A Question of 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists

It could very easily have been accomplished by the US CIA and Israeli Mossad working together in secrecy. Do a little research on the security companies in charge of the World Trade Center and the airports from which the planes supposedly departed. Notice the Bush family connections and Israeli involvement before blindly accepting the load of crap the mainstream media feeds you.
Bullshit. Do you own damn research.

Once again Divecon is right on the nose.

If someone would view the clip, the demolition expert clearly said that the individual explosive (the one he is holding in his hand at the beginning of the clip) that would have had to be used to bring the WTC building down would have caused the windows to break. This doesnt mean that the explosives used to demolish the other buildings shown also used this exact same explosive. See the difference?
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Once again Divecon is right on the nose.

If someone would view the clip, the demolition expert clearly said that the individual explosive (the one he is holding in his hand at the beginning of the clip) that would have had to be used to bring the WTC building down would have caused the windows to break. This doesnt mean that the explosives used to demolish the other buildings shown also used this exact same explosive. See the difference?
actually, if you look closely at the building in the video, you will see the floors that had the explosives had the windows removed
they ALWAYS do that for explosive demos, that LAST thing you want is shards of glass flying all over the place
Do you mean to tell me that flying an airliner into each of the twin towers might not have been enough so they rigged them to blow for added effect ??? :cuckoo:
I think the biggest conspiracy theory is the so called "official version" the 9-11 commission came up with. There's just too many questions that haven't been answered. This was a plan that was hatched by the members of PNAC (The Project For A New American Century) a long time ago, which called for a catalyzing event like another Pearl Harbor to kick things off in the conquest of the middle east. They had plenty of time to sort out the details. As soon as I watched the towers come down that day I thought it looked like a CD, and so did everyone else I knew.
And then they didn't even attempt to explain WTC 7?
Never in history has a steel structured building collapsed due to fire. That was what really got me to look into it more, and solidified my belief that you can't trust the government, and it doesn't matter who is president, I mean CEO :mad:
This was a plan that was hatched by the members of PNAC (The Project For A New American Century) a long time ago, which called for a catalyzing event like another Pearl Harbor to kick things off in the conquest of the middle east.

So this super secret organization thought it was a good idea to put an official name to an organization they never wanted anyone to know about? That seems like a major oversight on their part. Not only that, you also know how long theyve been planning this? Man, you shoulda told someone before 9/11 went down, you would have been a hero! Whats even more amazing is YOU were able to find out who these super secret people were with only the internet at your disposal! Jack Bauer could use your computer skills if Chloe ever dies.
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So this super secret organization thought it was a good idea to put an official name to an organization they never wanted anyone to know about? That seems like a major oversight on their part. Not only that, they are so terrible at keeping secrets, you also know how long theyve been planning this? Man, you shoulda told someone before 9/11 went down, you would have been a hero! Whats even more amazing is YOU were able to find out who these super secret people were with only the internet at your disposal! Jack Bauer could use your computer skills if Chloe ever dies.
not only that, the bastards put it on the INTERNET

Welcome to the Project for the New American Century
So this super secret organization thought it was a good idea to put an official name to an organization they never wanted anyone to know about? That seems like a major oversight on their part. Not only that, they are so terrible at keeping secrets, you also know how long theyve been planning this? Man, you shoulda told someone before 9/11 went down, you would have been a hero! Whats even more amazing is YOU were able to find out who these super secret people were with only the internet at your disposal! Jack Bauer could use your computer skills if Chloe ever dies.

they know your so programed and ill informed they have little fear and they indeed speak of their plans openly
they know your so programed and ill informed they have little fear and they indeed speak of their plans openly

Really? I cant believe i didnt already know about this stuff. This is amazing! I got to check this out...so where can i find videos of these "open" discussions? I checked youtube with no luck.

Hey, while you are giving us the links to this proof of yours, you should also send them to the FBI. They need to know about this too so they can arrest these people right now! You are going to be a HERO eots!!

