A real question. If biden can't debate Trump....how is he going to lead the country?

Biden did not win the presidency any of the other two times he ran and he had all his senses intact. It is quite obvious that there is something seriously wrong with Biden. It is silly to try to deny it.
Biden wasn't much of a factor at the top of his game. Now, at maybe 20% of his peak, he doesn't stand much of a chance. You know when the DNC goes with someone like Biden, instead of Clinton, Gore, Kerry and so on, things are not looking good. Any of them would have knocked Biden out within days had they chose to run. And they would have if victory was as certain as many Dems believe.
You think the Dems might change horses at their convention later?
Nope. I think that there will be an unelected and unknown person really pulling the strings. No one will know.
Biden’s going to try and impose conditions and when Trump blows him off Biden and MSM will call off debate and accuse Trump of withholding things which caused the debates to be cancelled, Covid hiding also included.
You gotta quit listening to Tucker Carlson. Biden's campaign has already committed to 3 debates with Trump. The real question is, will Trump show up to the debates?

Joe Biden’s campaign on Monday committed to three scheduled debates with President Trump in September and October and criticized the president for taking varied positions on whether he would participate in debates and how many.

The campaign’s letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates, obtained by The Washington Post and written by Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon, stated that Biden would participate in the debates already planned by the commission, which would be on Sept. 29, Oct. 15 and Oct. 22. Biden’s yet-to-be-named running mate would participate in an Oct. 7 vice presidential debate.

Sorry for blowing up your thread.
you are an idiot ? do you honestly believe that Trump is afraid of a debate ? after what your communist allies have thrown at him for the past 4 yrs you treasonous sack of dog shit.

Dunno if he's afraid or not, but I do know that he's not well prepared to debate him, nor do I think he has much interest in doing so. Treasonous? Might wanna slow down on the demagoguery there dude, I served this country in the U.S. Navy for over 20 years, and in 4 different war zones. What have YOU done for this country?
im an army grunt ! and in know you served... and the fact that a veteran will vote for a party that has shifted full blown socialist enrages me ! tell me mr commie patriot what has Trump done that makes you think he's worse for America than Biden ? is it energy independence ? is it the strengthening of our military ? is it his pulling troops out of places weve been in to long ? is it the destruction of the ISIS caliphate punk ? is it his support of police ? is it the first step act to help felons that have served their time get a job ? is it the opportunity zones set up to help minorities in the inner cities ? is it the permanent funding of black colleges to help minorities get an education so that they can pull themselves out of poverty ? is it the repeal of the disastrous nafta that cost millions of jobs? is it the implementation of better fairer trade agreements for American workers like the mca ? is it making nato spend more money to stand against Russia ? is it the arming of Ukraine with weapons to defend against Russia instead of the blankets that Obama sent ? is it the booming economy that had record low unemployment for all Americans white,black,Asian and Hispanic before the virus unleashed by a country that has a political ideology that coincides more with the party that supports Biden ? tell us oh great one what has Trump done to earn your derision ? is it holding china accountable and demanding the cease of intellectual theft and unfair trade practices ? is it the killing of Soleimani a man directly responsible for the maiming and death of thousands of American soldiers ? is it the recognition that Iran is an evil enemy terrorist state that should be sanctioned instead of rewarded ? is it the push for a strong and secure border ? so tell us oh great one !

you voted for a 'man' who was deferred due to a bullshit 'bone spur' & not only claimed that 'STDs were his personal vietnam' - but actually took the purple heart that a misguided wounded warrior gave him; saying he 'always wanted a purple heart'

how much you wanna bet it was thrown in a drawer, never to see the light of day again?
I bet anyone $100 that Biden will not debate, they will find a reason.
Thomas Friedman from NYT yesterday wrote he shouldn't debate unless they have a panel live that can fact check what Trump says, so he don't "lie to the people".
He actually wrote this.
It is not going to happen.
Who are they?

Carlson, Hannity, and Ingraham?

You might consider using your brain. trump is about to walk into a blast furnace when he debates Biden. Calling Biden names is not going to help him win debates on policy. And I can't wait until trump starts trying to brag about the economy. You guys have lied to yourselves about Biden. It's going to be a painful lesson for you.

