A Question of 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists

dont even bother with the fake all-cia duh..propaganda clips..bin laden was dead before those tapes where even made..bin laden is not carged with the crime of 911 by the fbi due tio lack of evidence...thats just a fact
I read OBL never claimed responsibility for the attack, in fact the FBI s wanted poster doesn't even accuse him of it. So which Islamo- Fascists are responsible?
Box cutters, give me a break!

Bin Laden claims responsibility for 9/11.

Bin Laden claims responsibility for 9/11

Al-Qaeda gets pissed off that Iran says Israel, not al-Qaeda, is behind 9/11.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Al-Qaeda accuses Iran of 9/11 lie
Oh yeah the timely message right before the election on 2004.
You actually believe that bogus video? Why did it take him so long to
"claim responsibility"? How many bogus videos of a man who btw many say is dead and has been, does it take before you notice it isn't him.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZq_4PIbnhI]YouTube - Coming Soon: New Fake Bin Laden Video--Just In Time For 9/11[/ame]
You people are so easily fooled, and you don't question it for a second that the videos like a lot of 9-11 is all BS. The man must have dyed his beard and now has to read from a scripted paper,
The image of bin Laden reading a statement was dramatically different from the few other videos of the al-Qaida leader that have emerged since the Sept. 11 attacks. In the last video, conveniently coming on Sept. 10, 2003, bin Laden is walking through rocky terrain with his top deputy Ayman al-Zawahri, both carrying automatic rifles. In a taped message issued at the same time, bin Laden praises the "great damage to the enemy" on Sept. 11 and mentions five hijackers by name.
Then in December 2001, the Pentagon released a videotape in which bin Laden is shown at a dinner with associates in Afghanistan on Nov. 9, 2001, saying the destruction of the Sept. 11 attacks exceeded even his "optimistic" calculations.
But in none of his previous messages, audio or video, did bin Laden directly state that he ordered the attacks. Why wouldn't he? Answer that, if he did it why didn't say he did right away, instead of waiting right before the elections to scare the shit out of idiots into voting for Bush? OBL is said to be d.e.a.d
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnychOXj9Tg]YouTube - Benazir Bhutto: Bin Laden was Murdered[/ame]
Cmon man you guys are that stupid that you can't compare the videos and how different he looks? There has been no confirmed trace of bin Laden since he narrowly escaped from the CIA and the U.S. military after the battle near Tora Bora, Afghanistan, in December 2001. That was where our troops on the ground had him and then got orders to sub contract the rest of the mission to the Afghans northern alliance. Way to go. If he would have been caught or killed that would hinder the "war on terrorism" wouldn't it?
Any way you slice it we were all lied to, from lawmakers in congress
down to the heard of compliant brain dead public citizens. It's funny officials blamed disruptions posed by the war in Iraq for not being able to find him. Officials with the CIA and the military said they began shifting resources out of Afghanistan in early 2002 and still haven't recovered from that mistake. Look just compare the videos
for yourself and look at the differences.
9-11 anniversary 2007-
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUiNiB2yVCQ&feature=related]YouTube - Osama Bin Laden - 911 Anniversary 2007[/ame]
Her's an earlier on -a real one
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnBbohnjVOg&feature=related]YouTube - osama bin laden[/ame]
FBI Most Wanted -
FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitive - Usama Bin Laden

Cmon man the lies and fake tapes and all the questions that are ignored and unanswered and the astronomical coincidenses, doesn't that kind of tug at your consciousness and reason? Are you that stubborn that you would make yourself look so foolish when you fall for this rubbish, and still have the gall to talk smack to people simply because we aren't afraid to question authority? Pussies.
The video and statement in it are LIES look at things for what they are and not what you want them to be, damned cowards.
That's one of the most asinine statement of bullshit I've read. How TF, do you figure the "theorists" make money off of me? Name one.
do you go to their websites?
THATS how they make money off you


Also, guys make money writing books. Guys make money on the radio. Guys make money on speaking engagements, etc.

