A Reminder For America-Hating Prog Morons

You realize it is no major concession for Kim to give up testing and bulldoze the site?

He HAS nukes.

He HAS missiles.

He doesn’t need to do any more testing.

At this point we are the only ones to have actually given anything. It is an unconventional approach. Maybe it will work.

He's never shown his missiles will travel as far as the continental US or explode if they did....An ICBM has to leave the atmosphere and re-enter and there's no proof his wouldn't be incinerated on reentry. So of course he'd need to do more testing...WE are in a constant state of testing for our ICBMs as defenses against them improve. You don't mention the other accomplishments Trump got at the summit...why is that? And we gave up what again? Maneuvers with the SKs we can restart at any time. Meanwhile the left pretends we can continue ignoring him instead of doing something about him. Your side wasn't concerned in the least when Obama appeared with Raul Castro who back in the 60's begged the Soviets to nuke us. Or Kerry sharing space with the Iranians who's IEDs murdered thousands of GIs in Iraq. Barry's foreign policy was not to have one; pretty much the same as his domestic policy.
I think Kim’s desire is only to join the nuke club and be taken seriously. He doesn’t need an extensive arsenal to do that or extensive testing.

What did Trump actually get at the summit? The same promises NK has made and broken before. The only difference is we gave him things he wanted. A summit, in the place of his choosing with the most important man in the world. Tremendous photo op, propaganda material, and a formal recognition of NK as an equal. Not to mention canceling military maneuvers.

That isn’t necessarily bad...it is unconventional but so are Kim and Trump. It might be what makes the difference. Or it might not.

Right now it’s just words,

Congratulations! You got through my OP and direct reply without a single fact penetrating your shield! You remind me of Juan Williams.....kicked to the curb by NPR for straying from the politburo dogma and goes crawling back. Now he's allowed to drop turds on every move Trump makes without regard for the positive outcome. After 8 years of Obama's lies, treachery, and treason in the ME, now you don't believe in "promises"...that's just bizarre.
Watch the liberals come up with some far-fetched notion that Obama should somehow get credit for the denuclearization of NK.
They are denuclearized?
You expect it to happen overnight? Get real.
You are giving premature credit then. Get real.
No, I'm not, because if they don't take steps to denuke, the deal is off and the war games resume. You gave Obama credit for preventing Iran from achieving nuclear capability when in fact he GUARANTEED they would have them. Don't lecture me.
Watch the liberals come up with some far-fetched notion that Obama should somehow get credit for the denuclearization of NK.

Right....like the booming economy he handed off to Trump.
It was certainly 180 degree from what was left after Booosh.

Better, but not 180 degrees better. I wish Bush had been left with a good defense and intel structure like he left for Obama.
Blame Clinton but Cheney deconstructed the military far more than Clinton.

Cheney gutted the Defense budget???? Do show validation and empirical data to support that.
Watch the liberals come up with some far-fetched notion that Obama should somehow get credit for the denuclearization of NK.

Right....like the booming economy he handed off to Trump.
It was certainly 180 degree from what was left after Booosh.

Better, but not 180 degrees better. I wish Bush had been left with a good defense and intel structure like he left for Obama.
Blame Clinton but Cheney deconstructed the military far more than Clinton.

Cheney gutted the Defense budget???? Do show validation and empirical data to support that.

When dick Cheney (the "d" is lower case because it is a descriptive & not a name) as Sec of Defense under George HW Bush cut a lot of military spending & the size of the military because of the supposed end to the cold war when the USSR broke up.

But all we hear from the dumbass Trumpettes is "OMG OMG OMG Clinton". Or OMG OMG Obama.

Since you can't use the internet: A Historical Perspective on Defense Budgets - Center for American Progress

Look at this chart: See how the Republicans lead the pack in defense spending cuts.

The graph below demonstrates that these previous presidents successfully oversaw reductions in defense spending during their terms. It contrasts those spending trends with the alarming defense budget growth experienced during the George W. Bush administration, as well as President Obama’s first few defense budgets.

Watch the liberals come up with some far-fetched notion that Obama should somehow get credit for the denuclearization of NK.
They are denuclearized?
You expect it to happen overnight? Get real.
You are giving premature credit then. Get real.
No, I'm not, because if they don't take steps to denuke, the deal is off and the war games resume. You gave Obama credit for preventing Iran from achieving nuclear capability when in fact he GUARANTEED they would have them. Don't lecture me.
How the fuck was it guaranteed that Iran would get a nuke?

Please,. I want one of you stupid ignorant assholes to tell me this.

Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
Nk has had a nuke since George W Bush. Has set used it yet? Was there a threat of using it?