& this time around, donny hasta defend his record & policies....
So does Biden. His imprint is on the misery we have. Near 50 years of it.

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Of course there are going to be debates. Choosing not to debate would guarantee a loss for that candidate.

Now, once they're on stage, Trump is going to be far more poised than Biden. Does Trump say stupid things sometimes? Sure he does. But at least you can understand him. Biden comes across as a doddering old fool. He mumbles and slurs his words and, let's face it, there's no shortage of evidence out there which shows how badly he loses focus.

Between Trump and Biden, the choice for the world stage is clear. We cannot afford to have someone out there, representing us, who can't even properly quote a part of the Declaration of Independence which, back when I was a kid, we were taught (and I remember it to this day) in school:

The man is falling into a dementia wasteland, but his handlers can't afford to get him any treatment because it would end his campaign if that ever got out (and you know it would).

The debates will signal the end of Joe Biden's political career and will solidify a Trump presidency for another four years...
I know asking rational questions of left wing democrats is pointless...but.......if joe biden can't be allowed by the democrat party to debate President Trump in an open debate forum.....why would you vote for him?
Trump is leading the country to the gutter. Biden can only be better.
Trump is leading the country to the gutter. Biden can only be better.
Trump is leading the country to the gutter. Biden can only be better.
Yes he is. Did he replace obamacare and give us the best healthcare? He has drastically increased deficits, I believe you bitched about deficits for 8 years under obama. His tax cuts didn't deliver the promised 4-6% growth and sure didn't pay for themselves. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. Tariffs actually hurt our manufacturing.... the failures are many.
Trump is leading the country to the gutter. Biden can only be better.
Yes he is. Did he replace obamacare and give us the best healthcare? He has drastically increased deficits, I believe you bitched about deficits for 8 years under obama. His tax cuts didn't deliver the promised 4-6% growth and sure didn't pay for themselves. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. Tariffs actually hurt our manufacturing.... the failures are many.
yeah... go ahead and name me a President that kept his campaign promises...

You gotta quit listening to Tucker Carlson. Biden's campaign has already committed to 3 debates with Trump. The real question is, will Trump show up to the debates?

Joe Biden’s campaign on Monday committed to three scheduled debates with President Trump in September and October and criticized the president for taking varied positions on whether he would participate in debates and how many.

The campaign’s letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates, obtained by The Washington Post and written by Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon, stated that Biden would participate in the debates already planned by the commission, which would be on Sept. 29, Oct. 15 and Oct. 22. Biden’s yet-to-be-named running mate would participate in an Oct. 7 vice presidential debate.

Sorry for blowing up your thread.

Again....they keep talking about why he shouldn't debate Trump......I know you guys believe what the democrats tell you....but you should really actually use your brains.
Who are they?

Carlson, Hannity, and Ingraham?

You might consider using your brain. trump is about to walk into a blast furnace when he debates Biden. Calling Biden names is not going to help him win debates on policy. And I can't wait until trump starts trying to brag about the economy. You guys have lied to yourselves about Biden. It's going to be a painful lesson for you.

& this time around, donny hasta defend his record & policies....
Yep and there is nothing to defend. Joe Biden would have won the presidency 4 years ago had he run. But you can't blame a man for taking a time out after burying his son. Biden is more qualified and more skilled than Hillary Clinton. trump is going to get served.

Except for the fact that Biden himself said Hillary is more qualified.
Of course there are going to be debates. Choosing not to debate would guarantee a loss for that candidate.

Now, once they're on stage, Trump is going to be far more poised than Biden. Does Trump say stupid things sometimes? Sure he does. But at least you can understand him. Biden comes across as a doddering old fool. He mumbles and slurs his words and, let's face it, there's no shortage of evidence out there which shows how badly he loses focus.

Between Trump and Biden, the choice for the world stage is clear. We cannot afford to have someone out there, representing us, who can't even properly quote a part of the Declaration of Independence which, back when I was a kid, we were taught (and I remember it to this day) in school:

The man is falling into a dementia wasteland, but his handlers can't afford to get him any treatment because it would end his campaign if that ever got out (and you know it would).

The debates will signal the end of Joe Biden's political career and will solidify a Trump presidency for another four years...

