A Question of 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists

Blah blah blah. Yeah, you guys have all the facts dont you. The only way you can even begin to believe the 9/11 truthers version of this is by ignoring ALL the evidence that points to this being a terrorist act committed by Islamo-fascists, by crashing planes into buildings.

You know what, lets just dispense with the debate, in fact, if your proof of this being an inside job is so solid, why are we even debating it at all? If you got proof, PROVE IT THEN, or shut the fuck up for christ sake. You guys are retarded.

such as...
Blah blah blah. Yeah, you guys have all the facts dont you. The only way you can even begin to believe the 9/11 truthers version of this is by ignoring ALL the evidence that points to this being a terrorist act committed by Islamo-fascists, by crashing planes into buildings.

You know what, lets just dispense with the debate, in fact, if your proof of this being an inside job is so solid, why are we even debating it at all? If you got proof, PROVE IT THEN, or shut the fuck up for christ sake. You guys are retarded.

such as... your evidence is what...definitive proof can be found through a reasonable and open examination of the evidence something that still has not been done on any aspect of 911 p.s go fuck yourself
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such as... your evidence is what...definitive proof can be found through a reasonable and open examination of the evidence something that still has not been done on any aspect of 911 p.s go fuck yourself

Your comments only highlight your lack of understanding about the investigation. To say there has been no definitive proof, simply isnt true to reality.

I think this is where i check out. I just dont see a point to a serious debate with people who refuse to even acknowledge facts that have already been proven. Its like trying to argue with a person over whether or not the earth is round. People like this make logical discussions nearly impossible, and frankly, i think its a waste of time to try. Let the fools believe whatever they want.
such as... your evidence is what...definitive proof can be found through a reasonable and open examination of the evidence something that still has not been done on any aspect of 911 p.s go fuck yourself

Your comments only highlight your lack of understanding about the investigation. To say there has been no definitive proof, simply isnt true to reality.

I think this is where i check out. I just dont see a point to a serious debate with people who refuse to even acknowledge facts that have already been proven. Its like trying to argue with a person over whether or not the earth is round. People like this make logical discussions nearly impossible, and frankly, i think its a waste of time to try. Let the fools believe whatever they want.

and the proven facts are what ?....goatboy /
such as... your evidence is what...definitive proof can be found through a reasonable and open examination of the evidence something that still has not been done on any aspect of 911 p.s go fuck yourself

Your comments only highlight your lack of understanding about the investigation. To say there has been no definitive proof, simply isnt true to reality.

I think this is where i check out. I just dont see a point to a serious debate with people who refuse to even acknowledge facts that have already been proven. Its like trying to argue with a person over whether or not the earth is round. People like this make logical discussions nearly impossible, and frankly, i think its a waste of time to try. Let the fools believe whatever they want.

and the proven facts are what ?....goatboy /
how about the fact they found NO evidence of explosives at the WTC site
After spending 25 years dealing with explosive weaponry, General Partin independently studied the damage done to the Murrah building in the month before the evidence was destroyed, and made several strong statements to members of the US Congress. In July of 1995, General Partin wrote to Senator Trent Lott, stating, “The attached report contains conclusive proof that the bombing of the Aflred P. Murrah Federal Building…was not caused solely by the truck bomb. Evidence shows that the massive destruction was primarily the result of four demolition charges placed at critical structural points at the third floor level.” He added “No government law enforcement agency should be permitted to demolish, smash and bury evidence of a…terrorist attack without a thorough examination by an independent, technically competent agency.”[6]

When speaking about the unprecedented destruction of evidence, General Partin was referring to the demolition of the Murrah Building by Mark Loizeaux’s company, just five days after Partin made his strong statements directly to the US Congress. But Partin might as well have been talking about the WTC six years later, where much of the steel evidence was destroyed in the month before engineering investigators began inspecting the scene. It was noted by the House Committee on Science, as they reviewed early shortcomings of the WTC investigation, that, “Some of the critical pieces of steel…were gone before the first BPAT team member ever reached the site.”[7] At the time of this destruction of evidence, Gene Corley was in charge of the investigation and his OKC partner Charles Thornton’s company was in charge of the site at Ground Zero.

