A Question That Must Be Asked: Did Hermain Cain Ever Benefit From Affirmative Action?


May 29, 2010
It is a question that we Americans, especially white Americans who work and pay taxes need to know. We have seen what the catastrophic results of a black man who benefited from affirmative action has done to America. It is the most needed question that needs to be answered. The question was never directly asked to Obama by the jewish dominated media if he benefited from affirmative action but as we all now know, he was. Obama's rise was a direct result of it and with the help of the media not vetting his true past, especially his credentials like grades and how he got into college. The same needs to be done with Cain. You have to ask yourself this, does anyone else think the rise in support for Herman cain seems a bit fabricated? The relentless media attention and poll changes makes it seem like something is trying to place Cain at the top or near the top. The way I see this, Cain will try and "out-Black" Obama, and if they do pick him then the whole election is going to be about race. The Obama camp will call Cain an "Uncle Tom" and question his "Black" credentials because he's a rich CEO (Was it by affirmative action?). Then the Cain camp might fire back by bringing up the fact that Obama's an affirmative action beach boy from Hawaii. The whole election will come down to "Our guy is Blacker than your guy!"

A hypothetical match-up between Cain and Obama would be the biggest American debacle of all time with white Americans caught in the crosshairs of black violence, and if it happens then these Repub voters will be to blame for not wanting Palin as their president who never benefited from affirmative action with credentials running a government far greater than Cains and Obama's. Watch these polls Americans, the jews are manipulating them. For example, the jewish dominated MSM on TV always ask for opinions and show what they want. They could have asked 100 people about illegal immigration in which 90%+ say they need to clamp down. They'll show you 4 to 6 clips of people in which looks like 50/50 on the news just to numb the mass. Nice and balanced art of propaganda. Again remember, Cain recently was way behind in the polls until he declared himself a huge supporter of the Zionist bandit state named Israel, then he shot to the top.

My fellow tax paying working Americans and retirees, you are witnessing affirmative action happen before your eyes with Cain but the question that remains, did he benefit from it in the past? We need to know because I believe he did and even if he didn't, a black man has proven that they are incapable of running a country as factual history has proven. Even though Cain is a republican, a "DARK CLOUD" with remain over America if he is elected president.......just as it has with Obama. He will always side with his brothers over whites in any crisis. Cain is not the answer to America.

Affirmative action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I'm sure that it helped him some, but he is one of the few that I'd say had to have done at least some of it his self. You don't freaking get a degree in Math and do what he did in the navy my friend based on bs...The guy would be better then Obama, but what country is my feelings. I'm NOT going to straight on judge a man based on the color of his skin, even through most of a certain race do in fact have a lower "mean" iq...This is just it the guy is on the higher end of it and has earned his way up in the real world. I congratulate him. This is the way it should be...NO bitching, no screaming about how evil whitey is, but just bucking down and working your ass off to show that you can. That's what America is for and why it is great!!!. MLK was right about judging a man based on who he is, but giving that blacks cause 60 percent of the murders and rapes within the US and it's common(part of there culture) within Africa...What can I say, I just can't say what I'm saying very often. A large percentage of there populations do earn to be judged harshly...In they never own up to it either.

I will judge the man fairly...Does that mean I will vote for him...Well, no. That's my choice as a free man that has a choice to vote for who he believes should run his nation. It is my right TO EXPRESS THE OPINION freely, even through most here won't like it. That is what is great.
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It is a question that we Americans, especially white Americans who work and pay taxes need to know. We have seen what the catastrophic results of a black man who benefited from affirmative action has done to America. It is the most needed question that needs to be answered. The question was never directly asked to Obama by the jewish dominated media if he benefited from affirmative action but as we all now know, he was. Obama's rise was a direct result of it and with the help of the media not vetting his true past, especially his credentials like grades and how he got into college. The same needs to be done with Cain. You have to ask yourself this, does anyone else think the rise in support for Herman cain seems a bit fabricated? The relentless media attention and poll changes makes it seem like something is trying to place Cain at the top or near the top. The way I see this, Cain will try and "out-Black" Obama, and if they do pick him then the whole election is going to be about race. The Obama camp will call Cain an "Uncle Tom" and question his "Black" credentials because he's a rich CEO (Was it by affirmative action?). Then the Cain camp might fire back by bringing up the fact that Obama's an affirmative action beach boy from Hawaii. The whole election will come down to "Our guy is Blacker than your guy!"

