A Question To Conservatives Who Believe In A Ban On Abortions

Think about it. There are welfare programs, food stamps (or whatever they call it these days) to help parents care for their students. With this help, parents still cannot feed their children? Why not?
Protecting innocent life can come with viability. Until then no one has the right to make those decisions for her.
By the same token, no one else has the right to speak up that it's "okay". It is not okay, so let's no pretend it is. Leave it squarely on the individual mother. No support, her decision. Both my friends had people telling them "It is for the best. You can have children later."
Because it has to be her choice. She is the one that must live with the consequences and who bears all the risks and costs.

Being dead is certainly a consequence that you have no problem at all with forcing on an innocent child.

But then, technically, no one lives with being dead. That's kind of the point.

At the end of it all, no excuses that you can make, no spin that you can try to put on it , can cover up what it is that you are advocating which is the unjustifiable, cold-blooded murder of innocent children.

Nothing can hide what this tells us about your moral character, or lack thereof. To your very core, you are evil and murderous.
Government should be, "Abortion is wrong, but as the fetus is not yet a citizen, no prosecution."

That approach worked, for allowing slavery, and even for denying basic rights to black “freedmen”. Not until the Fourteenth Amendment were even “free” blacks legally entitled to be recognized as citizens, or even fully human.

Similar reasoning surely was used in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, toward those regarded as “untermenschen”.
Protecting innocent life can come with viability. Until then no one has the right to make those decisions for her.

That, you say, as you claim the authority to determine that an innocent human being may be put to death, for no better reason than that his existence is an inconvenience to someone else.
This is one of the realities of abortion laws that people ignore. The slogan should be,
"right to birth" not "right to life" because in too many cases the kid can't be properly cared for.

Because in poverty stricken urban areas it is difficult getting a job above minimum wage. Some states (FL) denied Medicaid expansion. Even then child care is unaffordable. Kids are not monitored enough. If abortion was not possible you will end up with inner city kids who can't find jobs and a mother pissed at life in general. If a mother can't handle any more kids it should be her decision.
Because in poverty stricken urban areas it is difficult getting a job above minimum wage. Some states (FL) denied Medicaid expansion. Even then child care is unaffordable. Kids are not monitored enough. If abortion was not possible you will end up with inner city kids who can't find jobs and a mother pissed at life in general. If a mother can't handle any more kids it should be her decision.
So throw money at the problem, and if that won't work (and it seldom does), abortion is the solution? I think we can do better than both.
So throw money at the problem, and if that won't work (and it seldom does), abortion is the solution? I think we can do better than both.
I don't like the idea of simply giving out money. I would hope that the inner city folks would want opportunities rather than money. But until then the women will have to make their own choice.
Because in poverty stricken urban areas it is difficult getting a job above minimum wage. Some states (FL) denied Medicaid expansion. Even then child care is unaffordable. Kids are not monitored enough. If abortion was not possible you will end up with inner city kids who can't find jobs and a mother pissed at life in general. If a mother can't handle any more kids it should be her decision.

WHAT about that is difficult for anyone to understand?
California requires schools to provide free breakfasts as well as free lunch. Is it really a good thing for Government to care for our children? We were happy--even joyful to take care of our own--even though it meant careful budgeting. IF government must help, it should be helping parents to stay home with their children--not shipping children off to daycare. My opinion. ;)
You would be one of the few who supports that.
Republicans whined when people were getting paid to stay home, women couldn't get child care.
Republicans don't want to pay for maternity leave either.

Out of the 193 member states of the United Nations, only a handful do not have a national paid parental leave law: New Guinea, Suriname, a few South Pacific Island nations, and the United States. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reports that the U.S. is the only developed country in the world that does not have a national law on paid maternity leave.
"Here, look at all of these things I have been told to believe about you. Now accept them as fact and defend yourselves!"

I don't recall George Carlin ever being an expert on conservatism, or much of anything, really.
I don't recall republicans being an expert on conservatism...........................except when a democrat is in office or at election time, it's only then, they whine about the debt/deficit and spending.
And I have less respect for you than I did before, if that's possible, to know that you're getting your political "knowledge" from hearing a comedian say something that made you feel superior and deciding that made it true.
Awww, like most republicans, can't stand the truth.

FYI, comedians watch/listen to the news too.
That would be where they get most of their material from.

April 23 2020
Senate Republicans' negotiations over a $1.6 trillion coronavirus stimulus package have reached an impasse partly due a Republican opposition to a Democratic proposal to provide additional funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), a federal program that provides low-income individuals and families with an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card that works like a debit card for purchasing food in local stores.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, which manages the program, said that requests for emergency food benefits went up by $2 billion last month as more than 22 million Americans found themselves unemployed due to the ongoing epidemic.

November 10 2021
Biden’s bill making its way through Congress would put the U.S. on course to providing free prekindergarten, paid family leave to care for children or sick loved ones, and an enhanced child tax credit in a massive expansion of federal support to working families.

Like Nixon 50 years years ago, Republicans worry that providing an expanded federal safety net for American households with children is a slippery slope toward a socialist-style system.

Republicans say the programs’ costs— almost $400 billion for the child care and preschool piece alone — are far too high and would create more government intrusion into families’ lives.

Echoing Nixon’s words, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell called Biden’s approach “radical” in a speech on the Senate floor last week. McConnell said Biden’s administration “wants to insert itself into the most intimate family decisions and tell parents how to care for their toddlers.”

Your solution to all those issues is to just kill the kid before he's born, so I don't believe that I will be answering to your "moral standards" anytime ever.
For some yes.
Some can't afford it, some have been molested or raped.
The fetus may have a birth defect or other malady.
It's up to the woman, especially if the man isn't in her life anymore, no family support.

