A Request For Mueller To Appear Before Congressional Committee To 'Defend' His Team's...

It is apparently Judge Beryl Howell a leftwingnut appointed by the Kenyan. She looks like a jewish version of Crooked Hillary!

There is no evidence that she is a left wing nut. She served under Republican and Democrat administrations and was overwhelmingly confirmed. Garbage like you are the ones committing treason against this country.
The only irony is that the people who claim to care about the country put the needs of their glorious Fuerher ahead of the country. The only crook is you and your fellow Trump supporters and Trump himself. The fact is that the judge has worked for both Republican and Democrats. She is not crooked. You are.

You sick, delusional retard. Quick question. What high school did you attend, if any?
...Lack of Bias started by R-Brian Babin has begun circulating amongst the House for signatures to then be sent to the House Judiciary Committee.

All I can say, it is about d@mn time the Republicans called Mueller before the House Judiciary Committee to explain the make-up of his All-Star, DNC/Hillary-Donating group of Anti-Trump lawyers and Hillary Lawyers, explaining why he is incapable of seeing the obvious Conflicts of Interest within his team and that even he has in this case.

EXCLUSIVE: Congressman Circulates Letter To Ask For Mueller To Appear In Public Congressional Hearing

"Texas Republican Rep. Brian Babin is asking for congressmen to sign onto a letter requesting that special counsel Robert Mueller appear publicly in a congressional hearing, The Daily Caller has learned.

Mueller, who is investigating Russian election interference and possible ties between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign, has come under intense criticism from allies of President Donald Trump for hiring attorneys who have donated to Democratic candidates and for his personal relationship with former FBI Director James Comey. Trump himself has called Mueller’s employment of Democratic donors “ridiculous,” yet he maintains that he has no plans to dismiss the special counsel.

Babin’s letter, which was obtained by TheDC, was sent out to congressmen Thursday and asks for members to cosign a letter he plans to send to House Judiciary chairman Bob Goodlatte and Senate Judiciary chairman Chuck Grassley.

“Every nominee for United States Attorney must be confirmed by the Senate, a process that brings to the forefront any concerns regarding the nominee’s ability to hold their position in a decent and impartial manner. However, as Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III and his team of lawyers investigate our very own president, we as a nation wait in the dark with very little information about those given this great authority,” Babin wrote in the letter to his fellow representatives.

Babin writes in the letter that there are “serious concerns” about conflicts of interest with regard to members of Mueller’s counsel who donated “generously” to Democrats or even represented Clinton herself."

“In addition, this investigation has the potential to drag on for months, or even years, and cost millions in taxpayer dollars,” Babin added.

Babin’s goal is to have one or both of the judiciary committees “bring Mr. Mueller and his team out of the shadows” to answer questions about the “potential expenses incurred by Mr. Mueller, the scope of his investigation and the selection of his special council."

This is the biggest piece of garbage that I have seen. This idiot Congressman should be investigated for obstruction of justice. The politics I see is on the Republican side. They must really be worried. The fact is that Mueller went through a Justice Department investigation for potential conflicts of interest. DOJ guidelines do allow employees to contribute to political campaigns. The fact is that Mueller will be making the final decisions about any prosecutions. He has impeccable credentials.
According to your legal theories, a jury trial is an obstruction of justice. Anything that gets in the way of an immediate conviction is. Anyone who questions the conduct of the prosecutor is an enemy of the state, eh Komrade?

What sort of review was conducted? One person who had donated to the Democrat party wouldn't be a problem, but the fact is that 8 have contributed large amounts, and all of the rest of them are Democrats. Mewler obviously doesn't want any Republicans who might rat out his nefarious conduct.
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The tragic irony is that this witch hunt is a continuation of the Crooked Hillary/Obama collusion to attack our democracy and rig the election in Crooked Hillary's favor. I heard the judge who issued the warrant to raid Manafort's house was also a Crooked Hillary/Obama associate.

