Zone1 A Question For Pro-Choicers

Wald is certainly an authority on vision but he claimed, in 1970, that the world would end in 30 years.
Yet another example of a blanket dismissal without any logical reasoning besides an attempt to disparage Wald's reputation. Unfortunately for you there's still Arthur Eddington, Von Weizsacker and Wolfgang Pauli's testimony to contend with. Would you care to disparage their reputations as well instead of providing an actual reasoned and logical argument concerning the content that was actually being discussed. I'm wondering when you are going to realize just how disingenuous you are behaving with these responses.

That little purple blob you show, may or may not turn into the adorable perfect little white baby you show in your post.
And wouldn't it be PERFECT if every pregnancy had no major problems for the mother or child.
MISCARRIAGE never seems part of the conversation. Ability to Love Nurture Provide and Protect.
is also left out of the All or nothing anti . You need to tell me that from birth till age 18,
YOU personably will be there for Any one YOUR GROUP TALKS out of aborting A PREGENCY.
That little purple blob you show, may or may not turn into the adorable perfect little white baby you show in your post.
And wouldn't it be PERFECT if every pregnancy had no major problems for the mother or child.
MISCARRIAGE never seems part of the conversation. Ability to Love Nurture Provide and Protect.
is also left out of the All or nothing anti . You need to tell me that from birth till age 18,
YOU personably will be there for Any one YOUR GROUP TALKS out of aborting A PREGENCY.
It's a human being. Albeit one that is in the early stage of the human life cycle which begins at conception and ends at death. One that has never existed before and will never exist again. That's what the science says.
Yet another example of a blanket dismissal without any logical reasoning besides an attempt to disparage Wald's reputation. Unfortunately for you there's still Arthur Eddington, Von Weizsacker and Wolfgang Pauli's testimony to contend with. Would you care to disparage their reputations as well instead of providing an actual reasoned and logical argument concerning the content that was actually being discussed. I'm wondering when you are going to realize just how disingenuous you are behaving with these responses.

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Facts can be refuted, opinions cannot. Have any of these distinguished people done any experiments?

Plane boarding, stay tuned...
Facts can be refuted, opinions cannot. Have any of these distinguished people done any experiments?

Plane boarding, stay tuned...
Sure they can. Opinions based upon reason and logic can be challenged on grounds of reason and logic.

So you are saying you don't have to challenge their reasoning or logic because they haven't done experiments? Are you even listening to how dumb that sounds?

Sure they can. Opinions based upon reason and logic can be challenged on grounds of reason and logic.
Just what I did, sorry you didn't like my logic.

So you are saying you don't have to challenge their reasoning or logic because they haven't done experiments? Are you even listening to how dumb that sounds?
Logic has often proven completely wrong due to flawed assumptions.

Hard to take this seriously when the related articles include "Does consciousness need a brain?". Pseudoscience.
Hard to take this seriously when the related articles include "Does consciousness need a brain?". Pseudoscience.
It's hard for you to accept anything that goes against your worldview. But you asked for an experiment and I delivered an experiment.

The recent study, conducted by a team of researchers from leading institutions around the world, aimed to explore the potential interconnectedness of consciousness with the universe. Through a series of experiments involving participants in deep meditative states, the scientists observed a phenomenon known as “entanglement.”
Entanglement, a concept derived from quantum physics, refers to the interconnectedness of particles regardless of the distance between them. In this study, the researchers hypothesized that if consciousness could be considered a fundamental aspect of the universe, it might also exhibit entanglement-like properties.
To test this hypothesis, the scientists employed advanced brain imaging techniques to monitor the brain activity of participants while they engaged in deep meditation. Surprisingly, the results revealed a significant increase in neural connectivity across various regions of the brain, suggesting a heightened state of consciousness.
Furthermore, the researchers found that this increased connectivity extended beyond the boundaries of the brain. The participants reported experiencing a profound sense of unity and interconnectedness with the universe, transcending their individual identities. This subjective experience aligned with the objective data obtained from the brain scans, providing compelling evidence for the interconnected nature of consciousness.
Dr. Sarah Johnson, the lead researcher on the study, emphasized the implications of these findings. She stated, “Our research suggests that consciousness is not confined to the boundaries of our physical bodies. It appears to have the potential to connect with the vastness of the universe, enabling us to perceive and experience a reality beyond our immediate surroundings.”
Mixing science and pseudoscience is illogical.
Ok, let's take it line by line to see what you disagree with, fair enough?