...and someday ill be able to tell my grandchildren that i once spoke to you over an internet discussion board! Ok, i got to go now, im going to go call all of my friends and tell them about this!
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So this super secret organization thought it was a good idea to put an official name to an organization they never wanted anyone to know about? That seems like a major oversight on their part. Not only that, they are so terrible at keeping secrets, you also know how long theyve been planning this? Man, you shoulda told someone before 9/11 went down, you would have been a hero! Whats even more amazing is YOU were able to find out who these super secret people were with only the internet at your disposal! Jack Bauer could use your computer skills if Chloe ever dies.
The PNAC doesnt have these plans for 9-11 specifically :lol: If you read it you'll see what I mean. It's an interesting read check it out.
Once upon a time in an office rented to them by the American Heritage Foundation, a group of powerful men directly connected to the halls of the capital and the defense and energy industry formed a fringe rightwing organization based loosely on the teachings of Leo Strauss. They called themselves the Project for the New American Century.
Unsurprisingly these three exceedingly conservative foundations have strong ties to weapons manufacturing and several members of the Project are former CEOs and board members of defense contractors and energy companies. (Halliburton, Trireme, Bechtel, etc.)
These guys drew up a plan for using our role as last remaining super power to expand their respective global markets through force...
A brief history of the PNAC: a refresher « Project for the Old American Century blog
Once again for the slow and stupid, the number of people that would have to be involved in the Government planning and executing 9/11 is so high it would be impossible to believe no one has talked by now. It would have to include Military, civilian, State, Federal , County and City employees. It would have to include FBI and all intel groups. It would also have to include foreign Governments and their intel groups. Further exactly where did they find the suicidal people to fly the planes into buildings?
Just a thought, wouldn't people naturally be afraid to talk if they were threatened with extortion, harm or even death. What of their families? Individuals who would do something on the scale of 9-11 would have to be cold blooded heartless SOBs, with some serious pull, who presumably would have the ability to shut anybody up. These men would have to be some very powerful people with serious connections.
"A group of powerful men directly connected to the halls of the capital and the defense and energy industry"
"Unsurprisingly these three exceedingly conservative foundations have strong ties to weapons manufacturing and several members of the Project are former CEOs and board members of defense contractors and energy companies. (Halliburton, Trireme, Bechtel, etc.)"

These are the heavies of the heavies on the world stage
with unlimited access to whatever would be needed.
Especially hush money-
On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference to disclose that over $2,000,000,000,000 in Pentagon funds could not be accounted for. Rumsfeld stated: "According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions." According to a report by the Inspector General, the Pentagon cannot account for 25 percent of what it spends.

Such a disclosure normally might have sparked a huge scandal. However, the commencement of the attack on New York City and Washington in the morning would assure that the story remained buried. To the trillions already missing from the coffers, an obedient Congress terrorized by anthrax attacks would add billions more in appropriations to fight the "War on Terror."

There were some who tried to speak out-
Aug 27, 2001: An FBI supervisor tries to ensure that a hijacker doesn't "take control of a plane and fly it into the World Trade Center." Headquarters chastises him for notifying the CIA.
TIME Magazine: The Bombshell Memo

May 17, 2002: Dan Rather says that he and other journalists haven't been properly investigating since 9/11. He graphically describes the pressures to conform that built up after the attacks.
US media cowed by patriotic fever, says CBS star | Media | The Guardian

May 30, 2002: FBI Agent Wright formally accuses the FBI of deliberately curtailing investigations that might have prevented 9/11. He is threatened with retribution if he talks to Congress about this.
FOXNews.com - Whistleblower Complains of FBI Obstruction - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
Los Angeles News - Another FBI Agent Blows the Whistle - page 1 - LA Weekly

July 22, 2004: The 9/11 Commission Report is published. It fails to mention that a year before the attacks a secret Pentagon project had identified four 9/11 hijackers, including leader Mohamed Atta. The Commission spokesperson initially states members were not informed of this, but later acknowledges they were.
9/11 Commission's Staff Rejected Report on Early Identification of Chief Hijacker - New York Times

