A Russian Spy Teamed Up With Her NRA Pals To Broker Bizarre Russian Jet Fuel Sale. Wait What?


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
At every turn, we learn that the insane conglomeration of corruption, radicalism and just ridiculous grifting that now makes up the conservative movement is even more insane than we might have imagined.

I am sure that, at some point, we will find something even more ridiculous than an NRA-tied Russian spy trying to broker herself a $1 million dollar payday for selling Russian jet fuel on the invitation of former National Rifle Association president David Keene and his wife and with the assistance of her still-very-conspicuously-missing boyfriend and American Conservative Union ex-board member Paul Erickson, a Russian "coffee bean trader" and an entire chess board worth of eager rubes and would-be crooks. But it'll take some doing.

A Russian spy teamed up with her NRA pals to broker a bizarre 'Russian jet fuel' sale–wait, what?

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