a question for the left . Who do you blame for the ass whipping your party suffered ?

is it because Colorado and North Carolina are now racist women hating states ? why did your party get the shit kicked out of them ? it can't be the money that was spent yall spent more money in the history of mid term elections.. or media bias yall have msnbs , cnn , nbc , abc , in your corner ! ... so why in the hell did you loose ?

Ass-whipping...??? not even close.

The GOP did terrible if you consider the President's polls and peoples perception about the economy and ebola.

The GOP really fucked up.
In the 2014 cycle, the Democrats essentially landed in the Senate Red States, saying: "Take Us Away From Your Leader!" There appeared to be no real attempt to nationalize any legislative record, since Obama took office. Anything local was then left up to local candidates. Jerry Brown could run on water issues, but local issues didn't make that much sense for federal office candidates. The Republicans could run against, and did run against,. . .more or less an alien from another planet. Then the scary stuff happened, to boot. The outcome is a Congress more like Herbert Hoover got to work with.

In 2016, The Republicans will be on the defensive, with the Democrats again plying away at a diversity inclusion agenda, even in the White House, of all places(?)! The old successful coalition will be even older, and possibly wiser--even in America(?), where there are schools(?). Then there will be younger, and more diversity-enthused voters: Along with them.

To create the original voter base, the stupid GOP found their best strategy in a brazen attempted genocide of all white male adults in North America, starting with the United States. It was over soon enough, but not much progressive came of it, until FDR. "Damn Yankees!" was a part of the historical vernacular, along with more colorful concepts. It is noted that the new House of Representatives better resembles something more in keeping with the generation of Herbert Hoover. Colorful concepts there were, even then. The ethnicity and gender characteristics are likely along the same lines as a Herbert Hoover Congress.

The Republicans actually tried to repeal the entire federal government--take away the money--only a few months ago.

Out West, there is a liberal agenda, diversity-based, and looking more to the Pacific Rim--of which it is a part. FDR actually sold them scrap metal. Now, at least, what metal they have, they actually sell back.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes Better Looking, maybe not at rim, on Lands of Many Nations! Land of Many Smokes, now maybe called, "Washington, D. C.(?)!")
is it because Colorado and North Carolina are now racist women hating states ? why did your party get the shit kicked out of them ? it can't be the money that was spent yall spent more money in the history of mid term elections.. or media bias yall have msnbs , cnn , nbc , abc , in your corner ! ... so why in the hell did you loose ?

Ass-whipping...??? not even close.

The GOP did terrible if you consider the President's polls and peoples perception about the economy and ebola.

The GOP really fucked up.
Ya real bad the house with an even larger majority,retook the senate,crushed state house races and governorship's,yep really fucked up.

Can you be more of an idiot party bigoted hateful hack??
"Damn," says the left, "Hate has worked so well for us these past six years. What happened?"
Actually, it appears to have worked wonders for the Repugs. Guess we'll have to try the obstruction, hatred, scorched earth route the repugs have pioneered and so masterfully used.

In 18 months, Dems running for House and Senate seats will be asking one big question; what have the Republicans been doing for the past 16 months? About the only thing I expect them to accomplish is to keep any of Obama's nominees from being confirmed, but they will call that a victory.
what have the republicans been doing for the last 16 mnths ???? I guess we will find out now that Reed is out of the way and we can get a vote on the nearly 400 republican passed House bills that were sitting on the bastards desk .
The Ivy League is to be major faulted. That is more a subject for the economics section.. The schools do not fault Moses for creating a usury supportive environment, wherein the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Israel should not do usury itself, but when it comes to foreigners, charge away! Deuteronomy 23:19-20, is apparently, more about Reagan's concept of World Peace, with the Holy Fathers, all on boar. . . .well. The New Testament shows the problem with usury, in a market economy, in Matt 25:14-30. Even Founder of Modern Economics, Adam Smith, in "Wealth of Nations," would not the story. The schools have more or less followed that along since 1776. The Democrats put the remedy into place, from Matthew 20:1-16. Obama-Biden did more than just, "Cash For Clunkers." The equal amount, refundable income tax credit, was for the Middle Class--$400 per return, regardless if the tax filer had worked all the year or not, or was due a refund or not. Neither Mohammed, nor Adam Smith--and certainly no Nobel Prize Winners--bothered to note the more inclusive, market friendly remedy.

Famously, in fact, the Republicans took Jesus Christ away from America, after winning in 2010. They later went on to run the Mormon, for President, instead. By 2014, the voters are noting that usury still works well for the rich and empowered. See the exit polls. The voters are not being shown anything that could work for them, other than what the schools don't seem to want them to know--going back 2000, and even more years.