9/11: Looking for Truth in Credentials: The Peculiar WTC “Experts”
After spending 25 years dealing with explosive weaponry, General Partin independently studied the damage done to the Murrah building in the month before the evidence was destroyed, and made several strong statements to members of the US Congress. In July of 1995, General Partin wrote to Senator Trent Lott, stating, “The attached report contains conclusive proof that the bombing of the Aflred P. Murrah Federal Building…was not caused solely by the truck bomb. Evidence shows that the massive destruction was primarily the result of four demolition charges placed at critical structural points at the third floor level.” He added “No government law enforcement agency should be permitted to demolish, smash and bury evidence of a…terrorist attack without a thorough examination by an independent, technically competent agency.”[6]

When speaking about the unprecedented destruction of evidence, General Partin was referring to the demolition of the Murrah Building by Mark Loizeaux’s company, just five days after Partin made his strong statements directly to the US Congress. But Partin might as well have been talking about the WTC six years later, where much of the steel evidence was destroyed in the month before engineering investigators began inspecting the scene. It was noted by the House Committee on Science, as they reviewed early shortcomings of the WTC investigation, that, “Some of the critical pieces of steel…were gone before the first BPAT team member ever reached the site.”[7] At the time of this destruction of evidence, Gene Corley was in charge of the investigation and his OKC partner Charles Thornton’s company was in charge of the site at Ground Zero.

9/11: Looking for Truth in Credentials: The Peculiar WTC “Experts”
This is why there is so much suspicion about the attacks. There wasn't any evidence that could have been presented because they did their best to get rid of it. I read that the workers hauling the trucks with the wreckage had tracking devices on the vehicles so they would know where they were at all times. There is a lot we don't know because of omissions and cover ups, it should be obvious they don't want the truth of how it all went down made public.
blah blah blah

same ol shit and it gets debunked over and over

you post the same people posting the same spew just so they can make a dollar off cooks like you

Everything has been debunked by people other then popular mechanics and 911 report

Everything from

the free fall
thermite (my fav) so stupid people are on this one
no plane wreckage
steel doesn't melt
bursts of air

the list goes on and on

I think because your life is so meaningless and empty you need to find substance in the dumbest shit so you have something to talk about.

All these "theorist" do it to make money don't you get it...and you buy into it
blah blah blah

same ol shit and it gets debunked over and over

you post the same people posting the same spew just so they can make a dollar off cooks like you

Everything has been debunked by people other then popular mechanics and 911 report

Everything from

the free fall
thermite (my fav) so stupid people are on this one
no plane wreckage
steel doesn't melt
bursts of air

the list goes on and on

I think because your life is so meaningless and empty you need to find substance in the dumbest shit so you have something to talk about.

All these "theorist" do it to make money don't you get it...and you buy into it

That's one of the most asinine statement of bullshit I've read. How TF, do you figure the "theorists" make money off of me? Name one. And what have they done to "debunk" the suspicion? Just gone against the laws of physics and science is all they did, while not having the balls to debate the other side.
I'm not an expert on it but any fool can see that shit just doesn't add up and if you can't see that your :cuckoo:
Whether if you believe the official account or not, the fact is a proper investigation was never conducted, and the people who care about their country have a right to know, as well as the families of the victims. Actually the whole world should know because it has effected the damned planet! Perhaps if YOUR life had meaning to it you might be more concerned about what's happening in the world instead of hiding your head in the sand and pretending it doesn't exist. Why do you criticize others because they don't see things the same as you? Have you ever considered that something just isn't right with the official version of events? That's where the main argument is. And that's where an honest debate about this should start, yet they don't want to have a real investigative study done with experts on both sides presenting their arguments. That's the first hurdle to over come. But they don't want to do it :doubt: If the governments version of events is so right then they should not be afraid to to do this. Hell they got rid of all the evidence at the scenes, and have all the experts at their disposal they should be salivating at the chance bring it on and settle this shit .
You have been lied to fool, don't YOU get it? :disbelief:
lol, everything has been debunked and you guys go back to the same sources by the same idiots that say the same shit without taking real science into effect.

