A question for the small govt types

Should school be required

  • yes

  • no

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Education is very important in our society on several different levels, it always has been.....right down to the social interaction
with other students. It helped prepare them for life in the real world without the protection of the parents.
My issue with the educational structure today is how the federal government messed things up.
Morality plummeted, respect for one another plummeted, the quality of instructors plummeted.
Hence, the quality of education plummeted. We used to raise the bar for education, now we lower the bar for education.
Not sure that this wasn't the ulterior motive of our government as I just don't trust them.
Just my 2 cents
Interesting question.

To be honest, I’m split.

You would think I would support mandatory schooling up until age 21. But how many years really are necessary to learn the basics that makes for a literate citizenry?

5th, 6th grade?

How much do we learn in high school do we really use in real life? What I remember back in high school, it was like a forced buffet. You had to have a taste of everything. Although it was in those years that my writing skills grew.
There is much more that is learned in school than simply the subject matter of the classes. Kids learn how to learn, they develop discipline to stick to a schedule, challenge themselves with subjects that they don’t necessarily like or want to learn about, they learn social skills, sports and extra curricular activities etc. It is the best environment to prepare them for the real world on many levels.

It can definitely be improved in many areas but it is a great system and essential to a prosperous society

Some learn those things. And some learn they hate school.
My first job was a laborer for a construction project and I learned that I hated digging trenches and clearing garbage piles. I wanted to be the guy with the hammer or the guy with the blueprints both of whom were getting paid way more than the guys sweating in the dirt. This is what made me start taking school and going to college seriously. My point is, sometimes experiencing things you hate can motivate you to achieve better things. We all have to experience struggles and challenges in life. It’s in those situations when we often learn the most about ourselves. This is especially important for our youth to learn and experience

To an extent. If it’s something you hate that gets you to a larger goal, then fine.

I liked school. But then again, I still like to learn. Not everyone has that experience, and it feels like a waste of time if it’s not leading you to a life goal.

I love to learn as well. More so now than when in school is putting it mildly.
My problem was I had no idea what I wanted to do and it kinda froze me.
I stumbled into machining by pure chance and found my calling.
At that point I threw myself into it with a will.
Interesting question.

To be honest, I’m split.

You would think I would support mandatory schooling up until age 21. But how many years really are necessary to learn the basics that makes for a literate citizenry?

5th, 6th grade?

How much do we learn in high school do we really use in real life? What I remember back in high school, it was like a forced buffet. You had to have a taste of everything. Although it was in those years that my writing skills grew.
There is much more that is learned in school than simply the subject matter of the classes. Kids learn how to learn, they develop discipline to stick to a schedule, challenge themselves with subjects that they don’t necessarily like or want to learn about, they learn social skills, sports and extra curricular activities etc. It is the best environment to prepare them for the real world on many levels.

It can definitely be improved in many areas but it is a great system and essential to a prosperous society

Some learn those things. And some learn they hate school.
My first job was a laborer for a construction project and I learned that I hated digging trenches and clearing garbage piles. I wanted to be the guy with the hammer or the guy with the blueprints both of whom were getting paid way more than the guys sweating in the dirt. This is what made me start taking school and going to college seriously. My point is, sometimes experiencing things you hate can motivate you to achieve better things. We all have to experience struggles and challenges in life. It’s in those situations when we often learn the most about ourselves. This is especially important for our youth to learn and experience

To an extent. If it’s something you hate that gets you to a larger goal, then fine.

I liked school. But then again, I still like to learn. Not everyone has that experience, and it feels like a waste of time if it’s not leading you to a life goal.

I love to learn as well. More so now than when in school is putting it mildly.
My problem was I had no idea what I wanted to do and it kinda froze me.
I stumbled into machining by pure chance and found my calling.
At that point I threw myself into it with a will.
Exactly, thanks for sharing
Interesting question.

To be honest, I’m split.

You would think I would support mandatory schooling up until age 21. But how many years really are necessary to learn the basics that makes for a literate citizenry?

5th, 6th grade?

How much do we learn in high school do we really use in real life? What I remember back in high school, it was like a forced buffet. You had to have a taste of everything. Although it was in those years that my writing skills grew.
There is much more that is learned in school than simply the subject matter of the classes. Kids learn how to learn, they develop discipline to stick to a schedule, challenge themselves with subjects that they don’t necessarily like or want to learn about, they learn social skills, sports and extra curricular activities etc. It is the best environment to prepare them for the real world on many levels.

