

Reneged on promise to address "forgotten middle class" One of his most contentious disagreements with the press was his pledge early in the campaign to cut the taxes of the "forgotten" middle class--those making less than $80,000/year--by 10%. He continued to promote the idea even when he knew it was unworkable after hearing new deficit projections in August. As late as a week before Election Day, he said he would "absolutely not" consider postponing the tax cut. But afterward, when reporters pressed him at a news conference, he unwisely flashed his anger, claiming that "the press thought the most important issue in the race was the middle-class tax cut. I never did meet any voter who thought that." Reporters rebuked his coverage to aides, some of whom began calling NBC the "Nail Bill Clinton" network. Source: For Love of Politics, by Sally Bedell Smith, Chapter 2 , Oct 23, 2007

OpEd: Broke campaign promise by tax rise & no spending cuts
Tim Penny was a Democrat from Minnesota whose frustration with Washington politics reached a tipping point when Pres. Clinton proposed a big tax increase with few spending cuts, going against his own campaign promise. Tim had enough with empty Washingto Tim's response to Bill Clinton's about-face actually cost the good people back home, but very quickly Tim took on a kind of folk-hero status--in Congress, in Minnesota, and across this great land. His stature grew enormously, simply because he took a stand. He was disillusioned with Clinton's plan, and with a political system that seemed bound to support it; more to the point, he didn't like how Clinton promised one thing and then went out and did another, so he stood against it.

Besides........what does all this (including Clinton crimes) have to do with the OP????? Let's get back on track here.

Washington state has been a Democratic safe haven for the last several cycles, and we are taxed on nearly everything.

1. At or near 10% sales tax on everything except food and online purchases (yet, they have been considering this)

2. Pot is legal and now regulated by the state and subject to the 'sin' tax just like tobacco, alcohol, etc (pot has become their new cash cow)

3. Tolls on certain bridges and HOV lanes. If you're a regular commuter you have to pay it daily, that adds up to quite the chunk of fund$

4. Car tab fees.....A few years ago Tim Eyman managed to get our excise tax (one of the top 5 highest in the country) dropped and we were supposed to only pay $30. We have never paid only $30, because the state instituted other 'fees'/taxes/costs that even with an old (20-30 yo) vehicle now costs around $100 or more.....that before would have only been $20. New car owners have seen the greatest benefit, since theirs would have been around $1000 to $1500 per year previously. King, Pierce, Snohomish counties have to pay RTA tax on their tabs. That includes everyone in those counties....even though 75% of the population would never use the damn thing even though we have to pay for it.

6. Gas taxes... we are #2 in the nation, right behind PA

7.Property taxes...we are #23..somewhere in the middle at .92%...not the worse, but not the best either

8. Camping/park use fees-we've had these for a few years now (10+?), but there are many parks that now have fees/permit requirements that we didn't have previously (less than 5 years, I think)

and that's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure there is plenty more.

In the last 20 years since we've bought our house, we were doing pretty good. After the kids were born & I stayed home (astronomical daycare costs), going from 2 paychecks to 1, things were tight but workable. Every year since, overall costs have increased, income flattened and became impossible to pinch those pennies any tighter, it became necessary to return to the workforce. Early on was able to bring my kids with (childcare & other odd jobs that made it possible) to supplement our finances that helped to balance out. Costs continued to rise to the point I had to go elsewhere to get enough hours. Our combined income of $30+ an hour was JUST enough to get by & put a small amount aside for savings......and we don't live large by any means. Older home, used cars, no active credit cards, rarely any type of 'outtings'. Our lifestyle hasn't changed much in those 20 years, but the costs and income necessary to maintain what most would consider 'survival mode' have.
So don't be telling me that Democrats (whether Federal or State) are looking out for my best interests & going to help me cause I haven't seen it yet.

Now.....I invite you to contribute some factual content based on the OP....that has more to do with the income vs cost of living between Texas and Washington state :2up:
If the GOP would allow taxes on the ridiculously bloated and undertaxed rich, dupe, none of that would even be considered by Dems. And BULLLSHYTTE- thanks for the Pubspam propaganda, dupe.

Didn't we just have 8 years of a Democrat in charge? Why didn't he do anything about the 'taxes on the ridiculously bloated and undertaxed rich' when he had the chance? Probably because he didn't 'take charge' of anything, nor do anything....except to give our hard earned tax moneys to IRAN to the tune of what? $1.7 BILLION of taxpayer funds??? How's that working for ya and your so called ideology?
Pure GOP obstruction, dupe. And a world depression is no time to raise even rich 's taxes DUHHH. What planet were you on? Oh, dupe world. He had 3 weeks and no idea they were going to lose Scott Brown election arrrggh.

Now you have totally fallen off your rocker, cause I don't have the first clue what you are blabbering about......other than once again you have strayed off topic. DUDE, get a grip
What's the problem, dupe. You don't know Dem policy? Shocking lol- Just the bs character assassination you people know...

They raise taxes on the working class so they can fund their interests......and that has very damn little to do with 'the good of the country'. Anyone in politics is greedy whether for money &/or power.....just ask Obama or Hillary.

And as for your last statement.....you're the one doing all the 'bs character assassination', just by your own comments.

After this past year and especially since the election.......I have NO desire nor do I care about Democrat policy. They have all shown just how pathetic they really are
They've always raised taxes on the rich only, dupe. All that corrupt Clinton bs has been investigated and NOTHING. That's the character assassination- same with Kerry, GORE- anything to avoid policy talk. How's the lock her up bs coming, dupissimus?

You might want to rethink your statement of Democrats only raising taxes on the rich. And it seems to me the middle class got stimulus checks under a GOP President, if I'm not mistaken. Even though we were also taxed on that, but I'm not denying GOP tax increases either. Guess what?? Both sides raise taxes on middle class.

Apparently the Democratic Policies are to make promises they have no intention of fulfilling.

Obama loads taxes on the middle class. Again. | Human Events

President Obama raised middle-class taxes and lost an election

Obama’s Plan To Help The Middle Class: Raise Their Taxes

Hillary Clinton (even though she didn't win)......

Clinton Backpedals On Promise Not To Raise Middle Class Taxes, Calls It A "Goal"

Today, Clinton Hedged On Her Previous Pledge Not To Raise Taxes On Middle-Class Americans, Instead Calling It A “Goal.” . STEPHANOPOULOS: “You’re also saying no tax increases at all for anyone earning under $250,000. Is that a rock solid read my lips promise?” CLINTON: “Well, it certainly is my goal and I’ve laid it out in this campaign and it’s something President Obama promised, it’s something my husband certainly tried to achieve, because I want Americans to know that I get it.” (Hillary Clinton, ABC’s This Week, 12/6/15)

Bill Clinton.......