How do they make money? maybe not off you personally...it was a general statement you nimrod.

All these guys sell books and make apperances all to make a dollar. its not that difficult to understand really.

Everyone of your retarded theories has been explained throughly.

If you doubt me feel free to list one of your conspiracy theories i'll be happy to throw logic into your face
Blah blah blah. Yeah, you guys have all the facts dont you.
I sure don't and don't claim to either. Do you? And if you do, are you sure?
The only way you can even begin to believe the 9/11 truthers version of this is by ignoring ALL the evidence that points to this being a terrorist act committed by Islamo-fascists, by crashing planes into buildings.
I read OBL never claimed responsibility for the attack, in fact the FBI s wanted poster doesn't even accuse him of it. So which Islamo- Fascists are responsible?
Box cutters, give me a break!

You know what, lets just dispense with the debate, in fact, if your proof of this being an inside job is so solid, why are we even debating it at all? If you got proof, PROVE IT THEN, or shut the fuck up for christ sake. You guys are retarded.
There is enough
inconsistencies in the "official story' to question it. No one here said they have proof and know exactly what happened you moron. From what I can tell people are trying to tell you there is strong evidence of the government lying to your dumbass. Good God are you people that much in denial of that? I bet those that bash and ridicule are the ones who haven't read shit about the reasons why it doesn't make sense or that the events that happened are too coincidental to dismiss. There's a whole bunch of false statements from "No one could have imagined planes into buildings" to "Iraq was connected to 9/11". Lots of unanswered questions asked of the 9/11 Commission never got answered. Commission member Max Cleland resigned, condemning the entire exercise as a "scam" and "whitewash." You dumbshits don't suspect anything?
After the destruction of the WTC structural steel, the official Twin Towers collapse investigation was left with almost no forensic evidence, and thus could only provide dubious computer models of ultimately unprovable theories. It failed to even test for the possibility of explosives. Why not clear this up?
I mean WTF does it take for you to admit to yourself that many things just aren't right with their version? Maybe you people just find ridiculing and bashing people who give a fuck about their country
entertaining and get your rocks off doing it :cuckoo: This event changed the world and how we live here in our country and you are all ok with the inconsistencies and BS in the explanation of it? You are the retards.
Box cutters have a much bigger threat when youa re under the impression there is a bomb on the plane
Box cutters have a much bigger threat when youa re under the impression there is a bomb on the plane
also when the standard practice was to co-operate with the highjackers because no one had ever used highjacked planes as a weapon before
lol, everything has been debunked and you guys go back to the same sources by the same idiots that say the same shit without taking real science into effect.

How do they make money? maybe not off you personally...it was a general statement you nimrod.

All these guys sell books and make apperances all to make a dollar. its not that difficult to understand really.

Everyone of your retarded theories has been explained throughly.

If you doubt me feel free to list one of your conspiracy theories i'll be happy to throw logic into your face
Doubt you? I doubt the official version, I doubt the government. Engaging in a discussion about 9-11 with people like you is pointless because you don't have the capacity to think beyond the propaganda and lies you have been told, and besides, doing so would infringe on your comfort zone. It is too horrible for weak minded people to fathom that a rogue element of conspirators with the power and resources planned and executed this attack on US soil. There's a name for this-Cognitive Dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon which refers to the discomfort felt at a discrepancy between what you already know or believe, and new information or interpretation.
It's time you face the facts-Your government has lied to you. :eek:
And no, not everything has been debunked, only in your pretend world it has.
OT-Do you believe the Federal Reserve is really part of the Government too?

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