It can definitely be improved in many areas but it is a great system and essential to a prosperous society

Some learn those things. And some learn they hate school.
My first job was a laborer for a construction project and I learned that I hated digging trenches and clearing garbage piles. I wanted to be the guy with the hammer or the guy with the blueprints both of whom were getting paid way more than the guys sweating in the dirt. This is what made me start taking school and going to college seriously. My point is, sometimes experiencing things you hate can motivate you to achieve better things. We all have to experience struggles and challenges in life. It’s in those situations when we often learn the most about ourselves. This is especially important for our youth to learn and experience

Unfortunately thats almost impossible these days since immigrants have pretty much taken over those markets leaving our kids thinking manual labor is beneath them.
Everyone should at least have a trade.
So you want to increase mandatory schooling? Because it is very strict now and that doesnt happen.
There’s too much pressure in society for students who can’t make it through different grades.
I know many people who dropped out of High School but can buld a house according to code.
So, for some, do trade schools instead of general public schooling?

Here in Mass we have Tech high schools available to all kids. They are so popular that they also provide college prep classes so can still go to college if u want .
I believe that at least a general education is necessary. There are too many things in life that can cost you. General economics, learning how to get along with others, an understanding of math, English, and even history.

If we do not remember history you are doomed to repeat it. Math to balance a checkbook and all the other necessities. English so you can communicate with others, read safety notices, even understand a contract.

It maybe better to have alternate schools for those that struggle with the usual school setting.
I didnt learn REAL history until i graduated high school. Just throwing that out there.
I understand that a number of schools do not teach proper classes, they dumb down subjects so that the largest number can graduate. In a way I blame Laura Bush and her no child left behind. But I also blame teachers and the system because they do not want to have to fail students it is better to just pass a problem on down the line.
I believe that at least a general education is necessary. There are too many things in life that can cost you. General economics, learning how to get along with others, an understanding of math, English, and even history.

If we do not remember history you are doomed to repeat it. Math to balance a checkbook and all the other necessities. English so you can communicate with others, read safety notices, even understand a contract.

It maybe better to have alternate schools for those that struggle with the usual school setting.
I didnt learn REAL history until i graduated high school. Just throwing that out there.
I understand that a number of schools do not teach proper classes, they dumb down subjects so that the largest number can graduate. In a way I blame Laura Bush and her no child left behind. But I also blame teachers and the system because they do not want to have to fail students it is better to just pass a problem on down the line.
I had art my junior year. I turned in one project the whole semester. Slept every day. I passed with a 75. 74 was failing lol. So i know what you mean
I didnt mind school but i only cared about science history and communications (debate and logic)
Wouldnt it be easier on everyone if the only people there, were people that wanted to be there?

Not very many children would be there. 5,6,7 year olds are generally not big picture people at that age.
5,6, and 7 year olds usually have parents lol

Yup, so do you let the kids decide or the parents.
Parents lol

Ok gotcha, I do believe we need to do our best to educate our children. Not saying we are or are not doing a great job now but have to keep education going for a more informed society.
Slade made an excellent point about pos parents.. really, it kind of shut me up lol..
Just something about govt force.. know what i mean?
"Small government types"? What does that mean? As opposed to big government types? You have to keep in mind that big government democrat party types are opposed to people having a choice of which school they can send their kids. Democrats set the rules in college so that a kid can get kicked out of school for the crime of uttering a forbidden word within hearing distance of big brother. Big government democrat types have established a gigantic federal education bureaucracy headed by mostly idiots that managed to teach kids how to put a condom on a banana and not much else in the last couple of decades.
"Small government types"? What does that mean? As opposed to big government types? You have to keep in mind that big government democrat party types are opposed to people having a choice of which school they can send their kids. Democrats set the rules in college so that a kid can get kicked out of school for the crime of uttering a forbidden word within hearing distance of big brother. Big government democrat types have established a gigantic federal education bureaucracy headed by mostly idiots that managed to teach kids how to put a condom on a banana and not much else in the last couple of decades.
You’re right and we’ve sure seen the piss poor results especially in the technology sector over the past few decades haven’t we?? Oh wait...

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