Aug 9, 2006: A book by 9/11 Commission chairmen Kean and Hamilton outlines repeated deceptions by the Pentagon and FAA, including the timelines of Flights 77 and 93. CNN News: "The fact that the government would ... perpetuate the lie suggests that we need a full investigation of what is going on."
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0307263770/sr=1-1/qid=1156207288/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-3462640-4229555?ie=UTF8&s=books]Amazon.com: Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission: Thomas H. Kean, Lee H. Hamilton: Books[/ame]
9/11 panel's book assails Pentagon - Security- msnbc.com

2006-2007: Over 50 former senior government officials and more than 100 highly respected professors publicly criticize The 9/11 Commission Report as highly flawed, and call for a new, independent investigation.
Government, Military, Intelligence Officials Question 9/11 Commission Report

I don't think they would recruit some peeon county or city employees that were of little value, but people probably went to work and did what they were told. Some unwittingly may have participated like the personnel that
participated in the "ABLE DANGER" Terror Drills on 9/11.
YouTube - 9/11 Coincidences (Part Six)

And a foreign country is suspected of participating, those being Pakistan, and Israel.
I wondered how they could rig the towers because it would take some time to properly do so. From 1996 to 2000 Securcom installed a "new security system"
Marvin P Bush was a player in that security company.
Wirt Walker, W's cousin was CEO. There were power downs
in the buildings shortly before the attacks too.
Power-Down In Trade Centers Weekend Before 9/11 - Video

So there are plenty of things left unanswered and not properly investigated or reported, because people are most likely scared shitless.
I have a question. If it ever comes to light that these bastards committed these acts on their own people, what would we do about it? What could we do about it as individual citizens? :evil: OR :eusa_pray:
Mr. Jones
Registered User

On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference to disclose that over $2,000,000,000,000 in Pentagon funds could not be accounted for. Rumsfeld stated: "According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions

I had this sneaky feeling that all that garbage you claimed as facts were lies (im being kind when i say "sneaky feeling", you conspiracy guys are notoriously dishonest people), so i decided to look up your first claim, and guess what i found? Its all bullshit and you wont find an ounce of these supposed facts anywhere outside of liberalist conspiracy sites. Did you honestly think you could just peddle that garbage on THESE boards and get away with it? You might be able to con your idiot conspiracy loving buddies with that crap, but it only takes pushing a few buttons on our keyboards to determine what is fact and what is not.

I wont bother wasting my time exposing your other claims, so ill just assume from here on out that everything you say is a lie. Maybe im being too harsh, perhaps you arent lying, but maybe your just an idiot that believes everything he reads. Wouldnt it just be better to do your research and know the real truth, that way you dont look like a dumbass?

Hey idiot, why dont you just look up to see if there was a press conference on that date? Its such an easy thing to do. You know what you find when you type in that date with Rumsfelds name in a search engine? You get an assload of conspiracy websites talking about this stupid 2 trillion dollar claim. Dont you think i would find a single unbiased legit web site with info about a white house press conference the day before 9/11? Honestly man, get a brain. Wheres the CNN video of it on youtube? Isnt the point of these press conferences to let the press get the story out to the people? There wasnt a press conference on that date at all retard, let alone one about missing 2 trillion dollars.

This is what it takes for conspiracy theories to happen. You just need a dumbass person who makes no attempt to research the crap hes been told and then he goes off and starts pawning that crap to everyone he comes in contact with. At some point he bumps into some other dumbass, tells him the story, and the cycle continues. Fucking retards.
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I had this sneaky feeling that all that garbage you claimed as facts were lies (im being kind when i say "sneaky feeling", you conspiracy guys are notoriously dishonest people), so i decided to look up your first claim, and guess what i found? Its all bullshit and you wont find an ounce of these supposed facts anywhere outside of liberalist conspiracy sites. Did you honestly think you could just peddle that garbage on THESE boards and get away with it? You might be able to con your idiot conspiracy loving buddies with that crap, but it only takes pushing a few buttons on our keyboards to determine what is fact and what is not.

