A Reminder For America-Hating Prog Morons

Watch the liberals come up with some far-fetched notion that Obama should somehow get credit for the denuclearization of NK.

I rubbed salt in that wound yesterday, the libs can't even claim Obama deserves the credit on this one hence they are 100% sour puss on Trump's NK win.
Watch the liberals come up with some far-fetched notion that Obama should somehow get credit for the denuclearization of NK.

I rubbed salt in that wound yesterday, the libs can't even claim Obama deserves the credit on this one hence they are 100% sour puss on Trump's NK win.
And they ignore the FACT that obama was offered a chance to negotiate with Kim.
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How cute, cons want to make the case the mass murderer Kim Jong Bitchface can be trusted.

Children are so precious in their naivety. :laughing0301:
Ummmmmmmmmm yyyyyeah. So "China demanded" somehow translates to "Rump did it retroactively with his time machine". No doubt the same time machine O'bama used to create the 2008 economic dump so he would retroactively get elected.

Linear time is just a conundrum in Duh Bubble. SO inconvenient.

And without even looking it up I already know Dim Dong went to school in Switzerland, which I'm pretty sure requires leaving the borders of Norf Korea.

Oh, love the reference to "The Comedy Central" too. Nothing like a poster knowing wtf he's talking about. Reminds one of "the gay".

I'll try to clean up your blithering mess here. China was afraid another a-bomb test would blow the top off the mountain and send intense radiation into China......there's a piece of Russia involved too. Yet Kim never closed the site by dynamiting the tunnels into it before the then upcoming sit down with our President. I gave China their due about that in the OP.

Was Kim the Chairman when he went to school in Switzerland? No? Don't be embarrassed...we all know you're senile. Other than two recent train rides into China, Kim hasn't left the Hermit Kingdom since he took power before this week. Don't know what "the gay" thing is about and don't care to.

BTW, it should be noted that if the Chinese don't like what Kim is doing, his head will be on a swivel. He knows China can't stop Trump from killing him and he knows only Trump can stop China from killing him. He got himself into this mess and deserves whatever he gets for what he did to Otto.
Your commissars are leaving out a really important concession the President got from Un without even asking for it....at least not aloud. After the joint-statement was signed, Un told Trump he'd immediately dismantle his missile-engine works. So what? the America-Hating prog morons reply. Well, if KimChi has no missile engines, he can't build more missiles and if he can't build more missiles after he gives up the ones he has, we are safe. Well, he could sneak a nuke into Long Beach harbor aboard a Chinese vessel but who cares since Kali is becoming what, 3 countries now? So that's their problem to work out with Little Rocket Man. Gov.Moonbeam and the Un Zipperhead Dance Revue in Singapore....that could be a pay-per-view on the Comedy Central.

The America-hating prog morons have to secretly admit Trump also got the missile and nuke testing stopped, got Kim's testing site bulldozed (although the Chinese demanded he do that before he blew the top off the mountain), got some live hostages back and the remains of several thousand Korean War GI KIAs buried in-country. Remarkably, he got Un out of N.Korea...nobody has done that before and who knows what kind of coup may have been hatched in his absence? This is what happens when you send a world-renowned hardass negotiator instead of a bisexual muslim community organizer to deal with madmen.

He got bones. Nice thread. And your gif is a joke
Your commissars are leaving out a really important concession the President got from Un without even asking for it....at least not aloud. After the joint-statement was signed, Un told Trump he'd immediately dismantle his missile-engine works. So what? the America-Hating prog morons reply. Well, if KimChi has no missile engines, he can't build more missiles and if he can't build more missiles after he gives up the ones he has, we are safe. Well, he could sneak a nuke into Long Beach harbor aboard a Chinese vessel but who cares since Kali is becoming what, 3 countries now? So that's their problem to work out with Little Rocket Man. Gov.Moonbeam and the Un Zipperhead Dance Revue in Singapore....that could be a pay-per-view on the Comedy Central.

The America-hating prog morons have to secretly admit Trump also got the missile and nuke testing stopped, got Kim's testing site bulldozed (although the Chinese demanded he do that before he blew the top off the mountain), got some live hostages back and the remains of several thousand Korean War GI KIAs buried in-country. Remarkably, he got Un out of N.Korea...nobody has done that before and who knows what kind of coup may have been hatched in his absence? This is what happens when you send a world-renowned hardass negotiator instead of a bisexual muslim community organizer to deal with madmen.

He got bones. Nice thread. And your gif is a joke
Won what?
He wins in the courts with hundreds of appointed conservative judges and with his tax cuts...his job growth and his fight against other nations that look to take advantage of us and now he wins with an historic meeting that will lead to the end of the Korean conflict.....nothing but winning....

Can you remind me of Obama's successes? can't seem to recall any.....
I am not sure what is funnier, you believig something Trump said or your editing Trump's character to cut 150 pounds from his weight.