Bill Clinton on Tax Reform

Reneged on promise to address "forgotten middle class" One of his most contentious disagreements with the press was his pledge early in the campaign to cut the taxes of the "forgotten" middle class--those making less than $80,000/year--by 10%. He continued to promote the idea even when he knew it was unworkable after hearing new deficit projections in August. As late as a week before Election Day, he said he would "absolutely not" consider postponing the tax cut. But afterward, when reporters pressed him at a news conference, he unwisely flashed his anger, claiming that "the press thought the most important issue in the race was the middle-class tax cut. I never did meet any voter who thought that." Reporters rebuked his coverage to aides, some of whom began calling NBC the "Nail Bill Clinton" network. Source: For Love of Politics, by Sally Bedell Smith, Chapter 2 , Oct 23, 2007

OpEd: Broke campaign promise by tax rise & no spending cuts
Tim Penny was a Democrat from Minnesota whose frustration with Washington politics reached a tipping point when Pres. Clinton proposed a big tax increase with few spending cuts, going against his own campaign promise. Tim had enough with empty Washingto Tim's response to Bill Clinton's about-face actually cost the good people back home, but very quickly Tim took on a kind of folk-hero status--in Congress, in Minnesota, and across this great land. His stature grew enormously, simply because he took a stand. He was disillusioned with Clinton's plan, and with a political system that seemed bound to support it; more to the point, he didn't like how Clinton promised one thing and then went out and did another, so he stood against it.

Besides........what does all this (including Clinton crimes) have to do with the OP????? Let's get back on track here.

Washington state has been a Democratic safe haven for the last several cycles, and we are taxed on nearly everything.

1. At or near 10% sales tax on everything except food and online purchases (yet, they have been considering this)

2. Pot is legal and now regulated by the state and subject to the 'sin' tax just like tobacco, alcohol, etc (pot has become their new cash cow)

3. Tolls on certain bridges and HOV lanes. If you're a regular commuter you have to pay it daily, that adds up to quite the chunk of fund$

4. Car tab fees.....A few years ago Tim Eyman managed to get our excise tax (one of the top 5 highest in the country) dropped and we were supposed to only pay $30. We have never paid only $30, because the state instituted other 'fees'/taxes/costs that even with an old (20-30 yo) vehicle now costs around $100 or more.....that before would have only been $20. New car owners have seen the greatest benefit, since theirs would have been around $1000 to $1500 per year previously. King, Pierce, Snohomish counties have to pay RTA tax on their tabs. That includes everyone in those counties....even though 75% of the population would never use the damn thing even though we have to pay for it.

6. Gas taxes... we are #2 in the nation, right behind PA

7.Property taxes...we are #23..somewhere in the middle at .92%...not the worse, but not the best either

8. Camping/park use fees-we've had these for a few years now (10+?), but there are many parks that now have fees/permit requirements that we didn't have previously (less than 5 years, I think)

and that's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure there is plenty more.

In the last 20 years since we've bought our house, we were doing pretty good. After the kids were born & I stayed home (astronomical daycare costs), going from 2 paychecks to 1, things were tight but workable. Every year since, overall costs have increased, income flattened and became impossible to pinch those pennies any tighter, it became necessary to return to the workforce. Early on was able to bring my kids with (childcare & other odd jobs that made it possible) to supplement our finances that helped to balance out. Costs continued to rise to the point I had to go elsewhere to get enough hours. Our combined income of $30+ an hour was JUST enough to get by & put a small amount aside for savings......and we don't live large by any means. Older home, used cars, no active credit cards, rarely any type of 'outtings'. Our lifestyle hasn't changed much in those 20 years, but the costs and income necessary to maintain what most would consider 'survival mode' have.
So don't be telling me that Democrats (whether Federal or State) are looking out for my best interests & going to help me cause I haven't seen it yet.

Now.....I invite you to contribute some factual content based on the OP....that has more to do with the income vs cost of living between Texas and Washington state :2up:
If the GOP would allow taxes on the ridiculously bloated and undertaxed rich, dupe, none of that would even be considered by Dems. And BULLLSHYTTE- thanks for the Pubspam propaganda, dupe.

Didn't we just have 8 years of a Democrat in charge? Why didn't he do anything about the 'taxes on the ridiculously bloated and undertaxed rich' when he had the chance? Probably because he didn't 'take charge' of anything, nor do anything....except to give our hard earned tax moneys to IRAN to the tune of what? $1.7 BILLION of taxpayer funds??? How's that working for ya and your so called ideology?
It's working great. And of course it was Iran's money, dupe.
They've always raised taxes on the rich only, dupe. All that corrupt Clinton bs has been investigated and NOTHING. That's the character assassination- same with Kerry, GORE- anything to avoid policy talk. How's the lock her up bs coming, dupissimus?

You might want to rethink your statement of Democrats only raising taxes on the rich. And it seems to me the middle class got stimulus checks under a GOP President, if I'm not mistaken. Even though we were also taxed on that, but I'm not denying GOP tax increases either. Guess what?? Both sides raise taxes on middle class.

Apparently the Democratic Policies are to make promises they have no intention of fulfilling.

Obama loads taxes on the middle class. Again. | Human Events

President Obama raised middle-class taxes and lost an election

Obama’s Plan To Help The Middle Class: Raise Their Taxes

Hillary Clinton (even though she didn't win)......

Clinton Backpedals On Promise Not To Raise Middle Class Taxes, Calls It A "Goal"

Today, Clinton Hedged On Her Previous Pledge Not To Raise Taxes On Middle-Class Americans, Instead Calling It A “Goal.” . STEPHANOPOULOS: “You’re also saying no tax increases at all for anyone earning under $250,000. Is that a rock solid read my lips promise?” CLINTON: “Well, it certainly is my goal and I’ve laid it out in this campaign and it’s something President Obama promised, it’s something my husband certainly tried to achieve, because I want Americans to know that I get it.” (Hillary Clinton, ABC’s This Week, 12/6/15)

Bill Clinton.......