I wont bother wasting my time exposing your other claims, so ill just assume from here on out that everything you say is a lie. Maybe im being too harsh, perhaps you arent lying, but maybe your just an idiot that believes everything he reads. Wouldnt it just be better to do your research and know the real truth, that way you dont look like a dumbass?

Hey idiot, why dont you just look up to see if there was a press conference on that date? Its such an easy thing to do. You know what you find when you punch in that date with Rumsfelds name? You only get an assload of conspiracy websites talking about this stupid 2 trillion dollar claim. Dont you think i would find a single unbiased legit web site would have info about a white house press conference the day before 9/11? Honestly man, get a brain. Wheres the CNN video of it on youtube? Isnt the point of these press conferences to let the press get the story out to the people?

This is what it takes for conspiracy theories to happen. You just need a dumbass person who makes no attempt to research the crap hes been told and then he goes off and starts pawning that crap to everyone he comes in contact with. At some point he bumps into some other dumbass, tells him the story, and the cycle continues. Fucking retards.
9/11 troofers are some of the biggest liars i have ever met
Really? I cant believe i didnt already know about this stuff. This is amazing! I got to check this out...so where can i find videos of these "open" discussions? I checked youtube with no luck.

Hey, while you are giving us the links to this proof of yours, you should also send them to the FBI. They need to know about this too so they can arrest these people right now! You are going to be a HERO eots!!

...and someday ill be able to tell my grandchildren that i once spoke to you over an internet discussion board! Ok, i got to go now, im going to go call all of my friends and tell them about this!

to take that kind of credit would be disrespectful to these patriots and hero's

Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Ford and Carter. U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions. (PhD in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering, Cal Tech). Former Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Assistant Dean at the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology. 22-year Air Force career. Also taught Mathematics and English at the University of Southern California, the University of Maryland, and Phillips University.
Video 9/11/04: "A lot of these pieces of information, taken together, prove that the official story, the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 is a bunch of hogwash. It’s impossible. … There’s a second group of facts having to do with the cover up. … Taken together these things prove that high levels of our government don’t want us to know what happened and who’s responsible.…

Who gained from 9/11? Who covered up crucial information about 9/11? And who put out the patently false stories about 9/11 in the first place? When you take those three things together, I think the case is pretty clear that it’s highly placed individuals in the administration with all roads passing through Dick Cheney.

I think the very kindest thing that we can say about George W. Bush and all the people in the U.S. Government that have been involved in this massive cover-up, the very kindest thing we can say is that they were aware of impending attacks and let them happen. Now some people will say that’s much too kind, however even that is high treason and conspiracy to commit murder." http://video.go

Lt. Col. Guy S. Razer, MS Aeronautical Science, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Retired U.S. Air Force command fighter pilot. Former instructor; U.S. Air Force Fighter Weapons School and NATO’s Tactical Leadership Program. As an Air Force weapons effects expert was responsible for wartime tasking of most appropriate aircraft/munition for target destruction to include steel and concrete superstructures. Former aeronautical structures flight test engineer with McDonnell Douglas, working on advanced DC-9 autopilot systems and DC-10 flight envelope expansion stress and flutter analysis. Tactical aircraft flown: General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark fighter/bomber, McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle, General Dynamics / Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon, McDonnell Douglas F-18 Hornet, Boeing B-1 Bomber, MiG-29 (Russian fighter), and Su-22 (Russian fighter/bomber). 3,000+ fighter hours. Combat time over Iraq. 20-year Air Force career.
Statement to this website 3/25/07:
"After 4+ years of research since retirement in 2002, I am 100% convinced that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were planned, organized, and committed by treasonous perpetrators that have infiltrated the highest levels of our government. It is now time to take our country back.

The "collapse" of WTC Building 7 shows beyond any doubt that the demolitions were pre-planned. There is simply no way to demolish a 47-story building (on fire) over a coffee break. It is also impossible to report the building’s collapse before it happened, as BBC News did, unless it was pre-planned. Further damning evidence is Larry Silverstein's video taped confession in which he states "they made that decision to pull [WTC 7] and we watched the building collapse." [Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. And six years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its collapse.]