the vast majority of people listed at patriots question 911 are not making a dime on there stand or statements on 011 and have nothing at all to gain..it is the perpetrators of the 911 myth that have made billions off of 911 not the truth movement...
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After spending 25 years dealing with explosive weaponry, General Partin independently studied the damage done to the Murrah building in the month before the evidence was destroyed, and made several strong statements to members of the US Congress. In July of 1995, General Partin wrote to Senator Trent Lott, stating, “The attached report contains conclusive proof that the bombing of the Aflred P. Murrah Federal Building…was not caused solely by the truck bomb. Evidence shows that the massive destruction was primarily the result of four demolition charges placed at critical structural points at the third floor level.” He added “No government law enforcement agency should be permitted to demolish, smash and bury evidence of a…terrorist attack without a thorough examination by an independent, technically competent agency.”[6]

When speaking about the unprecedented destruction of evidence, General Partin was referring to the demolition of the Murrah Building by Mark Loizeaux’s company, just five days after Partin made his strong statements directly to the US Congress. But Partin might as well have been talking about the WTC six years later, where much of the steel evidence was destroyed in the month before engineering investigators began inspecting the scene. It was noted by the House Committee on Science, as they reviewed early shortcomings of the WTC investigation, that, “Some of the critical pieces of steel…were gone before the first BPAT team member ever reached the site.”[7] At the time of this destruction of evidence, Gene Corley was in charge of the investigation and his OKC partner Charles Thornton’s company was in charge of the site at Ground Zero.

9/11: Looking for Truth in Credentials: The Peculiar WTC “Experts”
This is why there is so much suspicion about the attacks. There wasn't any evidence that could have been presented because they did their best to get rid of it. I read that the workers hauling the trucks with the wreckage had tracking devices on the vehicles so they would know where they were at all times. There is a lot we don't know because of omissions and cover ups, it should be obvious they don't want the truth of how it all went down made public.

So the workers were in on it too? Yet, none of these people spoke up to inform us of the truth. Don't you think that any of these individuals are good people?

How come with all the photos taken there was no evidence of explosives? As the one expert said, "Mr Loizeaux also told the BBC that you would need to place hundreds of explosive charges along with miles of initiating cable and miles more detonating cord. And you would find evidence left behind of all these explosive charges, blasting caps and tubes."
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Conspiracy Files | Q&A: The collapse of Tower 7
Yet, nothing was found.

Again, show me the explosives here:
Oh yeah the timely message right before the election on 2004.

No, he also said it on al-Jazeera in 2002.

rediff.com: Osama bin Laden claims 9/11: Al-Jazeera

You actually believe that bogus video? Why did it take him so long to
"claim responsibility"? How many bogus videos of a man who btw many say is dead and has been, does it take before you notice it isn't him.

Of course the conspiracists would say this. They have to say its a fake. Otherwise their whole argument comes crashing down on their heads. They have to deny it and claim it is a fake. They have no choice. Otherwise, they look foolish. Too many people have a vested interest in keeping this nonsense going.

You people are so easily fooled, and you don't question it for a second that the videos like a lot of 9-11 is all BS. The man must have dyed his beard and now has to read from a scripted paper,
The image of bin Laden reading a statement was dramatically different from the few other videos of the al-Qaida leader that have emerged since the Sept. 11 attacks. In the last video, conveniently coming on Sept. 10, 2003, bin Laden is walking through rocky terrain with his top deputy Ayman al-Zawahri, both carrying automatic rifles. In a taped message issued at the same time, bin Laden praises the "great damage to the enemy" on Sept. 11 and mentions five hijackers by name.
Then in December 2001, the Pentagon released a videotape in which bin Laden is shown at a dinner with associates in Afghanistan on Nov. 9, 2001, saying the destruction of the Sept. 11 attacks exceeded even his "optimistic" calculations.
But in none of his previous messages, audio or video, did bin Laden directly state that he ordered the attacks. Why wouldn't he? Answer that, if he did it why didn't say he did right away, instead of waiting right before the elections to scare the shit out of idiots into voting for Bush?

First, why wouldn't al-Qaeda want Bush as President? He's a great recruiting tool for them. America's involvement in Iraq was deeply unpopular in the Middle East and was a great breeding ground for terrorists.

Second, the fact that in other videos he didn't come out and say "I did it" is not surprising. Why would he? He assumed we all knew it. However, once people start questioning whether al-Qaeda really did do it - thus lowering al-Qaeda's and OBL's status and credibility in the Middle East - he has to remind people. I can only imagine his bemusement of so many people blaming his handiwork on Bush.

