A real doctor on ObamaCare

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
My real doctor abandoned his practice over obamacare. Because of obamacare it was worthless and he couldn't even sell it. The county put in a salaried physician's assistant who doesn't know her ass from her tampon decorated ear.
The Doctor says "Can you trust Insurance Companies with your Healthcare?" when it was the Insurance Companies that wrote the 2000+ page ObamaCare Bill that Congress didn't read before signing.

The whole thing is a GIFT to Insurance Companies.
The Doctor says "Can you trust Insurance Companies with your Healthcare?" when it was the Insurance Companies that wrote the 2000+ page ObamaCare Bill that Congress didn't read before signing.

The whole thing is a GIFT to Insurance Companies.

Clearly you have a 'closed mind'.

The insurance industry loves you. Why can't you accept that?
The opinion of a "single doctor" who looks like a dark Doogie Houser isn't anymore relevant than Zimmerman giving his opinion about the Neighborhood Watch program.
My "real Dr." just informed me today that as of Oct. 1, he's retiring. He was my dermatologist, and a damn good one. He said that Obamacare is tying his hands, and being intrusive to the patients privacy. He stated that right now....a skin lesion is just two words that is covered by insurance as a catch all for skin lesions. When the ACA kicks in it's going to be a 12 page debacle for skin lesion. He said if he marks the wrong lesion that he is subject to a $5,000.00 fine.
That's what a "real doctor" told me, and ya know what? I believe him.
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Does anyone know how many pages the ACA is up to now? I bet it's way more than the 26,000 page bill.

Who even knows. I started reading the first bill H.R.3200 & then they changed everything & kept adding in more pages. So I have no clue what is in the new law. My premium more than doubled from last year & I have never made a claim on the policy fro the 10+ years I had it. So I told them to shove it. I have been uninsured 3 months now & am loving the savings. I found some loopholes in the law so I will no longer buy any coverage until I get sick.
My "real Dr." just informed me today that as of Oct. 1, he's retiring. He was my dermatologist, and a damn good one. He said that Obamacare is tying his hands, and being intrusive to the patients privacy. He stated that right now....a skin lesion is just two words that is covered by insurance as a catch all for skin lesions. When the ACA kicks in it's going to be a 12 page debacle for skin lesion. He said if he marks the wrong lesion that he is subject to a $5,000.00 fine.
That's what a "real doctor" told me, and ya know what? I believe him.
I'm sorry you're losing a good physician. What the Obamacare measure does is require a laboratory test for every single procedure dermatologists do in the future. It will cause physician education to take more than 12 years to become certified with all the extra years of schooling they will need to know it all.

Rates are going down in states where people are applying Obamacare, and rates are going up in teabagger controlled states that think it's the devil.

So yeah, you're going to pay more in Indiana, just like you're going to pay more in Kentucky, Texas, and every other state run by baggers.

Meanwhile, California, Oregon, Washington and New York are reporting lower rates.
My "real Dr." just informed me today that as of Oct. 1, he's retiring. He was my dermatologist, and a damn good one. He said that Obamacare is tying his hands, and being intrusive to the patients privacy. He stated that right now....a skin lesion is just two words that is covered by insurance as a catch all for skin lesions. When the ACA kicks in it's going to be a 12 page debacle for skin lesion. He said if he marks the wrong lesion that he is subject to a $5,000.00 fine.
That's what a "real doctor" told me, and ya know what? I believe him.
I'm sorry you're losing a good physician. What the Obamacare measure does is require a laboratory test for every single procedure dermatologists do in the future. It will cause physician education to take more than 12 years to become certified with all the extra years of schooling they will need to know it all.

Except that isn't true as of yet, but keep telling yourself that.

Rates are going down in states where people are applying Obamacare, and rates are going up in teabagger controlled states that think it's the devil.

So yeah, you're going to pay more in Indiana, just like you're going to pay more in Kentucky, Texas, and every other state run by baggers.

Meanwhile, California, Oregon, Washington and New York are reporting lower rates.

Some health insurance companies are leaving Ca.
Seems that the state is picking and choosing who wins and who loses.
Giving 100 million dollar tax breaks to some and not to others. No wonder the rates are going down......with some.
The ACA is fucked up and everybody knows it....but as long as they have minions like you to promote it, they think the masses like it.
My real doctor abandoned his practice over obamacare. Because of obamacare it was worthless and he couldn't even sell it. The county put in a salaried physician's assistant who doesn't know her ass from her tampon decorated ear.