Bill Clinton on Tax Reform

Reneged on promise to address "forgotten middle class" One of his most contentious disagreements with the press was his pledge early in the campaign to cut the taxes of the "forgotten" middle class--those making less than $80,000/year--by 10%. He continued to promote the idea even when he knew it was unworkable after hearing new deficit projections in August. As late as a week before Election Day, he said he would "absolutely not" consider postponing the tax cut. But afterward, when reporters pressed him at a news conference, he unwisely flashed his anger, claiming that "the press thought the most important issue in the race was the middle-class tax cut. I never did meet any voter who thought that." Reporters rebuked his coverage to aides, some of whom began calling NBC the "Nail Bill Clinton" network. Source: For Love of Politics, by Sally Bedell Smith, Chapter 2 , Oct 23, 2007

OpEd: Broke campaign promise by tax rise & no spending cuts
Tim Penny was a Democrat from Minnesota whose frustration with Washington politics reached a tipping point when Pres. Clinton proposed a big tax increase with few spending cuts, going against his own campaign promise. Tim had enough with empty Washingto Tim's response to Bill Clinton's about-face actually cost the good people back home, but very quickly Tim took on a kind of folk-hero status--in Congress, in Minnesota, and across this great land. His stature grew enormously, simply because he took a stand. He was disillusioned with Clinton's plan, and with a political system that seemed bound to support it; more to the point, he didn't like how Clinton promised one thing and then went out and did another, so he stood against it.

Besides........what does all this (including Clinton crimes) have to do with the OP????? Let's get back on track here.

Washington state has been a Democratic safe haven for the last several cycles, and we are taxed on nearly everything.

1. At or near 10% sales tax on everything except food and online purchases (yet, they have been considering this)

2. Pot is legal and now regulated by the state and subject to the 'sin' tax just like tobacco, alcohol, etc (pot has become their new cash cow)

3. Tolls on certain bridges and HOV lanes. If you're a regular commuter you have to pay it daily, that adds up to quite the chunk of fund$

4. Car tab fees.....A few years ago Tim Eyman managed to get our excise tax (one of the top 5 highest in the country) dropped and we were supposed to only pay $30. We have never paid only $30, because the state instituted other 'fees'/taxes/costs that even with an old (20-30 yo) vehicle now costs around $100 or more.....that before would have only been $20. New car owners have seen the greatest benefit, since theirs would have been around $1000 to $1500 per year previously. King, Pierce, Snohomish counties have to pay RTA tax on their tabs. That includes everyone in those counties....even though 75% of the population would never use the damn thing even though we have to pay for it.

6. Gas taxes... we are #2 in the nation, right behind PA

7.Property taxes...we are #23..somewhere in the middle at .92%...not the worse, but not the best either

8. Camping/park use fees-we've had these for a few years now (10+?), but there are many parks that now have fees/permit requirements that we didn't have previously (less than 5 years, I think)

and that's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure there is plenty more.

In the last 20 years since we've bought our house, we were doing pretty good. After the kids were born & I stayed home (astronomical daycare costs), going from 2 paychecks to 1, things were tight but workable. Every year since, overall costs have increased, income flattened and became impossible to pinch those pennies any tighter, it became necessary to return to the workforce. Early on was able to bring my kids with (childcare & other odd jobs that made it possible) to supplement our finances that helped to balance out. Costs continued to rise to the point I had to go elsewhere to get enough hours. Our combined income of $30+ an hour was JUST enough to get by & put a small amount aside for savings......and we don't live large by any means. Older home, used cars, no active credit cards, rarely any type of 'outtings'. Our lifestyle hasn't changed much in those 20 years, but the costs and income necessary to maintain what most would consider 'survival mode' have.
So don't be telling me that Democrats (whether Federal or State) are looking out for my best interests & going to help me cause I haven't seen it yet.

Now.....I invite you to contribute some factual content based on the OP....that has more to do with the income vs cost of living between Texas and Washington state :2up:
If the GOP would allow taxes on the ridiculously bloated and undertaxed rich, dupe, none of that would even be considered by Dems. And BULLLSHYTTE- thanks for the Pubspam propaganda, dupe.

Didn't we just have 8 years of a Democrat in charge? Why didn't he do anything about the 'taxes on the ridiculously bloated and undertaxed rich' when he had the chance? Probably because he didn't 'take charge' of anything, nor do anything....except to give our hard earned tax moneys to IRAN to the tune of what? $1.7 BILLION of taxpayer funds??? How's that working for ya and your so called ideology?
Pure GOP obstruction, dupe. And a world depression is no time to raise even rich 's taxes DUHHH. What planet were you on? Oh, dupe world. He had 3 weeks and no idea they were going to lose Scott Brown election arrrggh.

Now you have totally fallen off your rocker, cause I don't have the first clue what you are blabbering about......other than once again you have strayed off topic. DUDE, get a grip
I'm not surprised, dupe. You probably think he had control for 2 years like most dupes (with 200+ GOP filibusters!!!) and his policies blah blah blah....
They raise taxes on the working class so they can fund their interests......and that has very damn little to do with 'the good of the country'. Anyone in politics is greedy whether for money &/or power.....just ask Obama or Hillary.

And as for your last statement.....you're the one doing all the 'bs character assassination', just by your own comments.

After this past year and especially since the election.......I have NO desire nor do I care about Democrat policy. They have all shown just how pathetic they really are
They've always raised taxes on the rich only, dupe. All that corrupt Clinton bs has been investigated and NOTHING. That's the character assassination- same with Kerry, GORE- anything to avoid policy talk. How's the lock her up bs coming, dupissimus?

You might want to rethink your statement of Democrats only raising taxes on the rich. And it seems to me the middle class got stimulus checks under a GOP President, if I'm not mistaken. Even though we were also taxed on that, but I'm not denying GOP tax increases either. Guess what?? Both sides raise taxes on middle class.

Apparently the Democratic Policies are to make promises they have no intention of fulfilling.

Obama loads taxes on the middle class. Again. | Human Events

President Obama raised middle-class taxes and lost an election

Obama’s Plan To Help The Middle Class: Raise Their Taxes

Hillary Clinton (even though she didn't win)......

Clinton Backpedals On Promise Not To Raise Middle Class Taxes, Calls It A "Goal"

Today, Clinton Hedged On Her Previous Pledge Not To Raise Taxes On Middle-Class Americans, Instead Calling It A “Goal.” . STEPHANOPOULOS: “You’re also saying no tax increases at all for anyone earning under $250,000. Is that a rock solid read my lips promise?” CLINTON: “Well, it certainly is my goal and I’ve laid it out in this campaign and it’s something President Obama promised, it’s something my husband certainly tried to achieve, because I want Americans to know that I get it.” (Hillary Clinton, ABC’s This Week, 12/6/15)

Bill Clinton.......

