A Sad Day for Truthers......Another 9-11 Aniversary

I hereby approve this thread for it's entertainment value only.

There is no truth to be found in the truth movement.

Twoofers are lying treasonous and sometimes mentally disturbed, no make that always mentally disturbed.
That's exactly why they named a mental hospital in Texas the Terral State Hospital.
(The Texas Department of State Health Services - Terrell State Hospital)

I suppose the eots asylum for the criminally insane will be opened someplace in missouri or arkansas.
I am guessing that christophera just has a wing named after him at the state mental hospital in napa where they kept manson for so long.

I am also willing to bet that the curvelight institute to treat pedophlia is under the boardwalk.

Ihave presented my theory about 911 so many times.....

Yet, any reasonable person would have to agree that my theory makes as much sense as anything the aforementioned individuals have offered since I have been reading this board.

Ok, I am going to go through this one more time;
Evil aliens abducted the planes, and all the passengers on 911. They had abducted humans before, to breed a super race of humans. Unfortunately they abducted a midget, thus they were only able to breed a race of evil midgets. They had also abducted Elvis, but he was impotent and his dna was damaged by drugs, so all he was good for was training the evil midgets. The evil midgets were the ones that cleaned up the mess on the ground, killed a few people to make it look real and likely planted the explosives that actually took down the buildings since when they abducted the planes they could not have hit the buildings. (yes, that exactly why you don't see any wreckage in PA, it was all staged by the midgets.) Now that was just the beginning, the abducted plane passengers are being used to breed a race of normal sized super humans to take over the world.
Now all we need to figure out is how long it takes to breed, raise and train a race of normal sized super humans.
Now doesn't that just make much more sense than either the official story or the wired together theories that are casually tossed around by the conspiracy theorists?
Yes there is a conspiracy, but our government simply isn't smart enough or skilled enough to pull it off.
Therefore, it must be evil midgets, its the only thing that makes sense.

Some of the midgets were surgically altered to look like normal size humans,(which they are not), and left behind to engage in a constant disinformation campaign.
Creativedreams, terral, 911insidejob---all midgets left here to create a cover until the evil superhuman race is strong enough to attack.
EOTS is a real human, just a little misguided.

Evil space midgets is simply the only story that is credible enough to be true.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rawrAdoccDk]YouTube - WTC 7 NIST COLLAPSE VIDEO.[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuyZJl9YleY&feature=related]YouTube - WTC 7 NIST Model vs. Reality[/ame]
My favorite theory of theirs is the one where the government took all the passengers from the first 3 planes. Loaded them into one plane. and crashed them into a field in Pen.

As if the first responders would not be able to tell, even in that carnage. that there were far to many Body parts to match the manifest. :)

That and the mini Nukes theory. Good laughs.
My favorite theory of theirs is the one where the government took all the passengers from the first 3 planes. Loaded them into one plane. and crashed them into a field in Pen.

As if the first responders would not be able to tell, even in that carnage. that there were far to many Body parts to match the manifest. :)

That and the mini Nukes theory. Good laughs.

I see sticking to the facts of the wtc 7 collapse is too much for ...good laughs
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rawrAdoccDk&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - WTC 7 NIST COLLAPSE VIDEO.[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuyZJl9YleY&feature=related]YouTube - WTC 7 NIST Model vs. Reality[/ame]
"When the top section of a building collapses one would expect the falling section to crash into the
lower section and exert a large force on it, like dropping an anvil on your toe.

"A typical controlled
demolition exploits this fact: the crushing force of the falling section of the building contributes to the
demolition, and reduces the amount of explosives that are needed. However, amazingly, this is not
what happened when Building 7 "collapsed" on 9/11."

"We know that the falling section of Building 7 did not crush the lower section of the building because
the top section of Building 7 fell at freefall. It didn't just fall at something close to freefall. It fell for
about 2.5 seconds at a rate that was indistinguishable from freefall.

"If the falling section of the building
had crushed the lower section, the lower section would have pushed back with an equal but opposite
force. But that would have slowed the fall. Since the fall was not slowed in the slightest, we can
conclude that the force of interaction was zero... in both directions.

"How can this be?

"There were explosions in Building 7 heard by many witnesses throughout the day. One such explosion
is recorded in a video clip, available on YouTube (search You Tube for "Explosions on 911"), where
several fire fighters are gathered around a pay phone calling home to assure their families they are
alright. Suddenly they are startled by a very loud, unmistakable explosion. This is one of the Building
7 explosions that occurred long before it fell."

Keep "looking" for those videos, 'Bunkers.

"There were explosions in Building 7 heard by many witnesses throughout the day. One such explosion
is recorded in a video clip, available on YouTube (search You Tube for "Explosions on 911"), where
several fire fighters are gathered around a pay phone calling home to assure their families they are
alright. Suddenly they are startled by a very loud, unmistakable explosion. This is one of the Building
7 explosions that occurred long before it fell."