Biden is going to destroy trump. You have been fed a false narrative about Biden and it will be very painful for you as you watch your hero get decimated.
You gotta quit listening to Tucker Carlson. Biden's campaign has already committed to 3 debates with Trump. The real question is, will Trump show up to the debates?

Joe Biden’s campaign on Monday committed to three scheduled debates with President Trump in September and October and criticized the president for taking varied positions on whether he would participate in debates and how many.

The campaign’s letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates, obtained by The Washington Post and written by Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon, stated that Biden would participate in the debates already planned by the commission, which would be on Sept. 29, Oct. 15 and Oct. 22. Biden’s yet-to-be-named running mate would participate in an Oct. 7 vice presidential debate.

Sorry for blowing up your thread.

Again....they keep talking about why he shouldn't debate Trump......I know you guys believe what the democrats tell you....but you should really actually use your brains.
Who are they?

Carlson, Hannity, and Ingraham?

You might consider using your brain. trump is about to walk into a blast furnace when he debates Biden. Calling Biden names is not going to help him win debates on policy. And I can't wait until trump starts trying to brag about the economy. You guys have lied to yourselves about Biden. It's going to be a painful lesson for you.

& this time around, donny hasta defend his record & policies....
Yep and there is nothing to defend. Joe Biden would have won the presidency 4 years ago had he run. But you can't blame a man for taking a time out after burying his son. Biden is more qualified and more skilled than Hillary Clinton. trump is going to get served.

Except for the fact that Biden himself said Hillary is more qualified.
Biden said that to be nice during the 2016 campaign. Any comparison of resumes shows that Biden is more qualified than Clinton.
I believe there will be debates. If either candidate backs out (or makes an unreasonable demand as a condition to debate) and still gets elected, then their opponent must really suck in the eyes of the voters.
Biden is going to destroy trump. You have been fed a false narrative about Biden and it will be very painful for you as you watch your hero get decimated.

I'm certain you want it to be that way, but my opinion isn't based on anything but my own impressions of what I've seen from Biden. He's a slow moving train wreck. You don't wanna' watch it happen but you just can't look away.

Is it better to use simple language like Trump, and convey your point, or attempt use an educated vocabulary and fall all over yourself and coming across as though you're either drunk or slipping into a diabetic coma?

I would submit the former would be preferable.

And Trump is far from my hero. Idiot libs seem to think if you support someone that person is a "hero". Hardly the case at all. But, given Trump's last opponent, and now the current one, yeah, Trump gets the vote again...
You gotta quit listening to Tucker Carlson. Biden's campaign has already committed to 3 debates with Trump. The real question is, will Trump show up to the debates?

Joe Biden’s campaign on Monday committed to three scheduled debates with President Trump in September and October and criticized the president for taking varied positions on whether he would participate in debates and how many.

The campaign’s letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates, obtained by The Washington Post and written by Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon, stated that Biden would participate in the debates already planned by the commission, which would be on Sept. 29, Oct. 15 and Oct. 22. Biden’s yet-to-be-named running mate would participate in an Oct. 7 vice presidential debate.

Sorry for blowing up your thread.

Again....they keep talking about why he shouldn't debate Trump......I know you guys believe what the democrats tell you....but you should really actually use your brains.
Who are they?

Carlson, Hannity, and Ingraham?

You might consider using your brain. trump is about to walk into a blast furnace when he debates Biden. Calling Biden names is not going to help him win debates on policy. And I can't wait until trump starts trying to brag about the economy. You guys have lied to yourselves about Biden. It's going to be a painful lesson for you.

& this time around, donny hasta defend his record & policies....
Yep and there is nothing to defend. Joe Biden would have won the presidency 4 years ago had he run. But you can't blame a man for taking a time out after burying his son. Biden is more qualified and more skilled than Hillary Clinton. trump is going to get served.

Except for the fact that Biden himself said Hillary is more qualified.
Biden said that to be nice during the 2016 campaign. Any comparison of resumes shows that Biden is more qualified than Clinton.

And yet the boy king, Barack Obama, would disagree with you...
You gotta quit listening to Tucker Carlson. Biden's campaign has already committed to 3 debates with Trump. The real question is, will Trump show up to the debates?