A hypothetical match-up between Cain and Obama would be the biggest American debacle of all time with white Americans caught in the crosshairs of black violence, and if it happens then these Repub voters will be to blame for not wanting Palin as their president who never benefited from affirmative action with credentials running a government far greater than Cains and Obama's. Watch these polls Americans, the jews are manipulating them. For example, the jewish dominated MSM on TV always ask for opinions and show what they want. They could have asked 100 people about illegal immigration in which 90%+ say they need to clamp down. They'll show you 4 to 6 clips of people in which looks like 50/50 on the news just to numb the mass. Nice and balanced art of propaganda. Again remember, Cain recently was way behind in the polls until he declared himself a huge supporter of the Zionist bandit state named Israel, then he shot to the top.

My fellow tax paying working Americans and retirees, you are witnessing affirmative action happen before your eyes with Cain but the question that remains, did he benefit from it in the past? We need to know because I believe he did and even if he didn't, a black man has proven that they are incapable of running a country as factual history has proven. Even though Cain is a republican, a "DARK CLOUD" with remain over America if he is elected president.......just as it has with Obama. He will always side with his brothers over whites in any crisis. Cain is not the answer to America.

Affirmative action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We now see the psychological damage caused by Glen Rice dicking down Queen Sarah. Hahaha.
As for the "A Question That Must Be Asked," it is worthwhile to note the present avatar of USAR.

So, no. That "question" not only need not be asked, it is kind of fucking stupid.


USARetard.... the conservative's Salt Jones. Each side has their cross to bear. It's nice that conservatives at least challenge the racism spewed by cretins who call themselves 'conservatives'.
As for the "A Question That Must Be Asked," it is worthwhile to note the present avatar of USAR.

So, no. That "question" not only need not be asked, it is kind of fucking stupid.

I am offended by USAR's avatar and his opening post.

But there is a valid question in there and the answer is what if he did benefit from Affirmative Action? Desegregation was still going on at the time Cain graduated HS (1963) and entered college the same year. He went directly from college to his job with the Navy and no, affirmative action would not have been a factor in that job. It is possible affirmative action played a part with his first purely civilian job with Coca Cola but he apparently accomplished himself there and certainly earned every post he received after that on merit.

Cain has had his disappointments--he would be a really dangerous man if he had not had disappointments--and his successes are impressive. Nobody accomplishes what he has accomplished without having the skills, intelligence, and chutzpah necessary to accomplish it.
As for the "A Question That Must Be Asked," it is worthwhile to note the present avatar of USAR.

So, no. That "question" not only need not be asked, it is kind of fucking stupid.


USARetard.... the conservative's Salt Jones. Each side has their cross to bear. It's nice that conservatives at least challenge the racism spewed by cretins who call themselves 'conservatives'.

Nah, he's your junior Tank.

Plus, I'm too old to let a woman drive me crazy.
As for the "A Question That Must Be Asked," it is worthwhile to note the present avatar of USAR.

So, no. That "question" not only need not be asked, it is kind of fucking stupid.

I am offended by USAR's avatar and his opening post.

But there is a valid question in there and the answer is what if he did benefit from Affirmative Action? Desegregation was still going on at the time Cain graduated HS (1963) and entered college the same year. He went directly from college to his job with the Navy and no, affirmative action would not have been a factor in that job. It is possible affirmative action played a part with his first purely civilian job with Coca Cola but he apparently accomplished himself there and certainly earned every post he received after that on merit.

Cain has had his disappointments--he would be a really dangerous man if he had not had disappointments--and his successes are impressive. Nobody accomplishes what he has accomplished without having the skills, intelligence, and chutzpah necessary to accomplish it.

A guy like USAR "asks" such "questions" only to denigrate the accomplishments of any black man or black woman.

The original idea supporting Affirmative Action was simple and fair minded: to make adjustments to the circumstances of black people to offset the present day effects of past discrimination. It was remedial in nature. And it must, as a logical necessity, be implemented for only a limited period of time.

So, yeah. If Cain did get some benefit out of it, back in those days, I'm fine with that.

The question still need not be asked at all, however, since clearly the sole agenda of a guy like USAR is to use the label of AA in order to cast aspersions on the accomplishments of any and all black people in this country.
As for the "A Question That Must Be Asked," it is worthwhile to note the present avatar of USAR.

