A Russian S-300 missile destroyed a church in Ukraine's south-eastern Zaporizhzhia region on Easter Sunday (April 16)

Are you such a newcomer you never read my posts criticizing Russia for bombing schools, womens' hospitals, people's apartments? Mentioning a disappointment in someone's alleged religious upbringing that became ignored and replaced by greed for power over a smaller country's resources is not a thumbs up to a murderous dictator like Putin.
B - So how does one conduct a war in a surgical way, and then win that war against a damned good opposition ? The film reel's from world war two were unrealistic, and million's parished including the soldier's.

PS. Shouldn't the place be evacuated during a hot war ? Why are these civilian's still in these places that are under heavy attack by offensive and defensive opponent's ? Yes it is that we think that certain things should be sacred and untouchable, but are they during a hot war ? Are you certain that Putin is ordering the strikes specifically on such target's or is this just battlefield strikes against any and everything that moves, otherwise rendering or giving no refuge to the opposing army ??

I saw in a video where a mall was attacked by Ukranian forces, and it was attacked because Intel told them that the Russians were occupying the mall to store and hide ammunition and equipment.

The best solution is for civilian's to vacate the war zones fast. They should have been gone. I know me and my family would have as civilian's. Can't take that chance, and we sure as hell don't want to be used as human shield's by any army.


Apartment Buildings.

Deliberately Targeting Civilians.

Banned under the Geneva Convention.

Pooty has done that and more.

Pooty is not now, nor has he ever been a so-called "Christian".

Pooty was a Lieutenant Colonel in the K.G.B. "The Sword and The Shield of U.S.S.R" He is a die Communist.

I find interesting that the so-called "Christian" who started this thread no problem with Pooty bombing Schools, Hospitals or Apartment Buildings...but Oh My Mother Fucking Non-Existent Sky Man...he bombed a FUCKING CHURCH!!!. Never the children killed when Pooty bombed Apartment Buildings, Hospitals or Schools......a fucking church.

Get fucking real.
Thanks for confirming it’s a modern western idea.

I knew grunts were dumb but damn.
I'm sanctimonious? You obviously do not know the good that Christian Churches bring to this world, but starving people are fed, the Red Cross gets checks from their members, who'd rather go hungry than allow small countries being invaded by power-seeking communist sociopaths, buster.

As for Putin's war crimes, 2 million Russians near the Kremlin are packing their bags. And guess whose southern border will be busted open again in the following weeks? If Biden isn't pitched out on his evil ass, that is. Sanctimonious doesn't cut the mustard in debate when pure greed is feeding Napoleon wannabes. Russia is in trouble of being taken over by the Ukraine, and that may be why 2 million Russians are panicking about what will go into their suitcases as they flee. They're fearing the Ukrainians will do to them what their soldiers did to the Ukraine at the start--bombing schools, museums, yes, churches that are the sanctuary to the poor, the starving, and the homeless.

I don't see it as long as Russia has it's nuclear arsenal in which they have been super good at not using in the situation.

Yes it is a situation that they have started, and with the loses it has since incurred, I'd say their patience has been exemplary when it comes to not using the nukes or a nuke, so instead they are just pounding it out in the old fashion way.

Not sure how long that will last though, otherwise unless the losses aren't as great as are being reported.

Nope, I'd say that the nukes are probably Russia's insurance policy, and as long as it's there to utilize, Ukraine is in trouble in the situation, so the pounding back and forth continues.
According to Twitterists, Russia does not use S300s for ground attacks.

It was the USA and another False Flag. Yes, the USA is on the ground in the Ukraine. This is no longer a PROXY WAR
Joe Biden has illegally taken the USA to war against Russia. Joe Biden has put US Troops on the ground.


The Constitution grants Congress the sole power to declare war.

No, Congress has not declared war, Biden did. Impeach him now.
It was the USA and another False Flag. Yes, the USA is on the ground in the Ukraine. This is no longer a PROXY WAR
Joe Biden has illegally taken the USA to war against Russia. Joe Biden has put US Troops on the ground.