I would prefer the woman have the kid and put it up for adoption, there are some people that will support a woman to do that, I'm all for it.

Not viable for most women.

Your morals standards are bankrupt, like most republicans, they claim they are pro life, in reality, just being pro birth.
You would be one of the few who supports that.
Republicans whined when people were getting paid to stay home, women couldn't get child care.
Republicans don't want to pay for maternity leave either.

Out of the 193 member states of the United Nations, only a handful do not have a national paid parental leave law: New Guinea, Suriname, a few South Pacific Island nations, and the United States. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reports that the U.S. is the only developed country in the world that does not have a national law on paid maternity leave.
So what?

Without taxing our citizens into Socialism, we have forged the greatest country the world has ever seen. In fact, given the choice, citizens of those countries you admire would gladly emigrate to the United States.

Why do you suppose that is the case?
Time to evolve, to keep up with the rest of the world, make American lives better and easier.
Republicans don't mind giving trillions of US taxpayer $$$ to israel, subsidizing their leave.

Maternity leave in Israel is fairly complex, and we had a client with several questions about how to handle the leave amounts and payments.

  • Can the employee just take two weeks for maternity leave?
  • No, the minimum leave period for maternity is seven weeks.
  • What are the employer obligated payments during maternity leave?
  • For the first 15 weeks, the employee receives maternity leave compensation from social security. During this period, the employer pays both the employee and employer share of contributions.
  • What is the maximum maternity leave period available?
  • The employee can take up to 26 weeks of maternity leave, but the employer only needs to make the contributions for the first 15 weeks (but it is customary for employers to continue those payments for the entire period).
Without taxing our citizens into Socialism,
But corporate socialism has been fine and dandy for the last 40 years for republicans.
Subsidizing israel's socialism is fine.
But socialism for poor to middle class American citizens is bad.
we have forged the greatest country the world has ever seen.

August 4 2021
The US once again ranked last in access to health care, equity and outcomes among high-income countries, despite spending a far greater share of its economy on health care, a new report released Wednesday has found.
The nation has landed in the basement in all seven studies the Commonwealth Fund has conducted since 2004. The US is the only one of the 11 countries surveyed not to have universal health insurance coverage.

October 5 2021
A study from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, a global research center at the University of Washington. The study created a country-by-country ranking of gun homicides and suicides, and explored possible drivers of the violence in each country.

Among the main findings: America’s gun homicide rate was more than double the average for all countries, and was at the top of the list for countries with high Socio-demographic Index (SDI) scores, a summary measure of a country’s health outcomes.
In fact, given the choice, citizens of those countries you admire would gladly emigrate to the United States.
That's true.
Why do you suppose that is the case?
Illusions of grandeur.
That, you say, as you claim the authority to determine that an innocent human being may be put to death, for no better reason than that his existence is an inconvenience to someone else.
The only authority I claim is the same authority YOU claim, the right to control your own body.

I have to laugh…except it isn’t really funny. You call a life changing decision on whether or not to start a family, go through nine months of carrying a child, with all it’s attendant risks (17.5% maternal mortality rate)…and then either have your heart ripped out when you give it up for adoption, or another 21 years raising it….an “inconvenience”.

Yet you, when asked to wear a mask, for a temporary period of time, during a pandemic, scream about freedoms and rights.

One is the single most important decision a couple or a woman can make. The other is truly an inconvenience.
So what?

Without taxing our citizens into Socialism, we have forged the greatest country the world has ever seen. In fact, given the choice, citizens of those countries you admire would gladly emigrate to the United States.

Why do you suppose that is the case?
Another example of how Republicans don’t give a hoot after birth…because it isn’t helping the baby…it is “socialism”.
Time to evolve, to keep up with the rest of the world, make American lives better and easier.
Republicans don't mind giving trillions of US taxpayer $$$ to israel, subsidizing their leave.

Maternity leave in Israel is fairly complex, and we had a client with several questions about how to handle the leave amounts and payments.

  • Can the employee just take two weeks for maternity leave?
  • No, the minimum leave period for maternity is seven weeks.
  • What are the employer obligated payments during maternity leave?
  • For the first 15 weeks, the employee receives maternity leave compensation from social security. During this period, the employer pays both the employee and employer share of contributions.
  • What is the maximum maternity leave period available?
  • The employee can take up to 26 weeks of maternity leave, but the employer only needs to make the contributions for the first 15 weeks (but it is customary for employers to continue those payments for the entire period).

But corporate socialism has been fine and dandy for the last 40 years for republicans.
Subsidizing israel's socialism is fine.
But socialism for poor to middle class American citizens is bad.


August 4 2021
The US once again ranked last in access to health care, equity and outcomes among high-income countries, despite spending a far greater share of its economy on health care, a new report released Wednesday has found.
The nation has landed in the basement in all seven studies the Commonwealth Fund has conducted since 2004. The US is the only one of the 11 countries surveyed not to have universal health insurance coverage.

October 5 2021
A study from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, a global research center at the University of Washington. The study created a country-by-country ranking of gun homicides and suicides, and explored possible drivers of the violence in each country.

Among the main findings: America’s gun homicide rate was more than double the average for all countries, and was at the top of the list for countries with high Socio-demographic Index (SDI) scores, a summary measure of a country’s health outcomes.

That's true.

Illusions of grandeur.
As you know, we have the greatest health care in world. It is also available to all.

Who is going to foot the bill for your giveaways?

Why are you opposed to personal responsibility?

You want to guns up too? Are you aware that many of the countries you admire have far rates of violent crime? You and your comrades are demanding that police be refunded at the same time you want our guns. All while murder rates are skyrocketing in major cities, all run by Democrats and looting has reached epic proportions.

Your brainstorms have crashed and burned and you demand we throw more gas on the fire.


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