So, no. That "question" not only need not be asked, it is kind of fucking stupid.

I am offended by USAR's avatar and his opening post.

But there is a valid question in there and the answer is what if he did benefit from Affirmative Action? Desegregation was still going on at the time Cain graduated HS (1963) and entered college the same year. He went directly from college to his job with the Navy and no, affirmative action would not have been a factor in that job. It is possible affirmative action played a part with his first purely civilian job with Coca Cola but he apparently accomplished himself there and certainly earned every post he received after that on merit.

Cain has had his disappointments--he would be a really dangerous man if he had not had disappointments--and his successes are impressive. Nobody accomplishes what he has accomplished without having the skills, intelligence, and chutzpah necessary to accomplish it.

Yet you claim Obama became president by luck. Typical
As for the "A Question That Must Be Asked," it is worthwhile to note the present avatar of USAR.

So, no. That "question" not only need not be asked, it is kind of fucking stupid.

I am offended by USAR's avatar and his opening post.

But there is a valid question in there and the answer is what if he did benefit from Affirmative Action? Desegregation was still going on at the time Cain graduated HS (1963) and entered college the same year. He went directly from college to his job with the Navy and no, affirmative action would not have been a factor in that job. It is possible affirmative action played a part with his first purely civilian job with Coca Cola but he apparently accomplished himself there and certainly earned every post he received after that on merit.

Cain has had his disappointments--he would be a really dangerous man if he had not had disappointments--and his successes are impressive. Nobody accomplishes what he has accomplished without having the skills, intelligence, and chutzpah necessary to accomplish it.

A guy like USAR "asks" such "questions" only to denigrate the accomplishments of any black man or black woman.

The original idea supporting Affirmative Action was simple and fair minded: to make adjustments to the circumstances of black people to offset the present day effects of past discrimination. It was remedial in nature. And it must, as a logical necessity, be implemented for only a limited period of time.

So, yeah. If Cain did get some benefit out of it, back in those days, I'm fine with that.

The question still need not be asked at all, however, since clearly the sole agenda of a guy like USAR is to use the label of AA in order to cast aspersions on the accomplishments of any and all black people in this country.

Yep, he's no different from the typical tea party poster on this board, check out the race/relation thread.
As for the "A Question That Must Be Asked," it is worthwhile to note the present avatar of USAR.

So, no. That "question" not only need not be asked, it is kind of fucking stupid.

I am offended by USAR's avatar and his opening post.

But there is a valid question in there and the answer is what if he did benefit from Affirmative Action? Desegregation was still going on at the time Cain graduated HS (1963) and entered college the same year. He went directly from college to his job with the Navy and no, affirmative action would not have been a factor in that job. It is possible affirmative action played a part with his first purely civilian job with Coca Cola but he apparently accomplished himself there and certainly earned every post he received after that on merit.

Cain has had his disappointments--he would be a really dangerous man if he had not had disappointments--and his successes are impressive. Nobody accomplishes what he has accomplished without having the skills, intelligence, and chutzpah necessary to accomplish it.

Yet you claim Obama became president by luck. Typical

That's what I claimed? Really? Do you lie about everything or just about other USMB members?
As for the "A Question That Must Be Asked," it is worthwhile to note the present avatar of USAR.

So, no. That "question" not only need not be asked, it is kind of fucking stupid.

I am offended by USAR's avatar and his opening post.

But there is a valid question in there and the answer is what if he did benefit from Affirmative Action? Desegregation was still going on at the time Cain graduated HS (1963) and entered college the same year. He went directly from college to his job with the Navy and no, affirmative action would not have been a factor in that job. It is possible affirmative action played a part with his first purely civilian job with Coca Cola but he apparently accomplished himself there and certainly earned every post he received after that on merit.

Cain has had his disappointments--he would be a really dangerous man if he had not had disappointments--and his successes are impressive. Nobody accomplishes what he has accomplished without having the skills, intelligence, and chutzpah necessary to accomplish it.

Yet you claim Obama became president by luck. Typical

Well getting two votes in some states was lucky. Having super delegates over rule the will doesnt hurt either.
I am offended by USAR's avatar and his opening post.