NK only had to reach SK or Japan & all he needed was to put it on a ship & sail it near the US where prevailing winds would strike the US.

Along comes the Great Orange One who jacks up the rhetoric between himself & NK & push them closer to War through Trumps threats & ridiculous name calling.

Then Trump changes course, and praise UN.

Tensions ease.

Only a really stupid Trumpette would run screaming through the streets " OMG OMG Trump is a hero Trump!!! Trump!! Trump!!!.

You people are too stupid to get how Trump operates.

He creates a problem & then solves it by just shutting his mouth or trade the solution for something he wants

He is creating a disaster on the border with Mexico and will use it to force Congress to act & he will use wall funding as a requirement to sign any bill.

He tried it with DACA. He is all for DACA but onoy if he gets wall funding.

He will create a spending crisis by threatening to veto it if he does not get all funding.

In reality, Trump has done nothing to help this country.

Oh he does done lots of things that help Corporate America & himself. But everyone got fucked as he tossed them pittance without them realizing that someone has to pay that debt.

This NK was a ply to get Trump that Peace Prize fir bringing s back from the brink of war even though he is the one that put us there.

We can only hope that we can elect Americans in November because right now there are too many Trumpetres too afraid to stop the moron killing our country.
When dick Cheney (the "d" is lower case because it is a descriptive & not a name) as Sec of Defense under George HW Bush cut a lot of military spending & the size of the military because of the supposed end to the cold war when the USSR broke up.

It was you closet-commies screeching about military spending after Reagan collapsed the Soviet Union. You wanted every defense dollar you could get your greasy hands on and still do....you'd leave this country helpless in a minute if you could get away with it. Barry the Fairy's sequester left us without sufficient ammunition to operate in Afghanistan at one point....F-16s being cannibalized for parts to keep others flying.....no pay raises in years. Trump has fixed your wagon, asshole. You can bitch and scream until Hell freezes over but adults are back in charge and you leftist dirtbags can love it or leave it.

Liberals throwing shit against the wall.

Time for them to break out the old race card. Better known as white flag when they have lost.
Your commissars are leaving out a really important concession the President got from Un without even asking for it....at least not aloud. After the joint-statement was signed, Un told Trump he'd immediately dismantle his missile-engine works. So what? the America-Hating prog morons reply. Well, if KimChi has no missile engines, he can't build more missiles and if he can't build more missiles after he gives up the ones he has, we are safe. Well, he could sneak a nuke into Long Beach harbor aboard a Chinese vessel but who cares since Kali is becoming what, 3 countries now? So that's their problem to work out with Little Rocket Man. Gov.Moonbeam and the Un Zipperhead Dance Revue in Singapore....that could be a pay-per-view on the Comedy Central.

The America-hating prog morons have to secretly admit Trump also got the missile and nuke testing stopped, got Kim's testing site bulldozed (although the Chinese demanded he do that before he blew the top off the mountain), got some live hostages back and the remains of several thousand Korean War GI KIAs buried in-country. Remarkably, he got Un out of N.Korea...nobody has done that before and who knows what kind of coup may have been hatched in his absence? This is what happens when you send a world-renowned hardass negotiator instead of a bisexual muslim community organizer to deal with madmen.

If it is n ot the biggest moron around! Good to see you are still stupid Tom. Keep up the good worl!
Your commissars are leaving out a really important concession the President got from Un without even asking for it....at least not aloud. After the joint-statement was signed, Un told Trump he'd immediately dismantle his missile-engine works. So what? the America-Hating prog morons reply. Well, if KimChi has no missile engines, he can't build more missiles and if he can't build more missiles after he gives up the ones he has, we are safe. Well, he could sneak a nuke into Long Beach harbor aboard a Chinese vessel but who cares since Kali is becoming what, 3 countries now? So that's their problem to work out with Little Rocket Man. Gov.Moonbeam and the Un Zipperhead Dance Revue in Singapore....that could be a pay-per-view on the Comedy Central.

The America-hating prog morons have to secretly admit Trump also got the missile and nuke testing stopped, got Kim's testing site bulldozed (although the Chinese demanded he do that before he blew the top off the mountain), got some live hostages back and the remains of several thousand Korean War GI KIAs buried in-country. Remarkably, he got Un out of N.Korea...nobody has done that before and who knows what kind of coup may have been hatched in his absence? This is what happens when you send a world-renowned hardass negotiator instead of a bisexual muslim community organizer to deal with madmen.

If it is n ot the biggest moron around! Good to see you are still stupid Tom. Keep up the good worl!

The left don't know how to handle the success..

Have completely and utterly lost their shit.