Bill Clinton on Tax Reform

Reneged on promise to address "forgotten middle class" One of his most contentious disagreements with the press was his pledge early in the campaign to cut the taxes of the "forgotten" middle class--those making less than $80,000/year--by 10%. He continued to promote the idea even when he knew it was unworkable after hearing new deficit projections in August. As late as a week before Election Day, he said he would "absolutely not" consider postponing the tax cut. But afterward, when reporters pressed him at a news conference, he unwisely flashed his anger, claiming that "the press thought the most important issue in the race was the middle-class tax cut. I never did meet any voter who thought that." Reporters rebuked his coverage to aides, some of whom began calling NBC the "Nail Bill Clinton" network. Source: For Love of Politics, by Sally Bedell Smith, Chapter 2 , Oct 23, 2007

OpEd: Broke campaign promise by tax rise & no spending cuts
Tim Penny was a Democrat from Minnesota whose frustration with Washington politics reached a tipping point when Pres. Clinton proposed a big tax increase with few spending cuts, going against his own campaign promise. Tim had enough with empty Washingto Tim's response to Bill Clinton's about-face actually cost the good people back home, but very quickly Tim took on a kind of folk-hero status--in Congress, in Minnesota, and across this great land. His stature grew enormously, simply because he took a stand. He was disillusioned with Clinton's plan, and with a political system that seemed bound to support it; more to the point, he didn't like how Clinton promised one thing and then went out and did another, so he stood against it.

Besides........what does all this (including Clinton crimes) have to do with the OP????? Let's get back on track here.

Washington state has been a Democratic safe haven for the last several cycles, and we are taxed on nearly everything.

1. At or near 10% sales tax on everything except food and online purchases (yet, they have been considering this)

2. Pot is legal and now regulated by the state and subject to the 'sin' tax just like tobacco, alcohol, etc (pot has become their new cash cow)

3. Tolls on certain bridges and HOV lanes. If you're a regular commuter you have to pay it daily, that adds up to quite the chunk of fund$

4. Car tab fees.....A few years ago Tim Eyman managed to get our excise tax (one of the top 5 highest in the country) dropped and we were supposed to only pay $30. We have never paid only $30, because the state instituted other 'fees'/taxes/costs that even with an old (20-30 yo) vehicle now costs around $100 or more.....that before would have only been $20. New car owners have seen the greatest benefit, since theirs would have been around $1000 to $1500 per year previously. King, Pierce, Snohomish counties have to pay RTA tax on their tabs. That includes everyone in those counties....even though 75% of the population would never use the damn thing even though we have to pay for it.

6. Gas taxes... we are #2 in the nation, right behind PA

7.Property taxes...we are #23..somewhere in the middle at .92%...not the worse, but not the best either

8. Camping/park use fees-we've had these for a few years now (10+?), but there are many parks that now have fees/permit requirements that we didn't have previously (less than 5 years, I think)

and that's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure there is plenty more.

In the last 20 years since we've bought our house, we were doing pretty good. After the kids were born & I stayed home (astronomical daycare costs), going from 2 paychecks to 1, things were tight but workable. Every year since, overall costs have increased, income flattened and became impossible to pinch those pennies any tighter, it became necessary to return to the workforce. Early on was able to bring my kids with (childcare & other odd jobs that made it possible) to supplement our finances that helped to balance out. Costs continued to rise to the point I had to go elsewhere to get enough hours. Our combined income of $30+ an hour was JUST enough to get by & put a small amount aside for savings......and we don't live large by any means. Older home, used cars, no active credit cards, rarely any type of 'outtings'. Our lifestyle hasn't changed much in those 20 years, but the costs and income necessary to maintain what most would consider 'survival mode' have.
So don't be telling me that Democrats (whether Federal or State) are looking out for my best interests & going to help me cause I haven't seen it yet.

Now.....I invite you to contribute some factual content based on the OP....that has more to do with the income vs cost of living between Texas and Washington state :2up:
If the GOP would allow taxes on the ridiculously bloated and undertaxed rich, dupe, none of that would even be considered by Dems. And BULLLSHYTTE- thanks for the Pubspam propaganda, dupe.

Didn't we just have 8 years of a Democrat in charge? Why didn't he do anything about the 'taxes on the ridiculously bloated and undertaxed rich' when he had the chance? Probably because he didn't 'take charge' of anything, nor do anything....except to give our hard earned tax moneys to IRAN to the tune of what? $1.7 BILLION of taxpayer funds??? How's that working for ya and your so called ideology?
It's working great. And of course it was Iran's money, dupe.

No, no, no, no........we are talking different things here. 11+ BILLION was paid to Iran from the result of the sanctions........I said 1.7 Billion....that was $400 Million owed on some settlement plus 1.3 BILLION from taxpayer funds for interest......Now supposedly we owed them that money...fine and yes we should have paid it back. But there are plenty of other funds available Obama could have taken it from to do so......but he didn't. He took it from OUR tax funds.

State Department Agrees To Pay $1.7 Billion In US Taxpayer Dollars To Iran

Obama Admin Paid Iran $1.7 Billion From Taxpayer Funds
So why the fuck does both places pay warehouse workers $12 bucks an hour?
So that if they need it, said workers, if need be, can have enough money to return to school and learn how to conjugate the verb "do." That's my guess, anyway....
They ALL earned it to the same degree, dingbat dupe, the only difference is that rich Dems want to raise their own taxes for the good of the country, aren't greedy shortsighted a-holes always trying to screw their workers and the environment DUHHH- AND brainwashing the rubes with bs propaganda.

You actually believe that and you call me a dingbat dupe???
View attachment 121409

I'll get back to ya......when I can breathe again. :lmao:
What's the problem, dupe. You don't know Dem policy? Shocking lol- Just the bs character assassination you people know...

They raise taxes on the working class so they can fund their interests......and that has very damn little to do with 'the good of the country'. Anyone in politics is greedy whether for money &/or power.....just ask Obama or Hillary.

And as for your last statement.....you're the one doing all the 'bs character assassination', just by your own comments.

After this past year and especially since the election.......I have NO desire nor do I care about Democrat policy. They have all shown just how pathetic they really are
They've always raised taxes on the rich only, dupe. All that corrupt Clinton bs has been investigated and NOTHING. That's the character assassination- same with Kerry, GORE- anything to avoid policy talk. How's the lock her up bs coming, dupissimus?

Republicans are working hard to repeal the estate tax. A tax on only the very richest.
Why do the already rich, need a tax break?
They've always raised taxes on the rich only, dupe. All that corrupt Clinton bs has been investigated and NOTHING. That's the character assassination- same with Kerry, GORE- anything to avoid policy talk. How's the lock her up bs coming, dupissimus?

