A Russian S-300 missile destroyed a church in Ukraine's south-eastern Zaporizhzhia region on Easter Sunday (April 16)

It's war, shit happens....go be sanctimonious someplace else.

You think Bomber Harris cared about churches in Dresden he destroyed?.....Most all of which were filled with refugees?

The Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady) and Martin Luther Memorial were destroyed by the fire bombing.

There's an analogy utterly lacking in context.

That said, the firebombing of Dresden was an abomination.
I have no words. People trying to flee from danger are frequently caught, captured, tortured, or killed. I have no words. :(
I only prey for it to end, but for some reason it's almost as if that all that are involved are pumping war instead of working super hard to bring peace... First Biden and his Democrat's say that gun control is the only answer to our war's on our own streets, but then they arm Ukraine with GUNS of every caliber to stop their so called invader's.

So I ask - When a robber/burglar, stalker, murderer or molester come to steal and kill, are they not invader's also ?????? The Democrat's are the biggest hypocrite's the world has ever known or have seen possibly.
That doesnt mean that some of these instances couldnt be Ukrainian air defense missiles which failed to hit their targets and subsequently fall into residential areas
The Russian missiles are clearly directed at predetermined coordinates and hit only military targets. All hits on residential buildings are due to an attempt by Ukrainian air defense to shoot down a Russian missile.
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The Russian missiles are clearly directed at predetermined coordinates and hit only military targets. All hits on residential buildings are due to an attempt by Ukrainian air defense to shoot down a Russian missile.
Interesting analogy... In a war zone, anything is possible. Then comes all the propaganda from both parties that are waring with each other.
I only prey for it to end, but for some reason it's almost as if that all that are involved are pumping war instead of working super hard to bring peace... First Biden and his Democrat's say that gun control is the only answer to our war's on our own streets, but then they arm Ukraine with GUNS of every caliber to stop their so called invader's.

So I ask - When a robber/burglar, stalker, murderer or molester come to steal and kill, are they not invader's also ?????? The Democrat's are the biggest hypocrite's the world has ever known or have seen possibly.
I am a little disapointed in some of the Democrats. There are so many Democrats who are good people and don't realize the media is lying a lot in order to please the moneymen in the DNC. Many Democrats became Republican when they realized the Deep State was lying, conniving false claims about Jan 6, which was roundly preplanned to "get Trump." Since they didn't "get Trump", they took it out on the Trump supporters who carried their protest to the halls of Congress since a cop let them in and ushered them in. That was planned to ensure a lot of Republicans would be jailed and deprived of family, home, and freedom with false information that was placed there on purpose by Nancy Pelosi to capture and destroy Trump supporters in accordance with the stalking opportunities Maxine Waters insisted her sycophants do in order to make Republicans miserable. What a screaming idiot she made of herself, encouraging American Democratss to stalk American Republicans, and I cannot abide that at all. I hope the DNC stops the false narratives and replaces it with concern for the people they have abandoned with overspending, inflation that is out of control, and supporting ALL AMERICANS when they are in power.

I only prey for it to end, but for some reason it's almost as if that all that are involved are pumping war instead of working super hard to bring peace... First Biden and his Democrat's say that gun control is the only answer to our war's on our own streets, but then they arm Ukraine with GUNS of every caliber to stop their so called invader's.

So I ask - When a robber/burglar, stalker, murderer or molester come to steal and kill, are they not invader's also ?????? The Democrat's are the biggest hypocrite's the world has ever known or have seen possibly.
I'm glad you pray. I will too. And I pray believing God will intervene in our behalf. Four years ago there was a tornado ripped through my neighbor's place and my farmhouse. I asked God to protect me, because I had been a widow for a year when it happened, and I had no one to help me but God. The neighbors had their roof blown off, unbeknownst to me or I'd have prayed for them too. I only lost 60 feet of wood fence in the northwest pasture, and the screens were torn off. Goodness, that was six years ago. I believe God will help us if we pray believing that he will help us. I'm praying for our nation to clean up its act and return to the faith of our fathers if they haven't already. Thanks to you for praying for this nation. In the years of the Revolutionary War, the only way we could have defeated the British was through God's grace to men who asked him for freedom and human rights for the average citizen in the colonies. And we were led by George Washington whose prayerful life was known by all. God heard him and handed his servant, George Washington victory. His prayers backed up by selfless service he inspired in our fathers who fought side by side with him--saved our nation. His praying habits were an inspiration to many Colonial families who were about to become a nation engaged in self-rule with no bullies taxing them of their profits and making life harsh, just as this atheist group is making our life profitless and harsh with inflation that makes our money worth half of what it was, and it's not going to stop until we do a lot of praying that the Democrats tire of their lies and heaping up hardship on the common people, not to mention retired seniors.
The Russians have used S-300's in ground attacks many times in Ukraine. They even trained for using them that way with Belarusian forces, back in 2009.

The radar seeker is useless but the missiles have INS and a radio link for updates. They usually fire them 2-4 at a time, and they are not very accurate but they can hit an area.

That church in the OP was one of 2 S-300's that hit that town on Easter. They also hit Nikopol with artillery that same night, and took out another church with 2 artillery shells. Also 5 residential buildings hit in Nikopol that night, and a car.

Russia has used KH-22 missiles in ground attack on Ukrainian cities, which also has the same problem of a radar seeker that can't discriminate targets from ground clutter. KH-22's also hit random buildings.

