A Reality Check on Race and IQ

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
Why do the country and world look the they do? "Racism"?
I don't think so.
People accuse anyone who acknowledges the obvious as Racist, White Supremacist, etc, but 'Whites' are NOT at the top of the IQ pyramid.
We see alot of Political opinion/PC in this respect, but the country/world only makes sense in light of IQ differences between the races.

This is also an excellent Primer on how IQ tests [do] work and what they measure.

IQ expert Linda Gottfredson (professor emeritus of educational psychology, University of Delaware and co-director of the Delaware-Johns Hopkins Project for the Study of Intelligence and Society) is interviewed/converses with up-tempo Stefan Molyneux.

Racism is the outward manifestation of the evolutionary imperative to be hostile toward the unknown. Various attempts have been made over the last century to attempt to find a scientific link between DNA and social success and all have failed miserably.

Phrenology, typology, eugenics, and other theories have all been put forward to link social evolution and intelligence with race and all have been responsible for untold human suffering.

There is a link between DNA and intelligence, but it has been demonstrated that it is quite separate from the genetic coding that creates the outward characteristics of race. Superior intelligence and inferior intelligence are represented in every race which could not be the case if there were a genetic connection between race and intelligence.

Intelligence testing used widely in research depends heavily on familiarly with the social constructs. IQ testing isn't, as is widely believed, an accurate indication of cognitive ability. A gorilla with sufficient social indoctrination can score as high as 95 on a standard IQ test, putting him on par with an average human.

Most research points to socio-economic factors, not racial ones, as the best indicators of potential intelligence and social success.
1. I'm not watching some 2 hour long youtube video posted by an anonymous message board posters. :)

2. I don't consider IQ an accurate measurement of intelligence. To begin with, how is intelligence even being defined in an IQ test? If a person can score differently on any given IQ test depending on their mood, their physical state, or other factors, does that mean that intelligence is a constantly-changing characteristic, or that the measurement in an IQ test is flawed? Is that discussed in the video at all?

3. Even if it is assumed that IQ is an accurate measurement, and different races have different average IQs, do you think the intelligence measured by IQ is the only, or the main, difference in different nations/civilizations? For that matter, do all nations that are majority one race act the same as other countries with the same majority race?
Racism is the outward manifestation of the evolutionary imperative to be hostile toward the unknown. Various attempts have been made over the last century to attempt to find a scientific link between DNA and social success and all have failed miserably.
The abuse of information in the past or present doesn't preclude differences in human races.
This is just a smear not going to the truth of the matter.

fncceo said:
Phrenology, typology, eugenics, and other theories have all been put forward to link social evolution and intelligence with race and all have been responsible for untold human suffering.
Again, We're going for the truth of the matter, not the abuse of it.

fncceo said:
There is a link between DNA and intelligence, but it has been demonstrated that it is quite separate from the genetic coding that creates the outward characteristics of race. Superior intelligence and inferior intelligence are represented in every race which could not be the case if there were a genetic connection between race and intelligence.
One of the few genes so far linked to intelligence is head size/cranial volume.
Craniometry has not been discredited (unlike phrenology).

And guess what, NE Asians, despite the smaller overall body size, have the largest cranial volume.

fncceo said:
Intelligence testing used widely in research depends heavily on familiarly with the social constructs. IQ testing isn't, as is widely believed, an accurate indication of cognitive ability. A gorilla with sufficient social indoctrination can score as high as 95 on a standard IQ test, putting him on par with an average human.
All False, and completely Ridiculous/Outrageous BS
IQ is the best single measurement of school, job, and life success.

Many IQ tests are just visual.
IQ rearchers are not Nazis and really care about the accuracy of results.. and therefore take measures to screen out socio-economic and other bias factors.
No, sub-Saharans are not asked who the Governor of Rhode Island is.

fncceo said:
Most research points to socio-economic factors, not racial ones, as the best indicators of potential intelligence and social success.
No it doesn't.
Like the rest of your post, this is a 100% BaseLess claim.

Why did Japan (106), a resourceless seismic Rock, Rise to high civilization, then lost half it's male population during WWII, and Japanese Americans Interned and lost everything, Infinitely more successful than resource-rich ie, Congo.

Sub-Sahara is an Ungovernable rabble.. as only their IQs (70) would predict.
(Hybrid) American 'Blacks' (85) also have huge problems.

Pre-colonially, when Marco Polo came upon China (106), he found Silk, Ceramics, Gunpowder, a Civil Service system, Astronomical records..
While sub-Saharans lived in 1900 largely the way they did 50,000 years ago..
Hunter-Gatherers in Huts.
No wheel, no written language before contact.

You have socio-economic and IQ backwards.
It's IQ that created the socio-economic success.

