A Rep Proposal to the Admins


Jul 13, 2009
Oklahoma City, OK
I have a feeling I already know the answer to this and I know I'm going to catch crap from a number of specific individuals, but I have to ask anyway.

I ask that the admins consider turning rep back on for everyone. Why? Well, I'm part of the evil banking industry. Even though there are those who think we are under regulated, that isn't true. We have an alphabet soup of regulations. Google it sometime. Some of the regulations we have are Truth in Savings and Truth in Lending regs where the banks have to disclose all of the fine print to the consumer so they can make an informed decision.

On an interwebs bulletin board, the rep system is our way of making an informed decision as to the "reputation" of a given poster. If you are respected and add value to the board, you tend to build positive rep. If you are an asshat or troll who posts nothing put partisan BS and insults, you tend to get negative rep. The rep system serves a purpose within our community. One would hope that folks like to build positive rep and therefore would up their game a little in order to achieve it. For the most part, the majority of the folks who ask for it to be turned off is because they want to keep posting poorly without the stigma of multiple red stars on their posts.

Admins, please consider doing the members here a favor and let us all see each person's standing and their actual value to this board.

Thanks for you consideration!
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