They have also used them with dummy warheads to tie up the Ukrainian air defenses so the Kalibr's and KH-101's have a better chance to get through.

Russia's missile campaign is this- they use the precision missiles and Iranian drones against Ukraine's energy infrastructure. They use the less accurate S-300's and KH-22's against general civilian areas. They also use the S-300's against soft targets like evacuation convoys and train stations

None of the missile campaign is for military efficacy. It's for demoralizing the population.
None of the missile campaign is for military efficacy. It's for demoralizing the population.
No, Mr. Expert. If Russia wanted to terrorize civilians, it could have resorted to much cheaper options, than firing expensive missiles at churches. They could do what the ukrainian nazis do - fire artillery shells at cities every day, at obvious civilian objects of no military significance. This is called terror. Nazi terror.
This is exactly what the german nazis did with their long-range artillery fire for years in Leningrad. They shelled civilian buildings. These artillerymen were not taken prisoner afterwards. The terrorists deserve to die on the spot.
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The Ukey Nazis now retreating en masse from the last three blocks they were in.
That was yesterday and now Bakhmut is 100% controlled by Moscow .
Am awaiting today's Ministry of Defence update .

Unprecedented blow to enemy air defenses - multiple S-300 launchers destroyed in Pavlograd on the night of May 1.
After the Russian Armed Forces carried out a night strike on a railway junction in Pavlograd, eyewitnesses reported a mass detonation of anti-aircraft missiles for the S-300 complex. Two battalions (up to 16 missile launchers) of S-300P missiles were destroyed. In addition, supply vehicles with reserve ammunition were hit.

A huge fire volcano erupted over the city and the missiles have been detonating for nearly an hour.
The enemy's air defense was severely damaged.
BK detonation continues in Pavlograd.

Pavlograd remains the most important transport hub for supplying the AFU in Donbass.

In the fall of last year, Pavlograd destroyed the workshops of a defense enterprise that produced fuel and rocket engines for the AFU.

Pavlograd also served as a hub for the transfer of Polish mercenaries to the line of contact.

As we can see, facilities that are considered legitimate targets for the Russian armed forces remain, or have appeared, in the city. Judging by the pictures that have appeared on the net, these targets were successfully hit.
No, Mr. Expert. If Russia wanted to terrorize civilians, it could have resorted to much cheaper options, than firing expensive missiles at churches.
Russian sources say the attack on Pavlograd was KH-101's targeting railway infrastructure and an ammunition warehouse. This seems to be confirmed by the Ukrainians.

Which is exactly what I said- the newer missiles are reserved for targeting infrastructure (and yes- occasionally that includes Mil infra)- in this case apparently the rail system and a military warehouse.

The low accuracy missiles are just aimed at cities- they aren't accurate enough to reliably hit a particular target. The church was not specifically targeted- it just happened to be where that S-300 landed. It was not a missed intercept. S-300's should self-destruct when they miss an aerial intercept. The destruction was not caused by pieces of a missile falling- it was a big blast, on the ground.

These attacks do not come as one or two missiles at a single target. Russia sends dozens of missiles at a time- the combination is high and low, fast and slow. And they include decoys as well. That improves the chances of the Kalibr's, KH-101's, and Shaheeds of getting through the Ukrainian air defenses.

I guarantee there were non-military targets that were also destroyed in last night's attacks. This has been going on for over a year now.
Whatever they hit in Pavlograd, pick your side to get the story that suits you, the resulting explosions were pretty massive. Not surprising that when the stored solid rocket fuel went up (one of the reported targets) at the rail yard, there was collateral damage. From the pictures and videos I am surprised that anything within a mile is standing.
B - So how does one conduct a war in a surgical way, and then win that war against a damned good opposition ? The film reel's from world war two were unrealistic, and million's parished including the soldier's.

PS. Shouldn't the place be evacuated during a hot war ? Why are these civilian's still in these places that are under heavy attack by offensive and defensive opponent's ? Yes it is that we think that certain things should be sacred and untouchable, but are they during a hot war ? Are you certain that Putin is ordering the strikes specifically on such target's or is this just battlefield strikes against any and everything that moves, otherwise rendering or giving no refuge to the opposing army ??

I saw in a video where a mall was attacked by Ukranian forces, and it was attacked because Intel told them that the Russians were occupying the mall to store and hide ammunition and equipment.

The best solution is for civilian's to vacate the war zones fast. They should have been gone. I know me and my family would have as civilian's. Can't take that chance, and we sure as hell don't want to be used as human shield's by any army.
the russians are destroying entire cities and villages
the russians are destroying entire cities and villages
Yes, the pictures are proof of it in the aftermath of the battles. What confuses me is this, so why do the Ukranian's see themselves as winning, otherwise if they are seeing the destruction of city after city after city, and then ultimately the complete destruction of their country in the end ????

Putin has his nuke forces in reserve, so the game has been basically over since day one. Putin won't lose the war while sitting a top his ultimate weapons (the tactical nukes or nuke forces). The fact that Ukraine has been caught in a situation where it had no NATO membership card, uhhhh has proven to be a disaster for them. To late to get one now, because it would escalate the situation to level 5 on a scale from one to five.

So what is the end result here ?

Is this now a world gladiator arena, where weapon's and manpower is being tested ?

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