A Question of 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists

I would also mention that if Rumsfeld hadnt said anything about it at all, we wouldnt be having this conversation right now because no one would even know about it. To suggest that after the Bush administration took 2.3 trillion dollars to fund their "9/11 false flag scenario", they turned around and told the world about it, is preposterous.

Is there no attempt from the conspiracy guys at applying logic to these allegations?
To believe there was a conspiracy by the Bush administration to kill 3000 Americans on 9/11, requires believing several things. The underlying accusation is that this was done so that the Bush family could make a bunch of money by taking oil from Iraq (which never happened, in spite of all the accusations), while at the same time they would take out Bush seniors old nemisis, Saddam Hussain. Then theres also the claim about the Bush family wanting to make money on the defense spending. There are several problems with these accusations.

Now, by all the liberal media accounts, Bush junior is a dumbass carefree playboy who never earned a penny of his own and got it all from daddy. If there is any truth to that claim, why is it you suddenly are able to believe Bush is such a patriot, that hes willing to risk going to prison for the rest of his life in an attempt to raise this "false flag", just so he can kill some terrorists? Is it for money? His billionaire family is not hurting for money, so playboy Bush's life isnt going to change in any way whatsoever by making more money. He can already buy any house, car or anything he wants, as it is. What would be his motivation for such a risky endeavor? Also, if Bush is the dumbass you all claim he is, how is he now capable of masterminding the biggest conspiracy in world history?

Lets take a look at another claim about 9/11...

Conspiracy guys claim that the pentagon was NOT hit by a plane, but it was actually hit by a cruise missle. My question is, if they wanted people to believe the pentagon was hit by a plane, why didnt they just use a plane? Are you trying to tell me they would rather have to deal with secretly removing all missle wreckage from the site, only to turn around and replace it all with airplane wreckage? I mean seriously guys, cant we be even a little logical about these things?

Not only would they have to fake all that stuff, they would also have to make all the people from Flight 77 disappear, and the plane would have to be hidden too. Why go through all that trouble when you could just crash the real Flight 77 into the Pentagon in the first place? Why bother with the cruise missle at all?

Are you all aware that its very easy to control planes from the ground? Its called "fly by wire" and its been around a long time believe it or not. The most popular application of it today is probably the CIA designed predator drones, but you will find "fly by wire" components in just about every new plane they build today. Hmm, maybe i shouldnt be telling you conspiracy guys this stuff, because you will only create a new conspiracy, as has constantly been done the past 8 years every time we disprove your previous absurd claims.

Why is it so hard for people to ask themselves simple questions like these?
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There is such a thing as "conspiracy to commit murder". I hardly think they had JFKs assasination, the moon landing and 9/11 in mind when they talk about conspiracies. Only dumbass people believe in that stuff.
Only dumbass people think the official gov. version of every single thing that happens is true. People that are afraid to question authority are cowards.
I couldn't care any less about the moon landing, my concern is what kind of society and gov. structure is in place and what is going to have to be done to correct it. I don't argue with people over the conservative or liberal agenda, both are equally repressive against the people they claim to represent, the real argument is between we the people and them who have taken over the country and subverted it and its principles and what it is supposed to stand for.
He is implying that the money was spent on the planning and execution of 9/11 attack.
It could have been. The question was asked why no one has come forward, and I implied that it could have been used to shut people up. If they wouldn't have been so secretive about the events of 9-11, there would be less suspicion, but they didn't even want to conduct a proper investigation
you don't see anything suspicious or wrong about that? Their version has resulted in more questions then answers, and when those questions are raised, they attack the ones who asked by calling then names and questioning their patriotism instead.
All the doubters of the official version want is a real and thorough
examination of what happened so their questions can be answered
and all this can be put to rest, WTF is so wrong about that? Why do they resist? Why would you as an American citizen resist?
the proof would be found in a real investigation under the terms of the petition and and chaired by Egar Mitchell

.Capt. Edgar Mitchell, U.S. Navy (ret), BS Industrial Management, BS Aeronautical Engineering, Doctor of Science, Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT – Pilot and Astronaut. Sixth man to walk on the moon (Apollo 14 mission). Patrol bomber and attack plane pilot, U.S. Navy. Test Pilot, Air Test and Evaluation Squadron 5 (VX-5). Chief of Project Management Division, Navy Field Office for the Manned Orbiting Laboratory Project. Graduated first in his class from the Aerospace Research Pilot School, and served as an instructor there. Recipient of many awards and honors including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the USN Distinguished Medal and three NASA Group Achievement Awards. Inducted to the Space Hall of Fame in 1979 and the Astronaut Hall of Fame in 1998. Recipient of honorary doctorates in engineering from New Mexico State University, the University of Akron, Carnegie Mellon University, and a ScD from Embry-Riddle University. Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

