A Question for Those that Support Hamas

You mean the Palestinian losers?

Hitler demonized the Jews and took their property, citizenship, human rights and lives. He had the soldiers and weapons.

Yes, the Arab losers who started calling themselves Palestinians
because the gay Egyptian terrorist thought it would help them get a state.
That's a good question. I think you'd have to get rid of Bibi Netanyahu and the Likud quickly and call for a settlement negotiation. Israel would have to make some concessions.

The Arabs want a just peace and reconciliation.. The obstacle is Hamas and the Likud.

I think you'd have to get rid of Bibi Netanyahu and the Likud quickly and call for a settlement negotiation.

No Palestinians want to negotiate.

The Arabs want a just peace and reconciliation..

Which ones? DURR
Jews do...>>>>

You idiot! That’s a group that may be labeled a terrorist group. And THAT is who you’re quoting?
You can't admit that Israel has been dishing it out for 80 years. Look what Hitler did to them. The Reich wanted to get rid of all the Jews.
Your gibberish is like a shrieking static filled feedback.

WTF does “dishing it out” even mean?

We know what Hitler did and tried to do. We know what his “reich” sought. But what nobody else knows is what that has to do with anything being done by Israel in response to the terrorist attacks against that nation.

You’re a kook.
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Yes I think a 2 state solution will work. After all the Palestinians have been there for thousands of years.
PEOPLE have been there a long time, certainly. For Jews, that time goes back on excess of 3000 years. For Arab Muslims, that figure is close to 1500 years.

For "Palestinians" , however, that figure can be measured in mere decades.
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Did you also support al qaeda when America was attacked on 9/11?

If not, explain what the difference is between the two terrorist organizations. What Hamas did to Israel is no different than what ISIS did to America. There only place suitable for terrorists is HELL.

Who here supports HAMAS? Any idea of a number over 0 or 1, or 3 or 5?
by who?


The ADL has condemned JVP as promoting violence and antisemitism, and makes it clear that the violent group does not represent mainstream Jews.

It’s quite telling that you take a radical left group of self-loathing Jews and try to pass their beliefs as “what Jews believe.”

Next thing you know, we will be hearing about the Neturei Karta.
An ultra conservative Hassidic group that the Mullahs love to trot out from time to time.
They must be those outlier Orthodox Jews who are in the anti-Israel rallies. The Hassidic Jews I know are all VERY pro-Israel and are appalled by the Jews marching in opposition.
Yes, the Arab losers who started calling themselves Palestinians
because the gay Egyptian terrorist thought it would help them get a state.

I lived in the Middle East. This is another lie. They were called Palestinians in 1950.. long before Arafat.

The deal these days is to blame the Holocaust on the mufti and absolve Hitler.

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