A reminder about the $6 billion dollars for Iran


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Sadly, many posters rely on Don Trump Jr. for their news, which is as sad as Don Jr. is stupid.

Let me help you out.

Sadly, many posters rely on Don Trump Jr. for their news, which is as sad as Don Jr. is stupid.

Let me help you out.


This war is playing right into the hands of the Iranian Mullahs and now they have billions of dollars to use to capitalize on the Muslims being pissed off.

Ole Potatohead is an idiot to release the money. He always fucks things up, just like Gay Barry said he does.
This war is playing right into the hands of the Iranian Mullahs and now they have billions of dollars to use to capitalize on the Muslims being pissed off.

Ole Potatohead is an idiot to release the money. He always fucks things up, just like Gay Barry said he does.
This isn`t the place to bring your gay fantasies regarding Obama. Keep it to yourself, kiddo.
Sadly, many posters rely on Don Trump Jr. for their news, which is as sad as Don Jr. is stupid.

Let me help you out.

...and Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation

...and the vaxx is safe and effective

...and covid came from the wet market and NOT the Coronavirus Research Institute located immediately next door
This isn`t the place to bring your gay fantasies regarding Obama. Keep it to yourself, kiddo.
Even Queer Barry knew what a worthless jerkoff Potatohead was. Only you stupid Moon Bats seem to not know even though we Americans told you. You are confused about everything, aren't you?

The lying ass Potatohead administration is claiming that the funds to the Iranian Mullahs have not been released yet.

Given the fact Iran is a big public backer of Humas then why don't they freeze the funds now? How can they send military aid to Israel on one hand and give money to the backers of Humas on the other? Isn't that like the most idiotic thing you ever heard of in your life?

Seems like Potatohead and that asshole Kerry are hell bent in making sure Iran gets the billions. Think there are some kickbacks involved in this nefarious deal? Maybe seeing that Kerry's daughter is married to some big Iranian shithead?
Odd that neither Blinken nor Biden said that

Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Kristen Welker of NBC’s Meet the Press

SECRETARY BLINKEN: No, it’s important – it’s important to get these facts right, because here’s what’s going on. Again, not a single cent has been spent from that account. When any money is spent from that account, it can only be used for medical supplies, for food, for medicine – and those who are saying otherwise are either misinformed or misinforming, and it’s wrong either way.
Sadly, many posters rely on Don Trump Jr. for their news, which is as sad as Don Jr. is stupid.

Let me help you out.

I don't think anyone is making the claim that Iran went down to the bank pulled that specific 6 billion out and delivered it in cash to Hamas. Iran knows its getting that money so it can use money it would have normally put towards things this "new money" can be used for into it's favorite pet project which just so happens to be terrorism and specifically terrorism against Israel. Not sure why that's even controversial.
I don't think anyone is making the claim that Iran went down to the bank pulled that specific 6 billion out and delivered it in cash to Hamas. Iran knows its getting that money so it can use money it would have normally put towards things this "new money" can be used for into it's favorite pet project which just so happens to be terrorism and specifically terrorism against Israel. Not sure why that's even controversial.
What goes around comes around. Dems used that argument against RayGun when he supported Saddam with humanitarian aid during his war with Iran. A war that we provoked because of the Iranian theocratic revolution, btw. But now if they prove Iran had a hand in this desperate attack they will not see that money.
What goes around comes around. Dems used that argument against RayGun when he supported Saddam with humanitarian aid during his war with Iran. A war that we provoked because of the Iranian theocratic revolution, btw. But now if they prove Iran had a hand in this desperate attack they will not see that money.
What Reagan did in the 80's should have zero impact on what we are doing currently. That's some wayback whataboutism.

It's a surprise Iran is funding Hamas and Hezbollah? To whom? Are you making the argument that this admin placed a proviso in the agreement that if it's found that Iran was ever supporting terrorism in the future that the money was going to be cut off? I find it hard to believe Iran would agree to that as they are the largest state supporter of terrorism in the world today. Iran 100% supported Hamas in this attack and helped them plan it. Iran will also 100% get that 6 billion dollars.
What Reagan did in the 80's should have zero impact on what we are doing currently. That's some wayback whataboutism.
The conflict is over a hundred years old.

Here's an oldie but goodie.

Pretty prophetic for 1991.

"When Iranian revolutionaries entered the U.S. embassy in Tehran in 1979 and seized 52 Americans, President Jimmy Carter dismissed reminders of America’s long intervention in Iran as “ancient history.” Carter’s point was not merely that previous U.S. policy could not excuse the hostage taking. His adjective also implied that there was nothing of value to be learned from that history. In his view, dredging up old matters was more than unhelpful; it was also dangerous, presumably because it could only serve the interests of America’s adversaries. Thus, to raise historical issues was at least unpatriotic and maybe worse."

"As the United States finds itself in the aftermath of another crisis in the Middle East, it is worth the risk of opprobrium to ask why there should be hostility toward America in that region. Some insight can be gained by surveying official U.S. conduct in the Middle East since the end of World War II. Acknowledged herein is a fundamental, yet deplorably overlooked, distinction between understanding and excusing. The purpose of this survey is not to pardon acts of violence against innocent people but to understand the reasons that drive people to violent political acts.[2] The stubborn and often self‐serving notion that the historical record is irrelevant because political violence is inexcusable ensures that Americans will be caught in crises in the Middle East and elsewhere for many years to come."

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