A question for the anti-choice crowd.

You can be as misogynistic, racist, nationalist, and isolationist in your private life as you want. You seem to have a hard time grasping the concept of personal freedom, in so much as it does not infringe on the rights of others.....

I don't believe in personal freedom and I never have.
You can be as misogynistic, racist, nationalist, and isolationist in your private life as you want. You seem to have a hard time grasping the concept of personal freedom, in so much as it does not infringe on the rights of others.....

I don't believe in personal freedom and I never have.
Out of curiosity, where are you from? I mean, what nation do you live in?

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Now, I have to admit. I posed this question on a different forum, and only one anti-choice fanatic was willing to respond...

...and his responses were both frightening, and disturbing.
If they banned abortions ID say put her in jail until she hits metapause. Lol

Im noticing anti abortionists would be OK with my mom aborting me. My question to Republicans is this. If a girl has the morality to have pre marital sex and get an abortion, doesn't that most likely mean she's a liberal? And aren't most of these kids growing up to be liberals? They are poor, minorities, non Christians. Do conservatives really want more me's out there?

You don't allow people to be murdered because they might grow up with different political views...that is what you guys on the left have done all around the world....
But anyone getting an abortion is obviously liberal. And we raise little liberals. If we don't murder them first of course.

I wouldn't raise a conservative.
Yes. Life isn't black and white no matter how some people want it to be.

Killing someone is wrong!...

Anathema doesn't want to deal with complexity, that doesn't make it go away

I don't deal with complexity. I live in a black and white world. One where Murder is wrong but Killing for Honor is always Right.
Therein is your problem. You don't live in a black and white world, however your limited intellect prevents you from being able to comprehend the complexities, and nuances beyond a simple binary moral understanding. You suffer the same shortsightedness, and lack of vision as any other zealot, regardless of their religion. And make no mistake what you practice, and follow is a religion, whether you wish to call it one, or not.

Look who's talking.
Out of curiosity, where are you from? I mean, what nation do you live in?

I grew up and have lived in New England (CT, RI & MA) my entire life. Parts of my family can trace our roots here back to the mid-17th Century. We're an incredibly CONSERVATIVE and TRADITIONALIST lot, who pass on our Morals and Values to each successive generation and engraining it deeply.
Anyone that blindly follows a recipe in a cookbook is probably a lousy cook.

Not really. Most people cook to eat, not for art. I went to college around people who cook for art. Their food tastes like shit.

Forget art...unless it is one they wrote themselves, I have NEVER seen anyone follow a recipe blindly! My wife doesn't, my mother doesn't my grandmother doesn't, I don't. A recipe is a good place to start. Hell, my mother spent fifteen years before she got her cheesecake recipe perfect. Sometimes, she can take one look at a recipe and know it will not come out right if followed exactly. (Offhand, anything with cheese should not also include salt.) She took one look at a mac & cheese recipe and said that if she followed it exactly, it would be way too dry. (She was right.)
Out of curiosity, where are you from? I mean, what nation do you live in?

I grew up and have lived in New England (CT, RI & MA) my entire life. Parts of my family can trace our roots here back to the mid-17th Century. We're an incredibly CONSERVATIVE and TRADITIONALIST lot, who pass on our Morals and Values to each successive generation and engraining it deeply.
Wow, I never would have guessed that someone who hates America, the Constitution, and everything they stand for would actually be an American.

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I don't think pointing out that you are batshit crazy is exactly surrender.

You have no answer for the prior comment, that's effectively surrender.

Batshit Crazy doesn't even start to cover it today.
I have no answer because your comment is devoid of reason, and is nonsense. It would be like me saying, "The fish sounded like purple, and so elephants bloom in October," and expecting you to be able to respond with something other than, "Okay, you're nuts,"

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I have no answer because your comment is devoid of reason, and is nonsense. It would be like me saying, "The fish sounded like purple, and so elephants bloom in October," and expecting you to be able to respond with something other than, "Okay, you're nuts,"

Actually, I can make far more sense out of that comment than anything else I've dealt with this weekend.
I have no answer because your comment is devoid of reason, and is nonsense. It would be like me saying, "The fish sounded like purple, and so elephants bloom in October," and expecting you to be able to respond with something other than, "Okay, you're nuts,"

Actually, I can make far more sense out of that comment than anything else I've dealt with this weekend.
Yeah..the mere fact that you can "make sense" out of an intentionally nonsense statement is only further evidence of your batshit crazy.

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So, it is also your batshit crazy contention that only feminists have abortions? You really are completely disconnected from fact-based reality, aren't you?

It is my contention that having good an abortion makes one a deal facto Feminist. Real women would rather die than doing so.

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