Joe Biden’s campaign on Monday committed to three scheduled debates with President Trump in September and October and criticized the president for taking varied positions on whether he would participate in debates and how many.

The campaign’s letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates, obtained by The Washington Post and written by Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon, stated that Biden would participate in the debates already planned by the commission, which would be on Sept. 29, Oct. 15 and Oct. 22. Biden’s yet-to-be-named running mate would participate in an Oct. 7 vice presidential debate.

Sorry for blowing up your thread.
you are an idiot ? do you honestly believe that Trump is afraid of a debate ? after what your communist allies have thrown at him for the past 4 yrs you treasonous sack of dog shit.

Dunno if he's afraid or not, but I do know that he's not well prepared to debate him, nor do I think he has much interest in doing so. Treasonous? Might wanna slow down on the demagoguery there dude, I served this country in the U.S. Navy for over 20 years, and in 4 different war zones. What have YOU done for this country?
im an army grunt ! and in know you served... and the fact that a veteran will vote for a party that has shifted full blown socialist enrages me ! tell me mr commie patriot what has Trump done that makes you think he's worse for America than Biden ? is it energy independence ? is it the strengthening of our military ? is it his pulling troops out of places weve been in to long ? is it the destruction of the ISIS caliphate punk ? is it his support of police ? is it the first step act to help felons that have served their time get a job ? is it the opportunity zones set up to help minorities in the inner cities ? is it the permanent funding of black colleges to help minorities get an education so that they can pull themselves out of poverty ? is it the repeal of the disastrous nafta that cost millions of jobs? is it the implementation of better fairer trade agreements for American workers like the mca ? is it making nato spend more money to stand against Russia ? is it the arming of Ukraine with weapons to defend against Russia instead of the blankets that Obama sent ? is it the booming economy that had record low unemployment for all Americans white,black,Asian and Hispanic before the virus unleashed by a country that has a political ideology that coincides more with the party that supports Biden ? tell us oh great one what has Trump done to earn your derision ? is it holding china accountable and demanding the cease of intellectual theft and unfair trade practices ? is it the killing of Soleimani a man directly responsible for the maiming and death of thousands of American soldiers ? is it the recognition that Iran is an evil enemy terrorist state that should be sanctioned instead of rewarded ? is it the push for a strong and secure border ? so tell us oh great one !

you voted for a 'man' who was deferred due to a bullshit 'bone spur' & not only claimed that 'STDs were his personal vietnam' - but actually took the purple heart that a misguided wounded warrior gave him; saying he 'always wanted a purple heart'

how much you wanna bet it was thrown in a drawer, never to see the light of day again?
what does that have to do with anything ? and tell us what biden [who didnt go to Nam either] did that helped American workers and minorities in his 50 yr political career !
You gotta quit listening to Tucker Carlson. Biden's campaign has already committed to 3 debates with Trump. The real question is, will Trump show up to the debates?

Joe Biden’s campaign on Monday committed to three scheduled debates with President Trump in September and October and criticized the president for taking varied positions on whether he would participate in debates and how many.

The campaign’s letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates, obtained by The Washington Post and written by Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon, stated that Biden would participate in the debates already planned by the commission, which would be on Sept. 29, Oct. 15 and Oct. 22. Biden’s yet-to-be-named running mate would participate in an Oct. 7 vice presidential debate.

Sorry for blowing up your thread.
you are an idiot ? do you honestly believe that Trump is afraid of a debate ? after what your communist allies have thrown at him for the past 4 yrs you treasonous sack of dog shit.