Cry for us. Fucking cry!
Watch the liberals come up with some far-fetched notion that Obama should somehow get credit for the denuclearization of NK.

He starting negotiations on a worse deal than Iran... NK can still sponsor terrorism, sell slaves...
Watch the liberals come up with some far-fetched notion that Obama should somehow get credit for the denuclearization of NK.
They are denuclearized?
You expect it to happen overnight? Get real.
You are giving premature credit then. Get real.
No, I'm not, because if they don't take steps to denuke, the deal is off and the war games resume. You gave Obama credit for preventing Iran from achieving nuclear capability when in fact he GUARANTEED they would have them. Don't lecture me.
How the fuck was it guaranteed that Iran would get a nuke?

Please,. I want one of you stupid ignorant assholes to tell me this.

Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
Obama Gave Iran A Faster Route To A Nuke -- And Didn't Tell Us | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
The point of no return on Iran
What's Wrong with the Iran Nuclear Deal and What Can We Do Now?
Your commissars are leaving out a really important concession the President got from Un without even asking for it....at least not aloud. After the joint-statement was signed, Un told Trump he'd immediately dismantle his missile-engine works. So what? the America-Hating prog morons reply. Well, if KimChi has no missile engines, he can't build more missiles and if he can't build more missiles after he gives up the ones he has, we are safe. Well, he could sneak a nuke into Long Beach harbor aboard a Chinese vessel but who cares since Kali is becoming what, 3 countries now? So that's their problem to work out with Little Rocket Man. Gov.Moonbeam and the Un Zipperhead Dance Revue in Singapore....that could be a pay-per-view on the Comedy Central.

The America-hating prog morons have to secretly admit Trump also got the missile and nuke testing stopped, got Kim's testing site bulldozed (although the Chinese demanded he do that before he blew the top off the mountain), got some live hostages back and the remains of several thousand Korean War GI KIAs buried in-country. Remarkably, he got Un out of N.Korea...nobody has done that before and who knows what kind of coup may have been hatched in his absence? This is what happens when you send a world-renowned hardass negotiator instead of a bisexual muslim community organizer to deal with madmen.


I am not sure what is funnier, you believig something Trump said or your editing Trump's character to cut 150 pounds from his weight.

Watch the liberals come up with some far-fetched notion that Obama should somehow get credit for the denuclearization of NK.

Right....like the booming economy he handed off to Trump.
It was certainly 180 degree from what was left after Booosh.

Mental masturbation for the Trump sycophants, how darling.


History was made you crying little sissies.
History is made every day, that's why it's called history.
why does the left wish to change it every day?
The America-hating prog morons have to secretly admit Trump also got the missile and nuke testing stopped, got Kim's testing site bulldozed (although the Chinese demanded he do that before he blew the top off the mountain), got some live hostages back and the remains of several thousand Korean War GI KIAs buried in-country. Remarkably, he got Un out of N.Korea...nobody has done that before

Ummmmmmmmmm yyyyyeah. So "China demanded" somehow translates to "Rump did it retroactively with his time machine". No doubt the same time machine O'bama used to create the 2008 economic dump so he would retroactively get elected.

Linear time is just a conundrum in Duh Bubble. SO inconvenient.

And without even looking it up I already know Dim Dong went to school in Switzerland, which I'm pretty sure requires leaving the borders of Norf Korea.

Oh, love the reference to "The Comedy Central" too. Nothing like a poster knowing wtf he's talking about. Reminds one of "the gay".
Take solace in the fact that in truth the two of them represent the epitome and fucked up hair dews...
the vijay-jay cap was made off of Kim's though.
When dick Cheney (the "d" is lower case because it is a descriptive & not a name) as Sec of Defense under George HW Bush cut a lot of military spending & the size of the military because of the supposed end to the cold war when the USSR broke up.

It was you closet-commies screeching about military spending after Reagan collapsed the Soviet Union. You wanted every defense dollar you could get your greasy hands on and still do....you'd leave this country helpless in a minute if you could get away with it. Barry the Fairy's sequester left us without sufficient ammunition to operate in Afghanistan at one point....F-16s being cannibalized for parts to keep others flying.....no pay raises in years. Trump has fixed your wagon, asshole. You can bitch and scream until Hell freezes over but adults are back in charge and you leftist dirtbags can love it or leave it.

I get it. It was the evil Democratys under HW Bush dso why wasn't it the exil Republicans under Obama?

The Republicans have run Congress for all but a couple years since 1994.

The two leaders in cutting military spending since 1960 were Nixon & HW Bush.

I posted a fucking graph. Evidently you are too fucking stupid to know how to read it.

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