The only irony is that the people who claim to care about the country put the needs of their glorious Fuerher ahead of the country. The only crook is you and your fellow Trump supporters and Trump himself. The fact is that the judge has worked for both Republican and Democrats. She is not crooked. You are.
Meaningless. Federal judges have life-time tenures. Presidents don't get to fire all the judges belonging to the opposition party. You are truly a numskull.

It is apparently Judge Beryl Howell a leftwingnut appointed by the Kenyan. She looks like a jewish version of Crooked Hillary!

There is no evidence that she is a left wing nut. She served under Republican and Democrat administrations and was overwhelmingly confirmed. Garbage like you are the ones committing treason against this country.
Obama appointed her. That's all the evidence needed.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: This is so much fun!!!! For such a "nothing-burger" the trumpanzees are throwing everything they can as blocking a legit investigation..........you'd think that they'd be confident in their so-called president's innocence.
When you're conducting a witchhunt, it doesn't matter if the evidence is a big nothing burger. Don't you know what a witch hunt is?

Yep- a witch hunt is what the Trumpsters are conducting against Mueller.

The biggest witch hunt in the history of special investigations!

Oh I don't know...Nixon's people did the same thing.. They just didn't have Fox and Twitter.
Mueller should be called before the Judicial Committee and explain his own Conflict of Interest as well as those on his obviously stacked-deck team..

Oh I hope it happens!

Since the Trump snowflakes have created the Mueller 'conflict of interest' out of a nothingburger.

Matter of fact- the witch-hunt against Mueller- is the biggest witch-hunt against a special counsel in the history of the United States!

I believe you don't know the meaning of the term witch hunt. There is nothing to hunt here. All cards are on the table.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: This is so much fun!!!! For such a "nothing-burger" the trumpanzees are throwing everything they can as blocking a legit investigation..........you'd think that they'd be confident in their so-called president's innocence.

So let's say you don't get along with your neighbor across the street, you fight, you argue, you've tried to sue each other and called the cops on each other multiple times.

One night your neighbors house catches on fire while you were asleep. It was later ruled arson. So the DA charges you with the crime because your neighbor had no other enemies.

You know you did nothing wrong because you were asleep when the fire started, so you go to court in confidence. Then your lawyer learns that the jurors are either friends, coworkers or family members of your neighbor. Would you still have that confidence in you?
...Lack of Bias started by R-Brian Babin has begun circulating amongst the House for signatures to then be sent to the House Judiciary Committee.

All I can say, it is about d@mn time the Republicans called Mueller before the House Judiciary Committee to explain the make-up of his All-Star, DNC/Hillary-Donating group of Anti-Trump lawyers and Hillary Lawyers, explaining why he is incapable of seeing the obvious Conflicts of Interest within his team and that even he has in this case.

EXCLUSIVE: Congressman Circulates Letter To Ask For Mueller To Appear In Public Congressional Hearing

"Texas Republican Rep. Brian Babin is asking for congressmen to sign onto a letter requesting that special counsel Robert Mueller appear publicly in a congressional hearing, The Daily Caller has learned.

Mueller, who is investigating Russian election interference and possible ties between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign, has come under intense criticism from allies of President Donald Trump for hiring attorneys who have donated to Democratic candidates and for his personal relationship with former FBI Director James Comey. Trump himself has called Mueller’s employment of Democratic donors “ridiculous,” yet he maintains that he has no plans to dismiss the special counsel.

Babin’s letter, which was obtained by TheDC, was sent out to congressmen Thursday and asks for members to cosign a letter he plans to send to House Judiciary chairman Bob Goodlatte and Senate Judiciary chairman Chuck Grassley.

“Every nominee for United States Attorney must be confirmed by the Senate, a process that brings to the forefront any concerns regarding the nominee’s ability to hold their position in a decent and impartial manner. However, as Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III and his team of lawyers investigate our very own president, we as a nation wait in the dark with very little information about those given this great authority,” Babin wrote in the letter to his fellow representatives.