School was left behind. Everything suddenly statute, was thrown off the table--never to be mentioned, again!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Anyone knows that to make air expensive, it has to be bottled, put under pressure, and used to power. . . .anything except for cars(?)! White eyes like burning fluids instead, sometimes even on meat(?). . . . .Now served even on Lands of Many Nations, maybe on some near you(?)!)
They are prating on about its just history repeating itself,it would have happened no matter what,its a nice thought,but thats about it,and it doesn't in anyway discount the ass kicking the Dems received at the state levels,Governors, state houses,these truly reflect how the voters feel.

It's history repeating itself for a reason. Not that it would happen no matter what. For the same reasons presidents are becoming quite unpopular in their later presidential years. Why?

You talk about "how the voters feel". I'm inclined to say "what does this mean"? How much does the media play a part? How much control is there over the thoughts of the people when they get angry with politicians?

If Bush was told by the voters how angry they were, if Clinton was told by the voters how angry they were, if Bush snr got told by the voters how angry they were and if Reagan got told how angry they were, but Carter wasn't told, what does this say?

Is it that voters are angry with the president? Does it mean they're angry with Congress? Does it mean they're angry with something but they don't know what?

Looking at other places, Europe in particular, where most countries changed parties from left to right, or right to left since 2008, it suggests people get angry, and then vote differently. It doesn't really matter what. And it happens repeatedly, continuously, and in the most part I think, in Europe, people failed to see that they were choosing a party to run the economy, but just that "well the other party was in power when the economy went down hill, so the other party must be better".

But the people get angry every 6-8 years. Over and over and over and over again. Yet NOTHING changes. People forget the previous, Mr President arrives with catchy slogans, good looks. 6 years later who cares, get a new guy in with a different message (that means nothing), with different looks, so we can enjoy reading and listening about them for a few years, and when we get bored, we WILL get bored, we can change them.
is it because Colorado and North Carolina are now racist women hating states ? why did your party get the shit kicked out of them ? it can't be the money that was spent yall spent more money in the history of mid term elections.. or media bias yall have msnbs , cnn , nbc , abc , in your corner ! ... so why in the hell did you loose ?

Dems did not run on their record. They had a good record to run on but they ran away from it as well as Obama. The unemployment rate has dropped from over 10% to under 6%. The federal deficit has been slashed by nearly 70% and is now at a lower level as a percentage of GDP than the average of the past 40 years. The stock market has more than doubled since it bottomed out under the Bush crash. The economy is growing at a very good rate. Gas prices are dropping as if the bottom fell out. Domestic energy production is at its highest level in decades and energy imports have dropped to their lowest level in decades. It's all great economic news, yet somehow Dems allowed Republicans to convince everyone that everything is horrible. All in all, it should be an interesting two years leading up to 2016. Something tells me Dems will run on their record in 2016. The other thing is that with a presidential election in two years, younger people will vote in much larger numbers. Looking at voter turnout for those aged 18 to 29, it was pathetic.

Median family income has dropped every year since 1999.....and has dropped most quickly under Obama. When the average American is worse off...that is the only stat that matters. The rest is basically crap.

Yup and take into account that most people think the country is headed in the wrong direction under Obama and you get a reason for the results.

The GOP took the Senate and held onto the house I think. Hope they can now get some things done without Harry Reid deciding what the Senate can debate and vote on.

Wonder if any of those dusty bill sitting on his desk will get looked at now??

Goodby Dems. You can now be the obstructionist party.
Not only did they take the House, they have a much bigger lead than ever.

Maybe even an historic one.

66% needed to ignore the president? Nope, that would less than 140 seats for the Dems for that to happen. They have 179. So.... it means what?
is it because Colorado and North Carolina are now racist women hating states ? why did your party get the shit kicked out of them ? it can't be the money that was spent yall spent more money in the history of mid term elections.. or media bias yall have msnbs , cnn , nbc , abc , in your corner ! ... so why in the hell did you loose ?
The two most popular answers I have seen on the board today are gerrymandering and voter suppression. To be fair though some on the left have just said the Republicans ran better campaigns and did a better job getting the vote out.
is it because Colorado and North Carolina are now racist women hating states ? why did your party get the shit kicked out of them ? it can't be the money that was spent yall spent more money in the history of mid term elections.. or media bias yall have msnbs , cnn , nbc , abc , in your corner ! ... so why in the hell did you loose ?
The two most popular answers I have seen on the board today are gerrymandering and voter suppression. To be fair though some on the left have just said the Republicans ran better campaigns and did a better job getting the vote out.

It will be interesting to see the voter figures though.
the truth is I have never seen so many politicians run from a president who's policies they supported ! the left knows that their laws and regulations have angered Americans !

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