A Reminder About Harassment and Discussing Mod Actions on the Open Board

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Well this is rather open ended don't you think?
What exactly is harassment to a mod in a thread that other people don't also get??
Are you advocating special treatment?
It means letting some small offenses slide... why is that so hard to understand?... Moderators can't do that if people are constantly breaking the board rules... those rules are there to protect us all from being overly abused by other members.... like stalking and getting too personal... other rules are in place so the board can be moderated smoothly...
So read the rules and do your best to follow them...
I'm just pointing out how things can go south depending on the bias of some moderator,, at some site, and the particular beliefs of the poster in question...AT. SOME. SITE.
Perhaps a poster with a similar view to the moderators might be treated in a more favorable way than say someone with not so similar views. MIght be best just to apply the rule. period. This might be why we are in the fix we are in in this country right now.... letting small offenses slide until at some point letting the larger offenses slide for whatever reason.
I'm just pointing out how things can go south depending on the bias of some moderator,, at some site, and the particular beliefs of the poster in question...AT. SOME. SITE.
Perhaps a poster with a similar view to the moderators might be treated in a more favorable way than say someone with not so similar views. MIght be best just to apply the rule. period. This might be why we are in the fix we are in in this country right now.... letting small offenses slide until at some point letting the larger offenses slide for whatever reason.
I battled taz me pretty hard but he never pulled his weight on me.... Go to other boards and you will find overly aggressive moderators... I just don't want that to happen here...
Out of curiosity, isn’t that “rule” made up by you?
No. The no wishing death on a member has always been a rule here, AFAIK.

If I were to say “go play in traffic” or “eat shit and die” or simply “drop dead,” do the words make it any more likely that you will meet an untimely demise?
No, and those examples are expressions, not what I'm talking about.
Let’s say Putin was a posting member here. If I once again asked people to join me in praying for his immediate death, would that be a violation of any Board rule?
Yes, that would be a violation of the rule here, as I understand it.

If I posted to you "everyone on your whole block has fucked your wife" wouldn't that be a violation of the 'no family' rule? It definitely would. So how is wishing that your family would die not a worse violation than a comment about sex?
I battled taz me pretty hard but he never pulled his weight on me.... Go to other boards and you will find overly aggressive moderators... I just don't want that to happen here...

I see what you're saying. I was banned from a message board simply just because I was telling them what would happen if Biden became president... Guess who looks stupid now and it isn't me.
I see what you're saying. I was banned from a message board simply just because I was telling them what would happen if Biden became president... Guess who looks stupid now and it isn't me.

In fact my buddy Michael1985 was a mod on that message board. He was basically the only good thing about it so I'm glad that I was able to tell him about this place in time.
No. The no wishing death on a member has always been a rule here, AFAIK.

No, and those examples are expressions, not what I'm talking about.
Check. So an expression wouldn’t violate the alleged rule even if that rule existed.
Yes, that would be a violation of the rule here, as I understand it.
I wish Putin was a Board member just so I could prove that the rule against a meaningless “death wish” doesn’t exist.
If I posted to you "everyone on your whole block has fucked your wife" wouldn't that be a violation of the 'no family' rule? It definitely would. So how is wishing that your family would die not a worse violation than a comment about sex?
As to your last fake question, you’re mixed up. The alleged no death wish posting prohibition (which doesn’t exist) is not the same as the no family rule.

Wishing death upon a family member is a violation of the latter.

The actual rule (to the extent the rules even talk about such matters) is posted by cereal killer:

No direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member or members' family with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life.

The meaningless death WISH isn’t a threat. Period.
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Ahh, so when I've been told by a mod in a PM "I don't know which mod took that action" they were blatantly lying to me?

Thanks for that info, White 6
Unless they had not looked. If not involved, they may not have looked. But, every thread has the tab for Moderation Actions on that thread, visible to all Mods.
Whether they will tell you who did or not, is something else. If anyone does not admit, and take responsibility or credit for their work, leaving ones not involved to get blamed or have to deal with it, that would be truly LOW BUDGET.

If you have dealt with me, you probably saw that I signed and clicked the message to member button, and signed the note. If it something not having that option, you have most likely seen my Mod Notes on threads locked, with my smiling Off Duty Save Yourself shirt beside it. If making mod edits inside a member's post, not wishing to kill the whole post, but make it passable, they are also in Bold Red, I generally sign them White 6. I do not have to go the lengths I do, but I don't like to be blamed for somebody else's action, and have no problem taking responsibility for my own. I'm pretty much the same guy I was in Military or Civilian Supervision and Management.
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