Omar Sheikh has been in jail since February 2002.

Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, if what you claim to be true is so, Sheikh would have killed OBL a few months after 9/11. Otherwise, he killed him from jail. Of course, there is no motive why Omar Sheikh - a kindered spirit of OBL - would kill bin Laden.

Since there is zero evidence of this, we can safely say that Omar Sheikh did not kill OBL.

As for the video, I figured this out the moment I first saw the tape when some other twoofer post it elsewhere. Bhutto is referring to Daniel Pearl, not OBL. Listen to what she said right before she misspeaks. In her description of enemies that might kill her, she refers to the terrorist decapitations of three British and three American tourists in India then follows up with the murderer of Daniel Pearl. Omar Sheikh is the murderer of Pearl, not of OBL.

Bhutto says in an interview in 2007 that she is co-operating with the American military targeting OBL.

Bhutto would take US aid against bin Laden
Says she would cooperate in targeting leader

By Associated Press | October 2, 2007

NEW YORK - Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan's former prime minister, said in an interview that she would cooperate with the American military in targeting Osama bin Laden.

Bhutto told BBC America, in an interview scheduled to air last night, that she would accept US assistance in the event they discovered the whereabouts of the Al Qaeda leader, but that she would prefer to have the Pakistani military execute the strike.

"If there is overwhelming evidence, I would hope that I would be able to take Osama bin Laden myself without depending on the Americans," Bhutto last week during the taping. "But if I couldn't do it, of course we are fighting this war together and would seek their cooperation in eliminating him."

Pakistan opposition leader Benazir Bhutto would accept US aid in targeting Osama bin Laden - The Boston Globe

So, in other words, the Pakistani military would have been involved in an elaborate ruse five years after the alleged death of OBL. Of course, the conspiracists will say that she was lying, trying to deceive the world. However, they will believe with 100% certainty that her slip of the tongue is the unquestioned truth.

Cmon man you guys are that stupid that you can't compare the videos and how different he looks? There has been no confirmed trace of bin Laden since he narrowly escaped from the CIA and the U.S. military after the battle near Tora Bora, Afghanistan, in December 2001.

And then, within the next two months, was killed by Omar Sheikh. Right?

That was where our troops on the ground had him and then got orders to sub contract the rest of the mission to the Afghans northern alliance. Way to go. If he would have been caught or killed that would hinder the "war on terrorism" wouldn't it?

Possibly. Perhaps the Bush administration thought a martyred OBL would be more dangerous than one living in a cave. Perhaps the Bush administration didn't want to send thousands of American troops to their deaths in the Khyber Pass. Or perhaps the Bush administration is incompetent. But that in no way proves anything regarding 9/11.

Cmon man the lies and fake tapes and all the questions that are ignored and unanswered and the astronomical coincidenses, doesn't that kind of tug at your consciousness and reason? Are you that stubborn that you would make yourself look so foolish when you fall for this rubbish, and still have the gall to talk smack to people simply because we aren't afraid to question authority? Pussies.
The video and statement in it are LIES look at things for what they are and not what you want them to be, damned cowards.

No, I think the government has much more important things to do rather than burn through tens of millions of dollars trying to answer bizarre questions from people who will never be convinced otherwise.
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the vast majority of people listed at patriots question 911 are not making a dime on there stand or statements on 011 and have nothing at all to gain..it is the perpetrators of the 911 myth that have made billions off of 911 not the truth movement...

And I have spent hundreds of hours trying to refute the conspiracists claims and have never made a dime. I'm not questioning the vast majority of people who believe in the 9/11 conspiracy theories. I have no doubt you honestly believe it to be the case.

But how much money do you think Alex Jones has made off 9/11? The Loose Change guys were unemployed before they released their video. Thierry Meyssan wrote a book that topped the charts in France. Lots of people have made money questioning 9/11. There are lots of people making money off 9/11 conspiracies. Why are their motives assumed to be pure?
I agree with you there for one they have proven the fire from the jet fuel was the reason for the collapse of the buildings and the way they were designed which the terrorist probably banked on. And I also believe Bush ignored the warning signs not out of corruption but out of being a dumbass

you belive...how about we have a real inquiry and know...