Where does edgar mitchell say he believes 9/11 was an inside job? He might want a new investigation but that doesnt mean he believes it was an inside job. Secondly, I don't know how an astronaut would be more credible than structure engineering professors:
• Dr. Paul F. Mlakar Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE
o His View on 9/11: http://mceer.buffalo.edu/meetings/AEI/presentations/06Mlakar-paper.pdf
o His credentials: http://mceer.buffalo.edu/meetings/AEI/Mlakar.pdf

• Dr. Tim Wilkinson: Professor of engineering at The university of Sydney
o His view on 9/11: World Trade Center - Some Engineering Aspects - Civil Engineering - The University of Sydney
o His credentials: Tim Wilkinson - Civil Engineering - The University of Sydney
• Dr. Hassan Astaneh: Professor of engineering at Berkley
His view on 9/11: Jets hit towers in most vulnerable spots / Killers appear to have known where to strike
His Credentials: Engineering News, Date
(located under his photo)
Besides, the money would have been missing before Bush was in office, so if you want to point a finger, point it at Clinton.

Damn right. I believe something of this magnitude would have to extend beyond one political party. We shouldn't get entangled in blaming one specific party, this isn't a left -right thing. That's a distraction. While we argue over that kind of crap, nothing regarding 9-11 gets accomplished and it doesn't benefit the country. FWIW another suspicious fact about the missing trillions is that at the time, the Pentagon’s comptroller was Dov Zakheim, who just happened to be a member of the PNAC, and before that he was with a defense contractor that makes remote control guidance systems for planes. Does that prove anything? Nope just another strange coincidence that should be considered.
Here's some info Mr. Zakheim- if you're interested.
Right Web | Profile | Dov Zakheim
Where does edgar mitchell say he believes 9/11 was an inside job? He might want a new investigation but that doesnt mean he believes it was an inside job. Secondly, I don't know how an astronaut would be more credible than structure engineering professors:
• Dr. Paul F. Mlakar Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE
o His View on 9/11: http://mceer.buffalo.edu/meetings/AEI/presentations/06Mlakar-paper.pdf
o His credentials: http://mceer.buffalo.edu/meetings/AEI/Mlakar.pdf

• Dr. Tim Wilkinson: Professor of engineering at The university of Sydney
o His view on 9/11: World Trade Center - Some Engineering Aspects - Civil Engineering - The University of Sydney
o His credentials: Tim Wilkinson - Civil Engineering - The University of Sydney
• Dr. Hassan Astaneh: Professor of engineering at Berkley
His view on 9/11: Jets hit towers in most vulnerable spots / Killers appear to have known where to strike
His Credentials: Engineering News, Date
(located under his photo)

first off I NEVER SAID Edgar said it was an inside job...he said what he said..it is there to be read...nmany of the other signatory's have stated inside job ..but Edgar has only said the official story is implausible and it needs to be investigated

secondly there are experts in intelligence ..flight . flight crashes .physics..engineering..
are all required in a proper investigation of 911