The Constitution grants Congress the sole power to declare war.

No, Congress has not declared war, Biden did. Impeach him now.
If they are on the ground at all, it's supposedly suppose to be in a training role, and not an engagement role. With the western equipment they now have being brought into Ukraine, it is that it comes with support in the form of training.

Now if Russia catches or kills American's on the active battlefield, and it is learned that the group of individuals were engaging Russian's as American's that were engaging Russian's on behalf of Washington's orders, then we would definitely have a problem for sure in that scenario. Hopefully we won't have that happen in the theater.
I don't see it as long as Russia has it's nuclear arsenal in which they have been super good at not using in the situation.

Yes it is a situation that they have started, and with the loses it has since incurred, I'd say their patience has been exemplary when it comes to not using the nukes or a nuke, so instead they are just pounding it out in the old fashion way.

Not sure how long that will last though, otherwise unless the losses aren't as great as are being reported.

Nope, I'd say that the nukes are probably Russia's insurance policy, and as long as it's there to utilize, Ukraine is in trouble in the situation, so the pounding back and forth continues.
After touring the Hermitage, in 2006, I developed an understanding of the Russian people who ran the museum of fine arts were very practical stewards of protecting the universally excellent arts chosen and purchased by Catherine the Great in her travels throughout the European continent. I saw the museum's workers making sure no one was using flash cameras of any kind due to potential loss of color of precious and irreplaceable works of art therein. They were decent but demanding people to keep public hands off the works that could be lost with poor use of prevention. I saw fairness and decency there, too and a deep respect for the fine arts they allowed the world public to see and had a plan to take care of these amazing pieces of the past by world famous artists. These people wouldn't approve of the atrocities inflicted on the Ukrainian people, imho. And I believe the stories that filter back to the USA about the Russian people not liking abuse against Ukrainians going forth with malice against Russia after the nefarious stunts Stalin pulled on the Ukrainians in the 1930s.

I don't think the Russians care to employ nukes after all the suffering done on Ukraine who gave them a dose of their own medicine in this past week. It's a horrible situation, and they need cooler heads to restore a life-and-let-live spirit of the two neighbors. Good night everyone. Praying for those in Ft. Lauderdale whose lives were drowned in that awful flood they had a few days back, and hope all of you will too. Love, beautress
After touring the Hermitage, in 2006, I developed an understanding of the Russian people who ran the museum of fine arts were very practical stewards of protecting the universally excellent arts chosen and purchased by Catherine the Great in her travels throughout the European continent. I saw the museum's workers making sure no one was using flash cameras of any kind due to potential loss of color of precious and irreplaceable works of art therein. They were decent but demanding people to keep public hands off the works that could be lost with poor use of prevention. I saw fairness and decency there, too and a deep respect for the fine arts they allowed the world public to see and had a plan to take care of these amazing pieces of the past by world famous artists. These people wouldn't approve of the atrocities inflicted on the Ukrainian people, imho. And I believe the stories that filter back to the USA about the Russian people not liking abuse against Ukrainians going forth with malice against Russia after the nefarious stunts Stalin pulled on the Ukrainians in the 1930s.

I don't think the Russians care to employ nukes after all the suffering done on Ukraine who gave them a dose of their own medicine in this past week. It's a horrible situation, and they need cooler heads to restore a life-and-let-live spirit of the two neighbors. Good night everyone. Praying for those in Ft. Lauderdale whose lives were drowned in that awful flood they had a few days back, and hope all of you will too. Love, beautress
So...Putin invades Ukraine--a country that posed zero threat to Russia; you were cool with that?
After touring the Hermitage, in 2006, I developed an understanding of the Russian people who ran the museum of fine arts were very practical stewards of protecting the universally excellent arts chosen and purchased by Catherine the Great in her travels throughout the European continent. I saw the museum's workers making sure no one was using flash cameras of any kind due to potential loss of color of precious and irreplaceable works of art therein. They were decent but demanding people to keep public hands off the works that could be lost with poor use of prevention. I saw fairness and decency there, too and a deep respect for the fine arts they allowed the world public to see and had a plan to take care of these amazing pieces of the past by world famous artists. These people wouldn't approve of the atrocities inflicted on the Ukrainian people, imho. And I believe the stories that filter back to the USA about the Russian people not liking abuse against Ukrainians going forth with malice against Russia after the nefarious stunts Stalin pulled on the Ukrainians in the 1930s.