Dunno if he's afraid or not, but I do know that he's not well prepared to debate him, nor do I think he has much interest in doing so. Treasonous? Might wanna slow down on the demagoguery there dude, I served this country in the U.S. Navy for over 20 years, and in 4 different war zones. What have YOU done for this country?
im an army grunt ! and in know you served... and the fact that a veteran will vote for a party that has shifted full blown socialist enrages me ! tell me mr commie patriot what has Trump done that makes you think he's worse for America than Biden ? is it energy independence ? is it the strengthening of our military ? is it his pulling troops out of places weve been in to long ? is it the destruction of the ISIS caliphate punk ? is it his support of police ? is it the first step act to help felons that have served their time get a job ? is it the opportunity zones set up to help minorities in the inner cities ? is it the permanent funding of black colleges to help minorities get an education so that they can pull themselves out of poverty ? is it the repeal of the disastrous nafta that cost millions of jobs? is it the implementation of better fairer trade agreements for American workers like the mca ? is it making nato spend more money to stand against Russia ? is it the arming of Ukraine with weapons to defend against Russia instead of the blankets that Obama sent ? is it the booming economy that had record low unemployment for all Americans white,black,Asian and Hispanic before the virus unleashed by a country that has a political ideology that coincides more with the party that supports Biden ? tell us oh great one what has Trump done to earn your derision ? is it holding china accountable and demanding the cease of intellectual theft and unfair trade practices ? is it the killing of Soleimani a man directly responsible for the maiming and death of thousands of American soldiers ? is it the recognition that Iran is an evil enemy terrorist state that should be sanctioned instead of rewarded ? is it the push for a strong and secure border ? so tell us oh great one !

you voted for a 'man' who was deferred due to a bullshit 'bone spur' & not only claimed that 'STDs were his personal vietnam' - but actually took the purple heart that a misguided wounded warrior gave him; saying he 'always wanted a purple heart'

how much you wanna bet it was thrown in a drawer, never to see the light of day again?
what does that have to do with anything ? and tell us what biden [who didnt go to Nam either] did that helped American workers and minorities in his 50 yr political career !

Biden didn't serve in the military because he was disqualified due to him having asthma. And yeah, that is a huge disqualifier for military service. I spent over 2 years working in recruiting, and the only way you could enter the service with asthma was to have it be a childhood thing, and you had to be asthma free for over 3 years before enlisting.
You gotta quit listening to Tucker Carlson. Biden's campaign has already committed to 3 debates with Trump. The real question is, will Trump show up to the debates?

Joe Biden’s campaign on Monday committed to three scheduled debates with President Trump in September and October and criticized the president for taking varied positions on whether he would participate in debates and how many.

The campaign’s letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates, obtained by The Washington Post and written by Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon, stated that Biden would participate in the debates already planned by the commission, which would be on Sept. 29, Oct. 15 and Oct. 22. Biden’s yet-to-be-named running mate would participate in an Oct. 7 vice presidential debate.

Sorry for blowing up your thread.
you are an idiot ? do you honestly believe that Trump is afraid of a debate ? after what your communist allies have thrown at him for the past 4 yrs you treasonous sack of dog shit.

Dunno if he's afraid or not, but I do know that he's not well prepared to debate him, nor do I think he has much interest in doing so. Treasonous? Might wanna slow down on the demagoguery there dude, I served this country in the U.S. Navy for over 20 years, and in 4 different war zones. What have YOU done for this country?
im an army grunt ! and in know you served... and the fact that a veteran will vote for a party that has shifted full blown socialist enrages me ! tell me mr commie patriot what has Trump done that makes you think he's worse for America than Biden ? is it energy independence ? is it the strengthening of our military ? is it his pulling troops out of places weve been in to long ? is it the destruction of the ISIS caliphate punk ? is it his support of police ? is it the first step act to help felons that have served their time get a job ? is it the opportunity zones set up to help minorities in the inner cities ? is it the permanent funding of black colleges to help minorities get an education so that they can pull themselves out of poverty ? is it the repeal of the disastrous nafta that cost millions of jobs? is it the implementation of better fairer trade agreements for American workers like the mca ? is it making nato spend more money to stand against Russia ? is it the arming of Ukraine with weapons to defend against Russia instead of the blankets that Obama sent ? is it the booming economy that had record low unemployment for all Americans white,black,Asian and Hispanic before the virus unleashed by a country that has a political ideology that coincides more with the party that supports Biden ? tell us oh great one what has Trump done to earn your derision ? is it holding china accountable and demanding the cease of intellectual theft and unfair trade practices ? is it the killing of Soleimani a man directly responsible for the maiming and death of thousands of American soldiers ? is it the recognition that Iran is an evil enemy terrorist state that should be sanctioned instead of rewarded ? is it the push for a strong and secure border ? so tell us oh great one !

you voted for a 'man' who was deferred due to a bullshit 'bone spur' & not only claimed that 'STDs were his personal vietnam' - but actually took the purple heart that a misguided wounded warrior gave him; saying he 'always wanted a purple heart'

how much you wanna bet it was thrown in a drawer, never to see the light of day again?
what does that have to do with anything ? and tell us what biden [who didnt go to Nam either] did that helped American workers and minorities in his 50 yr political career !