I'm sure he would do the same for you, Dave.

I mean, really now -- wouldn't it be nice if a poster were to list a weight for you that got you back under 200?
Watch the liberals come up with some far-fetched notion that Obama should somehow get credit for the denuclearization of NK.

I rubbed salt in that wound yesterday, the libs can't even claim Obama deserves the credit on this one hence they are 100% sour puss on Trump's NK win.
Credit for what? Don't tell me you fuckwads think Trump saying NK will denuclearize means anything other than jack shit.

Here is the way this works. Nk works on their nuclear weapons program. The US Presidents cuts a deal where they stop & we give them money.

Clinton, Bush, & Obama played that game with the understanding it was only temporary. When NK wanted more, they would break this agreement & start the process again.

You & your orange buddy are sofa king stupid you think this latest is different? Based on what. Wait, Don't tell me, Trump knew it in the first minute because, well, because that is what he does. Too freakin funny.
I am not sure what is funnier, you believig something Trump said or your editing Trump's character to cut 150 pounds from his weight.

I'm sure he would do the same for you, Dave.

I mean, really now -- wouldn't it be nice if a poster were to list a weight for you that got you back under 200?
Watch the liberals come up with some far-fetched notion that Obama should somehow get credit for the denuclearization of NK.

I rubbed salt in that wound yesterday, the libs can't even claim Obama deserves the credit on this one hence they are 100% sour puss on Trump's NK win.
Credit for what? Don't tell me you fuckwads think Trump saying NK will denuclearize means anything other than jack shit.

Here is the way this works. Nk works on their nuclear weapons program. The US Presidents cuts a deal where they stop & we give them money.

Clinton, Bush, & Obama played that game with the understanding it was only temporary. When NK wanted more, they would break this agreement & start the process again.

You & your orange buddy are sofa king stupid you think this latest is different? Based on what. Wait, Don't tell me, Trump knew it in the first minute because, well, because that is what he does. Too freakin funny.
You and CNN can ignore all of Trump's great wins but you will be awful lonely....the rest of us are getting it.....and the rest of us are getting on board the Trump train....
Watch the liberals come up with some far-fetched notion that Obama should somehow get credit for the denuclearization of NK.

Right....like the booming economy he handed off to Trump.
It was certainly 180 degree from what was left after Booosh.

Better, but not 180 degrees better. I wish Bush had been left with a good defense and intel structure like he left for Obama.
Won what?
He wins in the courts with hundreds of appointed conservative judges and with his tax cuts...his job growth and his fight against other nations that look to take advantage of us and now he wins with an historic meeting that will lead to the end of the Korean conflict.....nothing but winning....

Can you remind me of Obama's successes? can't seem to recall any.....
He borrowed 1.5 trillion & gave himself a huge tax cut. That is a win only if you are counting that is win to fill Trump's wallet.

Obama stopped the Bush recession & brought our economy back. The ACA, Dodd Frank, Women's right, Bin Laden, Ended Iraq War, set in motion plan to defeat ISIS, Put us on a path to slow global warming, Slashed our deficit. Strengthened our relationships with our allies. Bettered our environment, Deported more illegals than Bush, Worked on large tradecdeals that helped America maintaun globl leadership.,he slashed unemployment, etc etc etc

Trump, That fat asased moron has done nothing position, he has increased the deficit, Pissed off our allies, Made the government pay more for the ACA, jailed children, Gave the US Nszis, racist Bigots a voice, Put his own children in charge of important aspects of our government, traded US policy for personal gain, Lied every freakin day he has been office, golfed & visited his resorts far more than he promised (none), more associated charged with crimes than Nixon, etc etc etc
I am not sure what is funnier, you believig something Trump said or your editing Trump's character to cut 150 pounds from his weight.

I'm sure he would do the same for you, Dave.

I mean, really now -- wouldn't it be nice if a poster were to list a weight for you that got you back under 200?
Watch the liberals come up with some far-fetched notion that Obama should somehow get credit for the denuclearization of NK.

I rubbed salt in that wound yesterday, the libs can't even claim Obama deserves the credit on this one hence they are 100% sour puss on Trump's NK win.
Credit for what? Don't tell me you fuckwads think Trump saying NK will denuclearize means anything other than jack shit.

Here is the way this works. Nk works on their nuclear weapons program. The US Presidents cuts a deal where they stop & we give them money.

Clinton, Bush, & Obama played that game with the understanding it was only temporary. When NK wanted more, they would break this agreement & start the process again.

You & your orange buddy are sofa king stupid you think this latest is different? Based on what. Wait, Don't tell me, Trump knew it in the first minute because, well, because that is what he does. Too freakin funny.
You and CNN can ignore all of Trump's great wins but you will be awful lonely....the rest of us are getting it.....and the rest of us are getting on board the Trump train....

Which "win" do you think is best?

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