In other words, your doctor retired because he was old. And it sounds like your doctor was paid by the county to begin with if they put in physicians assistant. Sounds like you went to a public clinic, lol.
Real Doctor Smacks Down Koch Brothers Obamacare Ad (VIDEO)

Could it be that those on the correct side of history (note I did not say the Right side of history) are learning how to fight? Could it be that they are learning not to leave fallacies dangling in the ether to metastasize into the American psyche?

Read more: Real Doctor Smacks Down Koch Brothers Obamacare Ad (VIDEO)

Open minds can learn from this video.

Closed minds - not so much.

Closed minds...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm funny thing the 2 doctors in my family are saying the opposite.
My real doctor abandoned his practice over obamacare. Because of obamacare it was worthless and he couldn't even sell it. The county put in a salaried physician's assistant who doesn't know her ass from her tampon decorated ear.
Is there a name for whats wrong w/ you? :eusa_eh:
My "real Dr." just informed me today that as of Oct. 1, he's retiring. He was my dermatologist, and a damn good one. He said that Obamacare is tying his hands, and being intrusive to the patients privacy. He stated that right now....a skin lesion is just two words that is covered by insurance as a catch all for skin lesions. When the ACA kicks in it's going to be a 12 page debacle for skin lesion. He said if he marks the wrong lesion that he is subject to a $5,000.00 fine.
That's what a "real doctor" told me, and ya know what? I believe him.
I'm sorry you're losing a good physician. What the Obamacare measure does is require a laboratory test for every single procedure dermatologists do in the future. It will cause physician education to take more than 12 years to become certified with all the extra years of schooling they will need to know it all.


Sorry, but I'm not buying those numbers nor am I buying the numbers in Ohio where they say rates will increase by 88%. Until we see actual prices for the different plans, it all sounds like BS. Nobody knows what they are comparing when they come up with these numbers. Last of all, I was reading an article on the different plans available, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Catastrophic. The Catastrophic plan is only available for those under 30. What the author noted was that for the most part, the best plan is the bronze plan, which only pays 60% after meeting the deductible. The Platinum, on the other hand pays 90% after meeting the deductible. But here is the big factor; there is a maximum of $6350, I believe, that any individual would have to pay out in one year, so if you have a lot of medical expenses and will max out anyway, just go with the lower cost bronze plan. On the other hand, if you are healthy and will only have a regular doctor visits and preventative care that is fully covered under all plans, then go with the Bronze plan as you won't pay anything or very little toward your deductible. The only people who gain from a silver, gold, or platinum plan are those who can accurately predict that they will spend less than the maximum of $6350 out of pocket but will be at a level above the savings from going with a lower premium.

As we have been seeing from a number of states, the Bronze plan is reasonably priced, especially considering all preventative care is covered 100%. The Bronze plan is very similar to what I have in the high risk pool. I am currently paying about $4000 per year plus less than $1000 per year on things that go toward my deductible.

Bottom line is that I'll wait to see the actual rates before I get too worried over rate hikes that many never materialize.

Sorry, but I'm not buying those numbers nor am I buying the numbers in Ohio where they say rates will increase by 88%. Until we see actual prices for the different plans, it all sounds like BS. Nobody knows what they are comparing when they come up with these numbers. Last of all, I was reading an article on the different plans available, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Catastrophic. The Catastrophic plan is only available for those under 30. What the author noted was that for the most part, the best plan is the bronze plan, which only pays 60% after meeting the deductible. The Platinum, on the other hand pays 90% after meeting the deductible. But here is the big factor; there is a maximum of $6350, I believe, that any individual would have to pay out in one year, so if you have a lot of medical expenses and will max out anyway, just go with the lower cost bronze plan. On the other hand, if you are healthy and will only have a regular doctor visits and preventative care that is fully covered under all plans, then go with the Bronze plan as you won't pay anything or very little toward your deductible. The only people who gain from a silver, gold, or platinum plan are those who can accurately predict that they will spend less than the maximum of $6350 out of pocket but will be at a level above the savings from going with a lower premium.

As we have been seeing from a number of states, the Bronze plan is reasonably priced, especially considering all preventative care is covered 100%. The Bronze plan is very similar to what I have in the high risk pool. I am currently paying about $4000 per year plus less than $1000 per year on things that go toward my deductible.

Bottom line is that I'll wait to see the actual rates before I get too worried over rate hikes that many never materialize.

So if rates do sky rocket,you are going to do what,shrug your shoulders and say oh well??

Isn't there something about a large bird species that that does something similar??

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