Montrovant's immediately above post is full of nonsense, False claims, and baseLess opinion.
No facts.
If you can't handle 2 hours I don't blame you.
Just watch 10 minutes.
Though it would be worth two hours to learn a truth of life/the planet rather than repeating PC apologetics/falsehoods for the rest of yours.
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People who dispute the value of IQ tests are generally people with mediocre IQ's. Sorry, but it's true. That's why so many teachers disdain them.

In response to the question, "What is intelligence?" Psychologists generally say, "Intelligence is what IQ tests measure."

Despite decades of debunking, the fact remains that people with high IQ's tend to do better in school, at work, and at life in general. The key words being "tend to."

Today's concern among egalitarians is that people with superior IQ's tend to marry one another, which statistically ensures that their offspring will be of similar intellect, and the Beat Goes On. This did not used to be the case. A brilliant man used to go off to college, then come back home and marry his High School Sweetheart (whose intelligence was not necessarily high). Now that brilliant man goes off to college, then grad school, and marries one of his "peers" either in school or in his profession. Both of them are of superior intelligence and their offspring will reflect that. But in addition to high intelligence, the offspring will benefit from being raised in an upper-middle class home, with all sorts of enhancements (tutors when needed, private schools, private coaches in sports, academic advocates, etc).

Unfortunately, the opposite phenomenon is also true, and "dummies" tend to marry "dummies," and their kids....well... are a predictable lot. Hence social mobility is reduced, generation to generation.

Bringing the discussion back home, the sad fact is that "we" can pour oceans of money into "inner city schools" forever, but with an average IQ among African Americans of 85 or so, those schools will never be exemplary (unless they are permitted to recruit among the minority community to select the most intelligent), or even average, except in extremely unusual cases.

Individual Blacks must be encouraged to strive to maximize their success through hard work, good decision-making, and by exploiting every available opportunity for advancement. The upper part of the African American "bell curve" is just as intelligent as, say, an average Asian, so great success may be possible.

P.S. Facts are not "racist." IQ does not necessarily correlate to one's value as a person, and everyone should be treated respectfully and with consideration.
P.S. Facts are not "racist." IQ does not necessarily correlate to one's value as a person, and everyone should be treated respectfully and with consideration.
Wonderful post
You're actually paralleling Bell Curve whether you know it or not.
(I have a signed copy of that excellent work)

Unfortunately the truth can be racist by it's current definition.
Saying one race, on average, is more intelligent than another IS Racist by def.

More broad terms like Superior and Inferior are needlessly polarizing and probably racist, as all Races have some 'Relative advantages' based on their separate geographic evolution/adaptation.

Funny, those on the left ('Liberal Creationists') say they believe in Evo, but demand it stopped 200,000 years ago... and only in humans/homo.
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"Intelligence is what IQ tests measure."

Despite decades of debunking, the fact remains that people with high IQ's tend to do better in school, at work, and at life in general. The key words being "tend to."

Both true ... the issue lies in what we choose to define as intelligence. Is intelligence, as is widely believed, a measure of acquired knowledge or is it total cognitive potential?

Standard IQ test are a very good measurement of acquired knowledge to date (which is why scores are adjusted for age). The fact that they are good predictors of academic and social success is mostly due to the fact they are measurements of past academic and social success. The fact that you can study for and improve your results on an IQ test is the best indicator that the tests rely almost solely on acquired knowledge.

They are in no way a good measurement intellectual capacity or potential. IQ test are probably the best evidence that intelligence as we define it remains just as much dependent on nurture as it is on nature.
One of the few genes so far linked to intelligence is head size/cranial volume.
Craniometry has not been discredited (unlike phrenology).

And guess what, NE Asians, despite the smaller overall body size, have the largest cranial volume.

If you're going to steal another person's work, you should at least cite it.

One of the few genes so far linked to intelligence is head size/cranial volume.
Craniometry has not been discredited (unlike phrenology).

And guess what, NE Asians, despite the smaller overall body size, have the largest cranial volume.
If you're going to steal another person's work, you should at least cite it.

This is the common knowledge result of many studies.
So G-D Ironic too

Your whole last post cited NOTHING, while it CLAIMED "studies".
Holy **** you got nerve
This is the Daily Clown who just said a Gorilla could score 95 on an IQ test.
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No, not socio-economic
In answer to several empty PC objectors

Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic

...Race differences show up by 3 years of age, even AFTER matching on maternal education and other variables," said Rushton.
"Therefore they CANNOT be due to poor education since this has not yet begun to exert an effect. That's why Jensen and I looked at the genetic hypothesis in detail. We examined 10 categories of evidence."

1. The Worldwide Pattern of IQ Scores. East Asians average higher on IQ tests than Whites, both in the U. S. and in Asia, even though IQ tests were developed for use in the Euro-American culture.
Around the world, the average IQ for East Asians centers around 106; for Whites, about 100; and for Blacks about 85 in the U.S. and 70 in sub-Saharan Africa.

