Zone1 A Question For Pro-Choicers

All without ever having to admit that abortion ends a human life.
Sounds like a rationalization that voluntarily ending a human life is morally just and good. All without ever having to admit one is ending a human life. Brilliant.
What a woman decides to do with circumstances that involve the privacy of her own body is in fact, brilliant and moral . Which ever way, that decision goes it is what individual liberty protected under the US Constitution is actually all about. When you want independent bodies to belong to the tyranny of the majority, that my friend is as amoral as it gets in a secular and free society.
I couldn't even begin to explain the best path forward to someone who does not unconditionally acknowledge that abortion ends a human life.
I couldn't even begin to explain the best path forward to someone who does not unconditionally acknowledge that abortion ends a human life.
Your best path forward involves dehumanizing Jews. There would be no Catholicism if it were not for the Jews
I couldn't even begin to explain the best path forward to someone who does not unconditionally acknowledge that abortion ends a human life.
Abortion ends a human life. It is hereby unconditionally acknowledged. So start explaining.
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If babies aren't alive in the womb then how does abortion exist? After all, how can you kill somebody who was never alive in the first place?

Simple: The way American Justice works now, if it is the slutty mother's choice to abort, it is just a lump of useless tissue with no rights.

But if it is a mother carrying a baby who gets lost through some outside trauma imposed by a third party, accidental or otherwise, then it becomes murder so the mother can sue for the loss.

You see, the determining factor is not human life, it is MONEY: either the abortion clinic's or the aggrieved mother and her lawyer's.
That's not an unconditional acknowledgement.
You are a fraud. Your word means nothing.

I couldn't even begin to explain the best path forward to someone who does not unconditionally acknowledge that abortion ends a human life.​
There are no conditions - abortion whether natural or by choice ends a human life.

So what is your point?
You are a fraud. Your word means nothing.

I couldn't even begin to explain the best path forward to someone who does not unconditionally acknowledge that abortion ends a human life.​
There are no conditions - abortion whether natural or by choice ends a human life.

So what is your point?
I am waiting for you to acknowledge UNCONDITIONALLY that abortion ends a human life. Not a biological human life or a human life deserving of sanctity but a human life period. Otherwise, it wouldn't make any sense going further. So can you do that or not?
Abortion ends human life. When when a woman chooses to end her pregnancy, she kills a human being, know if’s and’s or butts. now what?
Ok, so if we start from that position and agree that that is wrong there must be a punishment. I think it should be a misdemeanor. With increasing penalties for each additional one. That and they have to acknowledge that they are ending a human life; one that has never existed before and will never exist again. And that of their own accord they are freely choosing to end that life.

That way it is recognized as being wrong, but mercy is granted to the woman because of this unique situation. But she has to admit she is doing wrong. This will satisfy society and the woman without promoting abortion.
Ok, so if we start from that position and agree that that is wrong there must be a punishment
Why is there punishment for self defense? And why us there punishment for the wonsn’s superior right to pursue life liberty and happiness as an equal to a man?
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I'm happy enough to shine a spotlight on your dehumanization of certain human lives.
Ah, a hater of helpless haploid humans speaks up, so very proud of his open lust for genocide.

Eugenics is what drives the pro-life movement. If an organism doesn't have the proper DNA, they want it dead. How long until they start deciding that our DNA isn't up to par, making us subhuman and worthy of extermination?
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I couldn't even begin to explain the best path forward to someone who does not unconditionally acknowledge that abortion ends a human life.
Why does that matter? Like I said, masturbation ends human life. You don't care about that, making your position hypocritical and thus invalid.

Can you address that? Of course you can't. That's why you're going to deflect again.

Do you even understand that "YOU WILL OBEY BECAUSE I SAY SO!" is not a moral or logical position?

Yes? Then why do you hold such a position?
Well research shows us that we are alive and a complete human at conception. I know that is not the totality of our existence we but as far as I know human rights do not extend to our spiritual selves, though who knows maybe this will change.
What research is that?

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