A question for the Trump supporters...

Once again you need to pull your dick out of your mouth the seaman is clogging your ability to grasp reality … Biden has no say who come into the country it’s the iNS … these people file for sanctuary Bidien has no control over that … it’s part of the constitution … something you republicons keep trying to repeal… plus they are here legal they aren’t illegals … Biden so far has the largest number of illegals returned to their country then any president to date …but you wouldn’t know that cause now you got seaman coming out your nose and ears
You can't even spell semen correctly?
Honorable? Pfft….Like the honorable people looting stores? Like Menendez? Those honorable people?
For ever bad democrat there are a 100 bad republicans … look at all the house they a full of bad republicans members of the Republican Party … all the mega criminals … look at the 50 senators all mega criminal republicans there …and you drag me Melendez out !!! well done lose … well done … you convinced us all that because of menemdez we dems are not honorable… boy you convinced everybody here on these web pages because of menendez we dems aren’t honorable … you are a credit to your party … we no a loser like you when I hear one or in this case trying to save face for all of these non-honorable republicans we have no that we dems are the worse … you have done a fine job hero……
You can't even spell semen correctly?
Hey we all have out problems you’re just just plain stupid ..you find one word that you think is misspelled and you start tap dancing …You can't even spell
Yourself I hate to tell you rocket scientist seaman isn’t misspelled … my spell checker changed it … shows you how much you know … nice try Loser… I realize the word I was using semen was the word you loved the taste of … but seaman isn’t misspelled I think it’s a grammar problem … I don’t care to waste my time to find out … I’ll leave it up to you rocket scientist
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For ever bad democrat there are a 100 bad republicans … look at all the house they a full of bad republicans members of the Republican Party … all the mega criminals … look at the 50 senators all mega criminal republicans there …and you drag me Melendez out !!! well done lose … well done … you convinced us all that because of menemdez we dems are not honorable… boy you convinced everybody here on these web pages because of menendez we dems aren’t honorable … you are a credit to your party … we no a loser like you when I hear one or in this case trying to save face for all of these non-honorable republicans we have no that we dems are the worse … you have done a fine job hero……
Well, see junior, even in their worst moments Republicans will never achieve the destruction Democrats have wrought on this country. Get that straight wise guy…
You're a moron junior. Spell check doesn't check context. Unless you are talking about a sailor, you misspelled the word. I'm not surprised you're dumber than ARTIFICIAL intelligence.
Still you called it misspelled semen sucker … anyway you want to call it rocket scientist you said it was misspell … as for spell checker …many times I find myself typing the next letter next to it … I have big hands so this happens and spell checker tries to correct it … pretty much shoots that pethetic responce of yours huh dick smoker…

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