I don't think the Russians care to employ nukes after all the suffering done on Ukraine who gave them a dose of their own medicine in this past week. It's a horrible situation, and they need cooler heads to restore a life-and-let-live spirit of the two neighbors. Good night everyone. Praying for those in Ft. Lauderdale whose lives were drowned in that awful flood they had a few days back, and hope all of you will too. Love, beautress
The way I see it, they are all Soviet's from the former glory days of being united against Hitler. You are right I think, that the Russian people would not approve of Putin's war in Ukraine, because it's like Russian against Russian as far as ethnicity goes. Can't wrap my head around it all really. One things for sure, and that is that we might not be getting the total truth in it all. I mean look at who is supporting Ukraine as far as the media goes back here. It's every anti-American network that exist here now. That's very scary.
There being "off limit" targets is a modern western idea. Why would anyone think Russia would play by those rules? And the only reason it's an "idea" in the west is because of our ability to do so through our munitions and that the press would broadcast that we were doing it if it werent. Dont kid yourself into thinking that we wouldn't bomb a society into submission. We did it in the last World War without batting an eye.
We won't any more and that's one reason well lose a major war. We no longer have the will to win. What does this current generation of Americans have to offer the world anyway. There is nothing great about our people anymore.We are a corrupt, decayed shell without a soul.
If they are on the ground at all, it's supposedly suppose to be in a training role, and not an engagement role. With the western equipment they now have being brought into Ukraine, it is that it comes with support in the form of training.

Now if Russia catches or kills American's on the active battlefield, and it is learned that the group of individuals were engaging Russian's as American's that were engaging Russian's on behalf of Washington's orders, then we would definitely have a problem for sure in that scenario. Hopefully we won't have that happen in the theater.
I miss Trump more and more every day.
It's hard for me to believe this is happening. I thought President Putin was a member of an Orthodox Christian church when he was young. Maybe the rumors of his death were true...(?) If he ordered the Ukrainian church to be bombed, Russia has no longer any standing in traditional Europe.

S-300 is an anti-air missile. It cannot target ground targets.
So...Putin invades Ukraine--a country that posed zero threat to Russia; you were cool with that?
Don't twist my words. I'm not cool with that. I read a few international newspapers, and you may not have heard the people in St. Petersburg were not happy with Putin's little excursion into murdering hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, which doesn't quite reach Stalin's murder of millions of Russians in the Ukraine using the cover of alliance with the Allies who were zeroed in on Hitler, not Stalin. One of the very first men from America to find out Russia's dirty little secret of Stalin's murders was likely Commanding General of the European Allied forces, Dwight David Eisenhower, and from what I've read, he could barely stand to be in the same room as Stalin throughout WWII, due to this knowledge. He hated what Stalin did so much that when in 1952 he was elected President of the United States of America, he was not only swift to make sure our own black heroes were taken care of with equal opportunities in education to be on a par with white children, his detestation if not loathing of the Russian criminal murders all over Russia which many Russians knew were almost on the par with another Communist country, China who actually bragged on Mao's murders of a hundred million. And yeah, that is 100,000,000 human beings who didn't like his communism hubris, so he killed off entire villages and big cities too if so much as one person criticized the bastid. While Stalin kept public knowledge of his murders on the back burner of public knowledge in Russia, he used WWII as a cover for murdering what several prominent Russians with military knowledge claimed was as many as Mao murdered in China. Fancy that. Claiming to kill 20 million Russians while some famous Russians were incarcerated for life for saying they thought Stalin illed a hundred million people Stalin claimed he only killed twenty million, more or less (20,000,000 Russians who despised Communism. Communist countries have this little need to murder masses of people in the first 50 years of their rule because they are narcissistic liars who when challenged by persons of truth, will incarcerate or do away with any person who exposes their stark and dark underhanded punitive measures "for the good of the people"---NOT!!!