4. Brain Size Differences. Studies using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) find a correlation of brain size with IQ of about 0.40. Larger brains contain more neurons and synapses and process information faster. Race differences in brain size are present at birth. By adulthood, East Asians average 1 cubic inch more cranial capacity than Whites who average 5 cubic inches more than Blacks.

5. Trans-Racial Adoption Studies. Race differences in IQ Remain following adoption by White middle class parents. East Asians grow to average higher IQs than Whites while Blacks score lower. The Minnesota Trans-Racial Adoption Study followed children to age 17 and found race differences were even greater than at age 7: White children, 106; Mixed-Race children, 99; and Black children, 89.

10. Do Culture-Only Theories Explain the Data? Culture-only theories do not explain the highly consistent pattern of race differences in IQ, especially the East Asian data. No interventions such as ending segregation, introducing school busing, or "Head Start" programs have reduced the gaps as culture-only theory would predict.

[...6 More at link...]
No, not socio-economic
In answer to several empty PC objectors

Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic

...Race differences show up by 3 years of age, even AFTER matching on maternal education and other variables," said Rushton.
"Therefore they CANNOT be due to poor education since this has not yet begun to exert an effect. That's why Jensen and I looked at the genetic hypothesis in detail. We examined 10 categories of evidence."

1. The Worldwide Pattern of IQ Scores. East Asians average higher on IQ tests than Whites, both in the U. S. and in Asia, even though IQ tests were developed for use in the Euro-American culture.
Around the world, the average IQ for East Asians centers around 106; for Whites, about 100; and for Blacks about 85 in the U.S. and 70 in sub-Saharan Africa.

4. Brain Size Differences. Studies using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) find a correlation of brain size with IQ of about 0.40. Larger brains contain more neurons and synapses and process information faster. Race differences in brain size are present at birth. By adulthood, East Asians average 1 cubic inch more cranial capacity than Whites who average 5 cubic inches more than Blacks.

5. Trans-Racial Adoption Studies. Race differences in IQ Remain following adoption by White middle class parents. East Asians grow to average higher IQs than Whites while Blacks score lower. The Minnesota Trans-Racial Adoption Study followed children to age 17 and found race differences were even greater than at age 7: White children, 106; Mixed-Race children, 99; and Black children, 89.

10. Do Culture-Only Theories Explain the Data? Culture-only theories do not explain the highly consistent pattern of race differences in IQ, especially the East Asian data. No interventions such as ending segregation, introducing school busing, or "Head Start" programs have reduced the gaps as culture-only theory would predict.

[...6 More at link...]

A peer-reviewed journal?
One of the few genes so far linked to intelligence is head size/cranial volume.
Craniometry has not been discredited (unlike phrenology).

And guess what, NE Asians, despite the smaller overall body size, have the largest cranial volume.

If you're going to steal another person's work, you should at least cite it.

That's NOT who I was citing you 26 IQ Moron.
How can you be SO STUPID as to assume it is, or that that is the only one?
you IDIOT!

Craniometry - Wikipedia

...Philippe Rushton, psychologist and author of the controversial work Race, Evolution and Behavior, reanalyzed Gould's retabulation in 1989, and argued that Samuel Morton, in his 1839 book Crania Americana, had shown a pattern of decreasing brain size proceeding from East Asians, Europeans, and Africans.

In his 1995 book Race, Evolution, and Behavior, he alleged an average endocranial volume of 1,364 cm for East Asians, 1,347 for white caucasians and 1,268 for black Africans.

Other similar claims were previously made by Ho et al (1980), who measured 1,261 brains at autopsy, and Beals et al. (1984), who measured approximately 20,000 skulls, finding the same East Asian → European → African pattern...

Stick to your 10 word quips/attempts at comedy.
You SUCK/are a non-entity as a serious poster.
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This is the Daily Clown who just said a Gorilla could score 95 on an IQ test.

Bonvillian, J. D. (1982). The Education of Koko by Francine Patterson and Eugene Linden (review). Sign Language Studies 34, 7-14. Gallaudet University Press. Retrieved July 23, 2018, from Project MUSE database.
This is the Daily Clown who just said a Gorilla could score 95 on an IQ test.

Bonvillian, J. D. (1982). The Education of Koko by Francine Patterson and Eugene Linden (review). Sign Language Studies 34, 7-14. Gallaudet University Press. Retrieved July 23, 2018, from Project MUSE database.

To add to this: http://www.koko.org/sites/default/files/root/pdfs/teok_book.pdf

IQ testing can be seen on page 99. "From September 1972, when we administered the Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale, through May 1977, when I administered form B of
the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, she has scored consistently in the 70 to 90 range on different IQ scales."
In other news , reknown kidney bone expert Dr Killdare annouces kidneys really don't have any bones.......

Taboo topic. Most scientist are afraid to research genetic differences between the races (divergent populations) because to do so is professional suicide. We are simply to believe that other than the superficial, all attributes from race to race are equal.
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