and Edgar is not just a astronaut he also has a engineering degree
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Just out of curiosity mr jones, do you believe the past few presidents collaborated on 9/11?
Look just to clarify where I stand on all this, since I'm new here and all.
I believe that there are people with the power to steer this country in the way they want it. They come from both parties. I don't take sides, I condemn them both.
I think the establishment of the 2 party system is in place to keep us arguing among ourselves, while those in control continue to have their way with our country and us. How could I possibly support the Democratic party when looking back at history it was a Democrat who helped circumvent the Constitution by signing the Federal Reserve Act and putting our countries monetary system in the hands of private bankers? From then on both parties have been complicit in this scam. I also believe there is such a thing as a cabal of power brokers who control government behind the scenes. Roosevelt said
""The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned every Government since the days of Andrew Jackson..."
Bill Clintons professor at Georgetown, Carroll Quigley once wrote "There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international...network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical right believes the Communists act. This powerful entity, call them the hidden hand, shadow government whatever, was given absolute control of the finances of the United States when the Federal Reserve Act, and the Federal Reserve System, was set into motion. The USA has not been controlled by its citizens since then. They don't give a shit what party affiliation their CEO (president) has. We as the people who live in this nation have to get our heads out of our asses and see things as they are and how it affect us and our families, not they way these criminals want us to see it. How have we benefited by doing that?
So I would have to answer the above question with a yes, because somewhere down the line the past few presidents, ANY president could have done something to prevent what happened on 9-11. Something could have been done to change the course this country was on prior to 9-11, it would have had to start by separating themselves and in turn our country, from the monetary banking system that was put in place to give the bastards the power
to achieve what they have. The only 2 presidents I have read about that tried were assassinated, Lincoln and Kennedy. In order to try to understand the root problem this country is infested with, I spent time learning about the monetary system and its roots, and who controls it. I still don't know all there is to know or have all the answers I'm not that smart, but I have taught myself a lot more then what I did before and have come to the
conclusions I've tried to explain a little of here. There is more to all of this shit then meets the eye, and that it goes way back in history, what happened then has greatly affected what we are experiencing now. That's just my .02 on things
Damn right. I believe something of this magnitude would have to extend beyond one political party. We shouldn't get entangled in blaming one specific party, this isn't a left -right thing. That's a distraction. While we argue over that kind of crap, nothing regarding 9-11 gets accomplished and it doesn't benefit the country. FWIW another suspicious fact about the missing trillions is that at the time, the Pentagon’s comptroller was Dov Zakheim, who just happened to be a member of the PNAC, and before that he was with a defense contractor that makes remote control guidance systems for planes. Does that prove anything? Nope just another strange coincidence that should be considered.
Here's some info Mr. Zakheim- if you're interested.
Right Web | Profile | Dov Zakheim

Ya cause well Cheney used that secret Nintendo Controller to fly those planes into the Twin Towers. When ever you turds start with that you lose all credibility. Next you will be telling us a missile hit the Pentagon right? And that the Pennsylvania flight didn't crash at all.
It is only those who benefit most from ‘conspiracies’ who have an inherent bias against them. Those who benefit from ‘conspiracy’ have vested interests in discounting them.


I have been named in not one, but two conspiracies. If you google my name (and no, my name isn't "Toro") you will find people have written about me being involved in a conspiracy. And it is all absolute bullshit.

I had always been highly suspicious of alleged conspiracies involving shadowy groups, involved in nefarious dealings, linked by circumstantial and anecdotal evidence. After actually being named in one, with all these apparent fantastical dealings, I was even more convinced that most of them are garbage.

I had absolutely nothing to gain from my so-called involvement in this non-existent conspiracy, though I'm sure someone would find some reason why I would have benefited. After all, you can always find some reason why someone would benefit. So it certainly is not just "those who benefit most from ‘conspiracies’ who have an inherent bias against them."
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first off I NEVER SAID Edgar said it was an inside job...he said what he said..it is there to be read...

You seem to say it here:
You say you can site experts for your side and give his name with credentials.

many of the other signatory's have stated inside job ..but Edgar has only said the official story is implausible and it needs to be investigated

I couldnt find anywhere that he says the official story is impossible, just that he wants an inside job.

secondly there are experts in intelligence ..flight . flight crashes .physics..engineering..
are all required in a proper investigation of 911

As well a MANY experts that I have shown you. I also have the approval of the engineering division of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics for two papers in compared to zero for your side.
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first off I NEVER SAID Edgar said it was an inside job...he said what he said..it is there to be read...

in the fact a real investigation has not been done and a real independent investigation is required and he is a signatory to the petition and endorses it...and petition also signed hy many top level x military that clearly say.... cover up and an inside job

Patriots Question 9/11 - Engineers and Architects Question the 9/11 Commission Report

You say you can site experts for your side and give his name with credentials.

Patriots Question 9/11 - Engineers and Architects Question the 9/11 Commission Report
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

As well a MANY experts that I have shown you. I also have the approval of the engineering division of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics for two papers in compared to zero for your side.

you have flawed science that allows for a mathematically impossible series of highly improbable events all occurring in order to try and fit science to the story
you have flawed science that allows for a mathematically impossible series of highly improbable events all occurring in order to try and fit science to the story
except none of them were actually mathematically impossible

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