The above video doesn't even scratch the surface of what you may have listened to if you go to the link and read the horror story of Stalin's genocidal tendencies.

So if you are offended by the Anti-Communist Act of 1954 that was insisted upon by beloved General and later POTUS, Dwight David Eisenhower, I am telling you that not even here but other sources claim that Stalin minimized his actual numbers of getting rid of his critics in Russia was exponential considering he admitted to only 20,000 "troublemakers."
And the Communists in the Democrat Party have followed the path to rule, and Biden just scares the hell out of me when he lies like the Communists, kisses up to US communists, and acts like the communism the Deep State is pushing with all their might is gonna be nothing but trouble if the younger generation in America gets smart fast. Oh, and did I mention Stalin's 1953 purge of all Jewish people in Russia? Read the link, plz. Thx. And I've read several Russian authors who claimed the number killed in Russia was on a par with the murders of Mao that the Dictator bragged about--one hundred million in China alone. Stalin got pissed off when several famous Russian authors claimed the Russian bolshevik killoff was equivalent to Mao's percentagewise. Communism is a dirty deal. We need to review Eisenhower's brilliant Anticommunism Act of 1954 and enforce it, imho. If we don't, the successors to Hillary and Bernie's Alinsky method steps will put the Communists in the same place as the Bolshevik genocide of areas in Russia where other opinions were stated will happen right here, as soon as they get rid of the First and Second Amendments in particular. Please, don't let that happen in this country. It would have a deleterious effect on the entire planet by showing other ambitious dictators who use the greedy, lying press as their shield.

Love, beautress
I don't see it as long as Russia has it's nuclear arsenal in which they have been super good at not using in the situation.

Yes it is a situation that they have started, and with the loses it has since incurred, I'd say their patience has been exemplary when it comes to not using the nukes or a nuke, so instead they are just pounding it out in the old fashion way.

Not sure how long that will last though, otherwise unless the losses aren't as great as are being reported.

Nope, I'd say that the nukes are probably Russia's insurance policy, and as long as it's there to utilize, Ukraine is in trouble in the situation, so the pounding back and forth continues.
Nuclear threats apparently silence what needs to be said. One characteristic of communism is a fearful thing about the press lies controlling the narrative of the communist state. At least that's my perspective based on my following the details of the holocaust several years back. It's clear to me that Stalin took notes on Hitler's power, and used his knowledge against the irritating stalwarts many Ukrainians were to get hit and hit hard by the KGB until his death in March of 1953.

Edit: I wanted to quote this author on his # of deaths inflicted in the Russian purges between and following the two world wars. His bio is here, but I still haven't found his theory on the # of human deaths in Russia from the 30's to a few postwar years in the late forties and early fifties. His life is a good read here: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Wikipedia My recollection is that Solzhenitsyn made some kind of statement that 20,000 was the Kremlin's coverup for an exponential number of deaths that were inflicted by the KGB all those years ago. I read it a few years back, but can't find it. I'll keep trying in the next few days as time permits. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Wikipedia
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Don't twist my words. I'm not cool with that. I read a few international newspapers, and you may not have heard the people in St. Petersburg were not happy with Putin's little excursion into murdering hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, which doesn't quite reach Stalin's murder of millions of Russians in the Ukraine using the cover of alliance with the Allies who were zeroed in on Hitler, not Stalin. One of the very first men from America to find out Russia's dirty little secret of Stalin's murders was likely Commanding General of the European Allied forces, Dwight David Eisenhower, and from what I've read, he could barely stand to be in the same room as Stalin throughout WWII, due to this knowledge. He hated what Stalin did so much that when in 1952 he was elected President of the United States of America, he was not only swift to make sure our own black heroes were taken care of with equal opportunities in education to be on a par with white children, his detestation if not loathing of the Russian criminal murders all over Russia which many Russians knew were almost on the par with another Communist country, China who actually bragged on Mao's murders of a hundred million. And yeah, that is 100,000,000 human beings who didn't like his communism hubris, so he killed off entire villages and big cities too if so much as one person criticized the bastid. While Stalin kept public knowledge of his murders on the back burner of public knowledge in Russia, he used WWII as a cover for murdering what several prominent Russians with military knowledge claimed was as many as Mao murdered in China. Fancy that. Claiming to kill 20 million Russians while some famous Russians were incarcerated for life for saying they thought Stalin illed a hundred million people Stalin claimed he only killed twenty million, more or less (20,000,000 Russians who despised Communism. Communist countries have this little need to murder masses of people in the first 50 years of their rule because they are narcissistic liars who when challenged by persons of truth, will incarcerate or do away with any person who exposes their stark and dark underhanded punitive measures "for the good of the people"---NOT!!!