Biden didn't serve in the military because he was disqualified due to him having asthma. And yeah, that is a huge disqualifier for military service. I spent over 2 years working in recruiting, and the only way you could enter the service with asthma was to have it be a childhood thing, and you had to be asthma free for over 3 years before enlisting.
tell us what the democratic socialist parties nominee aka Beijing Biden has done in the past 50 yrs that makes you want to vote for him commie ....
You gotta quit listening to Tucker Carlson. Biden's campaign has already committed to 3 debates with Trump. The real question is, will Trump show up to the debates?

Joe Biden’s campaign on Monday committed to three scheduled debates with President Trump in September and October and criticized the president for taking varied positions on whether he would participate in debates and how many.

The campaign’s letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates, obtained by The Washington Post and written by Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon, stated that Biden would participate in the debates already planned by the commission, which would be on Sept. 29, Oct. 15 and Oct. 22. Biden’s yet-to-be-named running mate would participate in an Oct. 7 vice presidential debate.

Sorry for blowing up your thread.
you are an idiot ? do you honestly believe that Trump is afraid of a debate ? after what your communist allies have thrown at him for the past 4 yrs you treasonous sack of dog shit.

Dunno if he's afraid or not, but I do know that he's not well prepared to debate him, nor do I think he has much interest in doing so. Treasonous? Might wanna slow down on the demagoguery there dude, I served this country in the U.S. Navy for over 20 years, and in 4 different war zones. What have YOU done for this country?
im an army grunt ! and in know you served... and the fact that a veteran will vote for a party that has shifted full blown socialist enrages me ! tell me mr commie patriot what has Trump done that makes you think he's worse for America than Biden ? is it energy independence ? is it the strengthening of our military ? is it his pulling troops out of places weve been in to long ? is it the destruction of the ISIS caliphate punk ? is it his support of police ? is it the first step act to help felons that have served their time get a job ? is it the opportunity zones set up to help minorities in the inner cities ? is it the permanent funding of black colleges to help minorities get an education so that they can pull themselves out of poverty ? is it the repeal of the disastrous nafta that cost millions of jobs? is it the implementation of better fairer trade agreements for American workers like the mca ? is it making nato spend more money to stand against Russia ? is it the arming of Ukraine with weapons to defend against Russia instead of the blankets that Obama sent ? is it the booming economy that had record low unemployment for all Americans white,black,Asian and Hispanic before the virus unleashed by a country that has a political ideology that coincides more with the party that supports Biden ? tell us oh great one what has Trump done to earn your derision ? is it holding china accountable and demanding the cease of intellectual theft and unfair trade practices ? is it the killing of Soleimani a man directly responsible for the maiming and death of thousands of American soldiers ? is it the recognition that Iran is an evil enemy terrorist state that should be sanctioned instead of rewarded ? is it the push for a strong and secure border ? so tell us oh great one !

you voted for a 'man' who was deferred due to a bullshit 'bone spur' & not only claimed that 'STDs were his personal vietnam' - but actually took the purple heart that a misguided wounded warrior gave him; saying he 'always wanted a purple heart'

how much you wanna bet it was thrown in a drawer, never to see the light of day again?
what does that have to do with anything ? and tell us what biden [who didnt go to Nam either] did that helped American workers and minorities in his 50 yr political career !

Biden didn't serve in the military because he was disqualified due to him having asthma. And yeah, that is a huge disqualifier for military service. I spent over 2 years working in recruiting, and the only way you could enter the service with asthma was to have it be a childhood thing, and you had to be asthma free for over 3 years before enlisting.
tell us what the democratic socialist parties nominee aka Beijing Biden has done in the past 50 yrs that makes you want to vote for him commie ....

Didn't say anything about voting or not voting for him. I simply told you that he was disqualified from military service because he had asthma.

Did you know that out of all the 18 to 35 year old people in this country, only 30 percent are qualified to serve in the military?

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