Capt. Eric H. May, U.S. Army (ret) – Former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer. Former inspector and interpreter for the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty team.

Essay 9/11 and Non-investigation: "As a former Army officer, my tendency immediately after 911 was to rally 'round the colors and defend the country against what I then thought was an insidious, malicious all-Arab entity called Al-Qaida. In fact, in April of 2002, I attempted to reactivate my then-retired commission to return to serve my country in its time of peril. ...

Now I view the 911 event as Professor David Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor, views it: as a matter that implies either

A) passive participation by the Bush White House through a deliberate stand-down of proper defense procedures that (if followed) would have led US air assets to a quick identification and confrontation of the passenger aircraft that impacted WTC 1 and WTC 2, or worse ...

B) active execution of a plot by rogue elements of government, starting with the White House itself, in creating a spectacle of destruction that would lead the United States into an invasion of the Middle East ..." Captain Eric May

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11:
"We want truthful answers to question. … As Americans of conscience, we ask for four things:
An immediate investigation by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
Immediate investigation in Congressional Hearings.
Media attention to scrutinize and investigate the evidence.
The formation of a truly independent citizens-based inquiry."

actually, it was a combination of things that caused the collapse, including the weakened structure from where the planes crashed into the building, putting more stress on the remaining structures
the fire was also part of it not melting the steel, but heating it to a point of structural failure
these are all things that are FACTS in physics

The collapse of the WTC
by Kevin Ryan
Underwriters Laboratories
Thursday, Nov 11, 2004

The following letter was sent today by Kevin Ryan of Underwriters Laboratories to Frank Gayle of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) . Underwriters Laboratories is the company that certified the steel components used in the construction of the World Trade Center towers. The information in this letter is of great importance.


Dr. Gayle,

Having recently reviewed your team's report of 10/19/04, I felt the need to contact you directly.

As I'm sure you know, the company I work for certified the steel components used in the construction of the WTC buildings. In requesting information from both our CEO and Fire Protection business manager last year, I learned that they did not agree on the essential aspects of the story, except for one thing - that the samples we certified met all requirements. They suggested we all be patient and understand that UL was working with your team, and that tests would continue through this year. I'm aware of UL's attempts to help, including performing tests on models of the floor assemblies. But the results of these tests appear to indicate that the buildings should have easily withstood the thermal stress caused by pools of burning jet fuel.

There continues to be a number of "experts" making public claims about how the WTC buildings fell. One such person, Dr. Hyman Brown from the WTC construction crew, claims that the buildings collapsed due to fires at 2000F melting the steel (1). He states "What caused the building to collapse is the airplane fuel…burning at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The steel in that five-floor area melts." Additionally, the newspaper that quotes him says "Just-released preliminary findings from a National Institute of Standards and Technology study of the World Trade Center collapse support Brown’s theory."

We know that the steel components were certified to ASTM E119. The time temperature curves for this standard require the samples to be exposed to temperatures around 2000F for several hours. And as we all agree, the steel applied met those specifications. Additionally, I think we can all agree that even un-fireproofed steel will not melt until reaching red-hot temperatures of nearly 3000F (2). Why Dr. Brown would imply that 2000F would melt the high-grade steel used in those buildings makes no sense at all.

and the weak point in the buildings were the way the floors were connected to the beams
it was just a simple piece of steel attached by bolts
when the trusses weakened and sagged, they put too much stress on the joints and began to fail, after a few did, the domino effect took over and then the sheer weight of the floors above and the laws of motion and inertia took over

btw, it was also already shown that our government had pieces of the puzzle, but becauise of the Gorelick wall(limiting communications between the military anhd civilian agencies) that no one had the complete picture to put them together

Global Research
you belive...how about we have a real inquiry and know...

Capt. Eric H. May, U.S. Army (ret) – Former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer. Former inspector and interpreter for the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty team.

Essay 9/11 and Non-investigation: "As a former Army officer, my tendency immediately after 911 was to rally 'round the colors and defend the country against what I then thought was an insidious, malicious all-Arab entity called Al-Qaida. In fact, in April of 2002, I attempted to reactivate my then-retired commission to return to serve my country in its time of peril. ...