You might want to rethink your statement of Democrats only raising taxes on the rich. And it seems to me the middle class got stimulus checks under a GOP President, if I'm not mistaken. Even though we were also taxed on that, but I'm not denying GOP tax increases either. Guess what?? Both sides raise taxes on middle class.

Apparently the Democratic Policies are to make promises they have no intention of fulfilling.

Obama loads taxes on the middle class. Again. | Human Events

President Obama raised middle-class taxes and lost an election

Obama’s Plan To Help The Middle Class: Raise Their Taxes

Hillary Clinton (even though she didn't win)......

Clinton Backpedals On Promise Not To Raise Middle Class Taxes, Calls It A "Goal"

Today, Clinton Hedged On Her Previous Pledge Not To Raise Taxes On Middle-Class Americans, Instead Calling It A “Goal.” . STEPHANOPOULOS: “You’re also saying no tax increases at all for anyone earning under $250,000. Is that a rock solid read my lips promise?” CLINTON: “Well, it certainly is my goal and I’ve laid it out in this campaign and it’s something President Obama promised, it’s something my husband certainly tried to achieve, because I want Americans to know that I get it.” (Hillary Clinton, ABC’s This Week, 12/6/15)

Bill Clinton.......

Bill Clinton on Tax Reform

Reneged on promise to address "forgotten middle class" One of his most contentious disagreements with the press was his pledge early in the campaign to cut the taxes of the "forgotten" middle class--those making less than $80,000/year--by 10%. He continued to promote the idea even when he knew it was unworkable after hearing new deficit projections in August. As late as a week before Election Day, he said he would "absolutely not" consider postponing the tax cut. But afterward, when reporters pressed him at a news conference, he unwisely flashed his anger, claiming that "the press thought the most important issue in the race was the middle-class tax cut. I never did meet any voter who thought that." Reporters rebuked his coverage to aides, some of whom began calling NBC the "Nail Bill Clinton" network. Source: For Love of Politics, by Sally Bedell Smith, Chapter 2 , Oct 23, 2007

OpEd: Broke campaign promise by tax rise & no spending cuts
Tim Penny was a Democrat from Minnesota whose frustration with Washington politics reached a tipping point when Pres. Clinton proposed a big tax increase with few spending cuts, going against his own campaign promise. Tim had enough with empty Washingto Tim's response to Bill Clinton's about-face actually cost the good people back home, but very quickly Tim took on a kind of folk-hero status--in Congress, in Minnesota, and across this great land. His stature grew enormously, simply because he took a stand. He was disillusioned with Clinton's plan, and with a political system that seemed bound to support it; more to the point, he didn't like how Clinton promised one thing and then went out and did another, so he stood against it.

Besides........what does all this (including Clinton crimes) have to do with the OP????? Let's get back on track here.

Washington state has been a Democratic safe haven for the last several cycles, and we are taxed on nearly everything.

1. At or near 10% sales tax on everything except food and online purchases (yet, they have been considering this)

2. Pot is legal and now regulated by the state and subject to the 'sin' tax just like tobacco, alcohol, etc (pot has become their new cash cow)

3. Tolls on certain bridges and HOV lanes. If you're a regular commuter you have to pay it daily, that adds up to quite the chunk of fund$

4. Car tab fees.....A few years ago Tim Eyman managed to get our excise tax (one of the top 5 highest in the country) dropped and we were supposed to only pay $30. We have never paid only $30, because the state instituted other 'fees'/taxes/costs that even with an old (20-30 yo) vehicle now costs around $100 or more.....that before would have only been $20. New car owners have seen the greatest benefit, since theirs would have been around $1000 to $1500 per year previously. King, Pierce, Snohomish counties have to pay RTA tax on their tabs. That includes everyone in those counties....even though 75% of the population would never use the damn thing even though we have to pay for it.

6. Gas taxes... we are #2 in the nation, right behind PA

7.Property taxes...we are #23..somewhere in the middle at .92%...not the worse, but not the best either

8. Camping/park use fees-we've had these for a few years now (10+?), but there are many parks that now have fees/permit requirements that we didn't have previously (less than 5 years, I think)

and that's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure there is plenty more.

In the last 20 years since we've bought our house, we were doing pretty good. After the kids were born & I stayed home (astronomical daycare costs), going from 2 paychecks to 1, things were tight but workable. Every year since, overall costs have increased, income flattened and became impossible to pinch those pennies any tighter, it became necessary to return to the workforce. Early on was able to bring my kids with (childcare & other odd jobs that made it possible) to supplement our finances that helped to balance out. Costs continued to rise to the point I had to go elsewhere to get enough hours. Our combined income of $30+ an hour was JUST enough to get by & put a small amount aside for savings......and we don't live large by any means. Older home, used cars, no active credit cards, rarely any type of 'outtings'. Our lifestyle hasn't changed much in those 20 years, but the costs and income necessary to maintain what most would consider 'survival mode' have.
So don't be telling me that Democrats (whether Federal or State) are looking out for my best interests & going to help me cause I haven't seen it yet.

Now.....I invite you to contribute some factual content based on the OP....that has more to do with the income vs cost of living between Texas and Washington state :2up:
If the GOP would allow taxes on the ridiculously bloated and undertaxed rich, dupe, none of that would even be considered by Dems. And BULLLSHYTTE- thanks for the Pubspam propaganda, dupe.

Didn't we just have 8 years of a Democrat in charge? Why didn't he do anything about the 'taxes on the ridiculously bloated and undertaxed rich' when he had the chance? Probably because he didn't 'take charge' of anything, nor do anything....except to give our hard earned tax moneys to IRAN to the tune of what? $1.7 BILLION of taxpayer funds??? How's that working for ya and your so called ideology?
It's working great. And of course it was Iran's money, dupe.

No, no, no, no........we are talking different things here. 11+ BILLION was paid to Iran from the result of the sanctions........I said 1.7 Billion....that was $400 Million owed on some settlement plus 1.3 BILLION from taxpayer funds for interest......Now supposedly we owed them that money...fine and yes we should have paid it back. But there are plenty of other funds available Obama could have taken it from to do so......but he didn't. He took it from OUR tax funds.