The physical world is entirely abstract and without ‘actuality’ apart from its linkage to consciousness. True or false?
That's not a logic error. That's an assumption error. So which assumptions are you now claiming are wrong?
Some that I pointed out you ignored. For example, there is no "higher" evolution. The whole consciousness evolving stuff makes no sense to me.
Ok, let's take it line by line to see what you disagree with, fair enough?

The physical world is entirely abstract and without ‘actuality’ apart from its linkage to consciousness. True or false?
False. The physical world is unrelated to consciousness. Our perception of the physical world is entirely dependent on consciousness.

When I die you'll notice no change in the world. For me, it will disappear.
As the birthrate drops things get better. Abortion goes away, more jobs available, the list goes on.
It's hard for you to accept anything that goes against your worldview. But you asked for an experiment and I delivered an experiment.

The recent study, conducted by a team of researchers from leading institutions around the world, aimed to explore the potential interconnectedness of consciousness with the universe. Through a series of experiments involving participants in deep meditative states, the scientists observed a phenomenon known as “entanglement.”
Entanglement, a concept derived from quantum physics, refers to the interconnectedness of particles regardless of the distance between them. In this study, the researchers hypothesized that if consciousness could be considered a fundamental aspect of the universe, it might also exhibit entanglement-like properties.
To test this hypothesis, the scientists employed advanced brain imaging techniques to monitor the brain activity of participants while they engaged in deep meditation. Surprisingly, the results revealed a significant increase in neural connectivity across various regions of the brain, suggesting a heightened state of consciousness.
Furthermore, the researchers found that this increased connectivity extended beyond the boundaries of the brain. The participants reported experiencing a profound sense of unity and interconnectedness with the universe, transcending their individual identities. This subjective experience aligned with the objective data obtained from the brain scans, providing compelling evidence for the interconnected nature of consciousness.
Dr. Sarah Johnson, the lead researcher on the study, emphasized the implications of these findings. She stated, “Our research suggests that consciousness is not confined to the boundaries of our physical bodies. It appears to have the potential to connect with the vastness of the universe, enabling us to perceive and experience a reality beyond our immediate surroundings.”
Which science journal was it peer-reviewed in? What was the control group? Was it double-blind?

Saying it was an "experiment" doesn't mean it was one.
It's a human being. Albeit one that is in the early stage of the human life cycle which begins at conception and ends at death. One that has never existed before and will never exist again. That's what the science says.
FINE, And what I AM SAYING is if your going to insist that the birth mother of any age bear a child. Then you are required to see that child receives Love, proper food housing education and care till age 18.
WE do not need more abandoned un wanted childern. Out on the streets in gangs or addiction or crime in order too survive.
FINE, And what I AM SAYING is if your going to insist that the birth mother of any age bear a child. Then you are required to see that child receives Love, proper food housing education and care till age 18.
WE do not need more abandoned un wanted childern. Out on the streets in gangs or addiction or crime in order too survive.
I've been arguing that abortion should be considered a misdemeanor.
FINE, And what I AM SAYING is if your going to insist that the birth mother of any age bear a child. Then you are required to see that child receives Love, proper food housing education and care till age 18.

That's the mother's responsibility, along with that of the child's father.
Some that I pointed out you ignored. For example, there is no "higher" evolution. The whole consciousness evolving stuff makes no sense to me.
It shouldn't be that confusing to you. Changing your thoughts about something is your consciousness evolving.

Do you believe your thoughts change to a lower state or a higher state as you progress through life?

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