Now I view the 911 event as Professor David Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor, views it: as a matter that implies either

A) passive participation by the Bush White House through a deliberate stand-down of proper defense procedures that (if followed) would have led US air assets to a quick identification and confrontation of the passenger aircraft that impacted WTC 1 and WTC 2, or worse ...

B) active execution of a plot by rogue elements of government, starting with the White House itself, in creating a spectacle of destruction that would lead the United States into an invasion of the Middle East ..." Captain Eric May

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11:
"We want truthful answers to question. … As Americans of conscience, we ask for four things:
An immediate investigation by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
Immediate investigation in Congressional Hearings.
Media attention to scrutinize and investigate the evidence.
The formation of a truly independent citizens-based inquiry."

actually, it was a combination of things that caused the collapse, including the weakened structure from where the planes crashed into the building, putting more stress on the remaining structures
the fire was also part of it not melting the steel, but heating it to a point of structural failure
these are all things that are FACTS in physics

The collapse of the WTC
by Kevin Ryan
Underwriters Laboratories
Thursday, Nov 11, 2004

The following letter was sent today by Kevin Ryan of Underwriters Laboratories to Frank Gayle of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) . Underwriters Laboratories is the company that certified the steel components used in the construction of the World Trade Center towers. The information in this letter is of great importance.


Dr. Gayle,

Having recently reviewed your team's report of 10/19/04, I felt the need to contact you directly.

As I'm sure you know, the company I work for certified the steel components used in the construction of the WTC buildings. In requesting information from both our CEO and Fire Protection business manager last year, I learned that they did not agree on the essential aspects of the story, except for one thing - that the samples we certified met all requirements. They suggested we all be patient and understand that UL was working with your team, and that tests would continue through this year. I'm aware of UL's attempts to help, including performing tests on models of the floor assemblies. But the results of these tests appear to indicate that the buildings should have easily withstood the thermal stress caused by pools of burning jet fuel.

There continues to be a number of "experts" making public claims about how the WTC buildings fell. One such person, Dr. Hyman Brown from the WTC construction crew, claims that the buildings collapsed due to fires at 2000F melting the steel (1). He states "What caused the building to collapse is the airplane fuel…burning at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The steel in that five-floor area melts." Additionally, the newspaper that quotes him says "Just-released preliminary findings from a National Institute of Standards and Technology study of the World Trade Center collapse support Brown’s theory."

We know that the steel components were certified to ASTM E119. The time temperature curves for this standard require the samples to be exposed to temperatures around 2000F for several hours. And as we all agree, the steel applied met those specifications. Additionally, I think we can all agree that even un-fireproofed steel will not melt until reaching red-hot temperatures of nearly 3000F (2). Why Dr. Brown would imply that 2000F would melt the high-grade steel used in those buildings makes no sense at all.

and the weak point in the buildings were the way the floors were connected to the beams
it was just a simple piece of steel attached by bolts
when the trusses weakened and sagged, they put too much stress on the joints and began to fail, after a few did, the domino effect took over and then the sheer weight of the floors above and the laws of motion and inertia took over

btw, it was also already shown that our government had pieces of the puzzle, but becauise of the Gorelick wall(limiting communications between the military anhd civilian agencies) that no one had the complete picture to put them together

Global Research
actually, that has already been debunked

ryan was NOT in the position he claimed to be at UL
I agree with you there for one they have proven the fire from the jet fuel was the reason for the collapse of the buildings and the way they were designed which the terrorist probably banked on. And I also believe Bush ignored the warning signs not out of corruption but out of being a dumbass

you belive...how about we have a real inquiry and know...

Capt. Eric H. May, U.S. Army (ret) – Former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer. Former inspector and interpreter for the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty team.

Essay 9/11 and Non-investigation: "As a former Army officer, my tendency immediately after 911 was to rally 'round the colors and defend the country against what I then thought was an insidious, malicious all-Arab entity called Al-Qaida. In fact, in April of 2002, I attempted to reactivate my then-retired commission to return to serve my country in its time of peril. ...

Now I view the 911 event as Professor David Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor, views it: as a matter that implies either

A) passive participation by the Bush White House through a deliberate stand-down of proper defense procedures that (if followed) would have led US air assets to a quick identification and confrontation of the passenger aircraft that impacted WTC 1 and WTC 2, or worse ...