Keep "looking" for those videos, 'Bunkers.


A loud sound. Give us a fucking break dumbass.

Somehow the explosion was so grotesque...THEY DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING RUN!.

Epic fail again. You're on quite a streak. Go away now little boy.
"There were explosions in Building 7 heard by many witnesses throughout the day. One such explosion
is recorded in a video clip, available on YouTube (search You Tube for "Explosions on 911"), where
several fire fighters are gathered around a pay phone calling home to assure their families they are
alright. Suddenly they are startled by a very loud, unmistakable explosion. This is one of the Building
7 explosions that occurred long before it fell."

Keep "looking" for those videos, 'Bunkers.


A loud sound. Give us a fucking break dumbass.

Somehow the explosion was so grotesque...THEY DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING RUN!.

Epic fail again. You're on quite a streak. Go away now little boy.
Firemen are known for running TOWARD "loud sounds" kinda like cops and gunshots.

Try reading the link.

"There were explosions in Building 7 heard by many witnesses throughout the day. One such explosion
is recorded in a video clip, available on YouTube (search You Tube for "Explosions on 911"), where
several fire fighters are gathered around a pay phone calling home to assure their families they are
alright. Suddenly they are startled by a very loud, unmistakable explosion. This is one of the Building
7 explosions that occurred long before it fell."

Keep "looking" for those videos, 'Bunkers.


A loud sound. Give us a fucking break dumbass.

Somehow the explosion was so grotesque...THEY DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING RUN!.

Epic fail again. You're on quite a streak. Go away now little boy.

Yeah.......cause nobody ever thought an explosion would make a loud sound. Fucking 'tard!
So anyone have that audio tape yet?

Gosh. You're the bestest debunker ever! I mean you are so awesome the way you take facts and process them with full honesty and always back up your claims and never dismiss any evidence that counters your claims.

(That's probably what you say to yourself)

You've flat out ignored any and all evidence of explosions you fucking ****.
So anyone have that audio tape yet?

Gosh. You're the bestest debunker ever! I mean you are so awesome the way you take facts and process them with full honesty and always back up your claims and never dismiss any evidence that counters your claims.

(That's probably what you say to yourself)

You've flat out ignored any and all evidence of explosions you fucking ****.

I simply do not understand what is so difficult. There are explosions in most office building fires, things like Batteries go boom. Certain motors and generators that one might find in appliances can explode. In some buildings there are electric generators powered by diesel fuel such as in WTC 7. These are not the explosions we are talking about. There is a major difference between these secondary explosions and demolition explosions. You know the difference yet ignore the fact that there is no audio of any explosions that could be misconstrued as demolition.

Again, you got nothing.
So anyone have that audio tape yet?

So anyone have that audio tape yet?

Gosh. You're the bestest debunker ever! I mean you are so awesome the way you take facts and process them with full honesty and always back up your claims and never dismiss any evidence that counters your claims.

(That's probably what you say to yourself)

You've flat out ignored any and all evidence of explosions you fucking ****.

I simply do not understand what is so difficult. There are explosions in most office building fires, things like Batteries go boom. Certain motors and generators that one might find in appliances can explode. In some buildings there are electric generators powered by diesel fuel such as in WTC 7. These are not the explosions we are talking about. There is a major difference between these secondary explosions and demolition explosions. You know the difference yet ignore the fact that there is no audio of any explosions that could be misconstrued as demolition.

Again, you got nothing.

Your premise is the major problem. If there was a black bag op to bring the towers down do you think it is at all possible the planners may have considered how to do it without bringing a lot of attention to the method?

We all know there will be minor explosions of appliances and other combustible materials but keep in mind the level of noise in and around the towers. You have thousands of emergency medical personnel, vehicles, screaming, etc. Do you really think you are going to hear a few microwaves and cans of air fresheners exploding loud enough to stand out in comparison to the ambient noise?
Never been around any explosions I see. That's OK, someday you'll learn, or maybe not.

In typical fashion you straight up and ignore the post. That is why you are a fucking coward ****.

And you think calling people names really helps your argument? When will you graduate to 5th grade?

I ignored nothing, but pointed out just one more of your many failings. Live with it.
Never been around any explosions I see. That's OK, someday you'll learn, or maybe not.

Never been around any explosions I see. That's OK, someday you'll learn, or maybe not.

In typical fashion you straight up and ignore the post. That is why you are a fucking coward ****.

And you think calling people names really helps your argument? When will you graduate to 5th grade?

I ignored nothing, but pointed out just one more of your many failings. Live with it.

I don't call people names for any reason other than my enjoyment and especially when they have earned it just like you. You completely ignored my post then lied and that is why you are a coward bitch.

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