Babin writes in the letter that there are “serious concerns” about conflicts of interest with regard to members of Mueller’s counsel who donated “generously” to Democrats or even represented Clinton herself."

“In addition, this investigation has the potential to drag on for months, or even years, and cost millions in taxpayer dollars,” Babin added.

Babin’s goal is to have one or both of the judiciary committees “bring Mr. Mueller and his team out of the shadows” to answer questions about the “potential expenses incurred by Mr. Mueller, the scope of his investigation and the selection of his special council."

This is the biggest piece of garbage that I have seen. This idiot Congressman should be investigated for obstruction of justice. The politics I see is on the Republican side. They must really be worried. The fact is that Mueller went through a Justice Department investigation for potential conflicts of interest. DOJ guidelines do allow employees to contribute to political campaigns. The fact is that Mueller will be making the final decisions about any prosecutions. He has impeccable credentials.

Glad you fill that way, so for the upcoming special investigation off Hillery,Comey,Lynch. You will be fine with Sessions hiring all Trump lawyers, sounds fair to me. That way if democrats do somehow get Trump we still have Pence, then Republicans can get the real crooks

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: This is so much fun!!!! For such a "nothing-burger" the trumpanzees are throwing everything they can as blocking a legit investigation..........you'd think that they'd be confident in their so-called president's innocence.
When you're conducting a witchhunt, it doesn't matter if the evidence is a big nothing burger. Don't you know what a witch hunt is?

Yep- a witch hunt is what the Trumpsters are conducting against Mueller.

The biggest witch hunt in the history of special investigations!
Apparently you don't recall how James Carvil and the Democrat party demonized Ken Starr. Pointing out facts about Mewler's witch hunt is not a witch hunt. Asking him to answer questions about what he's doing is not a witch hunt. No one is threatening him with going to prison. On the other hand, he is threatening a lot of Trump's people with prison.
After The Manafort Raid using a Fake Warrant Herr Mueller used up the last bit of slack I was going to cut him!

Fuck That Nazi Gestapo Want To Be!
Since when does a Special Counsel get to Run The FBI?
...Lack of Bias started by R-Brian Babin has begun circulating amongst the House for signatures to then be sent to the House Judiciary Committee.

All I can say, it is about d@mn time the Republicans called Mueller before the House Judiciary Committee to explain the make-up of his All-Star, DNC/Hillary-Donating group of Anti-Trump lawyers and Hillary Lawyers, explaining why he is incapable of seeing the obvious Conflicts of Interest within his team and that even he has in this case.

EXCLUSIVE: Congressman Circulates Letter To Ask For Mueller To Appear In Public Congressional Hearing

"Texas Republican Rep. Brian Babin is asking for congressmen to sign onto a letter requesting that special counsel Robert Mueller appear publicly in a congressional hearing, The Daily Caller has learned.

Mueller, who is investigating Russian election interference and possible ties between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign, has come under intense criticism from allies of President Donald Trump for hiring attorneys who have donated to Democratic candidates and for his personal relationship with former FBI Director James Comey. Trump himself has called Mueller’s employment of Democratic donors “ridiculous,” yet he maintains that he has no plans to dismiss the special counsel.

Babin’s letter, which was obtained by TheDC, was sent out to congressmen Thursday and asks for members to cosign a letter he plans to send to House Judiciary chairman Bob Goodlatte and Senate Judiciary chairman Chuck Grassley.

“Every nominee for United States Attorney must be confirmed by the Senate, a process that brings to the forefront any concerns regarding the nominee’s ability to hold their position in a decent and impartial manner. However, as Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III and his team of lawyers investigate our very own president, we as a nation wait in the dark with very little information about those given this great authority,” Babin wrote in the letter to his fellow representatives.

Babin writes in the letter that there are “serious concerns” about conflicts of interest with regard to members of Mueller’s counsel who donated “generously” to Democrats or even represented Clinton herself."

“In addition, this investigation has the potential to drag on for months, or even years, and cost millions in taxpayer dollars,” Babin added.