B) active execution of a plot by rogue elements of government, starting with the White House itself, in creating a spectacle of destruction that would lead the United States into an invasion of the Middle East ..." Captain Eric May

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11:
"We want truthful answers to question. … As Americans of conscience, we ask for four things:
An immediate investigation by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
Immediate investigation in Congressional Hearings.
Media attention to scrutinize and investigate the evidence.
The formation of a truly independent citizens-based inquiry."

actually, it was a combination of things that caused the collapse, including the weakened structure from where the planes crashed into the building, putting more stress on the remaining structures
the fire was also part of it not melting the steel, but heating it to a point of structural failure
these are all things that are FACTS in physics

The collapse of the WTC
by Kevin Ryan
Underwriters Laboratories
Thursday, Nov 11, 2004

The following letter was sent today by Kevin Ryan of Underwriters Laboratories to Frank Gayle of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) . Underwriters Laboratories is the company that certified the steel components used in the construction of the World Trade Center towers. The information in this letter is of great importance.


Dr. Gayle,

Having recently reviewed your team's report of 10/19/04, I felt the need to contact you directly.

As I'm sure you know, the company I work for certified the steel components used in the construction of the WTC buildings. In requesting information from both our CEO and Fire Protection business manager last year, I learned that they did not agree on the essential aspects of the story, except for one thing - that the samples we certified met all requirements. They suggested we all be patient and understand that UL was working with your team, and that tests would continue through this year. I'm aware of UL's attempts to help, including performing tests on models of the floor assemblies. But the results of these tests appear to indicate that the buildings should have easily withstood the thermal stress caused by pools of burning jet fuel.

There continues to be a number of "experts" making public claims about how the WTC buildings fell. One such person, Dr. Hyman Brown from the WTC construction crew, claims that the buildings collapsed due to fires at 2000F melting the steel (1). He states "What caused the building to collapse is the airplane fuel…burning at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The steel in that five-floor area melts." Additionally, the newspaper that quotes him says "Just-released preliminary findings from a National Institute of Standards and Technology study of the World Trade Center collapse support Brown’s theory."

We know that the steel components were certified to ASTM E119. The time temperature curves for this standard require the samples to be exposed to temperatures around 2000F for several hours. And as we all agree, the steel applied met those specifications. Additionally, I think we can all agree that even un-fireproofed steel will not melt until reaching red-hot temperatures of nearly 3000F (2). Why Dr. Brown would imply that 2000F would melt the high-grade steel used in those buildings makes no sense at all.

and the weak point in the buildings were the way the floors were connected to the beams
it was just a simple piece of steel attached by bolts
when the trusses weakened and sagged, they put too much stress on the joints and began to fail, after a few did, the domino effect took over and then the sheer weight of the floors above and the laws of motion and inertia took over

However the summary of the new NIST report seems to ignore your findings, as it suggests that these low temperatures caused exposed bits of the building’s steel core to "soften and buckle." (5) Additionally this summary states that the perimeter columns softened, yet your findings make clear that "most perimeter panels (157 of 160) saw no temperature above 250C." To soften steel for the purposes of forging, normally temperatures need to be above1100C (6). However, this new summary report suggests that much lower temperatures were be able to not only soften the steel in a matter of minutes, but lead to rapid structural collapse.

This story just does not add up. If steel from those buildings did soften or melt, I’m sure we can all agree that this was certainly not due to jet fuel fires of any kind, let alone the briefly burning fires in those towers. That fact should be of great concern to all Americans. Alternatively, the contention that this steel did fail at temperatures around 250C suggests that the majority of deaths on 9/11 were due to a safety-related failure. That suggestion should be of great concern to my company.

There is no question that the events of 9/11 are the emotional driving force behind the War on Terror. And the issue of the WTC collapse is at the crux of the story of 9/11. My feeling is that your metallurgical tests are at the crux of the crux of the crux. Either you can make sense of what really happened to those buildings, and communicate this quickly, or we all face the same destruction and despair that come from global decisions based on disinformation and “chatter”.

Thanks for your efforts to determine what happened on that day. You may know that there are a number of other current and former government employees that have risked a great deal to help us to know the truth. I've copied one of these people on this message as a sign of respect and support. I believe your work could also be a nucleus of fact around which the truth, and thereby global peace and justice, can grow again. Please do what you can to quickly eliminate the confusion regarding the ability of jet fuel fires to soften or melt structural steel.

