A Reminder About Harassment and Discussing Mod Actions on the Open Board

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The RULES state issues with moderation should be taken up by PM with the mods. There is also mention that harassment will not be tolerated. This includes any form of harassment aimed at moderators.

The mods have been very lenient in the past with allowing some of you to question us about decisions we have made on the open board and also with the harassment we receive whether as replies in threads, having threads started about us, mocking us in threads we participate in as members, etc. We have answered questions some of you have had regarding why threads were moved, posts deleted, etc. We have taken time to explain why we do what we do and how we go about it. We have played "nice" while taking heat and threats from many of you on the open board and also in PMs. Those days are over!

Consider this announcement the ONLY warning to all members of this forum: Any and all violations of the rules mentioned above WILL NOT BE TOLERATED and WILL result in BANS! If ANY of you think you are above the rules, think again!

how about
being banned with no notification or reason provided.
having threads moved with no explanation
being banned from threads with no explanation.

How about you clean your own house first?
The RULES state issues with moderation should be taken up by PM with the mods. There is also mention that harassment will not be tolerated. This includes any form of harassment aimed at moderators.

The mods have been very lenient in the past with allowing some of you to question us about decisions we have made on the open board and also with the harassment we receive whether as replies in threads, having threads started about us, mocking us in threads we participate in as members, etc. We have answered questions some of you have had regarding why threads were moved, posts deleted, etc. We have taken time to explain why we do what we do and how we go about it. We have played "nice" while taking heat and threats from many of you on the open board and also in PMs. Those days are over!

Consider this announcement the ONLY warning to all members of this forum: Any and all violations of the rules mentioned above WILL NOT BE TOLERATED and WILL result in BANS! If ANY of you think you are above the rules, think again!
Can I just say one thing, if a mod does something to a post or a person etc.., can they at least say who did it to the person who did the post. It's not rocket science, and if the recipient wants to complain, clarify, or ask for further information, then they know who to ask.

To put it in the mod pool and ask a random mod for any idea.......
Ah well. I said that one thing was all I was gonna say about it and here I am still popping off about it.

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Can I just say one thing, if a mod does something to a post or a person etc.., can they at least say who did it to the person who did the post. It's not rocket science, and if the recipient wants to complain, clarify, or ask for further information, then they know who to ask.

To put it in the mod pool and ask a random mod for any idea.......
The forum software is supposed to send notifications to the member when any mod action is taken on their posts.
No "what ifs," RR. If you have a question or comment about any moderator action, the rule is to contact the mods and take it up privately in PM with them.

Simple enough. No further explanation needed.

Apparently Aye and other mods are taking questions in this thread though.

Same thing I ask when I look for the Dorittoes I just bought. Son says the same dang thing.

That's me every time I hear a siren outside.
I wish that were true... I remember when America was together... but I digress

Well I met true patriots on here like you that I sort of guess you could call friends just the online kind but yeah, as a country in general that is a very true statement.
follow the rules and the mods will RELAX some rules? How does that make sense. Rules are rules. DO the police relax speeding rules when people start obeying that rule?? Hell no. They lower the speedlimit!! LOLOL Relax the rules: What does that mean precisely.
It means letting some small offenses slide... why is that so hard to understand?... Moderators can't do that if people are constantly breaking the board rules... those rules are there to protect us all from being overly abused by other members.... like stalking and getting too personal... other rules are in place so the board can be moderated smoothly...
So read the rules and do your best to follow them...
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