But there is a valid question in there and the answer is what if he did benefit from Affirmative Action? Desegregation was still going on at the time Cain graduated HS (1963) and entered college the same year. He went directly from college to his job with the Navy and no, affirmative action would not have been a factor in that job. It is possible affirmative action played a part with his first purely civilian job with Coca Cola but he apparently accomplished himself there and certainly earned every post he received after that on merit.

Cain has had his disappointments--he would be a really dangerous man if he had not had disappointments--and his successes are impressive. Nobody accomplishes what he has accomplished without having the skills, intelligence, and chutzpah necessary to accomplish it.

A guy like USAR "asks" such "questions" only to denigrate the accomplishments of any black man or black woman.

The original idea supporting Affirmative Action was simple and fair minded: to make adjustments to the circumstances of black people to offset the present day effects of past discrimination. It was remedial in nature. And it must, as a logical necessity, be implemented for only a limited period of time.

So, yeah. If Cain did get some benefit out of it, back in those days, I'm fine with that.

The question still need not be asked at all, however, since clearly the sole agenda of a guy like USAR is to use the label of AA in order to cast aspersions on the accomplishments of any and all black people in this country.

Yep, he's no different from the typical tea party poster on this board, check out the race/relation thread.

Bullcrap. He's quite a bit different than Tea Party members or tea party USMB members.

The CLAIM is often made by dishonest liberals (like the New York Slimes) that there is a heavy element of racism in the Tea Party. But it just aint so.

There are, undoubtedly, some Tea Party members who suffer from that mental aberration. But that is far from evidence that justifies the broad brush used by dishonest schmucks like you and your fellow lying propagandists.
As for the "A Question That Must Be Asked," it is worthwhile to note the present avatar of USAR.
So, no. That "question" not only need not be asked, it is kind of fucking stupid.


That avatar is disgusting.
A guy like USAR "asks" such "questions" only to denigrate the accomplishments of any black man or black woman.

The original idea supporting Affirmative Action was simple and fair minded: to make adjustments to the circumstances of black people to offset the present day effects of past discrimination. It was remedial in nature. And it must, as a logical necessity, be implemented for only a limited period of time.

So, yeah. If Cain did get some benefit out of it, back in those days, I'm fine with that.

The question still need not be asked at all, however, since clearly the sole agenda of a guy like USAR is to use the label of AA in order to cast aspersions on the accomplishments of any and all black people in this country.

Yep, he's no different from the typical tea party poster on this board, check out the race/relation thread.

Bullcrap. He's quite a bit different than Tea Party members or tea party USMB members.

The CLAIM is often made by dishonest liberals (like the New York Slimes) that there is a heavy element of racism in the Tea Party. But it just aint so.

There are, undoubtedly, some Tea Party members who suffer from that mental aberration. But that is far from evidence that justifies the broad brush used by dishonest schmucks like you and your fellow lying propagandists.

Unless USAR behaves in person much differently than he does here at USMB, he would not be welcome at any Tea Party group or rally that I know of. Hermain Cain, however, has the full backing and approval of the Tea Party and that right now is most of the strength in the polling numbers we see.
As for the "A Question That Must Be Asked," it is worthwhile to note the present avatar of USAR.
So, no. That "question" not only need not be asked, it is kind of fucking stupid.


That avatar is disgusting.

This is the first poster here to give me reason to reevaluate my no bad rep policy.

Salt hasnt even prompted that.

Decisions decisions.
As for the "A Question That Must Be Asked," it is worthwhile to note the present avatar of USAR.
So, no. That "question" not only need not be asked, it is kind of fucking stupid.


That avatar is disgusting.

It certainly is. Isn't it interesting that the idiots who should be ashamed of their racism are too stupid and ignorant to BE ashamed of that proof of how narrow and simple minded they are?
As for the "A Question That Must Be Asked," it is worthwhile to note the present avatar of USAR.

So, no. That "question" not only need not be asked, it is kind of fucking stupid.


USARetard.... the conservative's Salt Jones. Each side has their cross to bear. It's nice that conservatives at least challenge the racism spewed by cretins who call themselves 'conservatives'.

Nah, he's your junior Tank.

Plus, I'm too old to let a woman drive me crazy.

He's a racist on the right. You're a racist on the left. Cap fits both of you. Wear it. You can't hide behind anyone here. The only thing that disappoints me is that you don't wear the same red badges that he does. You are his equal. Both racist scum.

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