State Department Agrees To Pay $1.7 Billion In US Taxpayer Dollars To Iran

Obama Admin Paid Iran $1.7 Billion From Taxpayer Funds
Unfortunately, the Daily Caller and the free Beacon are FOS. ALL THE TIME. That's the New BS GOP propaganda machine. A Disgrace.
Obama Bribed Iran $400 Million to Release US ... - Snopes.com
Claim: The Obama administration secretly bribed Iran to release four prisoners in January 2016. See Example(s)
Claimed by: Internet
Fact check by Snopes.com: false
$1.7-billion payment to Iran was all in cash due to effectiveness of ...
Sep 7, 2016 - The Obama administration is acknowledging its transfer of $1.7 billion to Iran earlier this year was made entirely in cash, using non-U.S. currency, as Republican critics of the transaction continued to denounce the payments. Treasury Department spokeswoman Dawn Selak said in a ...
No, Mike Pence, the US didn't give Iran a $400 million ransom - Vox
Aug 4, 2016 - By January 2016, the countries had struck a deal — the US would pay Iran $1.7 billion, which amounts to about $300 million in interest on top ...
U.S. to pay Iran $1.7 billion in legal settlement - CNNPolitics.com
Jan 17, 2016 - As the Obama administration welcomed the implementation of a major nuclear deal withIran on Saturday, it also prepared to close the book on ...
Fact Check: Republicans Are Lying About Obama's "Secret" $400 ...
Aug 3, 2016 - On Sunday, we learned that the United States made a payment to the government of Iran of$1.7 billion. Was this tied to the deal that led to the ...

CHEAP to stop Iran's nuke program. Which it DID, dupe.
You might want to rethink your statement of Democrats only raising taxes on the rich. And it seems to me the middle class got stimulus checks under a GOP President, if I'm not mistaken. Even though we were also taxed on that, but I'm not denying GOP tax increases either. Guess what?? Both sides raise taxes on middle class.
Apparently the Democratic Policies are to make promises they have no intention of fulfilling.

Obama loads taxes on the middle class. Again. | Human Events

President Obama raised middle-class taxes and lost an election

Obama’s Plan To Help The Middle Class: Raise Their Taxes

Hillary Clinton (even though she didn't win)......

Clinton Backpedals On Promise Not To Raise Middle Class Taxes, Calls It A "Goal"

Today, Clinton Hedged On Her Previous Pledge Not To Raise Taxes On Middle-Class Americans, Instead Calling It A “Goal.” . STEPHANOPOULOS: “You’re also saying no tax increases at all for anyone earning under $250,000. Is that a rock solid read my lips promise?” CLINTON: “Well, it certainly is my goal and I’ve laid it out in this campaign and it’s something President Obama promised, it’s something my husband certainly tried to achieve, because I want Americans to know that I get it.” (Hillary Clinton, ABC’s This Week, 12/6/15)

Bill Clinton.......

Bill Clinton on Tax Reform

Reneged on promise to address "forgotten middle class" One of his most contentious disagreements with the press was his pledge early in the campaign to cut the taxes of the "forgotten" middle class--those making less than $80,000/year--by 10%. He continued to promote the idea even when he knew it was unworkable after hearing new deficit projections in August. As late as a week before Election Day, he said he would "absolutely not" consider postponing the tax cut. But afterward, when reporters pressed him at a news conference, he unwisely flashed his anger, claiming that "the press thought the most important issue in the race was the middle-class tax cut. I never did meet any voter who thought that." Reporters rebuked his coverage to aides, some of whom began calling NBC the "Nail Bill Clinton" network. Source: For Love of Politics, by Sally Bedell Smith, Chapter 2 , Oct 23, 2007

OpEd: Broke campaign promise by tax rise & no spending cuts
Tim Penny was a Democrat from Minnesota whose frustration with Washington politics reached a tipping point when Pres. Clinton proposed a big tax increase with few spending cuts, going against his own campaign promise. Tim had enough with empty Washingto Tim's response to Bill Clinton's about-face actually cost the good people back home, but very quickly Tim took on a kind of folk-hero status--in Congress, in Minnesota, and across this great land. His stature grew enormously, simply because he took a stand. He was disillusioned with Clinton's plan, and with a political system that seemed bound to support it; more to the point, he didn't like how Clinton promised one thing and then went out and did another, so he stood against it.

Besides........what does all this (including Clinton crimes) have to do with the OP????? Let's get back on track here.

Washington state has been a Democratic safe haven for the last several cycles, and we are taxed on nearly everything.

1. At or near 10% sales tax on everything except food and online purchases (yet, they have been considering this)

2. Pot is legal and now regulated by the state and subject to the 'sin' tax just like tobacco, alcohol, etc (pot has become their new cash cow)

3. Tolls on certain bridges and HOV lanes. If you're a regular commuter you have to pay it daily, that adds up to quite the chunk of fund$

4. Car tab fees.....A few years ago Tim Eyman managed to get our excise tax (one of the top 5 highest in the country) dropped and we were supposed to only pay $30. We have never paid only $30, because the state instituted other 'fees'/taxes/costs that even with an old (20-30 yo) vehicle now costs around $100 or more.....that before would have only been $20. New car owners have seen the greatest benefit, since theirs would have been around $1000 to $1500 per year previously. King, Pierce, Snohomish counties have to pay RTA tax on their tabs. That includes everyone in those counties....even though 75% of the population would never use the damn thing even though we have to pay for it.

6. Gas taxes... we are #2 in the nation, right behind PA

7.Property taxes...we are #23..somewhere in the middle at .92%...not the worse, but not the best either

8. Camping/park use fees-we've had these for a few years now (10+?), but there are many parks that now have fees/permit requirements that we didn't have previously (less than 5 years, I think)

and that's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure there is plenty more.

In the last 20 years since we've bought our house, we were doing pretty good. After the kids were born & I stayed home (astronomical daycare costs), going from 2 paychecks to 1, things were tight but workable. Every year since, overall costs have increased, income flattened and became impossible to pinch those pennies any tighter, it became necessary to return to the workforce. Early on was able to bring my kids with (childcare & other odd jobs that made it possible) to supplement our finances that helped to balance out. Costs continued to rise to the point I had to go elsewhere to get enough hours. Our combined income of $30+ an hour was JUST enough to get by & put a small amount aside for savings......and we don't live large by any means. Older home, used cars, no active credit cards, rarely any type of 'outtings'. Our lifestyle hasn't changed much in those 20 years, but the costs and income necessary to maintain what most would consider 'survival mode' have.
So don't be telling me that Democrats (whether Federal or State) are looking out for my best interests & going to help me cause I haven't seen it yet.

Now.....I invite you to contribute some factual content based on the OP....that has more to do with the income vs cost of living between Texas and Washington state :2up:

If the GOP would allow taxes on the ridiculously bloated and undertaxed rich, dupe, none of that would even be considered by Dems. And BULLLSHYTTE- thanks for the Pubspam propaganda, dupe.