1. Home | Boulder Weekly: The only independent newspaper in Boulder, Colorado

Global Research
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dont even bother with the fake all-cia duh..propaganda clips..bin laden was dead before those tapes where even made..bin laden is not carged with the crime of 911 by the fbi due tio lack of evidence...thats just a fact

Sure it is unproven. I cannot prove that he is behind it as you cannot prove that he is not. And again, if Bin Laden didn't have a hand in it, it still doesnt mean that Al Qaida wasn't behind it. To me the following is compelling evidence that Bin laden is behind it, but it is not proof:
"December 13 2001
The Pentagon releases a video it claims shows Bin Laden discussing the September 11 attacks with guests at an al-Qaida dinner at a house in Kandahar. In one section, he gently smiles and explains how "we calculated in advance the number of casualties from the enemy based on the position of the tower," but the attack surpassed his expectations. "I was thinking that the fire from the fuel in the plane would melt the iron structure of the building and collapse the area where the plane hit and the floors above it only. That is all we had hoped for."
Apparently found in late November in an abandoned house in Jalalabad, the video is hailed as conclusive proof that Bin Laden was behind the attacks.

December 26 2001
Looking gaunt, tired and as if he has aged a decade in the past two months, Bin Laden appears to take credit for the September 11 attacks. "Our terrorism against the United States is worthy of praise to deter the oppressor so that America stop its support for Israel, which is killing our children," he says.He is shot against a brown blanket, masking any clues that may disclose his location. The video was filmed to mark three months since the "blessed attack" on the US, he says, meaning that he has survived the US assault on his bases up to mid December at least.

April 15 2002
Al-Jazeera shows excerpts from a forthcoming documentary made by a pro-al-Qaida production company featuring previously unseen footage of Bin Laden and al-Zawahiri sat by a stream.
The package also includes what appears to be a video message from Ahmed al-Haznawi, one of the Flight 93 hijackers in a segment called The Wills of the New York and Washington Battle Martyrs. The 22-year-old Saudi pledges to give his life to "martyrdom" and swears to send a "bloodied message" to Americans by attacking them in their "heartland". "

The Guardian's Timeline of the tapes

He also confesses it in the following:
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Bin Laden video threatens America
Bin Laden says he ordered 9/11 attacks
Osama claims responsibility for 9/11-Rest of World-World-The Times of India

As Toro pointed out, Al-Qaeda, not just Bin Laden, has confessed to the attacks. That is a fact. Therefore, even if all these videos are fakes then there is still responsibility taken for it.
[ame=http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=qP9n2Edieww]YouTube - (5/5) Kevin Ryan on the Alex Jones Show, December 29, 2008[/ame]

Fires did not bring the World Trade Centers

[ame=http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=CwaMVUdxxwg]YouTube - Fires did not bring down the World Trade Centers[/ame]
For the third time in this thread you were asked to find explosives in that photo and you ignored it all three times. Again, as the demolition expert said, you would have had plenty of it at the scenes. You cannot combat this so you simply jump to something else.
It is also interesting how you take the word of a youtube video over acutal engineering experts who have no problem with the official story of 9/11:

Dr. Ayhan Irfanoglu- Engineering professor at Purdue

Masayuki Nakao Engineering professor at the University of Tokyo.
JST Failure Knowledge Database > Case Details > The World Trade Center Collapse

Eduardo Kausel: MIT Engineering professor
The Towers Lost and Beyond

These are engineering professors at the top engineering schools in the world according to this site: http://latestuniversityranking.blogspot.com/2008/11/world-university-rankings-engineering.html

Yet, you take the word of a youtube video.
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evidence is suppressed first responder and eye wittiness testimony ignored the methods used for the demolition techniques are not determined and perhaps unconventional ..ewe dint know because there is a cover up ....how about you tell me how Kevin Ryan of underwriters is wrong
evidence is suppressed first responder and eye wittiness testimony ignored the methods used for the demolition techniques are not determined and perhaps unconventional ..ewe dint know because there is a cover up ....how about you tell me how Kevin Ryan of underwriters is wrong
how about you prove ryan has any credibility at all
since UL says he doesnt

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