Babin’s goal is to have one or both of the judiciary committees “bring Mr. Mueller and his team out of the shadows” to answer questions about the “potential expenses incurred by Mr. Mueller, the scope of his investigation and the selection of his special council."

This is the biggest piece of garbage that I have seen. This idiot Congressman should be investigated for obstruction of justice. The politics I see is on the Republican side. They must really be worried. The fact is that Mueller went through a Justice Department investigation for potential conflicts of interest. DOJ guidelines do allow employees to contribute to political campaigns. The fact is that Mueller will be making the final decisions about any prosecutions. He has impeccable credentials.
According to your legal theories, a jury trial is an obstruction of justice. Anything that gets in the way of an immediate conviction is. Anyone who questions the conduct of the prosecutor is an enemy of the state, eh Komrade?

What sort of review was conducted? One person who had donated to the Democrat party wouldn't be a problem, but the fact is that 8 have contributed large amounts, and all of the rest of them are Democrats. Mewler obviously doesn't want any Republicans who might rat out his nefarious conduct.

Maybe we should see if there is a jury trial first. You are putting the horse before the applecart. Mueller is the one who makes the final decisions. These lawyers have experience in certain areas such as following the money and the relationship between the Russian government and Russian companies.

The fact is that at least 4 of them work for the federal government. None of them are activists as their contributions have not been large.

Why don't you shut up and see what the results are before you flap your filthy mouth.
The tragic irony is that this witch hunt is a continuation of the Crooked Hillary/Obama collusion to attack our democracy and rig the election in Crooked Hillary's favor. I heard the judge who issued the warrant to raid Manafort's house was also a Crooked Hillary/Obama associate.

The only irony is that the people who claim to care about the country put the needs of their glorious Fuerher ahead of the country. The only crook is you and your fellow Trump supporters and Trump himself. The fact is that the judge has worked for both Republican and Democrats. She is not crooked. You are.
Meaningless. Federal judges have life-time tenures. Presidents don't get to fire all the judges belonging to the opposition party. You are truly a numskull.

You are the numbskull. Go back to daycare.

It is apparently Judge Beryl Howell a leftwingnut appointed by the Kenyan. She looks like a jewish version of Crooked Hillary!

There is no evidence that she is a left wing nut. She served under Republican and Democrat administrations and was overwhelmingly confirmed. Garbage like you are the ones committing treason against this country.
Obama appointed her. That's all the evidence needed.

That's a great benchmark. By your standard, we should not have a judge appointed by a Republican. That narrows the field of judges down.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: This is so much fun!!!! For such a "nothing-burger" the trumpanzees are throwing everything they can as blocking a legit investigation..........you'd think that they'd be confident in their so-called president's innocence.

Its called "oversight". Now you claimed to be a super LGBTQWXYZ123/21.2 C-130 pilot in all branches of the US armed forces, and you implied that you single highhandedly loaded all the plywood in a Seattle home depot on your airplane to save some esquimos (its why they call you pete). Did you not have oversight? My sister is a deputy DA in Big Arm Montana. She has to discuss her cases weekly with her boss. Why shouldn't Muller?
After The Manafort Raid using a Fake Warrant Herr Mueller used up the last bit of slack I was going to cut him!

Fuck That Nazi Gestapo Want To Be!
Since when does a Special Counsel get to Run The FBI?
Not such a nothing burger anymore huh?
It's still a nothing burger. Where's the "collusion" with the Russians? Do you remember the original claimed purpose of this investigation?

It is apparently Judge Beryl Howell a leftwingnut appointed by the Kenyan. She looks like a jewish version of Crooked Hillary!

There is no evidence that she is a left wing nut. She served under Republican and Democrat administrations and was overwhelmingly confirmed. Garbage like you are the ones committing treason against this country.
Obama appointed her. That's all the evidence needed.

That's a great benchmark. By your standard, we should not have a judge appointed by a Republican. That narrows the field of judges down.
Republicans aren't all lying criminals like Democrats are. The evidence that Obama did everything for political reasons is confirmed.

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