The above video doesn't even scratch the surface of what you may have listened to if you go to the link and read the horror story of Stalin's genocidal tendencies.

So if you are offended by the Anti-Communist Act of 1954 that was insisted upon by beloved General and later POTUS, Dwight David Eisenhower, I am telling you that not even here but other sources claim that Stalin minimized his actual numbers of getting rid of his critics in Russia was exponential considering he admitted to only 20,000 "troublemakers."
And the Communists in the Democrat Party have followed the path to rule, and Biden just scares the hell out of me when he lies like the Communists, kisses up to US communists, and acts like the communism the Deep State is pushing with all their might is gonna be nothing but trouble if the younger generation in America gets smart fast. Oh, and did I mention Stalin's 1953 purge of all Jewish people in Russia? Read the link, plz. Thx. And I've read several Russian authors who claimed the number killed in Russia was on a par with the murders of Mao that the Dictator bragged about--one hundred million in China alone. Stalin got pissed off when several famous Russian authors claimed the Russian bolshevik killoff was equivalent to Mao's percentagewise. Communism is a dirty deal. We need to review Eisenhower's brilliant Anticommunism Act of 1954 and enforce it, imho. If we don't, the successors to Hillary and Bernie's Alinsky method steps will put the Communists in the same place as the Bolshevik genocide of areas in Russia where other opinions were stated will happen right here, as soon as they get rid of the First and Second Amendments in particular. Please, don't let that happen in this country. It would have a deleterious effect on the entire planet by showing other ambitious dictators who use the greedy, lying press as their shield.

Love, beautress

So show us your posts from last year blasting the "christian" Putin for invading Ukraine....

Oh yeah, you can't.
There was an unofficial pause/truce yesterday so it's a fair guess that the Kyiv Nazis were storing ordnance and/or troops in the Church .

Typical frequent past Nazi Ukey behaviour for their useless propaganda efforts .
Schools , Hospitals and Churches . Invariably Fake incidents .
Have you ever in your life tried to be honest? Oh, wait; according to themselves, Democrats can do no wrong... :laughing0301:
That thing doesn't know how not to lie, or even have a genuine discussion, all it knows is low intelligent, one-line 'gothcya' comments, and even those are stupid.
B - So how does one conduct a war in a surgical way, and then win that war against a damned good opposition ? The film reel's from world war two were unrealistic, and million's parished including the soldier's.

PS. Shouldn't the place be evacuated during a hot war ? Why are these civilian's still in these places that are under heavy attack by offensive and defensive opponent's ? Yes it is that we think that certain things should be sacred and untouchable, but are they during a hot war ? Are you certain that Putin is ordering the strikes specifically on such target's or is this just battlefield strikes against any and everything that moves, otherwise rendering or giving no refuge to the opposing army ??

I saw in a video where a mall was attacked by Ukranian forces, and it was attacked because Intel told them that the Russians were occupying the mall to store and hide ammunition and equipment.

The best solution is for civilian's to vacate the war zones fast. They should have been gone. I know me and my family would have as civilian's. Can't take that chance, and we sure as hell don't want to be used as human shield's by any army.
I have no words. People trying to flee from danger are frequently caught, captured, tortured, or killed. I have no words. :(

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