We cannot let the pursuit of justice fail. Those of us in the military took an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic". Just because we have retired does not make that oath invalid, so it is not just our responsibility, it is our duty to expose the real perpetrators of 9/11 and bring them to justice, no matter how hard it is, how long it takes, or how much we have to suffer to do it.

We owe it to those who have gone before us who executed that same oath, and who are doing the same thing in Iraq and Afghanistan right now. Those of us who joined the military and faithfully executed orders that were given us had to trust our leaders. The violation and abuse of that trust is not only heinous, but ultimately the most accurate definition of treason!"

Capt. Daniel Davis, U.S. Army – Former U.S. Army Air Defense Officer and NORAD Tac Director. Decorated with the Bronze Star and the Soldiers Medal for bravery under fire and the Purple Heart for injuries sustained in Viet Nam. Also served in the Army Air Defense Command as Nike Missile Battery Control Officer for the Chicago-Milwaukee Defense Area. Founder and former CEO of Turbine Technology Services Corp., a turbine (jet engine) services and maintenance company (15 years). Former Senior Manager at General Electric Turbine (jet) Engine Division (15 years). Private pilot.
Statement to this website 3/23/07: "As a former General Electric Turbine engineering specialist and manager and then CEO of a turbine engineering company, I can guarantee that none of the high tech, high temperature alloy engines on any of the four planes that crashed on 9/11 would be completely destroyed, burned, shattered or melted in any crash or fire. Wrecked, yes, but not destroyed. Where are all of those engines, particularly at the Pentagon? If jet powered aircraft crashed on 9/11, those engines, plus wings and tail assembly, would be there.

Additionally, in my experience as an officer in NORAD as a Tactical Director for the Chicago-Milwaukee Air Defense and as a current private pilot, there is no way that an aircraft on instrument flight plans (all commercial flights are IFR) would not be intercepted when they deviate from their flight plan, turn off their transponders, or stop communication with Air Traffic Control. No way! With very bad luck, perhaps one could slip by, but no there's no way all four of them could!

Finally, going over the hill and highway and crashing into the Pentagon right at the wall/ground interface is nearly impossible for even a small slow single engine airplane and no way for a 757. Maybe the best pilot in the world could accomplish that but not these unskilled "terrorists".

Attempts to obscure facts by calling them a "Conspiracy Theory" does not change the truth. It seems, "Something is rotten in the State."

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
I had this sneaky feeling that all that garbage you claimed as facts were lies (im being kind when i say "sneaky feeling", you conspiracy guys are notoriously dishonest people), so i decided to look up your first claim, and guess what i found? Its all bullshit and you wont find an ounce of these supposed facts anywhere outside of liberalist conspiracy sites. Did you honestly think you could just peddle that garbage on THESE boards and get away with it? You might be able to con your idiot conspiracy loving buddies with that crap, but it only takes pushing a few buttons on our keyboards to determine what is fact and what is not.

I wont bother wasting my time exposing your other claims, so ill just assume from here on out that everything you say is a lie. Maybe im being too harsh, perhaps you arent lying, but maybe your just an idiot that believes everything he reads. Wouldnt it just be better to do your research and know the real truth, that way you dont look like a dumbass?

Hey idiot, why dont you just look up to see if there was a press conference on that date? Its such an easy thing to do. You know what you find when you type in that date with Rumsfelds name in a search engine? You get an assload of conspiracy websites talking about this stupid 2 trillion dollar claim. Dont you think i would find a single unbiased legit web site with info about a white house press conference the day before 9/11? Honestly man, get a brain. Wheres the CNN video of it on youtube? Isnt the point of these press conferences to let the press get the story out to the people? There wasnt a press conference on that date at all retard, let alone one about missing 2 trillion dollars.

This is what it takes for conspiracy theories to happen. You just need a dumbass person who makes no attempt to research the crap hes been told and then he goes off and starts pawning that crap to everyone he comes in contact with. At some point he bumps into some other dumbass, tells him the story, and the cycle continues. Fucking retards.

what a fool..its right here

rumsfeild sept 10th - Google Video

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