Didn't we just have 8 years of a Democrat in charge? Why didn't he do anything about the 'taxes on the ridiculously bloated and undertaxed rich' when he had the chance? Probably because he didn't 'take charge' of anything, nor do anything....except to give our hard earned tax moneys to IRAN to the tune of what? $1.7 BILLION of taxpayer funds??? How's that working for ya and your so called ideology?

It's working great. And of course it was Iran's money, dupe.

No, no, no, no........we are talking different things here. 11+ BILLION was paid to Iran from the result of the sanctions........I said 1.7 Billion....that was $400 Million owed on some settlement plus 1.3 BILLION from taxpayer funds for interest......Now supposedly we owed them that money...fine and yes we should have paid it back. But there are plenty of other funds available Obama could have taken it from to do so......but he didn't. He took it from OUR tax funds.

State Department Agrees To Pay $1.7 Billion In US Taxpayer Dollars To Iran

Obama Admin Paid Iran $1.7 Billion From Taxpayer Funds

Unfortunately, the Daily Caller and the free Beacon are FOS. ALL THE TIME. That's the New BS GOP propaganda machine. A Disgrace.

Obama Bribed Iran $400 Million to Release US ... - Snopes.com
Claim: The Obama administration secretly bribed Iran to release four prisoners in January 2016. See Example(s)
Claimed by: Internet

Fact check by Snopes.com: false
$1.7-billion payment to Iran was all in cash due to effectiveness of ...
Sep 7, 2016 - The Obama administration is acknowledging its transfer of $1.7 billion to Iran earlier this year was made entirely in cash, using non-U.S. currency, as Republican critics of the transaction continued to denounce the payments. Treasury Department spokeswoman Dawn Selak said in a ...
No, Mike Pence, the US didn't give Iran a $400 million ransom - Vox
Aug 4, 2016 - By January 2016, the countries had struck a deal — the US would pay Iran $1.7 billion, which amounts to about $300 million in interest on top ...
U.S. to pay Iran $1.7 billion in legal settlement - CNNPolitics.com
Jan 17, 2016 - As the Obama administration welcomed the implementation of a major nuclear deal withIran on Saturday, it also prepared to close the book on ...
Fact Check: Republicans Are Lying About Obama's "Secret" $400 ...
Aug 3, 2016 - On Sunday, we learned that the United States made a payment to the government of Iran of$1.7 billion. Was this tied to the deal that led to the ...

CHEAP to stop Iran's nuke program. Which it DID, dupe.

Look here.....this is what I said.......

No, no, no, no........we are talking different things here. 11+ BILLION was paid to Iran from the result of the sanctions........I said 1.7 Billion....that was $400 Million owed on some settlement plus 1.3 BILLION from taxpayer funds for interest......Now supposedly we owed them that money...fine and yes we should have paid it back. But there are plenty of other funds available Obama could have taken it from to do so......but he didn't. He took it from OUR tax funds

If you would have actually read the links provided, of which after doing a search I randomly picked out 2 of many that addressed the same thing. This is from the Daily Caller......that says the same thing as your precious CNN

The United States and Iran today have settled a long outstanding claim at the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal in the Hague,” the statement from Secretary of State John Kerry reads. “This specific claim was in the amount of a $400 million Trust Fund used by Iran to purchase military equipment from the United States prior to the break in diplomatic ties.”

The claim was first filed in 1981 when Iran had an outstanding order for military equipment under the regime, which the U.S. refused to fill after the Iranian revolution. The payment is in addition to the $100 to $150 billion of Iranian assets the United States agreed to unfreeze as part of the Iranian nuclear agreement.

“In 1981, with the reaching of the Algiers Accords and the creation of the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal, Iran filed a claim for these funds, tying them up in litigation at the Tribunal,” the statement continues.

The $1.7 billion payment stems from the original $400 million plus $1.3 billion in interest the State Department agreed to pay on that money.

And this is from the FreeBeacon, that once again says the same damn thing. The only difference is the source of the money. CNN never said WHERE it came from. Whether Iran got dollars or euros........it was still paid with our dollars 'according to a State Department official' as highlighted in BIG red below.

The Obama administration is facing criticism for paying Iran $1.7 billion in taxpayer funds as part of what critics described as a "ransom" bound up in a controversial hostage trade designed to secure the release of five Americans long held by Iran, according to conversations with administration officials and experts critical of the agreement.

The administration denies the issues are tied and insists that the money was provided to settle a decades-old dispute with Iran over the United States’ refusal to make good on a deal to provide the country military equipment following the 1979 Islamic revolution.

Under the terms of the settlement, Iran will be paid a $400 million balance, plus an additional $1.3 billion in interest from the taxpayer fund, according to a State Department official.

Senior officials from the State Department and White House National Security Council confirmed to the Washington Free Beacon that to settle outstanding legal disputes with Iran, the administration tapped into the Treasury Department’s Judgment Fund, a federal account that has been used by the executive branch to settle international legal claims.

The settlement was reached independently from the recently implemented nuclear deal and is separate from the $150 billion in unfrozen cash assets the United States is obligated to give to the Islamic Republic under the agreement, administration officials explained to the Free Beacon.

Now, neither the Daily Caller or the FreeBeacon or even I.....said anything about paying ransom, bribery or secret payouts.

Once again, for about the 3rd time......what in the FERK does any of this have to do with minimum wage differences between Washington state &
Texas AKA thread topic........DUPE!!!
They ALL earned it to the same degree, dingbat dupe, the only difference is that rich Dems want to raise their own taxes for the good of the country, aren't greedy shortsighted a-holes always trying to screw their workers and the environment DUHHH- AND brainwashing the rubes with bs propaganda.

You actually believe that and you call me a dingbat dupe???
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I'll get back to ya......when I can breathe again. :lmao:
What's the problem, dupe. You don't know Dem policy? Shocking lol- Just the bs character assassination you people know...

They raise taxes on the working class so they can fund their interests......and that has very damn little to do with 'the good of the country'. Anyone in politics is greedy whether for money &/or power.....just ask Obama or Hillary.

And as for your last statement.....you're the one doing all the 'bs character assassination', just by your own comments.

After this past year and especially since the election.......I have NO desire nor do I care about Democrat policy. They have all shown just how pathetic they really are
They've always raised taxes on the rich only, dupe. All that corrupt Clinton bs has been investigated and NOTHING. That's the character assassination- same with Kerry, GORE- anything to avoid policy talk. How's the lock her up bs coming, dupissimus?

Republicans are working hard to repeal the estate tax. A tax on only the very richest.

Why do you think it's ok to take something that isn't yours? Because I die, you magically have a right to everything I earned, that you didn't?

And for what? You think the poor get that money? No, it goes to political cronies. You think giving the money to planned parenthood, so they can run another voting campaign for democrats.... is a massive benefit to the poor? It's a benefit to democrats, I get that. But not us.

And lastly, it most of the rich, are wise enough to move the money around so it avoids the tax. You think Bill Gates doesn't know what he's doing putting most of his wealth into the Gates Foundation?

You know who the estate tax really hurts? Poor people. You don't want to hear it, but it's true. Take some of these sports stars. They grow up poor, and then make it big in the NFL. They save up all this money so their children do not have to grow up poor like they did... and the government takes half of it when they die.

Or farmers. I read where a guy was a homesteader. Got the land over 100 years ago, and built a farm on it for generations. Then the estate tax, required they pay this massive tax bill, they couldn't afford. So they were forced by the government to sell their families farm, that had been in the family for 100 years, to pay the tax.

See, once again, you claim to be the ones how support the poor, but in reality, you are the ones who harm the poor the most.
So why the fuck does both places pay warehouse workers $12 bucks an hour?

I thought it was supposed to be more in a pro union state high minimum wage state?

It appears that a Right to work state low minimum wage state like Texas employers are less greedy by paying $4.75 more then minimum wage, while in Washington State they only pay $1 dollar more then minimum wage...

I thought according to liberals a rising tide rises all boats?

Warehouse Positions - 2nd Shift, $11 - $12/hr

Warehouse Positions - 2nd Shift, $11 - $12/hr (Fort Worth) hide this posting

compensation: Minimum of $11.00 per hour
employment type: full-time

To be considered for employment, you must complete an online employment application (www.ttiinc.com).



TTI, Inc., has been a leading specialty distributor of electronic components for over 40 years. We currently have multiple openings in our climate controlled, fast paced distribution centers.

Minimum starting wage is $11.00 per hour (Additional shift premium for 2nd shift of .65 cents per hour. 2nd shift begins at 12:00 p.m.)

Pay increases at 90 and 360 days during the first year

Temperature Controlled Environment

Background & Drug Test required

High School Diploma or GED required

Recent warehouse experience preferred

Specific openings and shift/pay rates are listed on the website


compensation: $12.00
employment type: full-time

General Warehouse Worker
Codel Entry Systems is looking for a General Warehouse Worker able to work various departments in a fast paced environment. Candidate must be eager and willing to work long hours if needed.
Job Duties
• Multiple warehouse related jobs such as Delivery Driver, machining doors and door frames, glazing doors, putting inventory away, loading trucks, Paint, Stain, etc.
Skills and Qualifications
• Must be familiar with hand tools, power tools, and MUST be able to read a tape measure
• Must be able to lift 75-100 lbs repeatedly
• Previous door shop experience desired, but not required
• Must have dependable transportation
• MUST be able to pass a drug test before being hired

Starting Wage $12.00/hr

Min wage since the first of this year is paying 15 an hour in Seattle. Their unemployment rate is well below 4 percent so if you're willing to take a low wage welder job under those circumstances, that's your fault. I doubt they'll fill the position
When you consider the cost of living those Seattle warehouse workers are getting screwed.

Min wage in Seattle pays 15 an hour

First off, no, it doesn't.

Screen Shot 2017-04-13 at 12.42.29 PM.png

The only people currently subject to a $15/hour minimum wage, are people in large 500+ employee companies, who do not pay any benefits. Since no company fits that, then no company is subject to it yet.

Small businesses like a restaurant that pays tips, are not going to be subject to it, until 2021. And small restaurants without tips, are not subject to it until 2019.

But, we on the right-wing have been warning about the negative effects of the minimum wage for ages. We've said it over and over and over.

When you raise the minimum wage, the employers respond by raising prices on everything, AND hiring fewer people, can cutting employment. Employers do not have a magic 'wage tree' that they can shake, and get the money to pay higher wages.

If the government passed a law requiring customers to pay mechanics $100 per oil change... that doesn't mean everyone has enough money to pay $100 for an oil change. Or if they passed a law saying a haircut was $100 minimum, because how can anyone live off $15 for a hair cut? That doesn't mean everyone would start paying $100 for a hair cut. We'd cut our own hair, and change our own oil, and all those oil changers and hair cutter would be out of a job.

We keep saying this over and over, and yet you guys never seem to believe us. Well the report is out again.... and once again, we are proven right.

Why raising the minimum wage in Seattle did little to help workers, according to a new study

The average hourly wage for workers affected by the increase jumped from $9.96 to $11.14, but wages likely would have increased some anyway due to Seattle's overall economy. Meanwhile, although workers were earning more, fewer of them had a job than would have without an increase. Those who did work had fewer hours than they would have without the wage hike.

Accounting for these factors, the average increase in total earnings due to the minimum wage was small, the researchers concluded. Using their preferred method, they calculated that workers' earnings increased by $5.54 a week on average because of the minimum wage. Using other methods, the researchers found that the minimum wage hike actually caused total weekly earnings to drop -- by as much as $5.22 a week.

There can be negative effects. Increasing the minimum wage increases the costs of hiring workers. As a result, employers must accept reduced margins or customers must pay steeper prices.

If employers cannot stay in business while paying their staff more, they will either hire fewer people or give their workers fewer hours. As a result, even if wages per hour increase, workers' total earnings could decline.​

So let me sum that up for you.

While the average wage per hour did increase (which of course it must given the law)... the total amount of money they earn per week is almost unchanged, and in some cases reduced.

Now let's do some quick basic math. You are working a job, and your weekly pay increase from $12 to $13 an hour, yet according to the research, your average weekly pay only goes up $5.

So unless you are only working 5 hours a week.... how does your weekly pay only go up $5? They dropped the number of hours you work. If you work 40 hours, and you get an extra $1 per hour, that's $40. To cut back on that cost, I have to drop your hours by 40 / 13... 3 hours. I cut you back $3, and now I can afford it. Of course that means that people now have fewer hours, which means some need to find a second job. Which means employment goes up.

So you guys look at employment, and see it go up, as if that's good. In reality, your minimum wage laws, cause people to need a second job, to maintain their income.

Additionally, they pass that cost onto consumers in higher costs. Which defeats the purpose of a higher wage. If you get an extra $40 a week, but your cost of living goes up $40 a week (because literally everything goes up in price).... are you better off? No.

Again, Greece tried this. Greece had a minimum wage indexed to inflation that increased year over year. It didn't result in wealth and prosperity. It resulted in economic ruin.
The point is, social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison. It is about privatizing costs not socializing costs.

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